How can I get my two year old to stop swearing?

Where does he hear it

If someone pinched my lip and made it bleed, I’d say fuck too :woman_shrugging:

Maybe try pinching his dads lip till it bleeds and tell him to watch his mouth and language around toddlers. He’s 2 they repeat anything and everything at that age. Plus he most likely doesn’t even know what it means, all he knows is that dad uses it most likely when he’s mad so there you have it. Be nice to your child. They don’t know any better. Its best to ignore the language and he’ll eventually get over it.


Ignore it. Stop swearing in the home, car, store, limit adult tv for kid free time. Child picked it up from one of those options he didn’t come born with it best of luck

Ffs just ignore it…and keep ya hands to yaself… pinching his lip?? what’s wrong with you lady!!!


We can be so innocent in slipping up on words ourselves like stuck in traffic the obvious word is the F bomb I learnt to make fun of words like oh firetruck instead of the F bomb

Pinching his lip till it bled… WTF :grimacing:

All you moms saying not to do anything are the reason we have so many bad ass kids running around. Discipline your children, because when you are done with them society has to deal with them!

Omg you did not just say you pinched your baby’s lip :cry: girl no we don’t do that and you want him to stop I would stop pinching him first because we just don’t do that that’s a ashame and my heart just broke for that baby :frowning:

Worried about being a bad mom because of a word that you’re giving attention to…but not worried about borderline abusing your kid. Seems legit.

Make a “swear jail” anytime he swears, he had to put a toy in “jail”. He gets it back out with good behavior. Explain over and over that it’s a bad word and he shouldn’t be using it, although I do a lot so I feel like a hypocrite even saying that :woman_facepalming:t3: he’s still little so it’s going to have to be repetition with him. If anything, try teaching him a different word, or coming up with one together that he can use when he gets upset that won’t offend anyone. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing to say a certain word while frustrates


We give our kids too much power… take control of the situation and tell your 2 YEAR OLD that this is unacceptable… correct the behavior around him and fix it. Gotdamn what fucking world are we living in!!!

He’s 2. I never abused my child for cursing. I found it funny. Only cuz he is mine. And of course was 2. Pinching him never. I let my child say what ever he wants. Only time he is discipline is when he does something wrong. As of now my 4 year old has been well behaved.

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I think I know who’s post this is. Talking about getting butthurt over someone’s opinion :roll_eyes:

Ummm he’s not a puppy wtf.


Pinching his lip I’d child abuse. Stop it.


Frozen whale meat ? Are you effing kidding me.
Sometimes I SWEAR these things are a fricken joke!

First off, I don’t think this mom was purposely trying to make the child bleed. And I’m NOT sorry, but most people now and days are too soft. My parents didn’t physically “abuse” me, but you can bet your ass when I cussed at a young age, my mouth either got soap in it, and my mom popped me in the mouth, back handed with all her rings. One time she did make me bleed a little. Of course she felt bad for making me bleed, but it sure as hell got me to stop cursing. And you people/mothers need to stop shaming this mom. She’s clearly trying to do better and she obviously felt bad for pinching her sons lip to where he bled, AND stated she’s no longer doing that. Instead of completely shaming this mother, and telling her she’s such an awful mom and that she’s just abusing her child, and needs CPS called, how about actually, oh I don’t know? Being actually HELPFUL and offer another helpful suggestion. You may not agree how she was parenting her child, because everyone has a right to their own opinion, but Jesus Christ, being a nice human being and offer something useful. Not hateful. There’s enough of that in this world.
Also, when I was going through a biting stage, and biting everyone, after multiple attempts and different ways of my parents trying to redirect me to not bite, nothing was working, but you know what DID get me to stop biting, my mother BIT me. Yes! My mother bit me as hard as I bit her! It was the only time my mother ever had to bite me because after that, I never bit a single person afterwards. And guess what? When my 2 year old when through his biting stage, after my husband, my parents and I getting multiple bruises, I finally had enough, and nothing we did to redirect to get him to stop was working, guess what I did? Yupp, that’s right, I bite my child just as hard as he bit me. Guess who never did it again after? My son. But I don’t abuse my son, and he’s very much loved and taken care of. It’s called “tough love.” So you all can get over yourselves and your mom/parent shaming.

