How can I get my toddler to poop in the toilet?

Does anyone have and tips on getting a toddler to poop in the toilet?! We’ve been potty training since around Easter and my 2 1/2 year old is super good at peeing on the toilet but poops in his pants almost every day ! I’m running out of ideas so any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


My son would hold his poops in at that age he was terrified of going number 2. Be patient your kid is doing awesome!

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Have you had dad go in and poop with him? My son was the same. But I’m a single mom. So one day I had my brother go in with my son and do the deed. He wanted to be a big boy everyday after that! Maybe it’s worth a try?

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When my daughter did this I would dump her poop in the potty and explain it goes in their and reward her if she poops in the potty. She did the same thing

Maybe make him try to sit and poop for a few minutes everytime he goes pee. Make a chart with a reward after pooping a couple days without accidents. Increase the amount of days before rewards as he progresses until he just goes on his own for a few weeks

My oldest just turned 3. Same as above. Haaaaates going poop. Terrified and holds it as long as she can and hardly ever made it to the toilet. Just this week she started going into the bathroom alone, shutting the door and pooping! I say give it time :woman_shrugging:t2: He’ll get sick of pooping his pants

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They usually go about the same time every day & will go somewhere to hide when doing it. When you find this happening put them on potty right then. They’ll poo poo. Do it a few times & it will work. Promise.

This is normal. Give it time. Watch for his cues too and when you see the cue take him straight to the toilet and sit him on it until he goes. You have to learn his cues to identify when he’s going to go might take a few tries but you’ll eventually learn them. And make sure you have a toddler seat on the toilet for him also. Get a potty chair too and have him sit on it when you see the cues also.

My son (3) will poop on the potty, he refuses to pee though. My daughters were completely potty trained at 2 1/2.

Boys are harder than girls. Both my boys we’re trained at 3 years old. We told both of them you can’t poop in your pocket pants ( that’s what they called jeans) it worked well for my oldest, kinda worked for my middle son. With him we would give him books to look at on the toilet. And we would read him the poop party book.

My grandson just started pooping on the potty at 4 years old. It was tough!

Stickers! We got a poster board and gave her stickers and made a HUGE deal out of it every time she successfully went poop on the potty!! We also would tell her when she would have an accident how icky it is and make it seem bad. It took a LOT of patience. But we made it! Her dad would also encourage her to push and make funny faces/noises and encouraged her to copy! And there’s another comment saying something about a schedule! BINGO!! Ours will poop around the same times during the day! Good luck mama! You can do this!

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My daughter is almost 6 and still doesn’t. I’ve tried everything. Good luck!

Potty party. I told my daughter we’d have a party when she used the potty and no more diapers.

Her cake read It’s Potty Time. The cake place called me to verify the words again before they wrote it on her cake. Lol

Dump the poop from his underwear into the toilet everytime in front of him. Have him watch a cartoon video as well. He will get it.

When ny son was potty training we let him be naked 247. He only had a few accidents on the floor an he realized it was supposed to go in the toilet an was yucky to be on the floor. Maybe I just got lucky but he was so easy to train.

My son was the same way. One day he ended up getting sore after pooping in his diaper. I told him if he would poop in the potty his butt wouldn’t get sore. The next day he started pooping in the potty. It takes time. He’s 4 now and goes by himself every day. My youngest is 2 and we haven’t even started with him yet. I don’t think he will be ready until he decides to start talking.

My daughter used to literally ask for a pull up so she could poop :woman_facepalming: eventually we had to stop buying them and just make her sit. It was tough but once the first time happened never again was she scared.

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I’m sure it sounds silly, but it’ll happen when they are ready. Went through the same with my son. One day it just clicked. I did add a probiotic to his diet just prior as he wasn’t the most regular, but that doesn’t sound like an issue for you. Good luck mama, she’ll be pooping in the potty before you know it.

I literally got sick changing my little girls diaper that it scared her. So now she poops in the potty so that I don’t throw up again changing her poop. It worked!

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Elimnation communication look into but to sum it up start a routine for yourself by looking at your child’s expression or try catching him going number two. Set him on the toilet and reward him constantly remind him to potty :toilet: in the toilet

My son did the same thing i used bribes and he would read a book on toilet so he would sit still, i would keep taking him in and tried to keep reminding him to try and go

My mom helped me get my son by getting him match cars. Anytime he would poop on potty he got a match car and loved it!

I got my girls the baby toilet. Once my oldest pooped in it, she was embarrassed and wanted to poo in the regular toilet. I started taking her when I went and both my girls learned really fast. They’re both visual learners so seeing that the poop goes in the toilet helped them also.

