How can I get my two year old to sleep through the night?

My son is two years old, and he’s still not sleeping thru the night. He wakes up constantly, like Up to 5 times every single night wanting his bottle. I make sure he’s full before he sleeps so he doesn’t get hungry thru the night. I don’t know what to do anymore. Open to any and all suggestions. Thank you.


It’s sound like a habit not a need. Cold turkey, it should only take 3 maybe 4 days. Yes it’s going to roughy but so is getting up 5 times a night. One of mine didn’t sleep though the night until 1.


Tire him out super bad before bed.

Let him cry it out honestly. Take him back to his bed tell him no bottle. N get rid of the bottle too it’s a comfort thing at this point he’s old enough to drink out of a sippy cup


are you co sleeping?

My son is 3, still wakes at least twice a night but its only for me to come lay with him…he has been without bottle since 12 months old. Take the bottle.

Get rid of the bottles all together, even during the day.


Not to be rude but way past time to take the bottle. Ours took a sippy cup at 9 months


Not judging however, bottles should be gone by age one. It’s horrible on their teeth. (Google bottle mouth)
I’m guilty of letting my little one have a binky beyond one year old… big regrets there.
Try water in the bottle so that it’s not appealing.
Also… I’m afraid these other mama’s are right, cold turkey. After 3-4 nights it’ll be over! A snack before bed helps too! Good luck!


Get rid of the bottle my grandson is 18 months and hasn’t had a bottle for months use a sippy cup at night try a binky


Cut out bottles. Completely. He’s too old for them, he’s made it a habit and knows you’ll come with one at this point. It will take time and tears but it’s the best thing you can do to get him through the night. Offer sippys or open cups during the day and an hour before bed stop.

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He’s definitely outgrown the bottle phase. Start with weaning him off of that. Limit his naps during the day and make sure to keep him physically active and engaged throughout the day. Give him a nice warm bath before bed and worse comes to worse you could try melatonin gummies.


Stop giving in to the wake ups. Stop giving a bottle. Get up put him back in bed and go to bed urself… its more habit than a need. Sleep training time. Cold turkey. Hold ur ground. You got this momma.


Not mom shaming at all! It is much easier to give in then to not get sleep yourself bc let’s face it… we have to function all day while they do get naps! Lol. I had this same issue with my now two year old but he didn’t have a bottle but wanted milk. That’s not good for their teeth either though. I switched to water let him have his soil proof cup so he didn’t want to keep getting up and had to constantly put him back in bed for about a week. Way easier said then done but let him cry it out. It will exhaust him. Lee your head up momma it’s so tough I know, especially to hear him cry! You’ve got this!

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Unfortunately around the age of 2 some kiddos will go through a sleep regression but don’t give him a bottle give him a sippy with room temp water and lay him down in his bed and either sit there or walk out if you want to do that

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At 2 he should be completely off the bottle. Try munchkin straw cups, my almost 20 month old uses those. I tossed her bottles and she drinks her milk and her water in those cups. I have 3


My daughter is 17 months old now. She still gets one bottle a day and it’s before bed. She sleeps throughout the night. I don’t believe one bottle at night for a 2 year old is that uncommon. To each their own. Each momma does things different for each child. Sometimes waking up at night they need reassurance. Night terrors can start. I would suggest going in and holding for literally one minute and laying him back down. No talking to him or anything. Just so he knows you’ll be there for him. Also a white noise machine and a moving projector with stars helped my daughter.

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My son is 3, at 2 and a half he just started sleeping all the way through the night. Every kid is different.

I would try to give water before bed and slowly cut the bottle out, maybe take away 1 time every other night or so to break him of the bottle. If the bottle is a comfort or security taking it away cold turkey isn’t going to help any thing.


Look into the Ferber method. It gives you a structure to go on with no judgement. Just a plan to get a child to sleep through I gh the night. Good luck. I have twins so I get it. You’re tired!

Give him something high in protein just before bed. He may be growing and burning calories faster.

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My first didn’t until about 4 and second is 2.6 and no end in sight. However, cosleeping makes it bearable. Hang in there mama!


