How can I increase my sex drive?

You can take damiana it’s natural and it increases your sex drive. I took it for sometime. They also sell olly lovin libido at Walmart which works good. The great thing about it also is it helps with mood and stuff as well. I like this supplement because you don’t have to take it forever and it’s natural, I take antidepressants and my sex drive was gone completely it was the worst. And this stuff really helped me.

Your not alone I’m exactly the same but I have 3 kids and after my last I’ve had 0 interest in being with my partner

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It might be hormone imbalance - that’s what it ended up being for me and Dr said not abnormal to have it happen - very easy to correct

My sex drive dropped and once I got help with my depression and me and him worked on building non physical intimacy, the physical part just picked right back up like it had never left.

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A 2 year old takes a lot out of you. Have a couple of glasses of wine or a couple of beers and get a nice buzz on. That should help.


Tequila shots will do the trick :wink:


Maca root and little mj helps me I lost my edge after my boys


Adrenalin, endorphins, serotonin all feel good hormones that are released after exercise will make you feel like you want it. But like all is saying here its definitely a hormonal imbalance speak to your Gynae they will recommend something like a libido booster or send for blood work for thyroid or iron. Let us know what worked.

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You are not the only one going thru this situation. I’ve been married for 32 years and I feel the same like you. I 've been experiencing this feeling for over 10 years and we are still together. We have two kids that are adults now. The Dr told me that I have menopause and that this is normal. Don’t feel bad about yourself

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fake it till you make it….just do it and make sure he knows your spots….you’ll climb back into the saddle…


There are different things which can effect your life and body… first you have to look at your diet… there are good natural diet for increasing what you want… second thing is your Partner’s interaction with you… it also effect the intimate relationship… third is your mind, like if you have lots of going on your mind you can’t focus on anything… so start from your diet… like taking onion in day time extremely increase S drives, and many others things too


In my opinion, I think you are tired. If your partner regularly helps you with your tasks, it goes a long way toward making sure you have enough energy left over to feel like being intimate. And intimacy is not just sex…it’s the little things. Like scrubbing each other’s backs…making a point to stop what you are doing to do that task. Can I wash my own back? Of course! But he enjoys it…


Lost my drive after hysterectomy we have tried several things… Gyno dr and you should have an open talk…or with nurse… But open up with a dr. If they can not help they will send you in a direction…
Are all factors as well as mental and little things could unknowingly be getting in the way. Sometimes it takes talking to a counselor to figure it all out. Good luck and inbox me if you ever want to talk !!!

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To be honest it’s the opposite with me I have the sex drive and he doesn’t due to his meds. It’s rough but he has to understand that. But if u truly want to have one then a medical professional is the option

Its totally normal. They habe oils and such to help with that but i would also say go talk to your female doc about it too

Sounds like low testostrone levels. Yes women have testosterone guys…go ahead and get jealous!

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I haven’t had a high sex drive before my husband and I had kids. Now my libido is in the dirt. We have sex maybe every 3 to 6 months lol. But for us that’s ok because we both agree we rather like spending time together and with our kids rather than between the sheets. But its not that simple for everyone. But change in sex drive is normal but If its concerning consult your doctor. :slight_smile: good luck!!

Maybe have a date night… Dress up a little sexy drink a little wine


Find yourself a doctor familiar with female hormones. It’s not just estrogen that changes, there is DHEA, Progesterone and testosterone. If they are out of balance you will be…out of balance with your body. Any practice that does women’s health, some diet practices also, because hormones affect weight.
You need a full hormone work up. If this is starting now and you don’t take care of it you will be menopause miserable very early. Good for you recognizing it now.

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Are you taking meds. For depression? Have you tried taking a multivitamin? Talk to your doctor. He/she can come up with some ideas.


first make sure it’s not a medical or psychological thing (hormones, serotonin) or just plain being tired. Try scheduling a couple of days a week, like a date night, etc

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Fix your hormones. Try watching porn together. Talk fantasies. Spice it up. Next introduce toys if that’s new territory.

Nothing wrong…either you don’t care for sex from your partner or you don’t love him . Maybe you want to be with someone else. Do they have viagra for women. ?

It’s NOT your fault but it is your problem to fix. Make an appointment with a good gynecologist. Don’t feel guilty. It’s a chemical issue secondary to childbirth for some women and it’s fixable.

Start watching Outlander on STARZ or Netflix. Jamie & Claire will get your motor running!

you better read some good books or fanta size also caffienne can help

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Have your estrogen, testosterone levels checked.

I have 2 children and now I can’t feel anything which is causing a low sex drive. I really don’t know what’s wrong.

Are you on the depo shot or nexplanon for birth control? That could be why

Go to your doctor and have a discussion. They can test your hormone levels. Something may be out if whack.

What meds are you taking?? Look up side effects.

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I would consult the doctor and if you have extra money maybe a sex therapist

Just asking, was it great before the baby? Or have you always felt like this.

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You have had a baby and its totally taken it out on your hormones and your mental health.
Having a baby can be different in many ways for differant mothers.
They have been thru an ordeal that they wont forget and aretrying to be parents and good ones,with deaing wth feeds,sleepess nights…ALL this put ALL else to the back of your mind and is not important…
Thats what your telling your body.


Go see your gynocologist… hormonal changes could a start.

See a physician to check your hormone levels

Best of luck. Ask doc. And date night. Maybe even re create first encounter together?

Get a hand held shower massage, and use on your private parts. This should stimulate your organ. Kids of ladies do this.

