The only thing I use is Lice Free. The kit with the gel. It is a miracle worker! It kills the bugs and nits. Then comb them out. It also has a shampoo in the kit to repel lice as well. Make sure to wash bed clothes. Spray furniture and such.
Use nit shampoo and comb every day for 10 days. Lice have a 3 day life cycle so combing every day gets rid of new lice that have hatched. Also keep her hair tied up and try not wash it during the school week as they find it hard to grip onto greasy hair.
Some of the women on here damm. so judgy and plain nasty.
Use the rid shampoo, wash all bedding. If you have more kids wash them and their bedding. Do a good job or else you may get them again. Oh yeah, wash yourself and significant other as well…good luck
Blow dryers create enough heat to kill lice and their eggs. Blow dry everyone’s hair for a few minutes a couple times a day for a week or so AND THEY WILL BE GONE, 100%
No need to treat the house! Lice live on warm bodies and anywhere you’ll re-contract it from you will probably do so during the week that you’re blow drying your hair, thus killing all ongoing infestations.
This works every single time. I have personally done it and have recommended it to many others who have done it as well.
It’s literally the miracle cure for lice. Cheers!
Heat treatment is the most effective
This stuff is awesome…then comb comb comb. Rid has a spray for furniture, high heat in the dryer for pillows and blankets and stuffed animals. I’ve also used jumbo vacuum seal storage bags for the big stuffed animals that I couldnt wash and I didnt want to spray her toys with the rid. Make sure to use a high quality comb. the shampoo can be used daily, I would comb my daughter every 2-3days and dont give up. As far as the school goes they cannot actually prevent your child from attending but they recommend no school until after treatment
Conditioner plastic bag. 45 mins rinse in cool water blow dry
Call the Dr and ask them for prescription lice treatment. Buy a good lice comb, and comb,comb,comb. Check the comb after each time and run it under water. Squeeze any live bugs you find. You will need to pull the boys out with your fingernails and squeeze them as well, or out them in a ziplock bag or flush them in the toilet… Vacuum every hour, and everything. Be sure to empty the vacuum and take it to the trash right away after each time. Don’t bother washing stuffed animals just throw them away and the pillows. Make sure to buy the spray and spray the mattress and the couches. Have the child sit in one spot until it’s all gone. Treat everyone in the house not just the child. Wash and dry the sheets. Dry everything on high heat for at least 30 minutes. Clean the cars too.
As far as school notify them. My daughter’s school does not notify anyone unless someone kn the same classroom has it. Even then they don’t send the kids home🤷♀️ nasty I know. You have to keep your child home until all the lice and nits are gone.
To be honest last time my daughter got it I shaved the under part of her hair completely and cut the rest to look like a bob. It actually looked really cute. And she said she liked it because it was much cooler (she has very thick hair)
You just have to be consistent. And retreat every 7-10 days. I go a little overboard and do it about every 5 days just be safe… I don’t use the same shampoo for the second treatment though, I use a different type.
You must make sure you are coming everyday. And going through the hair in small sections every day.
If it looks like dandruff but it sticks to the hair when you try to move it, it’s a nit. do not leave it in the hair!!!
I understand about being busy, but you definitely do not want to put this off. The sooner you treat it the better. Good luck!
How are you to busy to check? If I saw my kid it hung their scalp I’d drop everything and check.
Lathering your hair on Mayo and wrapping it in a plastic bag or soemthing overnight ! My mama did this for me and I had the thickets longest hair out of all my siblings and it worked great!
Get a lice treatment and comb from the pharmacy and wash EVERYTHING
I believe they sell stuff at the drug store that you use to get rid of it.
We got love in my school in 5th gradeit was terrible!! Unless the school is taking precautions, like not storing any kids bags/coats together, not letting kids get too close, and getting rid of any bugs in the class room, they’ll come back for the rest of the year…
Make sure you comb her hair really good after the treatment. Also get this spray and use it daily. My daughter got it a few times from school and I started using the spray and she hasn’t got it since.
Lice picks are important
It’s your CHILD with bugs on her HEAD. MAKE TIME. She can’t go back to school until it’s gone. Bag every stuffed animal & pillow in the house tight for 30 days. Wash all linens in hot water.
Ok, how do you not have time to check your kids head? Make time!! The longer you take, the more risk you’re taking that you’ll end up with it too!
Don’t wait any longer, they can get bad! And you will probably have to do more than one treatment. My daughter got lice this year and we had to do 3 treatments on her hair, had to strip bedding and washed that and all her clothes (jackets, toques, back pack) stuffed animals and pillows in hot water. I also vacuumed her bed and all the carpet in the house… bagged up stuffed animals and stuff that she hardly used and left outside. Lice can be very hard to get rid of I learned… I would recommend doing a treatment on every one in the house also.