Just stop giving him bottles. That’s what I did for my kids. Last bottle is for dinner then no more. The first week of no bottles after bed sucksssss. But after that he won’t wake up for it anymore because he knows you aren’t going to give it to him.

Also. Do the three strike method the first time he wakes up say night night I love you it’s bed time. Lay him down and leave. The second time just say night night lay him down and leave. Third time forward lay him down say nothing and leave. It’ll suck cus you are taking away the bottle also. But stand your ground mama it’ll be over within a week he isn’t starving and he will be ok.


You could leave a zippy cup with water in his bed with him, or take the tough love approach. That’s what we ended up having to do with ours. It was the last resort and the only thing that worked. Once he realized we weren’t coming in, he eventually stopped crying. It’s hard, but it works.

Should be off the bottle and eating good food to nourish his little body

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It’s called habit waking. Offer water in a sippy cup.


Ok, I read this article that helped us tremendously. It said when you go to bed to move them gently to wake them from their sleep cycle. It’s the best advice or information that I have ever read. It worked for us! Best of luck!

Mine gets 1 sippy of milk that I moniter then if he gets up and wants sippy he gets water in sippy

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Offer water in water bottle (doesn’t spill like a cup) and no bottles during the night

Get rid of bottle I found if you put water instead of milk or juice easy to get rid of good luck

My sister In-law “broke” her kids bottles and pacifiers by cutting the nipples.

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It is going to suck, but as a lot of others have said, enforce no bottle and let him cry it out in his own bed. You’re gonna be sleep deprived for a few days, but with a little one waking up to 5 times a night, you’re probably already sleep deprived. At least this way there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I would suggest his last drink and snack around 7pm, bed at 8pm and when he wakes, just put him back to bed. No bottle. At 2 years old, he should really be off of the bottle anyway. To tackle that, I would suggest making it about him being a big boy. Take him out and let him pick out some “big boy cups” and when you get home, let him open them and then tell him it’s time to throw away his bottles. Let him throw them away. When he asks for a bottle during the day, remind him that he threw them all away and let him choose which cup he wants his drink in. A lot of times with little ones, when it comes to bottles/cups, potty training etc, it helps to allow them to think it’s their idea, so to speak.

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Let him scream it out he will eventually Quit, and throw out that bottle too

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Get rid of the bottle

I’m currently going through this! I’ve come to realize it’s more of a comfort thing than anything! I will fake that I’m getting one and as soon as I leave he’s fast asleep!

If he doesn’t have anything to want, maybe he’ll go back down easier when he does wake. I’d take away the bottle for sure.

Parent of 30yrs, My advice is Take Him OFF the bottle

Maybe try a bedtime snack of cereal or pudding will help with any empty feelings and some solid substance throughout the night

At 2 he should not have a bottle it is hard on his teeth even if you just put water in it. Also if he is that thirsty at night might need to have the doctor check him out, that is a sign of diabetes. Also chamomile tea is safe and good for sleep.


I wouldn’t let him cry it out but I would take away the bottle all together especially at night. I would let him take a few drinks from a cup before bed and tell him no more until morning. He will be upset for a few night but will eventually learn there really isn’t anymore till morning. I would go console him though throughout the night.

Whiskey or vodka works like a charm…

I am only kidding- please don’t light me up…


I give my son a bottle still for him to sleep and take a nap and he’s I have tryed. Sippy cups he will only use them for other drinks… some times. When mine wakes up is because he had a bad dream mine is still teething so it could also be that it can also be if he got a new bed a toddler bed then he’s trying to see what he can get away with he can also be that he’s hot or cold or the diaper if he still uses one … mine right now is only drinking one bottle but he use to asked me for 3-4 so I started lowering of how much milk and replacing it with water but he uses for Comfort

Throw the bottle away that is why. It will rot his teeth out and you cant potty train them on a bottle. My third daughter was potty trained at 15 months. Nothing to drink after 8 pm.


No bottle after a year old!! You’re treating him like a baby and not a big boy therefore he is acting like a baby.