My son had the same issue. One day I saw him walk to a corner of the room & started making his poo poo face. I grabbed him real fast, ran to the bathroom and his dad pulled down his pull up just in time for the poop to fall in the toilet. I sat him down & we started having a Minnie poo poo party in the bathroom. After that he only pooped in the toilet. Lol I think for a lot of kids its scary to think something that they can physically see belongs in a big bowl of water. Lol just be patient. Your kiddo will get it soon.

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Maybe getting your baby his own toddler toliet. My 4 year old has her own toliet. But sometimes she goes in thr big toliet. Good morning. Have lots of patience.

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Stop pushing… Let her do it on her own…

We had that issue too. She would pee in the potty but then poop on herself. She just kinda stoped one day. I fugured she grew out of it…

I’m having the same problem with my 2 1/2 yr old.

I bribed mine with little things.

My little boy was stubborn until we started doing a reward for pooping. We kept a box full of treasures (hot wheels, little play doh, little farms animals and dinosaurs) and he got to pick a reward. Similar to the dentist office when we got to pick stickers or cheap toy :laughing:. He was potty trained within a week. We stop the rewards and just praised what a big boy he was afterwards . but every child is different


We are going through the same issue with my son but he is four. Last week I bought a bunch of toys from the dollar store and made a treasure box. We have been putting him on the potty every hour for twenty minutes. Set a timer so he knows how long he has to sit. Within the past week he had started pooping on the potty, but only when he is forced to sit. It’s a start though. Making him sit every hour has seemed to be the trick.


My oldest did that too… it was so frustrating… honestly, I bribed him… he got his favorite candy each time he pooped in the toilet instead of his pants, and if he went a whole week of pooping in the toilet he got some toy he wanted (I think it was a monster truck that was a little bigger than a matchbox, but he really wanted it) … oh and the other thing I do was I let him pick out his underoos (with the characters he liked on them) to wear… he didn’t want to poop on bob the builder for some reason… good luck!


All my four kids were potty trained at two and i was very dilegent and fortunate to never have had bed wetters. I would start with paying attention to the clock and get an idea of about the time he goes #2 then i think some of the sugestions are great put him on for about 15 minites give him books to read while hes waiting if he wont sit that long you’ll have to sit with him i t takes being diligent and patients.the reward system or a sticker chart could be very posative .once hes potty trained for a good few months you could start working on bed wetting its pretty much the same process , cut off liquids at a specific time and get up at the same time evrey night and sit with him untill he goes sometimes the sound of running water helps .It takes persiverness and repetivness it worked four times for me !

Pay attention to the time each day that he is pooping and put him on the potty around the same time. You can also use a chart and put a sticker on it when he is successful and give him a small prize for a specific amount of stickers. When we potty trained the chart really helped. I would put the prize in a spot where he could see it, but couldn’t reach it.


We let the kids (and grands) pick out big boy underwear. And reminded them the characters didn’t like poop on them. And if the accidents started, we took a step back and asked if they were ready for their underwear. Also did a ‘poop dance’ when any poop hit the toilet!


Sometimes you just have to wait until their nervous system is more developed. Two and a half is really young and he might just not be ready. We used a reward system of cheap toys. We spent a bit of money on cheap toys. If they wanted a new toy they had to pee or poop in the potty. The toys were in a pretty bag beside the bathroom door. Once they got the system figured out it worked really well.


Your doing good mom. I tried this with all 3 of my kids (2 boys & 1 girl). Take him to the store & have him pick out a nice toy. Put the toy up high so he can see it but not touch it. Encourage him that if he does pee & poo in the big boy toilet then he can have the toy. Give him lot of praise for pee/poo. Ask every 30 min if he needs to go, the next 30 mark take him to the potty to sit. If he has a good 3 days without accidents give him his toy. If after a full week of NO accidents take him to pick out his Big boy undies. Both my sons took 3 days to get it, my daughter had it down in 1 day. No scolding or shaming if they have accidents. Lots of hugs, dancing, high 5’s & squealing for their potty deposits. My husband & I looked like we lost our marbles but this system worked for all three. Good luck !


When my son was potty training I started with pull ups after awhile of him peeing in the toilet and still pooping in his pullup I let him purchase his own real pair of underwear and we made a potty board for him and when he pooped in the toilet I would let him pick out a sticker to put on the board and give him a snack as a reward for doing such a great job. Within a week or two he was peeing and pooping in the toilet. Might give it a try🤗

I’m from the old school I had my kids trained by 9 months 1 year, 1 and half. What I did is it takes time every so often you put them on the toilet. They get in to a rhythm. And they go about the same time every day. We didn’t have pull up back then we went to pants that was awful to have to clean that up. So you have to work at it. I wanted them out of diapers because I had to wash them everyday. I had to be up and work at it.

