How can I get my two y/o to stop swearing? He uses the f word when he’s frustrated or mad. He’s been swearing at daycare, and I feel like I failed as a mother! he learned that word from his father, but he’s been on the ship for a few months, so disclipining him has been hard. I tried pinching his bottom lip but stopped cuz it made him bled once; I tried putting him in time out, which angers him more, I tried frozen beluga whale meat (which he hates)(note that we are Inuit), but he’s in his terrible twos! Help.
You’re reacting too big. Just casually say “that’s not a nice word. We don’t say that.” You can give him an alternative. When my son was a young 2, he picked up “oh shit” which we told him to replace with “oh gosh” When he was closer to 3, he picked up “what the fuck” but had no idea it was bad. So I just told him “we don’t say that word” and he said okay. He used it a few more before he got the picture, but we never reacted big to either or else he would have tested us more or kept doing it for the reaction.
Kids that age don’t what that what they are saying is wrong. Here, you have admitted to physically hurting a 2 YEAR OLD, simply for saying a bad word. If you’re willing to hurt your child for swearing, I don’t want to know what you do when he does something worse.
You should firstly be reported for child abuse, as your son does not deserve to be pinched so hard that he bleeds and it sets a bad example for him that it is okay to be physically abusive.
He’s 2 years old, for goodness sake!! Wisen up!!!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my two year old to stop swearing?
You give him a new word to use and correct him when he doesn’t. Often times, ignoring it is best.
Where’d he learn it from? Children are like little sponges. They take in everything they hear.
The best thing you can do at that age is not acknowledge it. If they know they will get a reaction from you, they will continue to do it.
So… you (or his father) teach him the word, which he has no way of knowing is bad at two years old, and then punish him by hurting him or force feeding him for using it? Seems legit
Please dont pinch his lip. Dont do what you are not ok with him doing. Are you wanting him to go to daycare and pinching other kids.
shit I’d curse to if you pinched me and made me bleed. It is just a word it does no harm unlike pinching does…
You made your child’s lip bleed you need mental help. That’s awful. He’s 2 like smarten the hell up.
Just ignore it and move on like he said nothing at all. He may get more mad scream it and look for a reaction, don’t give him one. It will stop, when you take the attention away from the word
Yeah definitely don’t pinch his lip? That’s child abuse. When he says it, tell him “No, we don’t say that.” And be consistent. Don’t hurt your child over a word.
Ignore him when he cusses. If he wants something from you he has to state it without cursing too. Just do what you were doing and act like he isn’t present.
We gave our almost 4 year old hot sauce cause he kept cussing he slipped and said shit the other day we threatened hot sauce again and said no me not say it again and hasnt cussed since
Teaching him other words to use when angry and stop hurting him because of it. These punishments are NOT okay. Long story short yall taught him those words, you have to unteach it.
If he got no reaction it woulda just been another word
Are we just going to ignore the child abuse here???
I tell my kids “those are grown up words” and we move on
Um…. Have a conversation with the father and do not pinch your child? Lmao wtf is that…… sooooo many more ways to discipline.
Mine swears at home but never anywhere else. She knows she can only say those things at home. I’m ok with it at home #badmom when she slips I tell her, “aye we don’t say that unless we are home” or “only at home ma’am” and she doesn’t repeat it. Works for my kid but all kids are different. I remember being told if I didn’t make a big deal out of it she would let it go and move on.
Stop swearing around them
Swear words are so common these days. I think long as he is not hurting anyone with those words he’s fine.
Haha mine drops “oh shit!” When she’s excited. Which is weird since I’m a f bomb mom. We just tell her no do not say that till you are big and a mommy too lol. She laughs and we keep going with our day
My toddler went through this. So when I would say that word I started saying fudge or shiitake mushrooms. It worked cause it was more fun. Also don’t react. They usually do it for the reaction it causes.
Don’t swear in his presents he repeats what he hears !!!?
Who gives a schnitt?
