Cocomelon. As crazy as it sounds, my two year old step brother has started talking more since I played it while I’ve watched him
My grandson didn’t start talking until 3 - and then we couldn’t stop him!!
Please my kids are 2 and one twin speaks like 6 words while the other says only 2 words. Other than that they just speak gibberish.
Read to him more and use your finger to follow along. But he is doing really well already for his age.
That’s a lot for his age. Enjoy his babble.
Everyone told me to wait to be concerned until 2yo. My son was the same way. We worked w him and all that. I was really scared he wouldn’t talk. He turned 2 and it was like a switch turned on in his head. Now he’s 2.5 and NEVER SHUTS UP
Read and music along with speech therapy.
Sounds like u are doing what u should be. Kids learn at their own pace. Make sure they have time with other kids as well always help with social skills and picking up new words.
Ask him to hand or get you things. Name something random and let him fetch it for ya. Then make him say what it is. Or tell him to ask someone else in the house for something or tell them something he doesn’t usually say…
Sing songs!
Play rhyming games while in the car.
If he wants something and you know what it is, tell him what it is, and have him say it back to you. My son is 3 years old and he really didn’t talk much until recently. My best friend was watching him and my older son, and that’s what she did. And I just followed after what she was doing and it worked! He is even trying now to speak full sentences.
I really wouldnt be all that worried about it. 2.5-3 years old it when most kids take off on talking. Just keep talking to him and reading.
Read to him. Speak a little slower so he can fully understand how the word sounds. You can’t make him talk more words. Just encourage him. Sing the abc’s. Count to a tune. Above all…be patient
Duh my nephew pointed until he was almost 2 years old
Then he spoke in complete sentences and paragraphs
Does he communicate?
BTW my nephew is over 40 and is Very smart with a family, a job and he is a nice person.
Books and talking about ever you’re doing what’s going on
Actually. Yo Gabba Gabba helped my child talk and sing alllll the time. Reading and music.
In another year you will be sorry— the words will come- believe me!!
Take him to places like the grocery store, museums, the park etc… And talk about everything. Describe what you see, what you hear, what you think about what he’s interested in or talk as if he’s talking about what he’s pointing at and point to things anywhere you go. It could help to try baby sign language. But yes, ask him questions and give him a moment as if to wait for an answer. Talk to him all the time but listen and give a pause so he sees you’re communicating and it’s a two way thing. They take in more than we think!
My son was like that as well. He didn’t talk until he was 3. We had him learn sign language so we knew what he needed. Til the day we still use a bit of sign language and he is almost 9. He will get there. Unfortunately, you can’t rush him. He has to want to learn. Boys are stubborn.
Sounds pretty average for lack of a better word, just keep working with him!!
Have his ears checked
I always told mine use your words and everything I gave them I called by the actual name ex. This is your sippy cup this is your teddy bear this is your dinner etc and both my kids talked at different ages my oldest was speaking in full sentences at 15 months and my second didn’t do that till about 2 ish so all kids are different
With my oldest daughter we did flash cards like twice a day!
Get him around other kids
Lots of nursery rhymes with actions! Sing with him show him the actions both the words and actions when they can do both gets them so excited
Narrate everything you do! I’m going to wipe the table I’ll grab a cloth I’ll grab the spray, squirt, squirt wipe wipe, look at me cleaning, look that looks better!
Literally talk about everything your doing and things around him, also talk to him and ask questions even if he doesnt respond, keep the conversation constantly going!
Flash picture cards and a reward system!
Go for a walk talk about everything you see!
He sounds right on track at 18mo most children have anywhere between 10-40 word vocabulary. I’m an early childhood teacher age group 2-3 yr olds. Some times I get children that don’t use any words when I get them.
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If he’s had frequent ear infections, I highly recommend tubes in the ears.
If that’s never been an issue, start using child friendly shows such as Dave & Ava, Blippi, Cocomelon, Daniel Tiger, Sesame Street, & Baby Einstein.
Sit with your child, watch the shows, sing the songs, say the words, & read lots of “first word” type books together.
The biggest help is just talking to him, lots & lots of talking. At this age they are like little parrots & want to repeat, so don’t feel like you are going mad, just watch the shows on repeat & read the same books over & over until he gets it & wants to learn new things.
Most of all, don’t rush it. Words will come when he’s ready!
