My two-year-old doesn’t sleep through the night. I admit I rocked him to sleep for the first year and a half. But I feel that doesn’t really matter, like my husband keeps saying. He’s had a handful of nights in his life he slept through the night (4ish) and I’ve rocked him on those nights. I have him in his own toddler bed for the last few months. We have recently moved, but I feel since he doesn’t really sleep anyways that that hasn’t impacted him much. I have tried staying with him rubbing his back, and leaving when he falls asleep. I stay with him (I sleep on the floor) most nights, so he will sleep and me. Some nights he’s up at least three times. Some nights it’s every hour. We got him a sound machine since our house is crazy quite, and I wasn’t sleeping when I was in his room. When he wakes is always yelling, “Mom”. This mom is exhausted and I don’t know what to do.
Does he take naps? I just let my daughter sleep with me. Sleep was more important to me. An sleeps in her own bed now
Try rocking him again?
My 2.5 year old still wakes up throughout the night. And she sleeps in bed with us. When she stays with my mom, she sleeps in her own bed and sleeps all night. Idk what the deal is. It’s going to be rough cause baby #2 is coming in July
Following cuz i have the same dang problem!!! She can go without naps and still wake up during the night.
Co-sleep, you all might get some rest
Try giving him a warm bath before bed time, make the room nice an warm. Hopefully this helps you.
Get him to sleep leave the room. Keep doing this. I had to do it with my granddaughter when she was like 3yrs.old. when I talked her doctor about it. She said its completely normal till get few yrs older. If napping try cutting them out.
Weighted blanket!!! Was a total game changer for my kiddo!! Was up 4bto 5 times a night awake by 5am now sleeps thro the night not up till i wake him at 7! 3lb one so nothing crazy heavy!
I know a lot of people are against it, but we used it as a last resort when we were in the same situation. Melatonin. I talked to my son’s pediatrician about it and he said that up to 1 mL is completely safe. It has helped him fall asleep and stay asleep.
My husband doesn’t even sleep through the night
My boy will be 3 in April and he does the same thing! I know how exhausted you are and I know the struggle mama, you are not alone! My son still doesn’t sleep through the night and neither does his 7 month old sister, even as I type this it’s 10:55, I just started to dose off and they are both up now:sob:. I have tried everything; setting a routine, music, laying with him, he even gets up if I let him in bed with me, I also give him melatonin. Nothing helps. I think hes just one of those people that don’t need a lot of sleep to function. The only thing that helps me is knowing that eventually, in a few years, he will understand that he doesn’t need me in the middle of the night and he can be up without me. Its kinda sad but I know this extreme exhaustion is a limited time thing. I mean he can’t be 18 and still waking me up right?
I’m sorry. I’m going to be 44, and I haven’t slept through the night more than probably a couple dozen times. My mom said I didn’t sleep through the night until I was 3, but I really just stopped waking her up. Your best bet is to teach him to put himself back to sleep. If his needs are met, not wet, not hungry, not too hot or cold, not in pain, “its time for sleep. Mommy needs to sleep if you need me, I am here, but mommy needs to go back to sleep.” Give him something small to play with and kisses and good night.
A comfort item that smells like you might help
my almost 3 year old used to wake up wanting milk. i finally told her no a couple nights and she quit waking me up asking for it. ??
You can try Camomile tea. some other foods that promote sleep like tart cherry juice, you can mix that with tea, or mix the tea juice some frozen fruit and yougart and make ice pops or smoothies.
Other foods that promote sleep are oatmeal, bananas, turky, kiwi, fatty fish, white rice, and even melon to help stay hydrated that also help aid in sleep.
Maybe a bath with lavender oil and put some on their pillow
MELATONIN! I completely judged this idea at first for my two year old but once her pediatrician recommended it and reassured me that it’s natural and non habit forming we tried it and I’m so glad. The truth is two year olds are so intellectually overwhelmed, it affects sleep, the melatonin just helps.
We use zarbees gummies. It says for ages 3+ so we just give her a half of one and she stays asleep all night.
I agree . Let him sleep with you and y’all will both get some rest .
Idk why everyone shames other moms for the way they love their babies. I rock my 20 month old son to relax him for 15-20 minutes every night then lay him down. He moves around and gets all comfy and he sleeps through the night. People always think there way is best. He has slept through the night since just before his first birthday.