As for this mom: Mama I stand with you, I can see why you tried pinching your child, and I can tell you felt bad when you accidentally made him bleed. Like a couple other actual nice/non shaming mothers have suggested, I would also agree that you could try soap in the mouth, talking to your husband about not cussing around him after he gets back, or a “swear jar” where he has to put a toy he really likes away, something of that sort. Or a good ol pop in the mouth. You’re not a failure as a mom, I can tell you care about your child, and you’re doing the best you can. I’m sorry that others would make you feel any less. But don’t listen to them. Keep strong mama! :muscle:t2::fist:t2:

My husband taught the toddlers in the house(ages 5, 3 and almost 2) that the only ones who can swear are the ones who pay the bills. Long story short, they understand a lot more than we think they do, the kids are our grandchildren and we are kinship placement for them and the 3 yr old told the therapist that papaw can swear because he works and pays the bills. Explanation and simple punishments work better than physical discipline anyway, for time out we make them stand with their nose towards the wall with their hands behind their back so they’re not fiddling and actually thinking about why they’re there. Also consistency is key.

He’s a child. You don’t hit or smack him he doesn’t know any better.


From one mom to another, I want fight you for pinching that baby . :unamused::woozy_face:


What is wrong with you?? He literally doesn’t know it’s a bad word, he’s 2. He doesn’t know any better and you’re ABUSING him, not disciplining when you pinch him. He’s following who he loves. Way to be a teacher. Maybe you should pinch his father for teaching him that.


Use a different word when he or you or his dad say f*** my mom used to say ah french toast when we were young because I was bad to repeat… My kids have said a few words also just say no we say this and not that


Whale meat and bleeding lips…lady, don’t have any more kids until you learn how to treat this one, holy shit.

There is no such thing as terrible 2’s, maybe it’s your attitude or vibe…

Hes 2, he has no idea what hes even saying lol u didn’t fail as a mother, every kid does it lol just do what u can to keep him from hearing it and don’t acknowledge it at ALL, nothing positive, nothing negative, literally not even a side glare or anything, absolutely no response or reaction, he will stop before long. The bigger the reaction he sees it causes the more often he’s going to say it
If it makes u feel any better I had to pick up my 2yr old cause he called a little girl Pussynuts :joy: he too got that word from his father. Not only did I have to pick him up but I also had to explain to the teachers and staff what a pussynut is and I could do was say idk that’s his father’s word LOL and I didn’t discipline him cauae like I said he was also 2 but he never said it again that I’m aware of


I would redirect…which is commonly used in preschools. So if he is saying the f word try correcting him saying you mean fudge…lol … or shut the front door. He is 2 and doesn’t understand what that word means.


Doesn’t anyone know what love is? Cuddle him. Tell him a story. Let him know you are sorry for hurting him. BUT let him know how important it is to not use bad words even if Daddy does. Please talk to your husband and how important it is to use proper words. Words that are not acceptable elsewhere shouldn’t be used at home. That’s a responsibly the Dad should be at the head of ( and Mum when Dad isn’t home). And what about the Lord Jesus Christ? Is His name used as a cuss word? Y’all got problems. Treat each other with respect and the boy will follow. Treat God as He should be treated. He loves you You love Him. Accept Him as Saviour and ask forgiveness for all the sin and He’ll forgive you. Jesus wants to be Lord of your life. Read John 3:16.


Aside from the obv of dont ever corporal punishment again because you clearly dont know the difference between discipline and abuse… You need to try the ignoring it without encouraging route… But honestly just fuckin wow.

I wish i could slap you through my screen!!!