Honestly he knows more than he’s letting on I bet my 2 year old was like that now he’s constantly talking my ear off. Just talk to him like you would any other kid it helps when they feel they’re on your level.
It seems fine to me. Sounds weird but my kid learned a lot watching cocomelon and also going to daycare.
what you’re doing is fine. lower your expectations, 18 month olds don’t need to say 200 words. just keep reading and talking to him before you know it he will be having full conversations
I watched a program on Milestones for babies on the internet. when i became a granny. they give you an idear what you could expect your child (baby)to do.
My son was 18 months old, spoke few real words a lot of babbles, and the daycare owner suggested he be tested. After going thru a few tests, he knew all his colors, understood what was being asked of him, and was pretty up to speed with others his age…I swear not even a week later that boy started speaking sentences. All babies move at their own pace and your son sounds like he will be talking your ear off soon enough
What Rebecka said…my kid was pretty nonsensical and quiet until he was about 2.5, and now (he’s almost 3.5) he has a pretty complete vocabulary. I knew he could understand before then; he just had no interest in speaking.
Keep doing what you are doing, that’s it. When he’s ready, he’ll start talking you in circles soon enough! Btw… A little time in baby talk is good for the soul.
IF you allow your child to watch TV, the NICKkids shows are pretty good Bubble Guppies was my grandkids fav.
But mostly just talk to them, they will learn more by your taking to them than anything else. Even if they don’t reply they are soaking it all in. And don’t worry once they start talking in sentences they won’t stop.
He’ll get there. My kid went from just a few words to full sentences when she was ready.
Do absolutely nothing you are doing a great job. Kids talk in their own time I figure this out myself my son is 22months and he uses some words very clearly but other words are jibberish. My daughter didnt talk till she was nearly 3 just constantly talk to the child alot like none stop how a child always talks
Early intervention is key. There is NOTHING WRONG with getting help from a speech language pathologist. Most kids catch up and you ever know there was an issue. But as a parent it’s key to get them in at the first signs. A speech delay does not mean a developmental delay. Good for you for being proactive and present.
That seems about average to me. He is saying words so I think everything is on track.
You really need to have him tested , the earlier the intervention the better the outcome.
I honestly would just constantly talk to my kids when they where babies (constantly ) telling them what I was doing, what we were doing, where we were going, what I was making, asking them questions, reading to them… I obviously was pretty much talking to myself cause they could not answer but my kids where non stop talking by the age of 2:joy:!!
Just keep talking to him (not baby talk) and name things as you point at them. Keep reading to him.
He is developmentally normal for his age range. By 15 months old most babies can say 3-5 words and by 18 months at least 10 or more. Just keep doing what you are doing, just because he isn’t using them yet, doesn’t mean he isn’t soaking up all that vocabulary like a little sponge. Most kids start combining words by 24 months of age.
My son didn’t talk much either, when he did I was the only one that could understand him. I had him assessed at 2 and he qualified for speech therapy. He has no disabilities only a speech delay. He stayed in speech therapy until the fourth grade. He’s now 12 had never stops talking…like never!
My Little one is 18months and litrally says about 5 words he understands everything I say to him but don’t speak as much I got no concerns x
18 months old should be able to say up to 20 words, so 15 words is great and doesn’t seem too concerning.
With my first, I found flash cards with pictures to be very helpful. He’s now 5 and does not shut up
I’m glad I kept the flash cards as they will come in handy for my 17month old girl
It’s normal for an 18 month old to know 5-20 words. All you can do is keep talking to him like you’re already doing. You still got quite a few months before the 50 word milestone is reached.
That seems normal to me. My son knew a few words at that age but is full on motor mouth at 2. Its coming dont worry.
don’t speak in the third person thou- i see that bad habit and kids shut down because the conversation seems about them and not to them. for example: “ mommy would really like it if caleb picked up his toys” instead try “ hey caleb, can u pick up your toys for me? thanks bud “
be patient and stop worrying!!! i had the same worries and my son is 18 now. trust me , he’s fine. every child develops differently.
He’s completely normal. Let him proceed at his own rate. Geesh.
Netflix cocomelon, word party, little babybums and Charles colorful world. Annoying but affective
Speech therapy maybe?