Someone needs to call cps on you…
Are u out of your mind, pinching his lip and making him bleed from a word he learned from you and your man. Disgusting
I said F*ck one time In front of my daughter when she was about that age and it was a new word for her so she stuck with it because it was NEW. It took a while to break her from it , I honestly just had to to keep giving her better and fun words to use and she eventually forgot . At times she thought it was funny to say it anyways and for that she got in trouble . Just introduce your child to a whole bunch of new things and words . Correct them every single time and tell them that’s a bad word ! Sounds lame but eventually works ! Stick to it !
This whole post has so many issues. Did you really just say you pinch his lip & at one point caused it to bleed ??! Or force feeding gross food he doesn’t like ?? That’s the most insane punishment I’ve ever heard & especially on a TWO year old. Wtf
Ignore it.
But yeah, dont abuse him.
Redirect with a new word. Like I dont like my daugther saying “what the heck” so I redirect by saying “We don’t say that word Camila, we say WOW” My husband & I say “What the heck” a lot so we keep each other accountable. If we catch one or the other saying “what the heck” we call each other out. It starts with us. So far my daugther now catches us and tells us its not a nice word to say! so yes, they eventually learn.
You pinched his lips til they drew blood???
Stop saying bad words yourself… no need to lunch your son’s lip.
It’s only words. Relax
This whole post makes me cringe…… abuse isn’t really the answer tho.
My boy picked up a swear word from his dad also, his dad said it once, and he copied, I just don’t react, and say that’s a naughty adult word, use this word instead, the more attention you draw to it, the more they’ll do it, stay calm, and when he uses the other words you’ve suggested, give him praise.
Oh, for the love of God. He learned the word from home. And now you are pinching his lip (once to the point it bled, which is child abuse). Do you want him to go to daycare and hurt someone else’s lip? Because people in his own household taught him a cuss words and he repeats it now. Don’t force him to eat something he doesn’t like. That won’t work either. Explain to him why he can’t say that word, and give him other words he can use to describe his feelings or just to say in general. I swear people should have to take parenting classes before coming a parent these days because common sense is just too rare.
He’s 2 and he learned from you and his dad. You don’t punish a 2 year old by pinching his lip wtf is wrong with you? Stop talking like that and he’ll stop repeating it.
A) that is child abuse B) why would a mothers site be okay posting this?
Wtf @ the pinching
You need your kid taken off you
My 3 year old has started saying some choice words but i relized that i said them so thats why so now i try not swearing and he actually forgets they exist
Uhm, I’m sorry. I cannot slide past the fact that you just openly admitted to abusing your child. Sounds like you both could benefit from some therapy. My daughter had issues with expressing emotions. All she could express was rage and anger. Through occupational therapy she learned how to express emotions etc.
Ignore his curse word’s. Don’t answer or speak to him when he uses words you don’t want him to use. When he wants your attention then explain that those words are not to be used.
WTF IS GOING ON HERE? Ignore him!!! You making a big deal out of it only makes it worse and stop pinching his lips and feeding him stupid shit!!! I swear the shit I see on here!
Yoooo please don’t abuse your kids and call it “discipline” there are ways around hitting/pinching/kicking your babies
It’s a faze. If the cursing is used in the home then it would be a normal thing for him. No need to be ashamed. There are so many parents that go through this unintentionally. When he says the f word just let him know ‘that’s not nice’ in a non grumpy or assertive way. Ignore the ignorance of these comments with pinching lips, putting soap in his mouth or any violent methods. He is only 2 after all. We are not perfect but some of these people who commented seem to think they are or at least righteous in a sense.
So when I was that age if we used swear words we got soap in our mouths. Lava soap was the absolute worst. I’ve never had to do it to my son because he has VERY rarely slipped with a swear word and I rarely swear in front of him but it worked when I was a kid because we knew if we slipped and said it we were screwed. The soap was AWFUL.
Pinched his lip? What. Figure out another way to deal with him that isn’t physical punishment. Ignore the behavior or do a behavior chart with time outs as consequences. Tell the father to watch his mouth unless he wants to explain to daycare why his child is swearing. Goodness. Sorry, I just can’t wrap my head around this.