I was taught from a young age how to remove headlice and eggs myself from the head and using olive oil. Wash everything or else she can get them back and I mean everything
Havent had time the longer you take to deal with it the more eggs will be laid and hatched causing an infestation!!!
I check my 2 school aged girls hair EVERYDAY and treat it weekly.
You will find time when you get them I bet
Go to a Lice Clinic in your area and have them de-lice her. It comes with a guarantee usually for like 60 days. Yes, you have to keep her out of school until they’re gone. Have the teacher inform all parents that a child had lice and they need to have their children checked and cleared before they come back to school.
Nothing in stores worked for me i literally spent 6+ hours picking each bug and not out with tweezers
My daughter had it once. We bought lice shampoo and the comb from walgreens. We washed her hair with the lice shampoo and used the comb for hours getting every bug and egg out of her hair. We washed all the sheets, blankets and linens in the house in hot water. I went through her hair every day for a few weeks after to make sure it was gone. She used a tea tree oil shampoo after that and a leave in tea tree oil spray. I also put her hair up every day and told her she cant ever share things like hair ties or she could get it again. That was probably 2 years ago, haven’t had a problem since. It was a hassle but if your very thorough you should be ok. The longer you wait to take care of it, the longer it will take you to go through her hair and get rid of it.
Look ive learned this a long time ago u. Take olive oil mayonaise throw you a little bit of apple cider vinegar and mix the hell out of it in a mixing bowl u take it dose u hair with it and wrap it in a bandana are a plastic bag overnight. The next day u wash it all out in the hottest water u can stand then heres the trick lemon juice let set two hours then wash and condition as you would regular them little prisky fucks be gone
Ok so besides the time thing… yes keep her out til it’s gone there is no telling who gave it to her for sure unless that kid is also out of school, the school will prob check heads before the kids are allowed to come back. Now for the treatment they sell “nix” at Walmart for head and bedding just read and follow the directions. 2 of 2 of my kids got it I caught it earlie with my daughter and was just able to shave my sons head washed blankets sprayed the bedding and did mix in both their hair and that was it. (It’s not that easy for everyone though) I grew up constantly having it so I knew what I was doing
In some areas there are services where they will do the de-lousing for you, but you will still have to deal with your house and check the rest of the family.
Im not gonna bash about the time it took to make this post but, it takes about 45 seconds to check a kids head lol. Treatment will take a bit but get a comb, make a few parts, check by ears, neck and crown. Thats it.
Tea tree oil. Mix 5-8 drops with shampoo and wash 2/3x week or 3 tablespoons coconut oil to 1 teaspoon tea tree oil and apply for 30mins. My daughter will be 7 and not once had lice
Guys, I dont think the bashing on the time is relevant in this post. Kids get lice, it happens, might have been at school, the park, a store, who knows? Try an over the counter lice treatment and make sure you do it again a week later. Comb out all the eggs. There is also a lice repellent shampoo that will help them not to get lice. But also blow drying and straightening the hair does actually help because that dries out any eggs or lice that might actually be in their hair that you missed. Good luck mama!!!
Denorex coal tar shampoo. Leave on 5 minutes and then rinse. Works the first time!
Gold listerine. Has to be the gold. Can be generic. Soak her hair in it for 10 minutes in a shower cap and wash as usual. Repeat at least once a week for a month. Pic the eggs out so she can return to school but the listerine kills the bugs and the eggs. When my children were younger (all adults now) the school here was infested with lice. It was the only thing that worked. It is not harmful like all the otc and prescription meds and even tho it’ll smell like listerine, it’s an astringent and is actually good for dandruff too. You also have to wash all her bedding, spray the furniture and your vehicle with the lice spray you can find at Walmart. Also, hearts flea and tick furniture spray works. We fought it for years. Every school break we’d get rid of it, the second they went back to school they’d get reinfested. To prevent reinfestation you can put tea tree oil in your regular shampoo. Lice don’t like tea tree oil or peppermint oil. They like clean hair so don’t take it personal and feel like you’re not cleaning her hair enough.
Wash condition hair and use hairspray
Try Vamousse mousse and Licefree spray at walmart. Those are the only 2 things that have worked for me and they are safe, no chemicals. Afterwards, buy tea tree shampoo/conditioner to use daily. It repels the bugs.
