How can I get my husband to stop talking so much?

Turn the TV off and talk to your husband.


You realize you married him, right? Like, you knew this before you got married…


‘Talking isn’t’ working’ :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I made the mistake of watching Romeo and Juliet with my fiancé who is an English Lit teacher … he kept talking and explaining … I paused it and was like you need to stop talking lol.

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I wonder if she’s married to my ex :rofl::rofl::rofl::joy:

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When he does stop talking, then the troubles will begin.


My niece is the same way! If anyone figures it out let me know! Haha rather then just watching the movie to find out how it all plays out she’s asking a million questions! Or if I’m on the phone she’s trying to talk over my conversation vs waiting till I’m off the phone!

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Slip him a sleeping pill an hour before the movie starts… :crazy_face:


Make him a sandwich lmao he should eat it and stfu lmao

How about motorboat the shiaaz out of him :scream:


Lol… My Now Ex was Exactly the same :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Put a TV in your bedroom and go in there to watch your show when he keeps talking. If he follows you go back to the living room again. He should soon get the message.

Be glad he’s here to talk to. Life is short.


No but seriously, maybe his brain is high functioning and he can’t help it


My husband is a non stop talker but he has ADHD you sure he don’t have adhd ? My husband can talk an talk an talk an sometimes I’m like shhhhhhhh stop talking for a minute lol. I’ve had him talk over movies but not as much as u seem to experience with ur husband . I just turn the volume up an he gets the hint to stop or ill ask him to stop I’m watching a movie or show. Maybe get him tested for adhd

Does he play video games? Cause I’d do the same shit to him

Are you giving him the attention that he needs cuz if he’s talking to talking you might not talking to him enough so he might feel like he’s being neglected of attention


When you find an answer,let me know


Mine too honey
If you figure out a way, please let me know!!

I have a son in law and granddaughter that talk nonstop. I’m just thankful to hear their voice. After losing my son I appreciate hearing my family talk

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Do you talk back? Lol I mean, what’s wrong with talking? Are you under 30? My mind seriously can’t understand how someone could talk too much and I have 3 kids lol


Give him a pacifier :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I have the same situation. He talks to me then he has at least 3 buddies he talks to non-stop for hours when he talks to them. They are worse than any women I know

Screenshotting and sending to my husband :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I know a woman like this.

Grt a TV in your own room and lock him out…

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3 things
Give him the attention he wants and change the topic
Give him gums to chew
Buy ear plugs

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That’s part of his personality, it’s who he is.


Some men don’t talk to their wives at all so you may want to just appreciate the fact that not only does he love you but apparently he likes you too otherwise he wouldn’t talk to you so much


Stop watching movies with him if he cannot be respectful.

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Must women can’t get their husbands to talk


Lmao!!! And here I sit with a Mf’r that never speaks unless he needs something!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My husband and i have adhd and it’s normal for us to do this. Its not that we are disrespectful, it’s just how we are. Just talk with your husband about it. Communication is a great thing in a marriage


Are we married to the same person?!?!? Lmao. I just pause it, look him firmly in the eye, and tell him that i promise he won’t :dizzy_face: if he stops talking. lol. But he may if he keeps it up!


Sounds like he’s adhd to me , me and my three kids are and we never shut up talking , over everything lol, my friends and family are kinda use to it now

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Motormouth? Gotta love the show of respect there…

Stop watching movies with him if it bothers you that much.


Tell him to shut the hell up. Easy


Hand signals or earplugs or go in another room and close the door. You are entitled to your own time and space.


he needs a hobby! My guy builds computers and then plays games. Yes I don’t mind he works very hard the kid is almost grown and I play too!

Shoes on the other foot, Cole? LOL!

It’s who he is, leave him alone.:sweat_smile:

My husband used to not talk AT ALL. Now he never shuts up and I actually like it. I mean, he doesn’t talk while we are watching TV. But he talks a lot more and it’s great.


Turn the TV… UP UP UP


You’re sure gonna want to hear Motormouth talk over the TV if he dies first. It’s TV, you’re watching people play make believe on a screen rather than living your life in the moment. Pause it and talk to the person whose supposed to be the love of your life.


Get some of those noise canceling headphones that connect to the TV. Avoid eye contact.


Lol if he has anything he likes doing solo pull up a chair and start talking girl. Video games. Oh looks like it’s time to chat about that bitch Linda at work. Oh he’s driving in a place he dosnt know too well and trying to find an exit. Perfect time to bring up the electrical bill. He’s outside working on a project he must wanna hear about woman’s rights. :joy:

Appreciate that he loves you


Leave the room or whatever space he’s occupying :joy:

Lmao or storytelling and goes on and on and on! Sometimes I get scared its never gonna stop! :joy::joy::joy:

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Put him in another room !

Pause it everytime he talks, make eye contact while making a “really?” face and hopefully he’ll get the message😂


Frying pan that should do the trick :sweat_smile:
My Dads the same drives everyone nuts x


Through him out the window.

