My six year old daughter may have gotten lice from school. I have not had the time to look as I’ve been super busy. If I do find lice, what are some ways to get rid of them. Also, what do I do about school I should keep her out until it’s gone right? Then what about the kid who gave it to her. Wouldn’t they just give it to her again??
I’ve used tea tree oil, then comb it out.
Only thing I found that worked
Their not something to put off! They spread like wild fire and if you don’t take care of them asap they can be very hard to get rid of! My kids just got lice from a local game place and a small fortune, 3 treatments, tons of laundry and daily combing we got rid of them, but their terrible
Id bring it to the school attention, i know where we live the school does checks themself and calls the parents of the children they find lice on, also white conditioner put on the hair dry anc combed out with a nit comb will help alot depending on age of child
U need to report it to the school so they can do Lice checks on the kids. Also but the rid shampoo at your local drug store or pharmacy . Wash all bedding and stuffed animals. Throw away brushes combs. Hair ties too. Wash hats clothes every thing you and child had close contact with hair. I feel like I’m forgetting something but I’m sure other people will comment on here.
Wow seriously your daughter might have lice but you’ve been to busy to check and find out for sure
Drug store lice treatment and do it asap! You can’t be too busy to treat your child’s head. You can’t let her go back to school usually until someone in the office checks her head.
Licefree spray worked great for my daughters hair
Call the school and let them know about the live and you need to start treating it now. Nothing else matters. We did mayonnaise and vinegar hair washes. Then got lice shampoo the next day. Washed her her with it every day till there was none left
Yes its a constant battle do her hair real good and wash it with tree tea oil especially if she has long hair it is hard to get rid of you have to be diligent and definitely inform the school she was exposed at school so they can check heads
Try pure mayonnaise! It works!!
Maybe the mum of the kid that gave them to her has dealt with it promptly
But you weren’t too busy to post on Facebook. Doesn’t even make sense.
Anyway…the ONLY way I got rid of it with my daughter was heat. Blow dry her hair every day AND flat iron it. I tried everything else on earth and this was the only thing that worked.
Here kids aren’t allowed to go to school with lice, or rather they aren’t supposed to. I used the RID lice spray treatment. They have one for hair and one for furniture and carpets. Get both. Launder all the bedding too. And tell the school, so they can do a lice check for everyone else! That’s what my school did when someone came and started spreading it. Anyone who had it had to go home until it was gone. Seriously how have you not made time for that?? It’s really not something to put off. Those buggers multiply like CRAZY.
Do you brush her hair? A quick look by the ears and back of the head while doing so is super easy and takes about two minutes. It’s a shame that you’re not concerned to look especially since she is attending school!
You will have to be on top of this it takes time.and work but u can get rid of it
How r u too busy for your child?
Everything that is cloth material needs to be washed in hot water, or put in a black garbage bag, tied off for two weeks (stuffed animals, bean bag chairs ect). Lice and a pain to get rid of, especially if they have laid eggs. Loce treatment and a fine brush or see if you have a place near you that gets does treatment. Loce like CLEAN hair, I would recommend hair in a pony with hairspray.
If you are not too busy to be asking how to get rid of it then u obviously have time to check your daughter hair…
Too busy to check?! WOW
Replace all of the hair brushes too!
If you haven’t put 2 minutes in to check your child for lice I doubt you’ll put in the work it’s going to take to get rid of them Enjoy your new bug friends Poor kid
My mom always did mayo
Tea tree oil and listerine
Call the school. Have them check all the students in there class. Or have them send home a notice for them to check there kids over.
Tea tree oil shampoo
Call your pediatrician and wash her hair
Spray every thing with lysol before she leaves for school fix her hair then spray it it with hair Spray and fluff
Get that stuff its like Nix or Rid and then buy the rosemary shampoo you’ll find it right next to it at the drugstore
It’s a white bottle with red lid and they have a shampoo and conditioner and a detangler
Put tea tree oil afterwards.
My son has long curly hair, and he got it 2x in 1 week when he was in tk I was pissed but we got them out
Vaseline mixed with tea tree oil and a shower cap over night 3 nights in a row thats what my mom did for me and my sisters
You had the time to make this post but not look through your kids hair? Lmao parent of the year award goes to you sis.