Do a serious deep clean of your home, especially her room. Bag up stuffed animals for about 2 weeks (I did it for a month), wash bedding and clothing in hot water and dry on high heat. Vacuum and remove dirt container immediately after.
Get a lice spray for carpets, furniture, mattresses, upholstry, etc. You can even try bug bombs, sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. Do everything you can. Lice are a pain in the ass!
Good luck!!
The best thing I used was hair dye never seen them since. I know it seems drastic but I tried everything for two years n dye worked first go. I used the same colour as her hair so not noticed… there are also hairdresser that specify in head lice if you ask around.
I used coconut oil. SATURATED my daughters hair in it and put a Walmart bag over her hair and left it for a couple hours. It suffocates them. Then washed it out, blow dry, (the heat also kills them) and comb with a lice come.
Are you shitting me?!
You haven’t had time to look?! Just shave her head…
You obviously don’t have time to deal with it right?!
Coconut oil, shower cap, hair dryer on hot. Have her sleep in it over night and comb through with lice comb.
You better stop being busy. A child with head lice is a high priority situation. Smdh
Goodness, you haven’t checked, because you are too busy? Found the time yet to read all the replies. Ill save you some time …
These are all excellent treatments.
Big w , Priceline Australia you can get Shampoo for it as well ever day after work or school . If you do not have time ask for help like close family or friend can help u out .
Good Lord, you’re “too busy” to look?!
This is your child!
Oil…vegetable, olive coconut…you pick it. Saturate hair from root to tip. Like seriously saturate. Cover with shower cap. Leave on your head for a couple hours or longer.
Lice will suffocate and die. Repeat if necessary. Rinse and shampoo, condition. Comb thru hair, removing dead nits and eggs left. Blow dry high heat, look thru hair again thoroughly.
All these moms shaming other moms! OKAY KAREN we get it your MOM OF THE YEAR! Seriously she’s asking for ADVICE…!
The best tips I can give is-
Vacuum everything then dump the dirt immediately, spray beds with lice killing spray, vacuum the beds after spraying, bag up all the stuffed animals for 2 weeks, wash and dry all bedding, jackets. Everyone in the house uses the lice shampoo. Ask your Dr about Natroba. When you pick through your daughters hair get a bunch of clips or hair ties and section off hair in about 1 inch sections. Pick through each section for eggs thoroughly.
After you get it treated send a plastic bag with your daughter to school with instructions that her belongings (coat, backpack) be put in the bag each day. If everyone in the class does this the headlice problem will be cut by over 70%.
I’m going to skip over the “too busy” part because a child needs help desperately- but that was really infuriating to read.
My daughter had lice several years ago in elementary school she has thick, long, curly hair I wasn’t very happy about it lol
I covered every strand of her hair in mayo wrapped it up in a bag and let it sit for 6 hours. I washed it out with tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner and went through her hair with a fine tooth comb, magnifying glass, and bright light to ensure I didn’t miss any eggs. I made sure she had something to watch or do while I did her hair because it took a very long time. Then I smothered her hair in mayo again the same way in mayo and wrapped it in bag again (to not only ensure suffocation of the eggs and bugs but to keep it from being messy and uncomfortable) she slept with it like that, and I did the entire process again (washing with the Tea Tree Oil shampoo and conditioner, using the light, magnifying glass, and fine tooth comb…) I gave her head and my fingers a break for the rest of the day then when she was going to bed I did the mayo again, went through her hair the same way after and I never saw a bug or egg again.
I learned they like clean loose hair so I kept her hair up and with lots of product in it. They also don’t like scents like peppermint and tea tree oil so I used those as much as I could too. We have never had a problem with them again
And you better get on this or you’re going to get infested.
I go through my four girls hair EVERYNIGHT without fail. Pop them in the bath/shower pop conditioner in their an comb through it. Also spray my girls hair with Tea tree oil every morning before school to keep them out. Head lice needs to be kept on top of at all times takes one nit to start an infestation
Wash everything leave it in tightly closed garbage bags after the dryer ,
Keep them closed for a few days
For the people being absolutely rude. I picked my daughter up from school early as we had a dentist appointment on the way there as I WAS DRIVING. I seen her scratch her head. We got to the dentist and she did it again. But no I’m not looking for lice in my daughter’s hair I posted this while waiting so I can be in top of it and bam u guys have nothing but rude comments and theory of me being a bad mom. I also put her hair up every morning with t tree oil in it to keep her hair healthy and hopefully safe. So take a minute and be a adult before jumping to negative thoughts.
I use to get headlice so often as a child but when in high school I was always straightening my hair I would recommend straightening hair with heat source after a treatment to kill any eggs left on the hair strand
Make the time to check your kid! And yes no school until they are gone
We just dealt with them at my house they suck
Wow straight neglect!!!
