Hey was just wondering if you have any ideas on how to keep kids from running off in public and staying with you my son runs off in public, and he does it at school to you have any ideas that will be helpful
I had an older lady I knew well enough approach my youngest when she did this. The lady acted like she was gonna take her (all while I watched out of sight of my daughter). She was 2 or 3 at the time. Never had another problem after that.
One goes on your wrist and one goes on theirs.
Highly recommend the book bag leash. Ive used it for both of my wild kids.
Also, the game red light green light. Play daily around the house. Give little m&ms or something every time they stop on red light. It worked really well when my kids were little.
Not sure how old yours is but I always kept telling mine to stay close, or I would stick them in a cart. Mine do pretty good now sticking with me (8 and 6) but my 8 year old keeps telling me its ok to go look elsewhere and he’ll be in toys. Walmart has those missing posters a whole wall. My son asked me why those kids were missing and told him because they wouldn’t stay with their mother and wandered away. He’s been glued to me even more now.
I had to leash my son too. He is adHHHHHHd and would take off a lot faster that I could grab him. A lot of people would give me the “side eye” or even comment about it, but you know what? I’d rather have my child next to me than running in front of a car or far enough away that some perv could grab him.
Honestly,popping their butt in public and embarrassing them stopped every kid I ever babysat plus my nieces,nephews,and my own kids from ever doing it again around me.
My kids, who are all very young and very very close in age, had to hold my hand… like I would death grip it. And if they tried to leave, we left wherever we were… after once or twice of having to leave, they got it.
A kids leash…I was always the mom that said I would never use one, and my kids were pretty good about sticking with me/holding my hand, BUT I was always worried if we were somewhere busy they could easily get mixed up in the crowd or walk slightly to far in front of me into the road
I got a munchkin harness, made them ride in a cart or stroller, or made them hold my hand. No exceptions! They hated it, but as someone who would rather their child be safe, I didn’t care about the comments or looks I got when they were leashed or in the stroller.
I swear by the leash things. I have a son with autism so going in public places and worrying about him running off is a huge thing for me, especially with crazy people around. I had a monkey harness leash for them, fits like a backpack but buckles on in the back. The tail was the leash. He’s outgrown it now so I need to look into a bigger one before we end up having to travel again.
Wrist leash. That’s what I used for my son. One goes on your wrist and the other goes on the child’s wrist. It was a life saver for us.
Leash/harness. My daughter would bolt and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to catch her. Be prepared for negative comments but keep telling yourself, it’s your kids safety that matters.
Harness until you think he’s old enough.
I put a dog harness and leash on my son and attached it to the stroller and he still escaped occasionally!
Buy a harness and use it—can’t get too far…
My 2 year old is a runner. He is super impulsive so he sees something, he tries to take off. I got a backpack harness and he LOVES IT. We just call it his backpack and he throws some toys in there and he’s ready to go!
I use the wrist tethers and harness leash with my 4 yr old. He is so full of energy we can’t keep up. He runs off alot
my son has one because he is sensory disorder and he runs into moving cars
We do the hold hands as much as possible. If he is extra crazy (almost 2 years old) we have an adorable little backpack with a leash attached. Usually he understands the backpack and will end up carrying his own leash and just going with us. If the previous two methods don’t work he gets “buckled” which in the grocery store it means in the cart buckled it. If we are at an event it means in the stroller or the wagon with the buckle/seat belt on.
Usually it works. He really enjoys his freedom and walking with us so usually the threat of buckling him is enough. If its not he gets buckled and doesn’t get set free until we are done.
Just explain the dangers of traffic & strangers it worked 4 me so far so good
Backpack leash. Or discipline them somehow when they run off.
leash is better than getting run over and when he learns u take the leash of
Explain stranger danger. Helped mine knowing someone might take him from me
Leash! This is my kid taking me on a short morning jog around the block… 12 times.
Raised 3 boys. Last 2 were 18 months apart and runners. Never used a leash or harness. Leave them with a relative at home or have another adult with you.
Get a leash it sounds funny or crazy but it works they have thoses really neat ones now that go on their wrist and are like a bungie cord
I use these 2 for my 2 kids.
Kids leash and harness used on 2 of my 3 kids
And I have set my kids in stores with stranger danger but I used cops with them like if we were by a register and cop was standing by like candy machines I had the cop walk up to my child I was standing right there .never left my side after that.
Never had that problem mine were taught to stay with me
Backpack harness! Been using one since my son was 8 months!