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Oh wait. Are you married to me? :joy: Sorry. I talk nonstop, too. Until I realize that I’m just rambling. My husband seems to be pretty good at just tuning it out. Maybe you could practice that. :sweat_smile:


Its annoying especially when they tell you to be quiet when there shows are on

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Is he ADHD? Mine is and he does the same. After 8 years I’ve gotten use to it. It’s just who he is and can’t help it. Lol.


Make just you a tv room …that a will fix it lol

My mom does the same thing​:joy::joy:

Just tell him to shut up​:rofl::rofl::joy:

Did he do this before you married him?

Have you tried to give him food :rofl:


I’m nice the first few times then I start getting pissed and I tell him to shut the eff up.


I wish my husband would talk to me like that. :disappointed: I would love it if he talked more. Lol


I’m sure he was like it when you first got together and at least he wants to talk to you. Would be alot worse if he never spoke to you about anything. Maybe you should just practice blocking him out. :pensive:


Feel bad for him. Is the movie more important than him wishing to have a conversation with you?

Watch movies when he’s at work, away, sleeping, etc.


For the TV part… headphones​:raised_hands:t2: he’ll get the picture. And if he doesn’t, oh well you won’t be able to hear any complaints anyway :woman_shrugging:t3:


Just leave him if that bothers you so bad :rofl:

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You cannot change another person, just change what you do. Get some headphones or equivalent. I would say I was having trouble hearing the TV ( which you are) and you are hoping the headphones or earbuds will help.

I’d prefer a man who talks a lot :face_holding_back_tears: he tried get ya attention babe.

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Second TV in another room. Make
Him move . Or as my sister did did only talk during commercials men’s cave

Cherish it now because if anything happens to him you will miss that


Seems like all these people have the wrong partners or don’t understand how good it is to have communication with there partner if your partner wants to tell you everything whether it’s important or not he has chosen you to be that person. If it’s not you he is wants to talk to then who is it going to be ???


I’m assuming he always spoke this much so the real question is why it’s bothering you now?
He’s probably just desperate for a conversation, or for you to show interest in his interests. He’s trying to get you to engage. Trust me when I say a man who talks is much less of a nuisance than a man who says nothing


Find time to watch movies when he isn’t there

Turn the movie off and talk to him

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It’s better than him having his head buried in his phone playing games and not talking at all

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This is probably how my husband feels about me sometimes🤣 No but really, he used to not hardly talk and still has days like that occasionally, but I have always talked to him constantly about every little thing that’s happened throughout the day lol and now being with him for more than 5 years, he is a talker when he’s with me. He’s still kinda quiet sometimes around other people though.

My advice is to learn to ENJOY him wanting to talk to you. Watch movies when he’s busy doing something else, or maybe try letting him pick a move that he’s interested in.

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Just be grateful that he talks to you it could be worse

Lol I Think this is my sister. My hubby talks alot but hers talks even more. Like we can’t have a conversation. Can’t watch a movie can’t do anything. So I put the two guys on a task away from us and then we can do whatever we want without those two jibber jobbers. Or i want to talk on the phone I have the kids entertain dad and vise versus

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You’ll regret this post one day if something were to happen to him, God forbid. Maybe he needs to find someone who appreciates his attention.

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It sounds like he is an oral processor so he just thinks out loud. Good luck with that.

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I lost my Husband 22 years ago and I would love to hear him talk to me! I miss it so much!


Just turn on captions…I hate them but I’d do it if my hubby was always doing that to me :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Dude is prob adhd… you married him… so for better or for worse :woman_shrugging:

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Noise cancelling headphones, blue tooth operated connected to dvd or TV so you can try and ignore him. Or take a bestie to the local movies but do not invite him along also as he apparently cannot help himself.

My husband only starts talking when I’m trying to watch something. He can be silent for hours and as soon as I turn a movie on, there he goes.

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How would you like to be alone and not have anyone to talk to so you need to rethink on how important your husband is to you

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I have no clue… mine won’t ever talk :confused:

My husband does this I’ve learned to navigate it in a way that doesn’t come off as annoyed because I know it’s just what he does. He thinks aloud , he has adhd. I’m typically over stimulated and need silence to recoop but I don’t get that. Some days I respond better than others lol.

Mine never talks…That would be a nice change…
You’re pretty lucky… Once it goes silent you’ll wish you heard it again. :wink:

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Just leave him, obviously he doesn’t care. Jk jk lol

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Well I hope this will make you feel better…you are not alone my SIL is the same way with my daughter lol Selena Vega

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I’m so sorry but this is so funny you should probably share this exact post with your husband & maybe “motor mouth” will get the point & get it all out!! Good luck & be a motor mouth back !

Go watch at the cinema :woman_shrugging:t2:

Get wireless headphones

Same girl…same. most of the time the things that he says, he’s not even sure if it’s 100% true or not. Personally, I prefer quality over quantity whenever I’m talking but I’ve come to realize that he just doesn’t feel the same way :rofl:

You’ll miss it when he’s gone. Make the :hot_pepper: :+1:


Put the captions on lol


Muzzle? Super glue his lips? Melatonin in his beer? Lol jk

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