What should I do? I’ve just found a Bobby pin on the floor of my lounge that isn’t mine. I’ve been gone two days and just returned home.
Clean it, and wear it. See if he notices. And if so, tell him that you met a new friend & gave it to you.
Whats the issue with a simple conversation and asking?? Yes its a scary thought but come on…be an adult about it
Ask. If he confesses great if not set up cameras
Uhm confront him? What’s wrong with people now and days to scared to confront the situation
I would ask him if he lost something and give them to him and watch the reaction on this face.
Don’t say anything leave again for two or three days set up camera…
If he is doing something and he bold enough to bring them in your home he will try it again trust me💯
Ask him who was there as your showing it to him
Over a Bobby pin… lol is this some gold Bobby pin or just a normal Bobby pin cause it sounds like a lil bit of a over reaction
Get a life. Your bored.
If you are letting a bobby pin end it all, you deserve to be single.
My favorite thing to say when confronting. Is…if im asking you it for a reason. He say no then say I will find out.
All these games in the comments are immature, ask and be done with it
That’s it file for a divorce and catch his stuff on fire. Kidding y’all have issues
Say hey found this on the floor, who’s is it?
People need to just bloody communicate rather than play games
This happened to me just 7 days ago.
My bags were already packed. So i just did what came natural just left
Start whooping ass:joy:
Do u wear bobby pins? Was it a plain one or different? Only reason I’m asking is bc those fuckers do get everywhere
Set up a hidden camera.
Ive used them to clean my ears in a pinch before
Just throw it away, I hate Bobby pins
I’ve seen people use Bobby pins as money clips etc just ask?
Nothing. The truth always reveals itself.
Question him about it. But don’t let on that you found it. Put a camera up, next time you leave.
Ask…he could have had family or friends over or even cleaned his damn piece out with it. Just ask
What is it we don’t know? Does he have a hot temper? Has she suspected something before? Too much left unsaid here. So easy to say, “Just ask.”
I would put it on a post it and stick it to his rearview mirror and write lost, find owner. He will know it was you. Then ask when he comes home if the owner was found. Men know women aren’t that stupid.
Ummm tell him you found it and then ask whose bobby pin it is. Is that so hard?
Throw it out immediately. Bobby Pins reproduce rapidly, and once they’re in the carpet…
Ok wow to some of the comments. Jeez you need counselling!.
First off, don’t stress too much about it even though it’s hard if you have trust issues to begin with. Breath, it’s not lingerie or anything like that. Who knows maybe one of your friends or visitors lost one awhile back. Those Bobby pins I swear are magical little ninja pins that show up randomly. I would talk to him in a non confrontional or accusational way. And go from there but don’t be quick to discredit your partner or you’re creating a relationship that shouldn’t be
Literally… Just ask.
Throw it away
Dust for prints and send off for DNA also or perhaps ask your significant other
Do you have other reasons to suspect him? Some women intention ally leave evidence behind.
I would get proof first, if you live with your boyfriend or husband you really don’t have any evidence that he’s done anything wrong, do you ever have girlfriends over? If so it could be one of theirs.
Ruth O’Mara Eddleman
It’s called communication … Not social media … Ijs
2 CHOICES Ask or Not
Most of the time, they will lie; Choice 1.Set him up and catch him in the act, with a hidden camera to document what happened.
2 Confront him and see what he says and assume he will
Tell the truth
Keep your mouth shut set up cameras and go on another weekend trip… that way u have sure clad evidence he can’t deny
I see them everywhere probably just got stuck in a shoe.
How does a Bobby pin make its way into your home? Usually on a head, so if it wasn’t your head, who’s head was it?
To the females saying “just be a grown-up and ask him about it quit being so worried about confrontation” yeah OK bitch like he’s going to be a “grown-up” and tell you the truth that’s why y’all continue to get cheated on is because you believed his answer the first time
A bobby pin. . .a bobby pin?. . .now I see if you said an earring.
Probs ask him rather than fb
I am a bald man and have found Bobby pins in the most random places. Only have one friend who wears Bobby pins and she hasn’t been here in almost two years. Still find them though…
Ask him if anyone visited while you were away. Don’t mention the find as yet. You will know soon enough…we always do
Just let it be If you don’t see it with your own eyes and hear with your own ears Just let it be Time will tell
Someone left you a little message. Give it to your significant other. Tell him his friend left something.
With my ex
That’s how it all started I found the same and then I found blonde hairs then I I found an empty jewelers container then texting app charges oh n then… a video of them lol
Let them all go till the big finding at the end !
Is he bald? Are you the only female who is in the house usually?
Leave it… If it’s what you think it is, more slip ups will happen.
Ask for his phone in the meantime
Say here to your B F give her bobby pin back see his reaction
I see everyone saying just ask?? Oh yea he’s going to say “oh the girl I invited over to cheat on you with, it must be hers”. Get real people. It’s time in investigate Lol
I love how all these people assume cheating like he wouldn’t possibly have a mother or sister or a brother with a family like a wife or kids that could wear a bobby pin…
Ask your other not Facebook
Honestly put up nanny cams in every room to where he can’t see them
No point asking him he is obviously gonna dismiss it. End of.