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I have the answer!!! Well, for most. Make him clean up his own messes. I’ve been a mom and nanny many yrs. Help him remove the soiled undies put into sink, wipe him, have him climb on a stool and scrub those nasty undies on the sink. Be very calm but firm. “That’s your mess, not mine.” “If you wanna poop your pants you go clean it up.”


My little boy was scared to poop in the potty. He needed meds to make him go one day so a little after I gave it to him I just sat him on the potty and read books. If he/she has very formed or hard stools you can give a small amount of prune juice and pay attention, you will be able to tell when he/she has to go and can try then. Big boy undies instead of diapers/pull ups is better also, they won’t like messing in the undies. And if you let them pick what undoes to buy that helps too.

My son was three years old when I bought a book called “Once Upon A Potty” and read it for him. I kid you not, it was like a light suddenly came on in his sweet little head and minutes after finishing the book, he said he wanted to go potty…and he did, and never turned back! It’s worth a try! :smiling_face:

I had a hard time training one of mine. I used to wrap a present up and if they pooped in potty they got to unwrap and keep it.took a while and lots of presents but worked. Put the present by the potty and if they go in pants unwrap it and tell them you get it instead of them. You can get little things at dollar store.

You are going to think this is crazy, but I had this problem with my daughter 35 years ago. My Dr. said put her back in diapers. I thought he was crazy, but I did it and two weeks later, we tried again and she starting pooping in the toilet. They will do it when they are truly ready

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Poop is the hardest to potty train and since we pee more than poop … ( and you don’t want them to get constipated ) if they can tell you they need to poop … put a diaper on them and let them do their business … I promise it will not go on forever … and easier than getting frustrated all the time because they do it in their pants .

Have a CDA in early child development. Have worked with children for 12 years. This baby isn’t ready. Just slow down…keep working with him. Let him know that hes not in trouble if he has an accident and praise him for trying.

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My four year old nephew is potty trained also, but he would rather poop in his pants than stop playing to go to the toilet. I think this is pretty normal for boys. Im hoping he grows out of it!

We put a basket of small new toys outside the bathroom door. If he used the toilet correctly, he got to pick a toy from the basket.

It’s tough. My kid used to hold back until a put a diaper on her. She was in pain with a hard belly. Doctor told me it will come out before any damage happens. I had a mess but it was over. God bless.

My son was just what you described. I tried everything I could think of & when he was about 3 it magically happened. We think part of it was a new sister at the 30 month time & took a while for him to understand the split attention. Hang in there.

My one daughter loved her red boots. Wore them everyday till I put them away till she went on the potty only took one day. My oldest would sit there watching movies and reading books he was my easiest. My girls always hid and pooped after getting off the potty

We let my son go pants less for about 3 days and put a training potty in the playroom. He had no accidents and went in the potty to pee and poop. After the three days we put him in underwear and he only had a few pee accidents but still pooped in the potty each time.

I bought a childrens toilet seat that stayed In place on a regular toilet. She wasn’t scared anymore.Worked wonders my daughter used the bathroom all the time on her own.

Have him stay on the potty for 10-15 minutes several times a day to give him time to poop. Also entertaining him with a book or favorite show will help him want to stay on the potty for that long. Maybe give him a special reward for pooping in the potty. You got this!

When my kids were getting ready to turn 2 I’d get the calendar out and two weeks before their second birthday I’d tell them In this many days you’re going to be a big boy/girl you’re going to be two that’s how old you have to be to potty in the toilet! Everyday we marked off a day and I’d say “don’t potty in the toilet yet, your not two! The day before they were 2 I’d say “guess what?! tomorrow you get to potty in the toilet!” It worked for both my kids.

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Stay with him for a day…every minute and watch when he has to go…when he does, grab him and put him on toilet. It only takes one time. He will do it from then on. For some reason they are scared the first time. This will work!


Try sitting him backwards on the toilet. It worked for me with my boys. They were afraid to sit the right way, cause they thought they were going to fall in.

Sometimes it’s about control- holding it in - until he can’t/ he has control. Give him control of other things - clothes, some food, etc

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I did stickers on a calender let them pick out the sticker and place it on that day,the end of the week if each day had a sticker a reward at the store.

We had a talking potty chair. It was cute and Everytime a deposit was made the potty talked. Never had a problem training my children.

We put a poster board on the wall and got all kind of stickers and every time he peed or pooped he got to place a sticker of choice on the board and when he did both he got 2 stickers, my grandson still has his board in his room and even though he turns 9 say he is proud to tell anyone who ask what it is.