Seriously depends on the kid, my son (oldest kid) was speaking in complete sentences and enunciation was pristine most of the time by the time he was 18 months,y oldest daughter is almost 3 and spoke her own language until she was right at 2 or so (aside from the word “up” ) and my younger daughter is almost 18 months and doesn’t say anything at all, still just babbles but her sister and her will have full conversations in their room together so at least someone knows what she’s going on about. With all of them I have talked to them the same, like adults talk to other adults, I don’t like baby talk and it’s terrible for language development in general but it hasn’t helped with the girls like it did with my son so I have no ideas otherwise. Until the pediatrician is concerned, you don’t need to be either. Just try to make a point to say the name of things you’re interacting with. Tell them what you’re doing, talk to them as much as you can and enunciate well so they know how things should sound and they’ll talk when they’re ready. Every child does things on their own time. My girls are a lot lazier than their brother was (he’s gotten way worse about that as he gets older ), he did everything early and they do things when they have to or to get attention. The youngest has been able to walk for months and just now started doing it for more than just to get us to praise her when she felt she wasn’t getting enough attention. Don’t worry mom, you’re doing fine and so is he, just keep doing your best and don’t worry yourself too much.
Honestly I love the iPad and the apps they have my kids are bilingual, I did it cause I had an iPad laying around and my daughter took off and it became more of fun with me trying to see how much I could teach her old iPads are cheap, I did this in both languages the apps show a picture you touch it and it says the word and also spelling or color or numbers so on
There are so many different children videos to help
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Your Baby Can Read program
This sounds normal, some kids don’t speak as early as others but it sounds like babas made a great start! X
I called help me grow and my son is starting speech next week! It’s so nice and a great free program!
My 2 and a half year old says 7 words. She’s been in speech for 6 months it’s only a day a week for 30 min so pretty pointless. I have had learning shows on tv since she was a baby she just won’t talk. She understands everything you say though.
Sounds about average to me. Keep doing what you’re doing
My daughter was speaking about that much at that age too. Maybe get some flash cards with the picture and word on it, mine loved those and they really seemed to help! I also ended up just putting her in a Montessori daycare 3 days a week when she was about 2.5 because I loved their curriculum and wanted her to have more social interaction with kids her age. She’s 4 now and her vocabulary is pretty expansive I think and she can already read simple sentences. My friend put her child in speech therapy and that helped a lot. They will usually make that next vocabulary leap whenever they are ready.
Hes 18 months old, chill!! He sounds like he’s doing good anyway. Myne is 17 months and babbles, says a few words. They just copy. If your really concerned read a book every night I found that my oldest started talking alot more after I’d read to him every night before bed. I honestly wouldn’t worry don’t rush it
My LG is 23 months and only says 5 words, she is attempting others all the time x
Sometimes all you can do is what your doing and he will decide when he is ready. And then look out cuz he will start talking like you and I. Two of my grandkids were that way.
I agree he’s coming on well. Often a child says a word over n over then doesn’t say it for a while. All part of learning. Sounds like you’re both doing a great job
Let him be… My son didn’t talk one word until he was 2 years old and then he started saying sentences he’s observing your son he’s observing everything he’s listening he’s taking it all in he’s very smart leave him alone and let him be don’t push him don’t try to make him be somebody he’s not babies are born with their own personalities.
Sounds like he’s doing great to me, just keep doing what you’re doing and more.words will come, good job mummy x
Nothing to worry about. Another year and you won’t keep him quiet
He says more than my boy did at two years old!! Now he’s three and doesn’t be quiet
I wouldn’t worry. My son who is almost 9 is a fluent reader, very articulate with his words but he barely spoke before he turned 2. It all happened quickly after that. I was worried as my first child spoke much earlier but I shouldn’t have compared them really.
My son who is now 4, 5 in October this year, has only started speaking in sentences over the past year. Before this he had his own language, which was mainly sounds of the things he wanted, or his own version of the word. It was fine for us as his family as we understood him, but it wasn’t so great when he started nursery and struggled to communicate - caused the occasional frustrated tantrum. We were on the waiting list for over 2 years for mainstream SLT input, ultimately we paid private for 2 sessions and with the massive amount of help from family, friends and nursery staff helping him break down the words, etc - the difference is unreal! You would never have thought he struggled.
There are loads of games and activities online that we used to help him learn the formation and sounding of words, breaking them down, etc. For example, we had a spelling game whereby he would pick out the letters of the animal he saw and we would repeat the word over and over.