Some mothers nowadays , have a lot of times to be on the telephone and they don’t pay attention to their children .
Nothing should be more important then regularly checking your child’s hair for lice!
Their is a spray that repels them when or if you send her back but do notify the school they used to go through and check everyone in the class and send home the one that had it to get treated I unfortunately got it often until my mom found the repellent you spray in right before they head to school
Our school nurse had us get this and put it on their hair as a hair mask. Leave on overnight (bag it). Make sure to comb ALL the nits out. Do not send to school until they are gone
Cetaphil face cleanser. Cover the head with cleanser. And put something over the hair overnight. Wash out in the morning. It smothers both live lice and eggs.
Spray to clean couches, car, rugs etc. that cannot be washed.
Wash everything you can in hot water and high heat.
Anything that cannot be washed bag and put up for a minimum of 6 weeks.
Repeat after 2 weeks by looking thru hair.
Take a deep breath. It happens to everybody at list once and trust me lice attach better to clean hair so don’t feel bad about it.
First, You need to let the school know so they can see who else has lice and so their parents can give them treatment. Second you need to go to the pharmacy and buy a lice treatment. Read it well and follow instructions. The key is combing the hair really well with the special comb making sure you get rid of all the nits ( tiny white eggs). Third you need to wash all your blankets and linens with warm water, and buy the lice spray for forniture to spray on couch and anything that can not be washed. Vacum rugs, couch, carpet… And at last if you have a hair iron use it on your little girls hair for a couple of weeks. The heat from the iron will kill the nits that you might have missed and prevent them from hatching.
Yep, it’s going to be a lot of work and you should go through everybody’s hair at home because chances are you or some other family members already have them too and are also going to need the combing and treatment. You got this mom!
Wow your to busy to check your daughters hair??? Can u say neglect, wtf u need to check her hair right away they multiply within seconds if not taking care of right away! U realize as long as it took u to post on here u could of already checked her hair
This wont help get rid of it but it can help prevent it! Put tea tree oil in your childs shampoo! It helps!
wash kids hair with lice treat ment and go threw it with a comb and wash carpets , iv put plastic on mattresses stufed animlas in bags and make shure kids aint using no ones hats , jackets are hair bows at school
If you know there is a possibility of lice then look at her head. Nobody is too busy to maintain their child’s health and hygiene
Comb comb comb until you see no eggs or lice, and repeat every other day for a week
Wash your hair thoroughly l
You don’t have the time to check your kids head, but yet you’re here posting about it?! Girl you’re a special kind of stupid here’s an idea, why don’t you put the phone down, check your kids head, and do your job! Go buy a treatment and flat iron your kids head! Jeez
I used tea tree oil shampoo and my girls never got it even went it went around the school.
Okay let me tell you u few things. Its all about TIME… you gotta put the meds in her hair then while u wait the 10 Min go to her room and wash everything if u have stuffys then u bag them for 1 week. Then u wash the meds out and go thru every inch of her hair this will take hours trust me if she is sleepy let her fall asleep in your lap spend lots of hours pick everything out. Treat your house the next day. Check her head every day… then u put tea tree oil in shampoo wash head every day… if its real bad put Coconut oil in hair everyday and braid hair each day!
Not only use shampoo you get from pharmacy…
You have to vacuum everyday…couch chairs as well…
Bag all stuff toys…in plastic…
Wash all bedding… including blankets…pillows…
Use special comb…
I’m not sure what country you’re in but we had a huge lice problem that went on for months. I’d tried all the fancy expensive shampoos and nothing was getting rid of it. Each time I sat and combed it out they’d go back to school and come back riddled. I even got it and found that the only thing that worked was pine gel… I smothered it on thick and we all sat in the sun until it was dry and then washed as normal and used loads of conditioner and then put coconut oil in and combed them out with ease… Any time I thought they might be back then we just repeated the process. It also doesn’t help if the school doesn’t clean their carpets and so on very well and if you don’t get rid of them on clothing and bedding and in the car on on couches and everything…
Many home remedies, Coca Cola, manyaise, etc., just google it.
Make them sit with oil in there hair for half hour. Suffocate them bugs. Brush them out. Keep repeating and picking until gone. Also bag all stuffed animals and bedding and wash everything.
Coat the hair in Mayo and wrap it with plastic for an hour or two. Then rinse it good! It suffocates the lice. Use tea tree shampoo and conditioner. And there are sprays for backpacks etc.