Every time my child or children has cussed they are grown up words and not to say it so now when your daddy says it he says those are grown up words not to say it that’s what I did with my children occasion when he sweats up but not that often I’ll keep reminding the child it’s growing upwards


My son is a year and a half and pinches/bites/and hits. I have tapped his hand while firmly saying no and even then I feel terrible. Couldn’t imagine pinching his lip till he bled. That seems awfully hard to be pinching. Explaining to him why you don’t want him saying the word is the best route.


This post can’t be real surely

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An old wool classer once told me you can’t teach a kid not to swear you need to teach them when not to say it I get how frustrating it is I have 5 that do it they pick it up on the street,at school and other family members once he’s taught when not to say it it will be so much easier


Marina Button this makes me so sad for the poor little boy :sob::sob::sob::sob:


Holy crap woman, you don’t physically abuse your child because he learned a word that was probably normal language he hears. You talk to him, say we don’t use that word. Consistently CORRECT him, not hurt him and force him to eat disgusting food. That’s abuse!!


Try a good throat punch next time. Should solve your problem. :woman_shrugging::crazy_face:


Ignoring these people who are saying you are abusive because of a pinch, id try getting your husband to say other words such as fudge or something else. Soaps an option as well. Know its not much but hopefully it helps

And dont feel down because all the these random asses on the internet are telling you its abuse

Don’t acknowledge it

He will be fine just ignore it the more you give him attention for the word the more he will say it


You pinched your 2 year old kids lip so hard it bled?..


You could either ignore the sentence all together or acknowledge the emotion attached to the word. “Are you upset?” “Are you feeling angry right now?” Soon instead of “fuck it” it’s I’m really angry right now.
Adults only know how to handle emotions at the best of times and usually it’s handled with a “Oh Shit!”
It took me ages to stop my then 2 yr old saying Oh shit. But within 6months he started re phrasing. You’ll get there, they will grow out of it.

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My 2 year old has said f***, dam***, sh**, you name it she said it. I just keep telling her we don’t say those words and eventually she has calm down and saying them sometimes she’ll say I’m here and there but not as often as she was I just keep reminding her that we don’t say those words

Your child literally is not equipped to express his emotions. Using physical punishment is not the way to go. What message does it give if you cause physical harm over him saying a “bad” word?
If you’re going to pinch him and make him bleed over this, what will you do if he does something else, like if he were to smack you or another child in frustration?
I don’t believe in the thought process of “you hit someone so let me hit you back as punishment.” Call it spanking all you want, but how can you expect your child to learn to communicate properly & appropriately if even you as an adult can’t explain to your child why you shouldn’t put your hands on another person.

  1. that’s a parent problem, not a child problem. 2) if you would like your children not to cuss, try telling yourself or your man not to use such language around the child. 3) kids will be kids. They pick up legit ANYTHING they hear. Confront the issue, tell them no, ignore it, move on. Mom of a 9 year old here, and I hear plenty of it because of what he’s picked up at grocery stores, friends houses, etc. Best advice is to keep on, keepin’ on because unless you bubble wrap and sound proof said wrap, they repeat whatever they hear.

i swear some of these people forget how they were punished as children. if i swore i got cuffed in the mouth, spanked, put in the corner, grounded, lost toys and privileges or had my mouth washed out with soap. my 2 year old swears he gets 3 verbal reminders, 4th one gets a time out, if he does it again he gets a small quick light smack in the mouth and explained to why that word is not used, at this point he apologizes and it doesn’t happen again until he forgets and slips up again usually days later. it’s a punishment not the end of the world. She probably just has long nails and accidentally punctured the skin, toddlers are small I’ve bruised my kid grabbing his arm trying to stop him from falling before and felt horrible after, she said she stopped doing it after that and probably felt really bad. :roll_eyes:


Teach him new words to say when frustrated


When he says it just say another word to him… like fork, fudge, flip… if you say your word after him one day he’ll forget “f$&k” and probably say your word… worked for me when mine learned “shit”:woman_shrugging::joy:

Why dont you stop cussing yourself first! Hes only repeating what hes hearing moron