Maybe this person needs to be reported if she is to busy glad it wasn’t and emergency since to busy poor child
Here’s what you do. Straighten her hair. Use your hot iron after combing her hair. Put the comb in alcohol or some sort of solution while you bath her. After shampoo, let her conditioner soak then use a lice comb in the tub. I would drain the bath and turn shower on. Comb out conditioner while asking about her day and what she learned to distract her. Rinse her hair out then get her dried off and wrapped in a towel or something. Then comb again, dry and straighten. Comb it out ever day! For a week, solid. I ran a straightener through my daughters hair for a week. Also, tea tree oil in her conditioner. Just a few drops will prevent lice from being interested in her clean hair.
Could have checked in the time it took to write this. “Been too busy” how pathetic.
You should look or you’ll get an infestation
Yup sure will. And nowadays they are “not allowed” to send any kids home or notify any parents of it because it can “cause bullying”.
Soak her head in mayo and sleep overnight with a shower cap. Wash everything in super hot water. In the morning wash out the mayo and add some tea tree oil to her hair. Check it now dont wait! It can affect your whole family and when the school finds out, your daughter stays home until its gone!
Lice is like stop what your doing an take care of it. They have shampoo at the store
Vinegar! Then lather her hair in conditioner the acid usually kills them, then they can’t grab on to the conditioner, but you do need to be prepared to this is timely thing, with each process, and by the sounds of it you haven’t got the time to check your child’s hair yet you post it on here, how do you know it wasn’t your kid that gave another headline if you haven’t been checking?
There’s Nix treatments. I’ve done those and then followed with an overnight coconut hair mask the next day and it’s done great! Using a rosemary or tea tree mint shampoo helps to keep them away
Usually I don’t comment if I feel some type of way about the post. But… How in the world will you have time to read the hundred replies you are about to get, if you can’t take 2 seconds to check her. I mean if you check and shes good, all these people are wasting their time giving you advice.
And you are wasting all this time to read all the advice. When you could simply take 2 seconds to look.
This is so silly.
My grandma smothered my hair in mayo. Wrapped in grocery bag and sent me to play. Don’t forget to clean or get new brushes.
Mayo, tea tree oil, wash all the bedding in hot water and shampoo the carpets. And most school require a note from the doctors office or the school nurse has to examine her head.
take the time to look and ask your pharmacist!
Maybe she’s on her work break. We don’t know… judgemental people. So encouraging
vacuum everything and do laundry while the shampoo is in hair
I don’t understand how you had time to write this but not time to look after the well being of your child. That is sad. Your priorities are in the wrong place.
Licefree Spray. Spray until hair is completely drenched, let fully air dry… rinse it out. tada!!! Easiest thing ever. Works really good. Wash and dry on high head all bed linens and soak brushes in boiling water for at least an hr to 2 hrs
You need to kill all the bugs but you also need to get all the nits out or you will continue to have problems with it. You can use anything that has an oil base to it to smother them and a nit comb to get out the eggs. It is time consuming. You will have to check again in a couple of days to make sure they are gone. You also need to wash all the bedding and put any soft toys in bags
We will get muted the amount of comments will be just as many and her poor daughter has lice not to mention anyone else living in the house.
My kids school don’t allow u to keep them off school they want them sent in lol but tea tree is good for them
I remember everyone in my class got it when I was young. They have several different lice shampoos at Heb or Walmart. I remember my grandma used mayo too. That was absolutely miserable.
Call the school and tell them so parents or the teacher can check every kids hair! You don’t have to mention ur kids name if you choose not to but they definitely need to be made aware! You can just tell them the teachers name
Pour original listerine on hair until it’s soaked through. Then wrap head & leave on for 2 hours. Rinse with vinegar, wrap again for 2 hours. Comb out nits after washing hair with hot water. Use coconut shampoo with a few drops of tea tree oil from now on.
Look near the crown of her head and back of the neck, lice are likely to be in the warmest spot. Many times you won’t see the live lice but mainly the eggs, this is the important part, it’s easy to kill lice but of you don’t get rid of all the eggs, you’ll have a never ending cycle. Pick out the nits, treat her hair with approved lice shampoo, and keep her hair up!. Once she is treated she can go back to school.
Use RID Lice treatment. Wash her hair, blow dry and straighten every night for a week straight. Use tea tree oil shampoo. This works every time!
Unfortunately for schools, they are not allowed to send a student home for lice because it does not disrupt them from school work. What I would suggest is writing a letter to the office letting them know and the teacher should make the families aware in that class to check their kids head as well. You can check to see if you can move your childs seat for the time being.
