How can I get rid of head lice?

You haven’t had time to look but you had time to post… I don’t mom shame but :thinking:


You’re going to have to make time or your going to be posting, “nothing is working, I don’t know why.” Wash everything in hot water and high heat, lysol furniture, cars etc. Bag up stuffed animals and toys. Throw away and get new combs and brushes. And the key is- you have to sit and go through each piece of hair layer by layer and remove all the tiny eggs and they will be stuck to the hair. I used a tweezers and this was after the shampoo to kill the live ones. And REPEAT the entire process in 3-5 days. Only thing that worked. I tried mayo, tea tree, and Vaseline.


If she does have lice , dont forget to hot wash all her bedding and any teddies etc

Hand sanitizer in her head for 20 minutes wash, blow dry her hair and then flat iron

My friends moms would put mayonnaise in their hair put a plastic bag and leave it for a few hours… there’s also lice shampoo at the stores but if she has lice your gonna want to comb with a nit comb and throughly look through her hair daily after treatment used and then once a week because if she has a lot it will be hell… I had for like 6 months straight when I was younger because it just takes you missing one egg to have a problem again

The lice treatments are very toxic. When my son had them I put olive oil all over his hair for like 8 hours and wrapped it in cling film. Then comb out lice. Then spray 50/50 vinegar and water and leave on for a few hours and comb out the eggs. Repeat weekly until they are gone. We only had to do it twice. But for longer hair it’s more difficult and could take 3-4 times

Too busy to look but found the time to post on Facebook. Wonderful priorities :weary:Check your children’s hair!!


Doctor can prescribed something! Over the counter shit doesn’t work

This drives me crazy I mean head lice there used to be this mother at our kids school who knew her kids had nits and never ever dealt with it and my daughter kept getting them I’d do her hair keep her off school and the minute she was back they were back it was awful this mother had actually been reported because you could see them everywhere on the poor lass . Nobody is ever too busy to not attend to children’s head lice

There is always time to see to a child’s hair :pensive:

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You don’t have time to check if you own child has lice?? I’m sorry, what?!?! Get off social media and take care of your kids.

If you do not have time to clean them out your self there are some lice specialists look it up on line they guarantee their work and it take one to two visits

Once you are lice free spray hair with hairspray everyday before school

If/when my children are exposed to lice you better believe I drop what I’m doing and care for them. Imagine being too busy to remove parasites from your child’s head…

Get a comb and conditioner and let the school know as alot of them will send out forms to make other parents aware it’s going around xx

Lice lotion from the pharmacy and comb after rinsing. Wash beddings, hats clothes etc
The pharmacy has a prevent head lice spray . That’s what I put on my daughter’s hair before she goes to school every day and it works perfect.
I understand you didn’t have time but the soonest you stop it the better for your daughter