My oldest didn’t sleep through the night I co slept then moved him to his own room/bed we moved and it was a different environment. I moved his bed next to mine amd got him to sleep in his bed for a while then I moved him to his room and inched my way out of his room every night. Hed still come into my bed. This continued until he was around 5. My 19 month old we co sleep he was in his bassinett and then crib we took the rail off and put his crib up to our bed. Now he sleeps in the middle. He sleeps through the night however the past few days hes whiny in his sleep. I hug him and get him a drink and he falls back to sleep. Its comfort I believe use to feeling you being next to you. My 19 month old in not moving him to his own bed yet. I know he will eventually if he needs to feel me I’m ok with that because I know he will be 10 (my oldest) and sleep im his own bed and not want cuddles as much
Same thing with my 1.5year old toddler, she wakes up between 1am to 3am so I have to get her in her bed and let her sleep with us. Very exhausting sometimes.
My 2 year old. She has a twin bed much more comfy then the crib mattresses ( and you can fit too)
I woukd try to just ignore it. Put headphones on and try to get sleep. When they wake up leave them their unless they are crying non stop. My son use to aways wake up and after awhile of me going in and rubbing his back i just stopped going in his room and he would put himself back to sleep whenevr he was ready. Some babies wake up if they are peeing, having a dream, etc just like adults. They just havebto learn its still night time and not time to wake up and or wake everyone else up. I left my son with a sippy cup of water and stuff animals so when he woke in the night he had stuff incase he needed it. I also had a monitor to talk back to them so i would say its still night time were all sleeping go back to sleep your ok etc. Hes use to be rocked and u going in or sleeing on his floor so he just prob dont like to be alone so hes waking to make sure your still there. Or like i said hes waking up cause hes peeing then he wants u to go help him back to sleep. My kids were potty trained by 2 so they would wake up and cry becuase they had to pee but was half sleep and couldnt find the bathroom or get the words out. I just brought them to the toilet and back in their beds. I dont let them get out of their room untill 7am so of they wake up at 6 they play in their rooms till 7. But my kids are now 7,3,2 and they sleep till 10 am
Cheyenne Kate seems Harry is not the only one.!!
Same here!! for any suggestions!!
1mg of melatonin…
Cry it out was the best thing I ever did.
We started self soothing around 6m in small increments. Hes slept in his own bed since 3m, toddler bed at 1yrs. He loves sleeping alone so much I CANT GET HIM TO FALL ASLEEP WITH ME I WANT MY SNUGGLES
Mine also gets a melatonin nightly per his pediatricians approval. Hes never slept well, just always slept in his own bed lol. You might wanna give it a try along with self soothing. Melatonin is absolutely safe, no your kid wont get addicted or anything. Give it the same time each night. This helps naturally stimulate your child’s brain to produce melatonin at the same time nightly, setting them up for sleep success later on in life.
You have to wear him out during the day. Lots of physical activity. Eat dinner, take a warm bath. Let him stay up a little later if it helps. And then lights out.
Well… let me say I held my daughter to sleep until she was about 13 months. I finally stopped because I was expecting my second in a couple months and needed to be able to hold that baby to sleep. I started off with getting her to wind down in her bed, and then I would get her to lay down and I would cuddle her to sleep. Now, she stills winds down in her bed, but now we dont cuddle. We just give hugs, kisses and say night night. She will be 2 in April. I think teaching him to fall asleep in his bed with little assistance may help because if he wakes up, he might be able to put himself back to sleep. Also, it could be a sleep regression. My toddler was waking up screaming multiple times a night and then waking up completely at 4 or 5 am for like two months and then she kinda just phased out of it.
Are you letting him nap long during the day or sleep at all. If so I would nip that in the butt amd and limit how long he naps and at what time if at all. Also insure he has a routine. And most definitely turn the lights out.
Honestly mine did the same thing. Once he knew I wasnt going to put up with it he stopped. I would make sure he was fed had his bottle and he was changed. I’d put him to bed. If he got up he just would cry for about 5 mins and go roght back to sleep the rest of the night. Its hard. But try letting him cry it out a few nights. When he realizes your not going to baby him all the time maybe he’ll start sleeping on his own all night.
Controlled crying. seems really harsh at the time but it’s only short term and they learn to self sooth and sleep through. My little one is 4 soon and has slept through since 5 months old.the controlled crying lasted 3/4 nights for us xx
Been there & done it all Momma 1 out of 3 was the hardest and some nights, it is still a struggle he will be 4 this year. This too shall pass with much exhaustion. We are mammals and what does mother mammals do, sleep with there young. Try moving away from his bed and closer to the door every night. May help
sending you lots of understanding and love
My oldest slept thru the night at 6 months with 2 naps a day. Six years later my youngest wouldn’t even go to sleep during the day and at night time I’d have to hold him tight and walk him. He still woke up a couple of times a night. Working full time and no help from husband I was exhausted, he was three and
He spent the night with a friend and they kept their house a lot cooler than we did, he slept all night. Needless to say we went cooler and he slept like a dream.
