Tell him to get back in and shower better. Maybe get him his own personal body wash. A sports kind maybe ? Boys can stink and not care, til some kid his age says something. But help him get it under control before he gets made fun of . Make sure his bedding is changed regularly. All that oil left in pillow cases can smell horrible. Some teens refuse to use pillow cases. Make sure he is. Lol.
My 13-year-old daughter is like that come to find out she has overactive glands so no matter how many times she showers she still stinks she has to wear a special deodorant might want to set up a doctor’s appointment and make sure that that’s not the problem if it’s not then honesty is always the best way to go.
Don’t be such a control freak. Girls will let him know soon enough. You don’t have to say anything
My brother used to have the same issue, mr grandparents would have to make him bathe or else he’d get in get wet and get out. My papa told him he needed to spend atleast 5 minutes or so in there and to make sure the bar of soap was wet and he smelled of it … make him take a shower and tell him not to get out till he smells better. You’re the parent not the embarrassed girlfriend or friend.
Go get ur ass back in the shower and wash u stink ( imbarrase him and say ill wash u my self then)
That age they should know how to shower.
When My brothers were teenagers they wouldn’t shower for weeks and they would go in the bathroom run the faucet then turn it off for two minutes to make everyone think they showered but we knew they didn’t . They’re now 19 still living with my mom and they still don’t shower . I go visit and their hair looks soaking wet but it’s grease and they have huge flakes all in their hair and they have no hygiene . They don’t brush their teeth either and my mom is the same way I don’t get it
Let him know that age can be very mean and judge mental. and no matter how amazing of a person he is once a stinky always the stinky kid. Maybe let him pick out his hygiene products? It will click though after a little while.
There are medical problems that can cause this
Not showering can also be a sign of depression. All these people saying be rude, explore all options as to why hes not wanting to bathe. There might be something deeper causing an issue. If y’all talk and it ends up not being anything other than laziness, go from there.
You look at him and say “you need to wash better in the shower.”
All teenage boys go through this,don’t be surprised if he in there with the water running and he’s not even in the shower, they do grow out of this,then you can’t get them out of the shower.
It’s better you say something because you don’t want the other kids to say something.
Ok I may be a mean mom, but if he wants to smell like a dog, he can bathe like a dog. Collect soap and swim trunks. Take him outside and hose him down and have him wash there. Hopefully he will feel stupid or embarrassed and opt to shower the way he is supposed to!!
Tell him to shower or no girls will go near him!!!
I’m probably going to get bashed for this, but leave it be. As soon as he’s teased about it at school or where ever, he’ll be living in the shower. Sometimes kids just need a wake-up call from someone other than their parents. When I was younger, and I’d see how dirty some of the other kids were, I’d completely freak, and take extra care to make sure everything is as clean as can be. I’m like that to this day.
My son was the same the soap was always none dry didn’t care if his siblings told him he stank.I threatened to hide pipe him done in the yard on more than one occasion haha soon changed when girls started appearing on the scene.They do grow out of this rebellious lazy time.
i would smell their underarms and everywhere i could. if they still smelled they had to go back n they hated it so they eventually did it right til it became a habit. when my now 10 yr old was smaller his friend helped me without me even asking bcz when he came over one day he smelled so so so so bad like armpit u could smell it all over the house! my son almost puked n we had to discreetely turn on scented candles and use febreeze… when he left my son mentioned it and i said "yup, that’s exactly how u will smell when ur older if u don’t bathe right. now my son AND mybdaughter will die if they smell the slightest armpit, sweat, or any other smell on them😂
Told mine no girl will go near him . Unless he does hes teeth .allthough he showers .just say dont come near me with that breath .
Maybe the soap isnt strong enough or he dont like the smell
Teens are notoriously lazy and will wear dirty clothes over and over. I had a serious issue with my son and I thought it was body odor but it was his clothing. He never washed it properly and it had a sour smell, then add in the fact that he would wear them multiple times. Also he never washed his bedding. I quickly instructed him on proper clothes and bedding washing, taking a shower before bed, and the importance of proper bathing and deodorant. Somehow he gets it now
When he gets out of the shower and still smells make him go back in and shower again. Repeat this till he comes out and does not smell. He will get tired of taking four showers the wrong way instead of doing it right the 1st time
My 11 year old daughter does this! She’s so stinky. I think we need to reinforce stronger deodorant and soaps and make sure they WASH their hair at the scalp!