I put my son in underwear and told him Spiderman won’t be your friend anymore if you poop/pee on him.

Since we had annual passes to universal and he thinks spiderman IS his friend it worked perfectly lol

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Bribes, small piece of candy to try and a small toy if he goes. Little rewards eveytime

I reward my son with a fun size Hershey bar everytime he poops on the potty, been working so far no accidents in 3 weeks

I had to bribe 2 of my grandsons. They both would pee all the time in the toilet and then hide and poop their pants. One loved dum dum suckers and the other loved mini tootsie rolls. I figured out that they pooped every other day and watched them all day, telling them that they would get their treat if they would poop in the toilet. It worked great!

Start marking the time your child poops after he eats. As a teacher I have noticed kids often poop 30-45 minutes after eating. Once you figure out the timing, place him on the toilet about 5 minutes before the normal time. This might help.

I bribed mine with an Oreo cookie and it worked every time

something he really wants,make a chart everytime he goes put a many stars gets new toy.sitting backwards really helps

Sometimes that part just takes longer. Just keep at it. You are already invested

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My great granddaughter was 2 1/2 before she started pooping in the potty and she did it all by herself

Lots of positive reinforcements-clapping,verbal praise, treats, rewards, “Big Boy”…

You have to relax, when the baby is ready it will happen, this is something you have no control on. Make sure you praise the child when she uses the potty

Children are sometimes afraid. Supposedly they have watched something swirl around in the toilet and go down and they are afraid that if they poop in the toilet they will go down too…or that’s what was explained to me by a psychologist…

The one thing I wished I had not stressed about, he’ll poop in the toilet when he’s ready.

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My little boy is the same way he is 4 will be 5 in November it is a real struggle with him. He tells me boys don’t like the toilet, those are his words. He will hold his poop until he just can’t any more to the point of causing himself to be constipated and then the bowel movements are so large it hurts his little butt. This is observations I’ve made. So what I did was added a small amount of Metamucil into his juice daily harmless and helps him poop without pain. He still will try to stop from going to the toilet but he is unable, today I find skid marks where he tried to stop himself but he uses the toilet better

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Boys take longer. I notice that most boys are potty trained fully older. Keep going for it. Maybe make a big deal out of big boy underpants :woman_shrugging:t2:. My daughter wanted to wear underwear like her older cousin…so she did it on her own. Gotta find what motivates them! Good luck :+1:t3:

Trained mine at 2 years or younger 2 weeks of writing down the time of all poopy diapers… then every day just before the poop time everyday they sat on the potty … when they pooped the knew there would be a big fuss about them that always ended with cuddles in Mommies lap a story being read to them while they had a snack

He’s afraid cause his feet can’t touch the floor,I know it sounds crazy but it is probably true.

I have one that stoops when he is pooping have to grab him and take him to the toilet and then one who use to let us no after he does it

Can not get granddaughter toget on the commode will pea I. Her potty but thats all.

Not every child is ready at 2.5

My son was stubborn, he was 3 1/2 before I finally got him broke, My little brother was babysitting, my son pooped his pants, my brother took him outside and blasted him down with the water hose, I did NOT approve of that, but guess what, he never pooped his pants again!

Can you tell when he’s going to poop…I can always tell when my Grandson is going to poop!

Be patient. Try putting him on the seat backwards; encourage him to hold on to the top of the tank. Whatever you do, do not punish him !!!

Have a good bye ceremony for the poop. He may see he poops but you get rid of it and he doesn’t understand why. Have him flush the toilet and explain why you say good bye.

Tell him only little babies poop their pants, and big boys use the potty

I had this same issue with my youngest…I finally just gave up and it did it on his own.

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Relax. Praise if it happens and don’t make a big deal when it doesn’t. I always said something like I know you want to be a good boy so we will try again tomorrow. The do tor told me bowels. are hard for some little boys to control and said to try and see if you good figure out the time he went everyday and put him on the potty about that time.

Keep reinforcing what you want them to do, be consistent!


Skittles!!! One for pee two for poop!! Worked on my twins like a charm!!!

Make a chart, add stars every time he goes in toilet.
Let him add the stars.
Like a little way to praise him for his good deed😊

Just let it go n they will go when ready. That’s still a young age.

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I got some hot wheels cars and my oldest really enjoyed it.

Omg! Ever th k he or she isn’t ready to poop
On the potty?? It happens


Put a treat on the back of tank everytime they go give him one he will be there all of the time .

Duck tape it on toilet

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M & Ms worked for my son.

Book…“everybody poops”