Also make sure you talk to her about not sharing hats and what not with other kids. Also what I did was kept my kids things separate from the others. Lice can’t jump but they can crawl over to the next coat
If your to busy to check idk how your going to be able to do what it takes to get rid of them because it takes time and effort to get rid of there’s lice shampoo you can get at drugstores pharmacies Walmart and you use that to kill the bugs but that’s the easy part it’s easy to kill the bugs but it’s the eggs you need to get out because those will hatch make more bugs and if you don’t keep up on combining to get those out you will get an infestation lather conditioner in her hair and comb and comb while in bath or shower helps takes the eggs out but also you can use anything that’s like greasy oil sheen spray some kindA grease baby oil you put in her hair to help comb and come and helps slide the eggs out and you can use tea tree oil to prevent getting them again in shampoo or there’s a shampoo called fairytales that you can get that she washed hair with to help prevent getting them again
The amount of judgement in these comments are pathetic. Everyone talking about the amount of time making this post. What about the time its taking yall to judge and be rude instead of actually offering advice. Its obvious to everyone including her that the child head WILL need checked. Pretty sure the main point of the post was the steps to take afterward. I hear “it takes a village” an aweful lot but rarely every actually see it nowadays.
Buy the Nix kit can buy at Walmart or any pharmacy. Put all stuffed animals and bedding that can be removed in the dryer on high heat or if they can’t be dried out them in the big trash bags and tie it up tight for 30 days (idk if it has to be 30 but thats what my mom did lol) spray ALL beds, couch, chair anything soft with the Nix spray. Wash with the shampoo then use the comb to remove any eggs. Also send kids if daughter to school with a pony tail or braid WITH hair products like hair spray. Lice prefer clean hair they don’t like hair products braids and pony tails are harder to get to the scalp. You will be ok!
Lice Away Spray works AMAZING!! It’s kills the bugs & it makes the eggs come out super easy. You just spray it in dry hair until it’s saturated then let it air dry, you don’t have to wash it out. It works way better than Rid or Nix. Afterwards use tea tree oil in her shampoo to keep them away
You need to wash all blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, spray down couches and beds or it won’t go away even if you get rid of it in the hair
The only thing that worked for us was tea tree oil and coming the nits out with a metal lice come every day. There’s also a tea tree spray you can spray in their hair to prevent
Omg!!! You boil wash every item of clothing jackets bedding cushions towles i actually washed toys teddys every single thing in my house that had material furnishings i even go as far as curtins emptyd wardrobes washed clean clothes matts the lot belong to everybody in the house treated everybody in my house everyday 4 3 days straight kept out of school i actually nearly died 1nc my daughter got um n i swore never going true that again u hover every where n every morning since she gets sprayed with diluted teetree oil i steeped brushes in tee tree oil n trun out every gogo hairband clip n weekly check with a fine comb ever since i no im over the top but they spread so easy i was itchy 4 a loong time with the thoughts n even now thinking of it uv got this teetree is a repellent also sometimes use dettol behind the ears Xx
In the time it took u to msg this page u could have checked her hair
Um, lice is pretty invasive and could spread in your home. Busy or not, stop what your doing. Even if you don’t see anything you need to treat her as if you did. You have to treat and take the time to pick out and comb out nits (eggs) one by one. It takes hours. Repeat in a week. You have to wash all linens in hot and dry hot. Replace brushes. Dry all stuffed animals. Spray living room furniture. Vacuum and spray rugs.
Nix treatment: once now and then again in 5 days. It comes with a nit comb. Use it. If your child has long hair you may need a longer tooth nit comb(can be bought at the pharmacy) there is also an electric nit comb that you can buy that literally zaps the nits as it passes through the hair. You NEED to nit pick, if you don’t know how or what you are looking for there are youtube videos. Every day. No matter what. Also you need to vacuum. Couches, her bed, carpets. Anything that can be washed in the washing machine, curtains, bedding, pillows, clothes, toys, wash on hottest setting possible and dry in dryer( stuffies can be place in pillowcases to prevent scorching the fur). Anything that can’t be washed can be placed in air tight bags for 7days to 2 weeks( garbage bags tied and taped with duck tape) or put in the freezer for 72 hours. Make sure you dump your vacuum in a bag and seal it with tape.The key is to nit pick and retreat. As for re-infection, make sure hair is tied up AND sprayed with a mixture of water, tea tree oil and mint(fill a spray bottle and add 10-20drops of each) this can be used as a spray as the child is going out the door to school also(almost like freebreeze). You can buy tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner but it can be pricey, with my little ones(15 and 12 now) when I purchase new shampoo and conditioner( of my choice)I just add the oil to it, shake it up and its good to go. If none of this works you may be dealing with super lice and may need a doctor’s perception. It takes time and patience. Hang in there momma.