Mine picked up oh shit around 1 1/2 wasn’t quite sure if he was saying it I honestly ignored it hoping he was trying to mouth out something else he finally turned two in may but a few months before he began to word it perfectly to instead of saying oh shit! I’d let him know what he isn’t saying is nice at all and I quickly correct him to say oh my! Or oh snap! I don’t use these words around him he is in daycare he could have picked it up anywhere but him being two years old and just learning his emotions and words and testing his boundaries there is times we punish and times we need to talk to them explain and just constantly correct with another phrase he hasn’t said it since after he turned two every time I heard oh shit I’d yell the other phrase to him and just tell him what he said at first wasn’t good. I understand your trying mama! But try to never touch the face when punishing a smack on the butt or the hand or a pat on the thigh but the face never this is your child we need to respect them we can’t always be our parents when it comes to punishment I’ve learned this

This world is crazy. Discipline is a MUST. Kids used to get the belt, flip flops, shoes, soap in their mouth, etc. But now a days parents are labeled “abusive” for it. Amd look how these younger generations are turning out, amd we wonder why. Cuz we are failing to properly train them. Pop your childs mouth every single time they say it. LOVE IS NOT A LACK OF DISCIPLINE


You’re pinching his lip until it bleeds? WTF! Stop punishing him!!! He learned it by example. It’s absolutely stupid to punish a kid for doing what he’s taught by a parent. #2 he’s TWO. He’s not going to understand punishment. All you’re teaching him is to conflict pain on those he loves or are smaller. Don’t you fucken get mad when he starts hurting you or others. You’re teaching that. Making him eat disgusting food? SMH All you’re teaching him is to be mean & that don’t love him. #3 it’s just words. Don’t react to it. You’re only offended because society taught you to be. Don’t let it offend you. It’s a word! My advise to you is to take some child development & parenting classes. You obviously don’t know much about a child’s development or how to parent. I hope someone calls CPS on you. Purposely hurting your child over a word. Stupidest parent reward goes to you. Yeah you FAILED HIM. Not because he swears. Because you’re abusive. I feel bad for him. He deserves to be loved.

Savannah Cheyanne Burlison

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LMFAO !!! this whole comment section is full of soft ass parents relax people she pinched her child i bite mine wen he’s not behaving lmao :rofl: o god call cps on me i’m horrible

With my 1st I put the tip of my finger on the lid of tapitio hot sauce & she never said a bad word again. With my 3rd, she’s super girly so all I told her was if she goes to school saying those words she will get in trouble & that princesses don’t say bad words & if one hears her say those words they won’t allow her to be one


Explain that he can’t use “adult words”,explain adult words and he hopefully will listen.

#1) the word “fuck” isn’t a bad word. Its stupid for people to still keep acting like its soooo bad
#2) why don’t you pinch your own lip and make it bleed. Thats HORRIBLE over a word thats not even that bad. Grow tf up :woman_shrugging:t3: if it isn’t derogatory, which fuck is not, then don’t correct it. :woozy_face::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

Jesus everyone acting like she intended to make her kid bleed and calling it abuse. Are y’all the same ones who claim spanking your child is abuse as well? Just curious. Especially when y’all aren’t in her household or watching her do it and are assuming the worst of this woman. Point me in the direction of the “perfect” parents here id LOOVVEE to see some.


you’re supposed to ignore it not physically and mentally abuse them

When he says it correct him by saying “don’t say that word, say I’m mad, instead.”

My mom used soap. It didn’t take many times I’ll tell you


Shot cuz! Nice words :heart:

Belt usually works as a correctional device.


Ignore him when he says it, don’t give him attention. He will learn other words and say them. Like ‘ouch’ ‘that hurt’ ‘owie’

When my daughter says bad words I just say excuse me and ask her to repeat it and I give her the look and if she does she gets popped and I ask her again what she said and she says sorry mommy. It takes a good ass whoopin in my opinion. This kids today arw becoming so sheltered they get offended by the smallest of things. We got an ass whoopin when we were little and we are just fine. I’m not saying beat tf out of the kid bu any means. But the “soft” parenting doesnt work for every child. You are the mom and as long as you arent leaving bruises all over him and you are still doing what you are supposed to as a parent you are doing fine. Asking for help and getting bashed for knowing you messed up isnt fair. We arent perfect

You have to ignore it when they curse. As hard as it is :joy:

Wow I can’t believe what I’m reading from OP and the commenters. Yes this is 100% abuse, you’re pinching a 2 year old? I’d love to pinch you! My son went through this phase you have to tell them it’s a bad word and don’t react again. You don’t pay it attention after you say no bad words and he’ll stop. Don’t lay your hands on a baby who’s just learning to talk.