- that’s child abuse. 2. YOU NEED TO STOP CURSING AROUND HIM.
Does he get left out when he swears
You pinched your 2 year old’s lip until it bled… you have bigger problems than the “f” word.
Ignore it. It’s not that big of a deal. Don’t pinch your child because he learned a new word. Pinch who taught it to him instead.
This is abuse and absolutely disgusting in my opinion!!!you don’t pinch a child’s lip and frozen whale meat wtf did you ever think maybe he acts like he does because of the way you parent good lord what is wrong with people
The more you act like it is a big deal the more he will say it. Ignore it and stop hurting your child to make a point. He is TWO.
We call swear words “grown up words”, only grown-ups can say them. Don’t beat yourself up, and take a step back. Physical punishments rarely work, so I’d suggest staying away from that line of disciple. I have a tendency to let fly with the odd curse word here and there, none of my kids swear (even the adult ones) because I never made a big deal of it but made it clear that only adults that could use those words and even then they aren’t nice words to use. I would suggest ignoring it as much as possible but with gentle and firm reminders about them being grown up words. You’ll get there, just be patient and consistent.
Noooo love don’t pinch his lip! He’s only 2 he doesn’t understand!
You are abusing a 2 year old because his father taught him a bad word at an age where they parrot everything they see and hear?
It’s a phase, it happens. He will outgrow it. The more emphasis you put on it, the more he will continue to do it. I never have resorted to punishment like that for a cuss word. A toddler learns this from the adults, punish the adult smh
Why would you pinch your child so hard that he bleeds? Wtf does that? I’ve never pinched my son and that I’d not discipline
That is abuse.
Yall need to stop saying bad words. He’s copying both of you. Be responsible! When he says a bad word… then tell him that it’s a bad word! Explain why
Hes a child… Be the parent !!!
So, I like to make a big deal out of saying a silly word so they’ll say that instead… Rather than hurting my kid.
Disgrace! 2? Only repeats what they hear! Just bloody ignore it and offer nice words! Wow
My 2 year old daughter swears all the time too. I do time outs and word redirection as well as letting her know it makes me sad and it’s not nice to say bad words to people. Umm… pinching a child and making them eat beluga meat is out of control.
We tell our daughter she can’t say those words because they are adult words. And she is not an adult.
I cuss all the time my son said shit I never made a big deal about it and he stopped. I still cuss but it not fun for him cause I don’t react. And the other moms already covered the whole child abuse topic so I don’t need to go into that.
Do not pinch your child……
I’d be swearing more too if my mom was pinching me! (Which she has growing up and more, only made my behaviors worse) So step 1 is stop physically punishing your kid!! Second, don’t react when he uses it. He knows it gets him attention. But it’s okay to say like “I know how you feel, but you cannot use that word.” Find a safe replacement.
To think I’d ever pinch my children hard enough to make them bleed. What the fk!!??
It is literally WORDS. That you admit he has picked up from his father.
Let’s not ABUSE our children for WORDS people. Disgusting.
If you ignore him or even when he says it say that is a ugly word he will stop
please take some parenting classes. this isn’t how you deal with a 2 year old.
Well my mom scraped a bar of soap on my bottom teeth. Said a dirty mouth needed washed out. After the second time I was good. Good luck
You abused your child for cursing that he learned from his father😒 and he is two!!! You need your lips pinched as well
No pinching (EVER) or disciplining while you are angry because that is how children get hurt physically and psychologically….
Quit making it a big deal he will stop I promise, ignore it and walk away.
Well at two years old they repeat anything they hear so it’s really not his fault he says a word his dad taught him. Just ignore him and for Christ’s sake… don’t pinch your kid. Especially until they bleed??