Get a big conditioner from a dollar store even. Get tea tree oil . Mix it in . Use that to smother the hair . Let it sit . Then use the comb . Do not use sheets . Use a pillow and preferably a sleeping bag . Vacuum the floors every day. and vacuum the mattresses when they wake up. But since there more likely to come out at night get your child to lie down for 5 mins and then get up and vacuum. Also bag every drawer. Everything off the floor .bag all blankets . If you leave a room for awhile come in and sit wait for your head to get itchy and plop more conditioner with tea tree oil on it . It is a long process .
You’ve been too busy to check for lice but you can sit on your phone on Facebook making a post about it. Yeah makes sense. Not.
Can use Olive oil or mayo…use Fairytale shampoo or tea tree oil in hair from now on…or just hair spray every day in hair…to prevent lice from now on. Wash everything…bedding…any stuffed animals or pillows she has been around since the infection…
My daughter had it all the time during the school year because her best friend in class had it consistently for years. I would get rid of them for the entire time she was out of school only for her to have them again a few weeks after school started. She is super tender headed with extremely fine hair and it was hard brushing them out. It got to the point where after she had it and I had gotten rid of them like 10 or 15 times I got pissed and treated her hair with the super lice shampoo with tea tree and cinnamon oil mixed together. Unfortunately it irritated her scalp and skin for about an hour and a half but it killed every bug and knit in her head and she hasn’t had them since. Which is almost the entire school year this year.
Get a hot iron and use it on their hair, then wash everything
When my daughter was younger we used Licefree. It worked great you spray it in let it dry. Wash it out then comb the nits with the lice comb. Wash all sheets, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals. This worked better than Nix or other like brands for us.
Only thing that i found to work was to saturate with hydrogen peroxide and let sir for 5 minutes. Shower and repeat, washing hair as normal. Lice comb to get the eggs and any that haven’t come out.
Imagine being so bored with your own lives you have to go out of your way every day to make horrible comments on a mom group specifically for help. Ignore the girls who nit pick what you said instead of grasping the bigger picture. They feel the need to tear people down to there levels . They can’t help it🤷🏼♀️
No time to check your child’s hair? It takes 2 seconds.
You should definitely check that right away. You do not want that to get out of hand.
If you’re to busy to cheek your kids hair you need to figure out your priorities esp bc it spreads to other kids
I think what she is saying is she hasn’t had the time to look at hear child’s head multiple times a week to catch them from the start and now she sees some, so she’s assuming they came from school, since it has been a bit since the last check. She just wants wants know the best way to get rid of it. wow
You “women” are catty and mean as hell. Lord knows you must be perfect and have every second to dote over your child.
Gtfoh. Give her advice or stfu🤦♀️
Not everything is conveyed properly through text and social media, so give the hard working mom a chance.
Shave her head is probably going to be the only option since you were not on top up it. Bag up and burn all.your bedding, clothes etc
Let the school know definitely. All the chemical shit doesn’t work I recommend Mayo, conditioner, shit even oil itself & soak the hell out of their hair and leave it on as long as possible,overnight with a cap on if you can. Then with a lice comb(a must) go part by part (smaller the part the better) brushing them out & then straighten it with the same technique, part by part making sure to get the roots. Since you’ve just been leaving it alone do it to your & whomever else’s hair that’s in your home as well because you just never know. Clean everything & run clothing, sheets etc through the wash twice on hot/warm if you have that option. Seems excessive but it’s so necessary! They can be such a pain to get rid of that literally missing a few will bring the whole lot back due to them breeding quick as hell. Don’t let her have her hair loose when you send her back to school either keep it to a bun/ponytail.
Do not shave her head unless absolutely necessary. That’s a last resort
Put all things in dryer, linens, blankets, stuffed animals. Wash everyone’s hair in lice shampoo, then go through and pick out all eggs.(if you do it in sunlight you can see them better) spray all furniture including car with lice spray. Then repeat the process
How are you too busy to get bugs out of your kids hair?