I learned ignoring it made it a less fun word and he stopped in a few days. He wasn’t getting my reaction like he wanted.

Rofl we practice freedom of speech in my house and my kids (almost 2 and 5) can use whatever the EF word they want to express themselves …the oldest knows he’s not allowed to curse at anyone or outside of our home and our youngest is learning the same (emphasis on learning lol she’s barely 2


So…. Dad been on the ship a few months and he still saying. Quit abusing your two year old and teach him. I don’t care what culture blah blah… you put your business on FB you get feedback


I mean don’t put your hands on a child like that, unless you want him to start getting physical and aggressive, as well as cussing. I understand children need guidance and redirection, but if you’re child is getting inured from it, it’s not okay :ok_hand:


Your not a terrible mom for all the ones above :roll_eyes:. You just need a different softer approach. He’s probably using it because he knows it makes you mad and it frustrats you and he can see it so he knows he is winning this battle that’s pissing you off. Try either ignoring him. Use a softer voice approach maybe give him an adult but kid word he can use of his own when he gets upset…

Tell me you abuse your child without telling me you abuse your child.


My 2.5 year old repeated the F word this morning after hearing his dad. I just didn’t laugh and told him those are not words we use. I also said the same to his dad. Hoping he doesn’t do it again as he’s so young and innocent and they only repeat and do what they see. I’m also from the north

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As I wouldn’t exactly pinch my childs lips and why would you pinch so hard to make them bleed??? I would just say no! No bad words! Just say that word hurts people.

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Replace the word with truck! Thats what i did for my godson when he was that age and as long as i repeated it everytime he said the f word, correcting him as if he was saying the word wrong, he didnt think he was being punished and shortly after started just running around saying truck at everything.
Which in my opinion is 20 times funnier than a toddler screaming the f word when hes angry

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What happened to soap in the mouth!?!? Or better yet hot sauce!?!?!


All of my kids have gone through that phase just don’t pay attention to it they love the reaction

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At two years old they do not understand fully what they’re saying. Mine is a little parrot who repeats everything constantly. But that doesn’t mean they realize what’s a “bad word” and what’s a “good word” just yet-they’re still learning. Any time mine would say a “bad word” we would repeat something similar constantly to distract him with. For example if he said the F word, we would distract with “Truck.” Toddlers are in a bright stage of learning and I do not agree with disciplining them physically when they say a bad word. They’re still too young to fully grasp what’s wrong with a certain word, especially if they’ve heard you or someone else say it around them. They’re just kids! Just because your toddler is saying a bad word does not make you a bad mother, but physically abusing them when they do not understand what they did wrong does.


I put my kid on time out, when the timers done, i remind him why he went on time out and explain theres more good words than bad ones. Good job for example, or please and i love you, i need help, and as you go, your little one will come up with other good words he knows… it becomes a fun way to introduce right and wrong. My son says Im a good boy I say good words. Its so cute and very positive. It works for me. Sometimes he wants to be uiviittuk and swears and I put him on time out. (2 mins because he is 2yrs old, and as long as he stays in that time out zone, he can scream, yell and stomp all he needs. As long as he stays in that zone for two min without leaving it, im fine. I ignore him and continue what i usually do which is usually cleaning. The time out zone is right in the middle of our apt so he is really still amongst us but doing his time on time out zone. If he leave that zone I put him back and restart the timer and make sure to be simple and clear, “Youre on time out because you said a bad word” Stay consistent and be patient. :sparkling_heart:

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Best advice I’ve gotten was,ignore it.He wants a reaction and by you reacting,he’s doing it as a game…


mom and dad can say anything they want but children can not adults can do what ever they want but children can only do what they have permission to do bar of soap Works but best tactic is fake spanking where you clap your hands together making as loud of pop as you can But barely bumping there bottom with the back of your hand while using stern tone of voice worked with my kiddos they never had a spanking that physically hurt them but the tone of the voice and the sound of the hands clap they thought they were getting spanked the only thing that was hurt with my hands from clapping so hard to make loudest noise possible


With my son we stopped making a big deal and didn’t react when he said them… after a few times of not getting a reaction he stopped saying them… he is now 5 and gets on to me if I say one lol​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Ignore. The bigger deal you make of it the worse it gets. Lol. My granddaughter is 6 sometimes damn or shit pops out. Her mom tells and cusses back at her. I just say Viv if you slip your other papa will get mad or if you slip at school you will get in trouble. Ok grandma I’ll try. Lol

My daughter is 2 also and she started swearing when she heard me say it a few times. What’s worked for me is not acknowledging it. When I tried to correct her she thought it was a game. When I ignored it she stopped saying it all together

Wow your abusing your child… why the hell are u pinching a 2 year old let alone hard enough to make him bleed??? Your trying to force frozen beluga whale meat on ur child? I’m pretty sure if anything u have issues because everything u just put down is child abuse!!! U don’t put ur hands on a child, u need to not make a big deal when he swears becuase majority of kids go through that phase and they will out grow it just remind him it’s not acceptable but don’t harm him!


How about you & your husband clean up your language!!! Wash your hubby’s mouth out with soap & anyone that uses bad language in from of your two year old baby! He is a sponge soaking up every thing you say! It is abuse to pinch his lip!!! Do you pinch your hubby’s lip? All you are doing is confusing your baby!!! Shame on you, remember parents don’t say any words , you don’t want your baby saying! Clean your own mouth before hurting a baby for repeating parents words!!!


What fucking Neanderthal pinches a kids lip until it bleeds?

Change the influences in thier life


There were some slip ups and of course my son picked up some words anywho we started saying different words like oh sugar fudge

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Well for 1 pinching his lip til he bleeds is pretty harsh. You had to use some serious force for that & will only piss him off more. My 3 yr old cusses cause I do. But since I been trying to not do that he also hasn’t been saying it as often… don’t be hard on him he’s 2 figuring things out. Whatever he does is because of you & his father . So y’all need to buckle yourselves down & do better. We ain’t perfect but we got to do better them babies are watching everything. & Please for the love of the kids please take them somewhere safe so you can get it together. I’m tired & sick of seeing mother’s hurting their babies or killing them. Cause I know how it gets, go outside for a sec to cool off give little dude some cartoons & something to drink & breathe!

So I sware like a sailor in my children have never said it I’m Just because you don’t believe in something does not mean its abuse. Pinching is not abuse. :person_shrugging:


Seeking counseling and therapy please.


Put soap in his mouth


Stick my finger in a bottle of vinegar and then on his tongue. He swore once when he was 2. Did this and he hasn’t sworn again; he’s almost 9. Now that he’s older I use this method when the back talk won’t cease.


He doesn’t know what he is saying. Say bad word. He don’t know the meaning of it. Hurting him and doing lord knows what with the meat isn’t the way to go. Pay him no attention when he does it.


U pinched his lip? Tf. Go to parenting classes, u suck

I swear in front of my daughter. All the time. We just explain to her which words are adult words that kids can’t say, and she doesn’t repeat them again. She’ll be 3 next month, and said the f word for the first time over a year ago. And her first word was dick(repeating me, of course. Lol)

Ensure that no adults use bad language. They are little sponges that learn from the people around them.


Maybe try talking with him and explaining why the word is improper then give him a fun or silly word to say in place of it. Your child will feed off of what you give them so if you give them no advice, no explanation, no way to change their behavior, or no way to grow then nothing will be changed.

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