How can I help my daughter understand it is dangerous to talk to strangers online?

Show her all the missing children sites that give a background on how they believe the child was taken. Most are public because they want to find those children. Also talk to her more. Ask her about her thoughts, her day, her interests because sometimes it is just because they want someone they can talk to that gives them attention and isn’t criticizing them and making them feel stupid or ridiculous let her know you care what she feels and thinks too reinforce good behavior and also express yourself in positive ways when she comes to you. Strangers on the internet do that to lure children from parents that aren’t doing it enough or in the way the child feels they want. Find out what she is needing from you and continue to teach her the rights from wrong and punishing bad behavior but be sure to pay just as much attention to the good behavior.


We grew up without any of it, there’s nothing wrong with our children growing up without it…it’s our duty to keep them safe and there is ALWAYS a way around things no matter how much monitoring you think you’re doing! If they’re determined, they will figure it out.


Show her movies about talking to strangers online there are plenty!

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Some people here don’t understand that all kids are not the same and the way to handle situations like this isn’t the same for every kid, she could be very strict with her kid and that could backfire… she knows her kid and hopefully she’ll find a way to prevent her kid or herself from become part of the statistics…

I would probably not give her access to those games. It’s not that hard :woman_shrugging: My 10 year old still isn’t allowed to play games that access the internet, she doesn’t have social media (tiktok, kik, etc) there is no reason for someone so young to have access to those things.


I did this when I was around 10 years old. My mom took away all my electronics and social till I was 12-13!
I was clearly to young and not responsible enough for it!!
It makes you think !


there are some great videos about online predators. also check the games there could be prenatal controls to block chat. Roadblocks is the worst the parenteral functions don’t work and I blocked the game completely.

Unfortunately I thought I was invincible, that stuff happens in movies not real life… i had a knife to my neck while someone decided it was their duty to take what was mine.
I was 16, still remember thinking I was gonna die. Saying goodbye to my mom in my head.
I still have trouble entering strangers houses cause I have a lingering feeling I’m not coming back out. (Why i can’t do home health nursing)
I hope her lesson isn’t as bad as mine but I have told my niece my story when she was a teen and she still thinks its made up. Idk how many time I’ve wish it was, something u see on lifetime, just less pretty.

She is attention seeking. Whoever she is talking to online is giving her the attention she is seeking. One therapy for her would be a suggestion. Two grounded indefinitely. 3 I am a mean mom I would get one of my work friends that she does not know to show up to your house looking for her.


Some towns have online safety classes you can take check with the local PD or boys and girls club… next thing i would do is not allow games that have internet access at all

using a computer is a priviledge. since she is abusing it then no computer time.


Megan is Missing. 🤷 Although this is a better tactic for preteen kids. Monitor it as often as possible. Set parental settings block certain games.

Take it all away and if she needs to use the ipad for schooling or anything you can restrict all sites except approved ones and also if she tries to download an app you will get an email asking permission and for a password. I would definitely ground her from all technology until school starts at least.

It depends on the game. Not all online strangers are bad and a lot of the games require you to socialize to get through.

Check out Pedimom page. She has so much info on this.

Show her the movie Megan is Missing

Get on the game befriend her and get her to talk to you. Dont let her know its u though.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think it depends on the game and the nature of the conversations. Also with kids being out of school and everything she might just be lonely and need to talk. It doesn’t automatically mean something bad, unless you’ve actually caught her talking inappropriately or something. Personally when my daughter is that age she’s going to be allowed to talk online on games. I just plan on making there rules like she can’t give out personal info and if someone says something inappropriate she has to tell me immediately, etc.


When I was a kid just starting on the internet, all my friends and I had had the talks about internet safety, so we came up with an idea to create secret identities anytime we went online.
I was May Chun, Grandparents from China, lived at 12152 Terry Drive, Winchester, Maine.
Went to Winchester Junior high, mascot was the wolves.
We made it into a game of pretend and swore to stick to our personas 100% of our time online so they coouldnt find Spring Shears, white girl from Linden, Mi

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Online strangers are not always a threat. When I was 12-13 I had several friends that I met in online chat rooms on Yahoo messenger and even now…15 years later one of them still checks in from time to time. I’ve gotten video chats and virtually met his wife and kids. Just explain no personal information is to be given but as long as you keep communication open with her she’ll tell you when something is off. Honestly by shutting something that she’s interested in you’re making it more likely she could end up in a compromising situation. Strict parenting doesn’t produce “good kids” it makes them more creative and secretive.

Since she can’t abide by the rules, she doesn’t get games with chat features. :woman_shrugging:t2: My oldest daughter is the same age. We don’t do games where strangers have access to her or her sister. Their computers are locked down as well. They can’t even view comments on YouTube videos. They have kids messenger so they can talk to family and friends, and my husband and I have to approve those contact adds.