Don’t forget to throw away any hair brushes (or sanitize) that she has been using and wash all of her bedding, pillows and anything that her head touches on a regular basis and use the hottest setting. Oh and don’t forget any hats that she may have been wearing. You will also need to wash any stuffed animals that she sleeps with. All of those things may contain lice eggs which can cause a reinfestation.
I’ve dealt with lice on many occasions. I have two girls. When they started grade school it seemed a monthly thing. I buy the equate brand lice shampoo. Just follow the directions on the box. You’ll get a comb with it but it’s not good to get the nits out. You need a comb that has the teeth close together like the one in the picture. It’s important to get all the nits out after you wash the hair. You also need to wash your hair. Wash all the bedding and vacuum the floors. Get the lice spray or the bedbug spray and spray mattresses and couches. You can put stuffed animals and such as that in a garbage bag or those airtight bags you suck all the air out of and if you can put them outside away from the house for thirty days. If you’re unable to wash all the bedding or clothes put them in a garbage bag outside. It may take a day or two to get all the nits but make sure you comb her hair out everyday till they’re gone. I know this is a long post. Try not to get overwhelmed. Hopefully she don’t have them and if she does hopefully they aint a lot of them.
Who says my child may have lice but I’ve been to busy to check how would u like if u had bugs crawling in ur hair smh mother of the year right here unbelievable I have really heard it all get urself together for real!!
Best thing i found was hair straightener. Wash all things that are fabric. Straighten her hair every day until the lice is gone. Comb with lice comb to. Also its something you need to check asap. Its gets out of hand fast. I didnt treat my hair after treating someone elses i just wasnt thinking about mine bc i had my hair up but anyways i kept thinking it was my new shampoo that was making me itch… na it was lice and i liked to have never got it out of my house.
Most of you are so catty the world needs less negative not more. Geez
You haven’t had time to look? Then you will have the time for the whole household to become infested
You’ll need to inform the school so they can send a letter home to parents incase there is an infestation at the school. The only thing that helps my daughter is nitwits. Honestly it’s best to check over her hair everyday after school that way you will be ontop of things if something does end up in her hair. Best of luck.
After you get rid of them I spray in my kids hair a solution I mixed and made from k4-3rd grade now she has real long thick hair so it’s always worried me. I get a spray bottle like a old detangler one after its empty fill with water put in 17drops of peppermint oil you can get at walmart the essential oil kind. Spray daily when going to school or around kids it’s worked so far and hopefully stays that way.
You can contact the school and let them know that she has lice if you can confirm it however I personally know from someone that had this issue last year that they cannot do anything at the school unless a certain amount of kids in the classroom have it.
As far as getting rid of it you have a couple of options you can use RID, there are also places that you can go and they will clean them out of your child’s hair. It’s kind of pricey and from what I understand everybody who’s in the house has to get checked because they don’t want to do the process of cleaning out the child’s hair come home and get reinfected from somebody in the home.
if your child has stuffed animals put the stuffed animals in a plastic bag like trash bag and leave them there until everything is done with.
I personally win my boys had it when they were younger I shave their heads and then bought new pillows. my boys are teenagers but I have a 5-year-old little girl with long hair and so far we have not had any issues but what my parents did for me when I was younger since I had long hair once they went through it with a comb or whatever if you decide to do it at home treatment they would braid my hair and put it in a bun because it’s hard for lice to penetrate hair that is so close to the head like stuck to your head.
Definitely sit your kid down and I would sit underneath a bright light or have somebody shine a flashlight on her head and heart her hair so you can see her scalp and you will be able to see them moving because they tried to run away from light.
What’s more important than lice… disgusting.
In the school district I work in, we do not send home kids with lice. We can notify the parents and describe what we see (can’t diagnose lice). It is up to each parent if they pull their kid or not. Some people pick up their kids and keep them home, some don’t.
Soak her hair in olive oil and cover it with a shower cap overnight. It smothers them. Worked for my daughter
RID to get rid of it. And my older daughter use to get it. I got rid of it and started putting some tea tree oil in her shampoo. Shes NOT had it since
Soak hair in baby oil rinse out … won’t come out all at once but it will also keep lice away and any eggs that hatch will die Bc of the oils in hair.
stares in CPS again, but harder
Speak to the pharmacist they have treatment kits