Holy wow she didn’t ask for everyone to jump down her throat about her kid still being on a bottle!!! She asked for advice. My last kid didn’t give the bottle up till 2 years old. Maybe she dosent want to traumatize him. My kids dr told us not to take it till he was ready. Anyways mama try taking him outside or something and let him run around and tire himself out. That’s what I have to do with my kids as two of them have adhd. Hope you find something that works for him.


Take away the bottle. Break that habit of him wanting it and he will start sleeping more. It will also help him stay more dry over night and make potty training easier.

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I would get rid of the bottle but wean him off of it over a week. He could be teething or going through a sleep regression. Let him cry it out for 10 to 15 minutes, if he’s still crying go in and put your hand on him let him know your there then sit near him for a little bit but don’t give him the attention he wants just be where he can see you then slowly move closer to the door as he tires himself out then just as he’s falling asleep leave his room.

Try reading “The No Cry Sleep Solution.” The suggestions are very gentle and work with just about any way you’ve chosen to raise your child. It really helped me.

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Throw the bottles all away

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I would suggest a few other self soothing techniques instead of a dependence on a bottle every time he wakes. Some research on self soothing toddlers may guide you to a new direction

I’d slowly work up to him only having water at night. And not judging by far, but I’d wean from the bottle. My 4 year old has a water bottle he keeps by his bed and he usually drinks the entire thing through the night.

Get him off the bottle. Once you do that, he will no longer wake up. I went through this with my daughter. She was 18 months and I had a new born. And she would wake up for her bottle more than my newborn. She cried for 3 days but once she was over it, she slept through the night


I just went through this with my 2 year old. He was going through sleep regression, a leap, and nightmares at the same time. Mine still gets a bottle at night if had asks for it. I have him lay down while I go make it. I take 15 mins or so, the go back to his room (we leave the door open and have a baby gate). Most nights he goes back to sleep, the nights he doesn’t he gets his bubba. I’ve always been a feed on demand Mom. If he’s hungry in the middle of the night, I feed him. As adults we sometimes wake up hungry and feed ourselves, so I do the she for my kids. His sleeping issues lasted just over a month and now he back to sleeping through the night for the most part. You need to do what’s right for your kiddo. My first had bubbas up until 3 at night before bed and didn’t have any issues with his teeth. We took him to the dentist and it was recommended he stop bottles and pacifiers. I made a deal that he could go to the store and pick out any toy he wanted but no more pacifiers and bottles. He gave them up without any issue. My 2 year old had already gone to his pacifier on his own. I don’t have any doubt he’ll give up his bottles when he’s ready.

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:heartpulse: I had to cut my girl off a boobie before she would sleep through the night. Give the big guy a water cup when he wakes. Let him know your there and comfort him. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: you’ll get there. It’ll be a rough week or so but after that it gets easier.

Put him in bed with you


It’s not just the bottle. My son has a sippy cup and wakes up for it. Both my kids have or had obstructed sleep apnea after my daughter got her tonsils and adenoids out she slept like a log! They have to be 35 pounds for the surgery so I’m still waiting for my 14 month old. I feel your pain mama he gets up quite frequently talk to his doctor about it they should be able to tell you more about why hes sleeping so crappy.

Time to ditch the bottles, also nothing but water after a night time brush to help prevent tooth decay.

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Make him throw the bottle away so when he ask for it remind him he threw it away… My brother did that with his son and it worked

Guys she didn’t ask about the bottle, the question is about sleep!! Following because my 3yr old, who IS NOT on a bottle and hasnt been since 10 months, does not sleep. Her dr put her on melatonin and it does not work. We are still trying to figure it out. Good luck to you, and I feel your pain mama!!

Ik everyone is bitching about the bottle but that’s not why. I honestly have no clue my son is 3 almost 4 and still wakes up (no bottle)

If he takes naps durning the day maybe shorten them and try to keep him very active during the day so he can sleep longer at night. Maybe talk to your dr about giving him Melatonin before bed. It’s all natural and will help. As far as any liquid during the night I would cut that too, but that’s just me. I think you’re giving him a reason to wake up. Good luck. 2 year olds are fun!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

And extra dose of Dimetapp before bed.

I’m kidding.