Make him take a bite of hand soap and chew it. He won’t like it belive me
Whattttttt my 2 year said the fuck before and I’m like no babu we don’t say that, that’s not nice not once ever I ever harm her for learning a word thag wasn’t good from us… that poor child
They don’t come auto programmed to say those words I would try to limit his exposure to it there’s not a lot you do with a two year old but he will forget it if you don’t pay attention when he says it and he doesn’t hear it
Yea yall lets give her cool new ways to abuse a baby that don’t understand why… Wtf
I ignored him when he used those words. And he stopped. He’s now been 2yrs swear free lol…I found that when u was addressing it and telling him to not say those words. He thought it was funny and did it for my reaction. That obviously wasn’t working… so I started ignoring the “Word” and he stopped! Now he’s old enough to know better
Soap on the tooth brush works but At 2 yrs old maybe notn
How about I pinch ur lip until it bleeds
We taught our kids there is 2 types of swearing…
Swearing in frustration or anger is ok
Directing the swearing at someone is not ok
Like we both swear and majority of people on the street and in schools swear so no matter what they will learn it they just need to be taught right and wrong
you make your child bleed over a word? can’t some of these posts be reported to somebody for investigation? I’ve seen some awful posts but this one is one of the worst. Poor baby doesn’t even understand why his mom is causing him pain.
Explain to them that the f word is only okay if they are paying tax😱
My son says shit and is grammatically correct with it too. I’ve been saying oops instead and he hasn’t said it in awhile. Have to be careful because they pick up quick and if you react to it, they will do it more.
Along with everyone else that’s said it, why would you pinch your child so hard that it causes it to bleed?!
Monkey see, monkey do. I have a 3 yr old and my husband used to be a lot more loose lipped before he became of age and I put a stop to that real quick. We don’t cuss much around here regardless but I think people who swear a lot sound ignorant in first place.
They aren’t stupid, you can explain that you don’t say those words because they aren’t nice words and keep saying that. There’s zero excuse why a 2 yr old should be running around places saying the f word all the time.
Well since everyone is criticizing you. I’ll try to give you advice. Since you are Inuit have you taught him about the great spirit and ancestors. My grandpa was Quapaw and we learned early on that your ancestors and the great spirit is high and mighty. You can say he’s watching and that ugly word is a disgrace. You can start taking away important things when he says it and also try letting him know why it’s bad and that only adults say that word.
Spank his little butt and send him to the bed. Or wash his mouth out. A spanking will not kill him.
Probably missing his dad, talk to him about the happy times with his father, show him his dad pictures, when he says the bad word say something happy to him
So you are abusing your 2 year old for something he was taught by his father?? Sounds reasonable. Now you’re here looking for new and better ways to abuse your 2 year old bc the other abuse didn’t work?? Do you do those things to your husband when he swears?? No?? Just to the innocent 2 year old?? You suck!!
When i hear my son do it. I stop and tell him no. And that he can’t say that word. I tell him its a bad word and he stops. I watch what i say so he doesn’t mimic.
Ok maybe….just maybe….and hear me out ok??? Lead by example don’t want your kids doing stuff? Don’t do it in front of them….don’t let them hear it on tv videos or songs…and for the love of god quit pinching your kids damn lip you abusive turd nugget. He’s two…redirection is a great tool…abusing your child however is not.
Just leave it alone. To him, they’re just words. For anyone, they’re literally just words. And I wouldn’t do anything unless he’s calling someone a bitch and knowingly doing so.
chikdren learn from who they are around. proven fact. PINCH YOURSELF , PINCH YOUR HUSBAND! DON’T TOUCH YOUR CHILD!!! GOD IS WATCHING and listening.
times have changed!
I feel sorry for the chikdren. they don’t know what the hell is going on when it’s okay YOU CUSS UP A STORM . and they are only following the ppl THEY LOVE
What in the world pinching and beluga meat where did you learn this from put him in time out he’s not supposed to like it that’s the point my daughter started to cuss and use a phrase she is to young to use and time out worked after the third time she learned her lesson
Why the fuck would u punch ur fuckin kid ur disgusting
I ignore my daughter when she says it. If that doesn’t work I just calmly tell her we don’t use that word and she stops
You should be positive that your kid is using the word at the appropriate time. Very smart