No matter how hard it gets don’t let them sleep in your bed. My parents did that with my younger brothers (9 & 13 years younger) at nine plus year they still slept in my parents room.
Take care and whatever your choice is thru out their childhood follow thru. You are the parent. Take care and be strong.
I myself have a 2 yr old and putting him to sleep everyday same time has helped sooo much he goes to sleep around 9pm. I also have a routine when he eats and I make sure he has a full tummy and a bottle of milk to sleep. No naps during the day too! His dad goes to sleep around that time and I throw him in there with him and he sees his dad is sleeping already so he knows he needs to as well lol
I’m a big fan of melatonin gummies. My daughter is super restless and would be up for days if we didn’t have those.
Try not to let him nap during the day and make a set routine like reading to him in his bed every night at the same time if possible. He needs to fall asleep alone or that’s what helped my son
I have two boys and they sleep on their own room since they turn 1 yr and 11 months… Before i put them to bed, i make sure they had a good dinner, they take their bottle with them, i have a night light by their beds, rooms temperature around 70 *, we pray and they sleeps all night…
Let him cry. After a few nights of screaming he will get the hint, and stop. He needs to learn how to self sooth, and not have you to do it for him.
Following my 2 year never sleeps. Hes a wild child acting like machine gun kelly wild boy
My 3year old still doesn’t sleep through… Pretty normal
Try a weighted blanket. Worked for my friend’s child.
first of all,i feel that pain my soon to be 9 year old didn’t sleep through the night for FOUR YEARS!!! i truly wonder how i made it out alive!!! (i have 2 older children so sleeping during the day was not an option!) i look back now and honestly feel so guilty bc he’d wake up and scream. i’m started to wonder if he had night terrors all those years and i had no clue (or any information on such a thing!) it still makes me feel guilty to this day. but he was bold! and always screamed and cried. so i assumed it was him being him! talk to your dr! see if there’s something they can suggest! maybe a test to run!!! good luck
sending you love
At his age , he has lots of energy to burn. Take him to the playground through the day, plan activities, he needs activities to burn that energy There is a Toy out called Star Belly its a night light that puts stars on the ceiling . Has auto shutoff it helps kids fall asleep faster not to mention he can cuddle it. For extra security.
sometimes kidd just don’t sleep my 4 yr old is actually prescribed by a real MD his pedi doc benedryl AND melatonin n this kid I swear just thinks hes gonna miss sumthin!! I had a sibling (don’t remember if it was a brother or sister sorry ) who was like this n tht was the late 80’s early 90’s so he/she got a lot harder scripts than benedryl n melatonin but i was too lazy t I read thru the comments sorry I’m sure you’ve tried these but the warm baths till it runs cold sleepy time tea (even sleepy time EXTRA has a tea now) n have the babe run a fee laps b4 his bath but to be honest (i’m preggo with my 3rd but 4th cuz of my step daughter) I believe its a phase cuz sum kids just don’t sleep
We did cold Turkey with my six year old son when he was about 4 1/2 or 5. He had literally slept in our bed next to me almost every single night since he was born. It was ROUGH the first few nights getting him to sleep in his own room. I would do a night time routine with him and then after that when he would get up I would just pack his butt back in there and put him back tonight and say “good night, love you bubbee” and go back to my room and lay down. Eventually he started falling asleep in his bed without me, and then started sleeping thru the night too because I would do the same thing when he would wake up in the middle of the night and come into my room. If he just woke up crying I would go in and tell him that everything was fine and give him a kiss and tell him to get some sleep and we would see each other in the morning after we finished our sweet sleeps. It worked great but the first probably week was rough.
Girl don’t feel bad for rocking him - my 20 month old still gets rocked to sleep, then we lay him down & he normally sleeps until about 4 am. Some nights he wakes up & needs to be rocked again, some nights he wakes up & then goes back to sleep on his own.
Same here mama, he’s 2! Send help everyone!
Let him sleeps with you, sleeping with child is better then no sleeping
ive used lavender baths about 8 at night also gave melatonin still do and she is 9 when she was younger i got no sleep until she started preschool and the melatonin i also had to go backwards i got no sleep went to work on no sleep if got sleep it was an hr and still went to work. bath was 8 bed was 9 never fell asleep till had to get up aroun 730 am. then later finally asleep 11pm till we got till 9pm and getting up still between 6 and 7
Put a queen bed in his room and climb in with him if he wakes up that’s what I do! Some nights he sleeps all night, others I end up in his bed - sometimes I fall straight back to sleep and find myself in his bed in the morning - other times I go back to my own bed after an hour or so. He usually falls back to sleep within minutes once I’m there!