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The problem to start is a 2 year old with a bottle . Stop that TODAY ! It could be anxiety related could be uncomfortable could just be a routine . Kids do that unfortunately. But give only water at night in the bottle if you’re not ready for cold turkey .

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Sounds like the typical 2 year sleep regression. My 3.5 year old still doesn’t sleep consistently through the night. My 5 year old has slept through the night since he was 1. Every kid is different. She’s definitely a restless sleeper and we’ve done a half melatonin gummy some nights to help her wind down, but that’s not something you want to use forever and definitely need to talk to the pediatrician. Cosleeping is not for everyone; it can be a good short term solution, but if you don’t want to create a habit of him wanting to come to bed with you, you should try other options. (I know; I’ve been there and that’s a hard habit to also break!) offering some kind of incentive has worked for us sometimes with her and we just got one of those sleep training clocks to try so :crossed_fingers:my 3 yo definitely has the personality of idgaf so who knows if it will work :rofl:

Take that bottle away, he’s 2. Give him MEALS. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, supper, snack, bath, book, bed.


I would explain to him there will be no more bottles make out they are being collected by the bottle fairy for them to be given to baby’s and hes no longer a baby he’s a big boy do that in the morning first thing then use a cup during the day lots of praise for using the big boy cup!! he will wake in the night wanting the bottle but just keep putting him back to bed it will take a few days but he will give in it’s just a habit he’s used to hope it all works out for you Xx

Why does he still have a bottle at 2 years old? Thats the problem. He should be drinking from a sippy cup and not a lot of milk ,and eating way more solid real food. I worked in daycare and we started weaning the bottle at 10 months. They had to be drinking from a sippy cup before they went to the next room at 1. They did just fine.


Take the bottle away, he’s almost school age and he’ll be knackered if he’s constantly up and down in the night 5+ times to want a bottle. Just dinner, maybe a snack and brushing teeth before bed will get him in a routine for that’s all he’ll have for the night. He might winge for a few nights but he’ll be fine.

I even still to this day gave my girl camomile tea…i started giving it to her as soon around 1.5 years shes almost 6 now …its a great way to wind. Hyperactive kids down .call you dr first to confirm .

Take him off a bottle. He is 2 that could cause damage to his teeth. Get him into a routine for bed such as a bath book whatever. Tuck him in with his CUP. and at night try the cry it out way for like ten minutes at a time go in tuck him in leave again. If u dont have time for that then try lying with him the first time he wakes up get him to fall asleep and he might stay sleeping thinking you’re still with him. It’s always trial and error you just need to find something that works for both of you. It’s a process but you’ll get there! Good luck!

Yeah I had the same problem with my daughter just ignore the wake up and lay there they will eventually realize your not coming in to save them and they’ll lay down and go back to sleep you have to be out of sight I wouldn’t even go into his room! He will learn it’s hard for awhile But once you and him adjust everybody will sleep better

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There’s no reason why a two year old should be waking up in the night to eat! It’s more of a routine at this point. You’ve got to break that routine and start a new one! It will be a few hard nights but it will be worth it!

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Might not be the bottle. Maybe just wants Mommy.

Shouldn’t be using a bottle anymore

I raise my 2 year old niece and I bottle broke her before she even turned 2. She sleeps ALL through the night every night unless she does not feel good. It sucks to do but he needs bottle broke :pleading_face:

Wow, y’all are vicious! Babies self wean from breastfeeding sometimes as late as 4 or 5…I let all my kids self wean from their bottles/binkies and they still grow out of it no matter what you do, and with no lasting harmful effects. Each kid is different. I recommend cutting out naps completely, or trying to get them early in the day and cut them short if needed. My 2.5 yr old (still on bottles🙃) will nap 2-3 hrs and late in the afternoon if I let him. He sleeps much better at night if he gets his nap by 12 and is woken up 1-1.5 hrs in max. And make sure they run around a lot, and no sugar/fruit/juice of any kind after mid afternoon. My son has his binkie at night and sometimes wakes for one bottle in the middle of the night. 5 times a night is definitely excessive but hopefully is a phase that will pass. You might want to try sleeping in his bed if possible until he gets more secure and quits waking up looking for comfort so often.

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