Our SLT advised it could take a child up to 50 times hearing a word before it even registers with them - therefore repetition is the key - they more they hear it, the greater the understanding will be. It’s worked wonders with our boy, and he speaks fluent sentences now, amazing xx
Are you using adult words with him? Like” water” not wa-wa … etc…… singing and music help to form vocabulary!
The cooing sounds that babies make is singing!
Reading is still a great way and so many benefits as well!
Talk to him as you do other adults …. Real words.
A mother knows best. If you’re concerned about your child’s development in any way book an appointment with a children’s health professional.
My son is 2 next month and has never said a single word, he only grunts and moans. He’s on the waiting list to be assessed for autism. Be happy your little one is doing what they are. Sounds about right to me x
My son didn’t start fully talking till he was 2.5 … now he doesn’t stop
Different children progress differently. I spoke loads before 18 months while my brother didn’t speak at all until he could speak in full sentences - he did the same with moving, didn’t crawl, just waited until he could run!
My 3 year old didn’t talk until she was a couple of months past her 2nd birthday. Now she is way ahead of a lot of other children the same age and never shuts up. My younger daughter is 2 next month and is exactly the same so and doesn’t really talk - don’t worry. Once they pick it up it seems to just come at speed
He’ll get there when he’s ready, my little girl is the same age a jabbers away and says the odd word but she’s trying and she’ll get there in her own time x
My daughter hardly talked until she was about 3. (Even then she would only talk to my mum, my self and occasionally my partner. She is 4 1/2 now and never shuts up haha.
My step daughter is 3 1/2 while she has the capability to talk and when you get her alone she is a little chatter box if she is around the other kids she just let’s them speak for her.
Nursery rhymes honestly kids thrive with language singing nursery rhymes and reading books x
My daughter is 15 months old and says very little but can show u how to do everything and loves books so she will talk in her own time
My 18 month old says dada that’s it
Mine is nearly 2 and a half, all he can say is “dad” and “ready, steady” go” hahahah
Add CCTV to your tv… he’ll read the words as well as hear them
My eldest had problems with his speech. He has speech therapy and its helped. He’s 6 years old and still struggles with some words. I wouldn’t worry just yet though. Your child will pick it up in their own time
Read to him a lot. Been reading too my kid since he came home from the NICU. He was born at 29 weeks
He’s 18 months old. Sounds like your doing really well.
He will pick up more every day.
Most importantly , don’t use that boo boo language. Talk to you would a dear friend
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He is saying above what he should be saying ,he is doing great
Get him tested, he may need speech therapy.
Read to him. Get him to repeat words. Let him ask for things if he points do not get it make him use his words. Do not finish his sentences make him work for the privilege.
he’s still like extremely young. my daughter is 11 months and still only says mama and dada & that’s just because they’re easy sounds to make.
Many may be against it BUT… get him a tablet and download YouTube kids. Let him watch learning videos on there. My 4 year old has been watching a tablet since he was about 1 and his vocabulary is HUGE. Some words he knows and knows the definition and it’s words that aren’t even used every day. He is very fluent and very intelligent for his age. My 2 year old has also been watching the tablet since about a year. He has a large vocabulary as well, and knows how to express his wants and needs. He isn’t as fluent since we believe he has a speech issue but still very smart and a fairly large vocab.
Any time he wants something tell him to use his words. But at the same time I wouldn’t worry about it- my oldest was speaking in full sentences at about 15-16 months and my youngest didn’t consistently talk until about 2 and now she has the bigger vocabulary. Every kid is different but if you’re really concerned just talk to his doctor about it.
He knows more than that. Boys can tend to use their words a little later. My son’s daycare wanted to classify my son as special Ed because he wasn’t talking yet at that age. I had him actually evaluated and they said he was fine. He’s now an honor student with one of the most advanced vocabularies I’ve heard even in adults. Don’t rush him. Let him be a baby.
That sounds good for his age but if you want to increase his knowledge just do it organically. Talk to him like of he was older. No baby talk. Talk about your day as its happening. I did that with all 4 of my kids. My youngest was super chatty and talking in full sentences by 18 months. Memorized movies and songs and sang them randomly throughout her day
My daughter is 2 and literally says 4 or 5 words. He’s fine.
Be patient mama! Yall are doing great job! Keep doing what you’re doing!
Netflix cocomelon a learning show very musical