Not sure how old you are but see if you’re going through menopause

See your physician… explain the problem. This is a fixable issue

Maca root. Alkaline water. Cut back on sugars and starches. Make sure your getting ample vitamins and nutrients (raw foods, priority for produce and fruits)

Edit: and like someone else said maybe some “mj” and help loosen up in addition to a diet change. If you’re not physically getting wet and such it’s definitely gonna dial back to diet and hormones (affect by diet) but if there’s also a mental block from the insecurity, loosening up can help to be open to the foreplay that could help your libido.

Edit: also if you’re still breastfeeding or stopped not too long ago, that affects your libido as well.

Please why would you ask on Facebook. You nerd to see your gp… Who will be able to help no one on Facebook can… Fact

Low libido?

could be something medical you are not alone


See your doctor.
Don’t waste another day. Life is too short.


go see your doctor- and take vitamin B complex- that will help with energy and mood.


Talk to your Dr. It is a hormone thing. It is normal in some women, after the baby arrives.

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Think of someone, tom hardy or something… Over the years I’ve slept with em all :wink:

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Shake your head at me, I don’t care. For me, I smoke a bit of weed. Don’t know why but I get frisky feeling.

Defo try a weekend away without the baby x good luck

Im thinking diabetes but go to dr.

I had to get rid of my husband and BOOM it was back :rofl: sorry!! Lol xx


Thyroid can cause this also

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Try role playing at least he’ll be satisfied and appreciate the effort

Go to your doctor and get your hormone level check and and evaluation.

Go to your doctor . You may need your hormones adjusted .

Natural way is Maca root

See a doctor about your hormones.

Wow. More information then public forums needs. Talk to a doctor . Not strangers

The goli gummies. The blue package

Go talk to a professional…do not go to social media…end of story

Curtis and Jimmy’s ex wife

I have the same issue.

Try watching porn videos together

Do you work and take care of the house, cook. , clean and do primary responsibility with your baby? Just curious…

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Did you really want a baby?? This could be a big turn-off to you to get pregnant again!! Think about that!!

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Smoking can make you loose you sex drive

Get a dildo to practice on and learn what triggers you and then teach hubby

CBD oil down there… yep.


Testosterone works miracles

Could be hormonal. Talk to a doctor and get checked out

Even though you don’t have the interest it doesn’t mean you don’t have sex. I cannot tell you how many times I felt the same way but had it anyways and I was surprised that every single solitary time I was really glad I did. It keeps the intimacy going between you and your husband and that’s very very important. I would see a doctor too. It could be a hormone thing. Also, take care of yourself. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you taking care of yourself? That’s very important too. Hope you feel it soon!

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It happens. Definitely talk to your doctor and see if it’s depression or hormones. Just remind him you love him and if you ever feel like not having sex but you want to please him you could always do oral sex. Sometimes that may get the vibe going.

Having a baby is hard on the body. I would consider working to heal the root chakra. There isn’t a magic pill for everything.

Do your keigel exercise, exercise at least 3dys a week, drink sea moss. Try some grey goose with cherry wine before you get intimate

Read a romantic risque book. Also talk to doc. Get some light exercise. Good nutrition. Then relax. Stressing wont facilitate the mood.

Hormones need to be regulated!! That’s ALL :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:

Consult your doctor.

Go to The LESBIAN & VIBRATORS have been around for DECADES so start having MULTIPLE ORGASMS​:interrobang::interrobang::interrobang::interrobang:

Talk to a specialist :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Go to your Doctor !!

HORMONES! Go to a doctor…have him put you on hormones! That will fix it. Nothing else will. It’s not fair to you…and its especially not fair to him.
Just go see a Dr.

See your Dr. Maybe your hormones are off.

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Same issue here darling. It sucks.

Talk to your dr or gynecologist

See your gynocologist

Hormones can cause low sex drive and so can not sharing enough responsibility. See your gyn and ask for hormones to help. Also, ask him to help with chores


See a doctor first then see a counselor.


Talk to your gynecologist they can check your hormones and prescribe you meds if need be.

I agree that talking to your doctor is a vital first step, just to rule out any medical cause that could mean an easy fix. Then, you know, we can go from there if it’s still an issue.

I found the same problem after having my two boys. I looked into it and it’s to do with your hormones and it affecting your libido. Also birth control can affect your sex drive too. There is pills to boost your libido and to increase your sex drive. They work but like everyone else here says also consult with your doctor.

I had this issue and pretty much was told that you just need to masterbate more and have sex! Even if you don’t want to, do it. So I did and my sex drive is slowly coming back!


Depending on age-get blood drawn fir thyroid issues & hormones. If it’s hormones (premenopausal symptoms) there’s help. Look into hormone pellets.


In my experience, seeing a doctor helped. I never went there for low libido, but have been treated for other issues. The treatment has resulted in higher libido. I agree to see a doc.

Take a sex pill or something along those lines! If you don’t fix this problem then he will find it somewhere else!


Tumeric! & spice some things up girl

You just not into him .


Let me first say that this it NOT your fault, you have brought a human into the world that you have given your entire life to. If I’m being honest I was the same way with my husband, I still don’t have a high sex drive but it’s alot better than it was. First thing is first, you need time for YOURSELF, I know its going to be strange not having a baby next to you but take some time for self care, the stress of being a mommy is alot and you need a break. Let me go ahead and say that this does not mean you are a bad mom, no human is meant to be around the same person all day every day, we all need mental breaks and especially for your kids that you arenthere for day in and day out.

  1. Take some you time
  2. Date night without the kids
  3. Maybe talk to a doctor and PPD (you may not realize you have it because your don’t show alot of signs but even the smallest ones are worth mentioning)

Anyone else wondering why this nails page suddenly has all these relationship and all sorts of questions on it I thought this was just nails


If you don’t use it … you lose it … meaning u are not doing it so u have no interest… do it more and more and your sex drive will pick up … or go to your local 711 and get a sex pill lololol