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Yeah. Ground her from it… if it’s happened so many times…

Take it from her completely

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Show her real life documentary’s about young kids and teenagers being kidnapped and murdered after meeting someone online


Taking it all away is going to produce a child who lies and hides what’s she’s doing. Our kids are living in a different time than we were. Many games are interactive. Place parental controls, have electronics in open areas, review online privacy. Monitor her activity. My daughter is now 19 and has certain online platforms where she interacts with strangers…just as I am with all of you. It’s a new age, they need strict parameters but trying to make it non existent seems like it will backfire on you big time.


I guess the problem would be what are they talking about ? I would let her know to never tell a stranger personal things like how old she is or where she lives . I would control the conversation not the act itself because if she really wants to play those games she will find a way and I’d rather be able to have an open dialogue with my child rather than not know what’s going on


make them watch movies and shows that involve kids being taken. worked for my kids.

Crime Junkie does a podcast on Kacie Woody a 12 year old girl who was murdered by someone she was talking to on the internet. I listen to it on Spotify. The episode is preteen friendly.


My boyfriend and I gave my daughters a talk about online safety and talking to strangers online and meeting people online. He just told them people aren’t who they seem and to be careful and not give any personal info or send pictures. The conversation was easy and effective. Also funny because I said anyone you meet online is a weirdo and everyone laughed at me and I was like “what?” Then my boyfriend reminded me that I met him online.

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Educate her. Show her what has happened to people that have been abducted due to meeting online.

I had an issue with this a couple of weeks ago with a nephew of mine. He plays online and we monitor his friends, which moat are cousins of his or one friend from school we spoke to his mom before letting them play. However on this night, granted it was pretty late, around 11, there was a person requesting to be added, and my nephew did. He thought it was another boy, but this person started asking where he lived, what his name was, if he had parents, out of the ordinary questions, my nephew thankfully came and told me and he was extremely scared, well I reported it, blocked the person, and reassured him the person was not going to get him. However scary, it was enough to teach my nephew the dangers, and now he has lessened his playing time and does not speak to any strangers it people he does not recognize.

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I don’t know much about it personally because my kids are still too young, but there’s an app or program called Bark that can monitor what they do for you and it will notify you of any potential dangers. They also have a video that explains the dangers of pedophilia online and how easily young girls/boys can become victims… scary, but she needs to be aware of the dangers lurking if she is going to have access to the internet.

Is this on that stupid Roblocks game? My 9 year old daughter is doing the same thing. SSSOOOOOO many endless conversations. Also taking electrics away then when given back back at it again. Same struggle.

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She is go young to have access to online. There are so many pedophiles and sex trafficking and kidnapping is very dangerous for her.

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Keep her away from it. Better things to do as a 9 year old.

Disconnect the internet or remove it from all of her devices!

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Set up a snatch! Seriously, #ripslim fell for an online guy @ the age 12. Unfortunately, the sicko murdered her, (not to far from me).
The best way to freak your kid out is to set them up. Have a family member pretend to be someone and snatch her. Scare the crap out of her. Ask the police to come talk to her after. Make it the real deal. I know a lot of parents don’t agree to this, but I personally know some parents who say it works. My parents used real tactics to get out of situations, (escape out of trunk, self defense classes, cpr/first aid), etc. knowledge is power!


Take all her devices away!

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Time to watch some criminal minds and law and order svu. I started watching those as a high schooler and definitely stayed far away from strangers after that


Unpopular opinion: Children are social and want to talk to people just as much as we adults do. I don’t buy my son headsets for his games because I want to hear what’s being spoken about, but that’s about it. He plays online with his cousins and uncle and that’s about it. The internet is not going to just go away and no one wants to play a game online but have 0 interaction so talk with her about what is safe to talk about and keep your eyes out on the conversations. :woman_shrugging:t3:


I would say to you, grow a pair and let her know who the parent is.A parent has the responsibility for the child welfare and if that means taking her computer away, so be it.

Don’t give her the device back.

I think removing the strangers and the dangers is the only answer. She is 9, protect her no matter what, that is your job as a parent.

Honestly ur local police departmentay be able to help or you can try to set her up to see what she would do. But she shouldn’t have access to anything right now. Some kids just aren’t mature enough for online material.

When I was 14 I had a 40 year old man knock on my mum’s door looking for me while I was at school needless to say scared the shit out of me didn’t do it again learnt from my mistake but won’t be allowing my daughter any unsupervised tech time

Im just curious y dont u just disable her mic then she cant talk 2 anyone?.. I dont think u should scare her though like other people are saying on here, shes still very young u dont want her 2 be afraid of every stranger in the world cuz ur teachers are strangers at 1st ur best friend is a stranger at 1st fear of others shouldnt be taught until they can comprehend not everyone is bad u just need 2 know what 2 look for… Maybe teach her whats not ok 2 say 2 others so if and when she hears those things she will know that person isnt nice and 2 avoid them…

There is a programme on sky that is called Evil online. Might be a little old for her but it does show what can happen to a child who gives out to much information or gets involved with a person online. Hope you figure it out x

It doesn’t matter how old they are they just don’t want to hear the word no you can’t do that doesn’t even matter if you talk to them about the possibilities they gonna do it anyway you did the right thing Mama the longer you keep the electronics away the better make her play outside and if it’s raining get her a board game lol