My 2 yr old still wakes at night asking for me and wanting milk, it’s a git and miss. Yours will get there. We just put her back to bed and tell her it’s bed time and she goes back. It just the matter of finding your method. Like ours is we cut out naps and bed at 8, I’d so sooner but hubby don’t get out of work till later. Look up the Dr. Ferber methods. They worked for us to get her to say in her room unless she needed something
Bath, book, and a song. Haha struggled with this but now that my son understands that I’m putting him to bed . I can leave the room while he is still awake. If you’re there when they fall asleep they expect you there when they wake up. Good luck!
Search this group and join. They are amazing and very supportive!
My daughter didn’t sleep through the night until she was 4 years old and we moved to a house where her room was right across the hall from ours. she’s 19 now and most days we have a hard time getting her out of the bed. They will eventually sleep. We took naps away, ran her hard and many other tricks to no avail.
We moved when our little was just two. She was just learning to put herself to sleep in her big girl bed. Well after we moved, we had to start the process all over again. Yes that starter with rocking to sleep and trying to transfer. Then rocking to almost asleep to where she knew she was getting put in her bed. And shortly after I could just have her walk to her bed and tuck her in and all is good. It does take time but it will get easier. Consistency is the key.
See Isla Grace Sleeps on ig. She has great resources!
You’re doing everything right, you being his support and comfort in these tender years will be great in the long run. Hang in there mama
You are doing everything right by being his support and comfort. Sleep is developmental Momma and he will get there eventually
Someday you will miss those night time snuggles and him needing you.
I also recommend you check out The Beyond Sleep Training Project.
It’s nice to have be surrounded by others who are going through the same thing and can offer advice and support.
do you still do naps? if so dont and tire him out before he gets ready for bed and try a bath right before bed
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my toddler to sleep through the night?
I have a 6-year old and 3-year old. Both boys. They share a room. They refused to sleep in the bedroom and always slept on the couch. Said the bedroom was “too dark.” The living room was darker😂 we ended up taking the bunk bed apart that we had for them. We ended up doing a theme that they love for each of them in the bedroom, decorating it all, and added a lot of night light. They’ve slept in the bedroom since! Never wakes up!
I use melatonin gummies. You can buy some for your toddler anywhere they’re in a purple container or chewable from the same people starts with Z. It’s all natural ingredients
My daughter did this . He dr prescribed a very tiny dose of melatonin to help her be able to relax not knock her out and it did wonders ! She actually slept better and woke up being happy .
This happened to me too. I took her into her ped, and they recommended melatonin. Do not do this unless ok by your ped. She’s no longer taking it every night and sleeps all night.
Cut out naps and get black out curtains.
Honestly, melatonin! My kids Dr’s have recommended it for both of them. Sometimes kids just get stressed or restless and can’t shut their brain off. Do a 1mg or 3mg to start and see how you both feel😁
Cut our naps and ask the pediatrician if melatonin would be ok. Zarbys was a life saver
I cut out naps
Stuck to a strict routine
Use same bed time music for relaxation
Good dinner, hot bath, Melatonin, no light orDistraction
Aside from making sure she’s not drinking and eating before bed… no sugar for certain… a warm bath with some calm down time reading a book together in the bed followed by some low meditation sounds for deep sleep to fall asleep to in their room. Keeping TVs low for adult time and creating a peaceful environment. This always worked with my high strung boys… Every night♥️
I had the same problem and our pediatrician recommended melatonin 2.5 mg. It worked great but he would sometimes get nightmares with it.
I feel your struggle. My son woke at 7am, napped from 11am-1pm, and went to bed at 8pm as a toddler. Yet well past the age of 4 he woke at midnight and 4am to potty and drink more milk before he went back to sleep. Sometimes he would want a snack too so i would give him blueberries or strawberries.
He was nearly a kindergartner before he slept solid from 8:30pm - 7am. Even after he stopped napping he still woke up. Its hard having your sleep interrupted. Hang in there. They eventually do sleep.
My son takes
Hydroxyzine by a dr hes 2 has a hard time sleeping
Cut out naps that worked with mine
Im 37 and still don’t sleep through the night. U can’t expect a 2 year old to sleep through the night
Try giving her some things she can do by herself in her bedroom if are wakes up in the night. If she plays with some quiet toys for a while she’ll probably go back to sleep after a bit. Toddlers waking in the night is pretty normal, especially if they take day naps. It’s she naps, try reducing her nap time to only one or or less. That might help.
