How can I get rid of hemorrhoids?

Sitz baths and lots of vaseline.

Hemorrhoids can be banded. Then they just fall off

Pay them down w witch hazel that will help shrink them up

Ma Ying Long Musk! Saved my life!

Wipes with witch hazel

Witch Hazel wipes work wonders

My dr removed mine years ago…

You can try pushing them inside the anus. The sphincter will squeeze on them and the swelling will go down. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got from a doctor.


Is it normal to get hemorrhoids after giving birth? I am due in september and deal with them already once in a while.

Tics offers immediate and soothing relief. You use them to cleanse the personal area. Or, just lay a pad there and let it sooth.Contact

Have them banded. Easy, painless and solves the issue over a very short period of time. Before the no sex gets bad between you and your husband

Buy you some Tucks. That will work. Guaranteed

If you want Non-surgical treatment and get rid of them permanently, look up Sandy Blvd. clinic in Portland, OREGON (now in Troutdale,OR)

Sitz baths help tremendously &witch hazel trust me it works

Definitely talk to your doctor.

Connie Schneider/ Tammy Propson maybe you have some insight

Ignore Patrick he just wants you to get riled up.

Patrick Donald, stop scamming!

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Wow, I cant believe whst some ppl post js

Talk to your Doctor.

Sitz bath really works

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I had hemorrhoids so bad after my first. All but one went away. I was tokd there is a procedure they could do to get rid of it, but its external and most doctors don’t like to do it because a large portion of the time the hemorrhoid comes back. All you can do is soothe the problem. Don’t strain in the bathroom. My hemorrhoids usually don’t bother me unless they are inflamed. But they are always there. 7 babies later and I have 2 that will not go away. The creams and medicines are only to help soothe they they will not heal or make them go away.

Ice, is how I finally got them to shrink.

Put a rubber glove filled with water tie at top.
When frozen break off 1 finger place on haemoroids…use modess or pad to hold it there.
This does work i assure you worked for me.

Tell hubby to wait you are the one suffering…x

Hey that’s my birthday. Best day ever. Try a warm compress on it for a minute.

Procto Foam helps. It’s prescription and it has steroids to help shrink them.

Might sound crazy… but cut a potato up into small slices and put on them… works takes them away…

You can’t. You can have surgery to remove them. But they come back.

I’ve had them a couple times and they do go away ! I havent had a problem in over 10 years ! I think it might be because I eat ALOT of beans and raw veggies

Two options: diet or surgery. Diet will really help. Exercise and eater too.

I did right after birth and I couldn’t tolerate the pain. I had the surgery because they had to drain it out. Go to the doctor and see if it is infected because they will have to clean it out. That was 11 years ago and to this day, no pain.

Preparation h did help but it caused severe rashes all over my body. It tooke me awhile though. Just be careful!
Oh sitz bath… will do some wonders :heart:

I had to use tucks and sits baths and prep H medicine!! It took a while for them to calm down so sorry I know it is miserable!!

My sister had hers surgically removed now she’s a perfect asshole

Speaking from a nurses point of view… while all this is good advise if your OB does not recommend I would go see a colorectal surgeon and get this taken care of . Surgeries have come a long way baby from the olden days. My daughter had an office visit and it was taken care of that day. Remember this could be chronic and a few days recovery is in worth putting up with it for long term.

A general surgeon can make a small incision to drain them in his office. Make sure ur bowels are soft no more pushing this was done in an office I worked for even though most General practitioners don’t want to do it any more that’s why I recommend a general surgeon

Calmoseptine. You might have to ask pharmacist for it. I PROMISE that stuff is the bomb! Not prescription. Just. OTC. It saved my life!!

DESITIN - I have fissures and the Dr told me plain ole Desitin - and let me tell you it works!! Mine were so bad I couldn’t walk! What a relief it was and I use it to this day -

I had a hemroidectomy. Best thing I ever did. I tried all the other ways but no help. See a colonrectal surgeon.

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I was told in hospital to use ice, ice shrinks them it worked on me.

I had them so bad after I had my son I told my OBGYN and they told me to come in and he pushed it back in side and I was fine after that.

Use Vicks vapor rub. Used it 56yrs ago after the birth of my twins and haven’t had any trouble since.

I can’t seem to upload a picture of what I use. Pm me for info.

None of my business,but is it not a rule now to wait for your first check up after birth before sex?That could cause them to get worse!

I had them after giving birth n absolutely nothing helped except sitting in the tub with hot water . I suffetef for 3months! I wish u well💝

Witch hazel multiple times a day. Also you need to see a gastro Dr and get a colonoscopy asap

Yes vick vaper rub its the best

The tuck pads are good not too exspencive​:+1::+1:

Tucks pads! Witch hazel the best🤗

Vick rub it on ,it works

Take 1000 units of Vitamin E internally.