Few good ideas tho, casually ask if anyone visited while you away, set up a small home cam & go away for weekend again if poss or if camera gonna be to obvious could pretend goin away & turn up unexpectedly . GL .x btw if intuition is ignored then youl usualy find more obvious signs. Like the bobby pin
I mean unless you have reasonable suspicion. Probably literally nothing.
It’s literally a bobby pin; it could have easily just fallen out of ANYONES pocket…if this is a concern, there’s bigger issues
Ask: take him at his word.
Don’t spy on him, check his phone, set up cameras, etc. If you can’t trust him leave the relationship.
Be an adult, not a high schooler.
It may be nothing but we all have a pretty good sense when something is wrong. Get an app to track his cell phone. Also cameras are a good Idea! It’s probably nothing but you never know
Lol its a Bobby pin those things are every where calm down.
You know!!! The decision is stay or go.
Who wears Bobby pins these days
So you have a right to be suspicious… Keep it to yourself for now and do some investigating. Knowledge is power don’t let him know u found anything keep his guard down and do what it takes to find or not find what you’re looking for… I know most woman with a mission can be the best investigating MF’s out there.
1/2 of you sound toxic and crazy. Either flat out tell him “I found a Bobby pin in the house. Tread lightly” or don’t say anything. It’s not even a matter of questioning him. Tell him you found it. That’s it. All these head games people telling you to play and be a detective bla bla it’s for the birds. What are you going to do if you find out he’s cheating? You leaving? My guess is no. So either make a statement and walk away, or don’t say ish.
I used to find bobby pins all over my house. There weren’t any when I moved in(I know this because I cleaned the place like crazy before I moved in) I believe that my deceased grandmother has been watching over me and leaving bobby pins to let me know she was there.
It could be nothing but it could also be something. If you got a feeling he’s cheating then he probably is🤷🏽♀️
Ask neighbors if they saw anyone besides him
Do you wear hair/bobby pins?
If so, could it be yours?
Just ask him
“Thanks for keeping the house in order whilst I was gone, but I found the oddest thing, a hair/bobby pin on the floor”.
I used to date a guy I was sure was seeing other women, but not 100%. So I left bobby pins in obvious places. Bedside table, bathroom, couch corner table. They are a tell tale of girl code. However, you could have had a friend drop one, borrowed one you forgot about or had one stuck to a shoe. Investigate then annihilate. If required.
Maybe she left it there cuz she wants you to know that he’s cheating?
Okay SO If it were me
“If it were me”
I’d have to go away overnight again
Unexpectedly and I’d hide nanny cams around the house and check them once I got back home I’d get ones with sound so that I could hear any phone convos that he may be having as well! Goodluck with whatever you choose. Hopefully it’s nothing
Take it to the lab and get the DNA off of it LOL
Do you have kids? Kids like to pick things up and bring them home.
I’m pretty sure 2 weeks ago I found a Bobby pin in my car from 2007, chill…
Maybe someone was just cleaning there ears with it.
So, do you wear Bobby pins? I mean, if so, how do you know it truly in fact isn’t yours?
Just sit on it until you get other proof that there’s potential cheating going on.
Good lord.
I’d go old school screw the apps ,act like your leaving from work leave. Park somewhere u can still see ur house but car wont be spotted an do a stake out lol if anyone comes you’ll be able to go whopp some ass lmao
I just found a Bobby pin in my front foyer. Thought it was odd since I’ve never used them.
If it’s a Bobby pin they are probably to old to be a threat! Who uses Bobby pins?
Legit. Bobby pins are something that just show up out of nowhere I’ve found.
Buy one of those apple trackers and put it in his car. You will eventually bust him in action if he’s guilty
I’ve been missing a Bobby pin what color is it? Oh crap!! Do you live in Colorado?
Get a ring go door bell hide it in your bedroom
Is he a cheater? Do you have reason to question this? If so just ask ?
Don’t feel bad,what about your friend out at3.44 am in his PJs and put it like this she is a flirts with every man that comes around
I would look out for other suspicious things like hiding his phone from you or acting weird try to get a peak at his text messages. If he has nothing to hide then that shouldn’t be a problem…
Ask him, who was here, might be innocent. I’m sure you can tell if he lies!
Not saying jump to worse case scenario but… similar incident here. I found a bobby pin and some weird pin for clothes or whatever in my car…few weeks later found out they slept together in the passenger seat of MY car.
Why are some of you being such dicks?
Simple Confront him about it.
Good lord alright…first off she said it wasnt hers and it was in her lounge, some folks can’t read. Secondly jst straight out ask him and if he squirms you know whats up.
You know what to do, hit him in the head.
No how is he supposed to keep the lawn mower running without it
A bobby pin wouldn’t send me over the edge… might make me keep my eyes peeled but that’s about it. You need something concrete to question imo. If you find some undies or something then you flush his ass for now just stay alert.
Have you had a female with hair in your house in the last 6 months? If so there’s your explanation.
It may have been stuck to a shoe or something. Unless you have other reasons to believe he’s cheating. I pretty much have to catch them in the act:rofl:
Is there anymore to this? I mean you’re asking if finding a bobby pin is weird and that’s it… do you have roommates?