Buy some strongly scented body wash that he likes the smell of (and can be used in the hair as well). Institute a rule that showers happen daily OR…he loses access to _____! Buy him nice, strong scented deodorant and tell him to put it on every morning before school. You will SMELL whether these things are being done. We had this issue years ago. It helps if they are willing to pick a scent themselves, but don’t let that stop you. Just hold firm about the daily showers and scented item use and be willing to have some resistance at first. Once they do it for a while, typically girls at school will positively comment and that encourages them to continue! Making sure they put on fresh clothes and bedding is washed weekly is important too.
Have him go pick out his own soap and shampoo. He could just not like the smell of whats currently there or it doesn’t mix well with his natural scent. Get him some deodorant too, sometimes soap is just not enough for teenagers.
I was honest and upfront with my 11 yr old daughter, blunt and to the point! If she stinks I make her shower again. I’d rather it come from me out of concern then a bully out of hatred.
Dove’s Men body wash & old spice stuff smells good & lasts a long time. Sometimes I use my husband’s when I know I’ll be sweatin at work lol
I also found native deodorant to be amazing for armpit odor, i believe they have for males as well! I get it at target!
I agree with making them repeat the shower if they come out smelling. I also had better luck once I got my teenage son his own bath products. He still uses my Shampoo but he has his own men’s bar soap, deodarant, cologne roller, and acne treatment system. Everyone likes to have their own unique system. My toddler even has her own products, gets them excited.
I 2nd letting him pick out his own body wash and shampoo. Also maybe show him how to do laundry or I’d you insist in doing it make sure his clothes get thrown in and keep an eye out if you see him wear the clothes multiple days in a row make him change. Also supervise longer If needed or put a timer on him to make sure he’s spending time cleaning himself well.
It takes time. My girl went through this phase when she was about 11. Now at 14 she showers daily.
Sadly sometimes washing your hair better doesnt always work. My nephew had the same problem and when he was 11, hed6take a shower and would call me in to wash his hair, he’d just stick his head around the shower curtain, and even after scrubbing his head for a week he still had that smell. Hes 18 now and I guess it was a hormonal thing cause he doesnt smell like the wet puppy anymore.
Tell him straight out that he needs to wash better. Not that difficult. If he doesn’t, threaten to shower him like he’s a baby lol
Add baking soda to the body wash n shampoo it’s not uncommon for the wet dog smell I had to do this to my girls stuff n I know they washed properly because I was washing them have him let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing
We got tired of it - with a teenage girl at that - so my husband got her in the backyard and threw dawn dish soap on her and blasted her with the hose! Granted not the best course but hey, it worked. She got the point really quick.
I don’t know how old your son is, but I’ve had experience with what we called “the dry shower”! Our oldest son, when a teen, would get into the shower and come out with dry hair! We made him shower again. When old enough they changed their own beds. I supplied the clean sheets and watched them strip off the dirty ones…weekly. A for clothing, again I watched to be certain they did their laundry properly. They were also taught to use deodrants/antiperspirants and other grooming habits as they became older. Boys by their Dad and girls by myself. Today they are all grown, with grown children. My grandchildren learned the same way. All good.
Smell him when he gets out of the shower. Make him get right back in if he hadn’t washed well enough. Its what I have to do with my 13 year old. I tell him straight out ‘did you even wash? You still smell!’
Buy him a poof and tell him to leave the shampoo in his hair until he’s done scrubbing his body.
Might get him a antibacterial body wash.
This could be a medical issue as well. My brother suffered from a form if crippling arthritis and I know he bathed correctly but still had an odor about him. Medications can also cause odirs.
Check if old/Moldy towel
Im afraid this will be my son in the future. Hes 10 with sensory issues and I still help him wash some. If I dont, he will literally just get wet and get out. When I tell him he will get stinky if he doesn’t wash, he doesn’t even care.
He may need to see a Dr. Just getting in the shower should get the smell off. There are diseases that cause a bad body odor one is a type of diabeties.
Consistency is key, whatever you do to correct it once…be consistent each time. Much like any other habit, it requires consistency is all. Good luck mama!
try a different body wash as well. my brother could wash him self and still smell bad we changed it wash and it was better
My 11 year old was like this… I told him I was going to get in the bathroom and scrub him. He hates it when I try to go in there… problem solved. He comes out now smelling fresh and clean
Change your dope to dr.bronners. I’m telling you it’s a Game changer.