Bag up stuffed animals for two weeks. Put the bedding in the dryer on high heat if you can
I’m just coming on here to apologize for all the mothers who for some reason think they have any right at all to judge your parenting…Wow! Whoever runs this page needs to check the comments a little better. Way to lift people up ladies!
Combing and normal shampoos don’t help unless you’ve killed the lice and eggs with a special shampoo. Every minute you delay she could be spreading it to you, and the rest of your family. Notify the school too. They need to start checking all of the kids!
I don’t have time to check for lice, but I made time to ask on Facebook and then scroll and read 300 + comments I would be in action mode the second I THOUGHT there’s a chance. After treating it I could see maybe asking for advice or something bc it didn’t work or whatever but this screams laziness. Sorry, not sorry.
There are lots of options. My daughter used to get these like crazy in elementary. How I found out is one time she was scratching alot like not just a little scratch like none stop want to pull your hair out scratch. We seen one fall out and that was that. She can tell the difference between Dandruff and their bites now but it took alot of trial and error. I used so many things but what worked best is a metal comb and rid x. 2x in one week. Took forever to go through the hair but that is what has worked best for me.
Well damn remind me to never ask a question so many “super moms” to good to just give advice and not be condescending cunts🙄
Mayo her hair leave in for 2 hours rinse with vinegar then comb the nits out with a fine tooth comb. Make sure you wash everything not just in her room but the living room any where he head could have had contact with. Or put it in the freezer for 24-48 hours. This is what we always did and it worked. It takes hours but worth it.
COVER hair in vegetable oil and put a bag over it for a night and wake up and comb them out over a bathtub or sink
Not too busy to post on fb though. priorities!!!
Best comb is the one pictured then I wash hair with teatree shampoo and cover in the same conditioner, 99p each then section the hair off and comb through. Once you’ve done that, wash the conditioner out then put a leave in spray on overnight. Damp hair and comb through again the next day. Obviously hot wash anything you need too.
Mayonnaise and you have to make sure you get the eggs and everything
This is the best comb to use.
Put mayo on the hair and wrap in plastic. Leave for 1 hr then wash. This kills lice and eggs. But then whole house needs to be treted. As for classmate who gave it to her. They will be kept home til clear. And yes your child stays home til clear
I don’t know where you’re from but everyone from around here just buys the solution from a chemist or supermarket and follows the instructions. Funnily enough it works everytime
I’m not gonna read all of the comments to see if someone posted this, but after you get rid of it they do have preventative spray that is like a leave in conditioner. You can get it at most places like CVS and Walgreens
How do you know she wasn’t the one who gave it to whoever else? Clean hair is a breeding ground for lice. Slather her hair in mayo, bag it for 30 mins, rinse and done. Wash all like stuffed animals, bedding, and you can even get lice bombs for the house.
You can get head lice liquid and a special comb. Seem to work for us when we were younger.
I would start by buying a nit comb, wash your childs hair, leave in the conditioner and go through it with the comb, by doing this if there is eggs then there easily slide off, wash the conditioner out and blow-dry and straight hair and then go back through it with nit comb, also I use to use tea tree shampoo and conditioner when my girls use to suffer from them, apparently nits don’t like the smell and and it did really work, make sure you go through your child’s hair every day and wash the bedding frequently too, hope this helps x
I used a prescription from her doc called NATROBA. You put it all over her hair. Then after her hair is saturated you start the count for 10 minutes. After the ten minutes she rinses it out of her hair. Then you need to section her hair and run a very very fine tooth nit and lice comb right after she rinses it. The one with the red handle and metal teeth worked great. Make sure it has the short fine teeth because that is the one that gets the eggs and nits out. You can buy it on Amazon. Maybe even Walgreens. Just make sure to repeat the process again after seven days just to be sure they are completely gone. Good Luck! You can do it!
Headrin for treatment if she has lice and a nitty gritty comb.
Douse hair in vinegar, best to leave on over night comb hair then wash and comb again works every time.
You can repel lice with a drop or 2 of tea tree oil in your shampoo and conditioner
This will sound crazy lol but mayonnaise my girl kept getting them I done this combed her through done it once a week for a month they went then I used olive oil hair products she never ever got them again . It was a nightmare before that her school was infested was a certain kid that’s mum never treated them so weeklet she would come home with them x
There’s lice shampoo it did pretty good when I was a kid. And then after the shower use a nit comb to get them out and the lil eggs. Instructions on the bottle usually
Not sure where your from but here in the UK, I tried everything a few years ago, they were like super lice nothing would kill them until I found suleo lotion and its very strong smelling but it worked for me, good luck