Talking from experience eventually melatonin will quit working and you will be right back where you started at I’m going thru the same thing with my 3 year old and she is super freaking clingy with me right I’m thinking it is because I’m about to have her baby brother but she will sleep for maybe 4 hours and be up all night till 7 am and cutting naps out probably won’t do it at least with my daughter it didn’t I’m thinkin she is feeling her little mini snooze at night is her nap and then she is wide awake for another 5 hours. So it’s a pain in the ass but I’m just hoping this is a damn phase and we will get this under control soon just like you and other mamas struggling with this shit
My kid is like this. If he falls asleep before 1030 pm he is awake at 2am and up all day. We let him go to sleep at 11pm and he will sleep all night and until like 1030am.
If all there teeth haven’t grown in rub a little scotch or whiskey on their gums
Keep all lights and TV’s off. If she needs to lay next to you… Fine. Do not get up or coddle her during late hours. She will eventually fall asleep again.
Can you child-proof her room and make her stay in there?
Cool some boiled banana peel juice and give it to her at bed time
Is she on a schedule? Dose she wake up at a decent time in the morning? Dose she nap? If so don’t let her nap long or passed 4pm
It’s more than likely diet related. I went thru this. No sugary drinks, snacks, or juices after 4pm helped emmensly.
Take away day naps. Don’t force a bedtime just cruise with her routine lol my son has never had a bedtime and sleeps when hes tired . He sleeps through the night every night- some nights he’s asleep by 7, 8 or 9 sometimes he’s asleep at 10- I just don’t let it worry me. He’s nearly 3
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my toddler to sleep through the night?
Magnesium is helpful to stay asleep. Most ppl are lacking. You can try Epsom salt bath.
No TV or electronics 1 hr before bedtime. Take that he to cuddle & read books to them. When they are old enough to read on their own they will continue with this routine. They have their own families now & continue with this routine, still works well for them. Good luck Mama
Honestly, my son developed insomnia at about 2 and I was told to give him melatonin. A baby dose. Just til he established a good sleep habit. He had his “strawberry” milk before bed
We give my almost 6 year melatonin because he is an extremely restless sleeper.
This is common. Happened a bit after my not turned 2. Talked with his doctors and we got the melatonin chewable in the baby section at target (I cut them all in half) and I’d give him half of one about 20 min before bed and I’d lay him down at 9:30 and he’d be out by 10. Slept till 9-10am the next day if I let him. Kept at it for a couple months and now he’s back to sleeping without it! Even on nights where he fights going to bed, once he does he’s out. It’s nice to finally sleep.
I was told the same thing about the melatonin
If she has a nap in the day maybe skip it and depending on when she goes to sleep maybe push it back by a hour or 2 ? X
My 2 year old can be the same,however we started using a weighted blanket on her and that seems t have helped things
My two year old is the same way, we spoke with his doctors and he’s not eating enough meats and drinking to much milk. His doctor prescribed a prescription to get him to sleep better we’ve been using it for about two weeks and there is big progress making. He also skips naps now. Good luck mama.
Maybe she’s just not ready for that much separation from you. My kid is almost 5 and still sleeps on a mattress on the floor next to my bed on occasion. She usually sleeps in her own room, but she still needs lots of cuddles and connection before bedtime, and a couple check ins before she finally falls asleep.
Bedtimes with kids are so hard, but just experiment a little and try to find something that works for everyone involved. And don’t forget to have tons of empathy for your little one, because bedtimes are so hard for them as it’s the biggest separation from you, and the most time they have to spend alone. It can be downright scary and intimidating for them.
Would like to know details of the bedtime routine / sleep patterns and or naps so we had a better idea but… My 2 year old will still wake up randomly, I can usually get him back to bed now fairly quickly.
He sleeps in my room and it’s a huge help for my own sleep. You do what you gotta do lol
A few things you can try, if you haven’t yet…
Remove any Naps left in the day. Only sleeping is done at night. My son can’t even fall asleep in the car or he will never be sleepy enough.
Have her go to bed later, closer to the same time you would head to bed so if she does get up it’s later in the night and hopefully you got some extra sleep time in… when you reach a point where your quality of life is being affected I say throw that early bedtime out the window for your own sanity.
Try not to make her fit into a schedule that maybe is not working for her, be flexible and again your sanity and level of functioning is top priority lol
Skip her daily nap, if she takes one
Get used to it, that’s my 2 cents. My own daughter is 10 and still sleeping with me and keeping me up