Let him pick out his own body wash, his own deodorant, and even some cologne. Compliment him when he uses them and smells good. Also as a parent, quit being so shy about it. If you embarrass him fine, better you than someone else from school. And if it keeps up take him to a doctor. If the doctor has to talk to him so be it. It’ll embarrass him more than you but still better than someone at school
Following because I have 3 boys
If he comes out of the shower & still stinks send him back to the shower until he gets it right
Doctor check up, change body washes/ shampoo to something he likes and I’d also make sure the towels are being washed and dried properly, I don’t have a teen but I’m a lazy adult with a 6 year old. When I do rushed washes of towels or sheets they give off a terrible smell very quickly.
My almost 11 yr old son is in full blown puberty (confirmed by his doctor) and I will repeatedly send him back to shower if he can’t get unstinky the first time.
Aside from showering, increasing his water intake and cutting back on cooking with garlic and onions might help. put a radio in the bathroom and encourage him to take his time in getting clean.
I tell my son when he smells he’s 13 and I let him choose deodorant and body wash and some cologne (axe body spray )
I don’t have a son, much less any kids that are around that age, but if it was my son, I’d make him get back in the shower if he smelled bad after the first. Oh, you don’t like to shower correctly the first time? Well, you ain’t gonna like it the next 3 more times.
Bring a Man into the picture to help point out things that he needs to do and have him go shopping with him to buy the proper product
That’s the only thing I can do and wash his clothes in simple green that helped a lot with my son half a cup to each wash
Take him to the river or pool or neach every second day for a swim!
Tell him he’s already going thru the effort, might as well do good job…
Our job as mothers to teach ptoper hygiene. Inspect him after shower with a sniff test and give him 1 opportunity to reshower and do it right. If he does not get him self clean tell him you will do it for him. Also, kids this age get distracted and day dream in the shower. I made a shower check lust of each step needed to get clean, laminated it, and stuck it to the shower wall with velcrow buttons. I boughts some of those bathtub soap crayons for one of my kids to use to mark off each step as they completed it.
Cant help ya i raised girls and brothers never smelled like that…
Body changing smell is a real thing make sure he’s not eating so many onions and peppers and drinking soda health starts from within lots of fruits lots of water and perfume type of scented body washes and shampoos don’t work so well … I recommend ivory or Irish spring soap and make sure hes actually scrubbing . get one of the girly puffy sponges for him and tell him to always lather and wash is pits and scrotum ( use a different one for private area one for body and one for face)
After he showers do a smell check and if he doesn’t smell like he washed very good make him get back in the shower to do it again. After a few times of having to shower again he will most likely want to do it right the first time
I don’t have sons but I have brothers. The only way is to be blunt. Don’t be mean about it of course but just laying it out on the line is the best option for him. If he smells then that could possibly be impacting any relationships/friendships he may have, etc. See if he has a reason behind it. Is he depressed? Are there other concerning issues that may be showing possible depression?
I would start washing him again like a baby maybe a little harsh but I’d rather have him embarrassed that I wash his butt then other kids picking on him cause he reeks
I just told my boys they Stink and go wash their azz the right way!! And use Soap!! And a wash rag!
Try a timer and measure the soap out for him and tell him to use that up for each shower he does.
The only way to tell him is to tell him straight and as his mum you’re being the best friend in doing so maybe point out that when he’s dating in the future it’s very important that he smells nice? Good luck
Is he using deodorant or a body spray, Maybe introduce him to some dry shampoo?
Take him to the Doctor and let the Doctor lecture him. You are his mom. He is a teenager. In his eyes, you know nothing.
My boys used to stink permanently when going through puberty even though they showered every day. The therammone smell stays up your nose once you’ve smelt it , but it soon passed. Now I struggle to get them out the damm shower lol
Teenage boys smell… for a year or so … it’s the hormones and body changes
I have had this same problem. Bath and Body works makes a scent called teakwood. Purchase that and deodorant and literally tell him to use a scrubbie with the soap. It does help…
Take him to pick out his very own toiletries, my 12 yr old chooses his own from Bath and Body works, body wash/lotion and I let him buy his own hair care products and chose his own hair cut to maintain it. He also does his own laundry and chooses his own detergent/softner. He likes compliments that he smells nice and girls have noticed.
Like bed wetting…by the time he gets to college he will have figured it out !
Tell him if he doesnt shower properly then you will take his ph of him,he sure as heck will come out smelling great!
Also. … It’s a control thing. Sort YOURSELF out.
Make him get right back back in the shower as many times as it takes to get clean
I told my son to wash pit, balls, butt, or he will stink like an alligators butt, and no one will want to come near him. To scrub his hair so it doesn’t look or smell like animals live in it.
Repetition is a good teacher. You just make him get back in the shower if he still stinks when he gets out. He will get tired of doing that and start washing well the first time. You should also make sure you provide a good deodorant soap for him to use. A nice scented body spray and deodorant might also help.
When he meets that special one .you will see the difference . .
He needs a girl to spark his interest…even if it’s a crush from a show. Let him know, girls don’t like that. They like dudes that smell good, and also let him know that he be around his friends and other classmates (if in school) and it’s not gonna be a happy school year.
I sent them straight back to the shower. Try again buddy
I’m raising my 13yr old nephew and it took a bit for him to quit that. I just bluntly told him he stunk. He got the hint pretty quick though. All teens do it though unless A. He gets picked on over the funk or B. He’s found a girl he wants to impress. So good luck!
A bath with bubble bath in it might be better so even if he doesn’t scrub too hard he will soak in something smelling nice ! It’s bound to hit all the right spots too ! It was very hard to get him out !
Be honest, check and see if he uses a lufa or wash cloth and make sure he also washes bedding more frequently.
When either his peers start mentioning it or he gets interested in relationships it will sort itself out.
My brother is now 23 and has had this issue all his life, he has a overactive glad, similar to a woman not being regulated for her thyroid, that produces horrible body Oder even after showering. It is a thing.
Is the smell imbedded in the clothes?
Make him get back in the shower. Continue until he does it right. He will eventually get tired of reshowering and start doing it right the first time.
Have him use shaving cream instead of soap…it’ll stop lots odors; we used this in a hospital I used to work in. Be careful not to go overboard with the criticism u can d a lot of harm.
I told mine he stinks and if he didn’t shower correctly I would get him a cup and take him to the car wash and clean him that way. It was an empty threat, but it worked
I would clean all his clothes and bedsheets etc, the smell will be on all his linen so even after a good shower once hes back in bed smell will come back. buy him strong mens body wash… cut his hair shorter so thats not an contributing factor and easier for him to wash. I do the head shoulders knees & toes with my kids so we wash face. neck. armpits. bum (without soap). and feet last. its all repetition make him get back in shower til hes washed properly.
Sometimes it really can be a medical thing. Even after showering you can stink. I agree with the healthy foods and excersize comments. Also with washing bedding and clothes and such. Lastly, just doing a shower check. You have probably already made yourself clear to him that there is an issue so just be light on his feelings, in case it’s something he can’t help. Show him the proper way to wash (as you have already done) repetition for sure.
I had the same problem with my son. However I was told by multiple specialists that is a side effect boys have if they are touched inappropriately. My son is an adult lives on his own and he is still like that.
Omg i am having that issue with my daughter! She is just too lazy to take her time in scrubbing her body and hair! She has really thick and long hair so she says her arma hurt when she is washing her hair! I swear that i am fed up with this! I, too tell her that other kids will make fun of her if they can smell her! Kids can be sooo mean! I’ve helped her shower and have shown her how to do it, but she refuses to do it on her own!
Maybe take him to the doc to see if his hormones are off?
When fostering a young boy ,
We brought him a basket full of toiletries just for him , soap , deodorant, flannels, sponges , shower gels , body cream , shampoo, aftershave he was only 8yrs old and never had a shower or bath ,
Cleaning his teeth was a challenge too .
Put his favourite music on .
Timed him through songs when washing , eventually he loved his bath times , loads of bubbles , He smelt Devine
I was just blunt with my 13yr old son and told him exactly how it is. I buy my son mens body wash and a 72hr men’s deodorant
I think it’s just a boy thing:joy: my son is the same sadly. I’ve told him he stinks and he just ignores me now lol… I think when they get mad fun of or finds a girl things will change sometime I make him do it again if he obviously didn’t do it right.
Do you own dogs by any chance? I believe it is the dogs smell being combined with your son sweating, which is making you think it is your son that stinks. Animal dander & yeast, yes, yeast can cause an awful stink, even when doing laundry. Bacteria will stick around. When washing your sons clothing as well, sprinkle in some baking soda with your regular routine. Good luck