Backpack harness, my daughter has one until she was 4 then we taught her if she can’t hold her arm out and touch me she is to far. Also with the Backpack harness, they are amazing for parades! She could go get candy and I could enjoy everything and not worry about her running out & it had storage
I had my son put his hand in my pocket and if he took it out before he was told to it better be for a very good reason
My mom used to hide from my sisters and I when we ran off on our own. She hid in a spot where she could watch us but we couldn’t see her. Happened a few times and scared the heck out of us kids so we never ran off on our own again.
If you don’t want to use the child leash… is your child into scare tactics? You could try telling your child that the next time they run away that a stranger will take them and they will never see you, their other parent, and/or siblings again
My sons were torture especially my oldest one. He would take off run for it. I would take him to the toilet and give him a huge growling to cut it out and it continued
my youngest 2 sons the youngest in the stroller and my other son holding onto the handle of the stroller. When we took them fishing on the wharf our baby was tied up to my husband because he kept running flat tack on the wharf.
Don’t understand people who are against using reins (harnesses). It keeps the little ones safe and Happy because they can still feel independent and toddle about. You can buy ones with backpacks on now so they look adorable too
It’s controversial but I use a backpack leash for my twins. it’s the only way to keep them safe and not run an opposite directions I’m only one person
One of those kid harnesses that attached to the kid with a back pack and has a teether connected to your wrist
Backpack leash! We used one with my firstborn who is adhd went through his running stage and my second born who is nonverbal and autistic.
I had a backpack with a leash when my daughter started walking. Before our second was born I got her used to walking next to me before her sister was born. I would take the stroller with me and if she ran away her butt would be in the stoller. Now she just stays close to me at all times. She’s 3
They have wrist attachments if you dont want to do the backpack leash but the backpack worked for mine.
make him hold onto your shirt or cart at all times. or belt loop. you’re the parent, take control. he has to learn not to test you or not listen. be very stern in your voice.
Also please teach them that if they ever lose you to either identify a police officer/store employee etc depending on where you are. And teach them how to SCREAM. I know it sounds scary but my mom taught my sister and I this just in case
How old. I don’t see how anyone can answer this without knowing his age?
I use a wrist leash but it’s the same concept as the backpack except they’re attached to our wrists. 100% do recommend and want to try a backpack. I have 4 kids, 2 being toddlers, and the youngest is autistic. The leashes/straps have been a lifesaver to allow my younger kids a bit of freedom moving around without me having to panic all the time.
Backpack harness/wristband leash. Nothing works for my middle kiddo, apart from this. Gotta do what we gotta do
Wouldn’t suggest it with today’s idiots and phycopaths and all the sex trafficing…
But when I was little I ran off on my mom n scared her to death.
So she did it to me. Hid in between isles so I couldn’t find her.
I broke down and never left her again lmao
I have 2 now 1 goes in a backpack carrier and my 4 year old has to hold my hand or she goes in the stroller like a baby “she hates it” that gets her not to leave me.
I have a backpack leash
I scared mine one time he quit after that we went grocery shopping and he keep walking off I warned him somebody can come grab you and you wouldn’t even know it he didn’t listen so he walked off ahead of me I could see him but he didn’t see me I grabbed him and he got scared I said see how easy that was he not ran off since
I no longer judge parents who use the wrist leashes. Whatever works to keep your child safe.
I do the back pack leash but want to get the wrist one since he escaped the backpack
Get a bookbag with a leash
I too had twins and had to use the backpack harness thing. One my sons was a solid runner and almost ran right in front of a moving car and only my screaming his name stopped him at the edge of the sidewalk. It was just not safe as I couldn’t manage them both at the same time and they hated holding my hand when out walking. So it worked and I don’t care what others thought, my sons were safe and we could go outside for a walk and be safe.
Child lease the backpack kind or the wrist.
I don’t understand what is so wrong with a leash. If it helps keep your kid safe then so be it. I’ve been thinking about getting one
Jaime MacFarlane I take it you are super offended by using the backpacks with the leash, based off how many times you angry reacted to women saying they use one. I’d rather have a child attached to me than stolen by a sex trafficker.
A leash​:woman_shrugging:t2: notice the one angry reacting also doesn’t have any tips.
I had to get a leash for my oldest she would run in the street anytime my hands were full of something so I couldn’t grab her hand smh. Do what u gotta do to keep ur baby safe.
I used this was a bottle leash. I thought it was for the wrist and used it that way until someone told me it was for bottles andni still used it my way…
It had Velcro on both sides and it was short so the “bottle wouldn’t fall”.
When my grand daughter was first yanking away I would use it. Even if she got out of my grip it kept her close. It came with a baby bag but you can buy them alone. I Just strapped it around her wrist at the mall or the farmers market you didn’t have your kid on a leash… more like a hand cuff but I’d still hold her hand.
Jamie tell us what you reccomend, I see you posted “angry” to most comments?
It won’t let me tag that chick that’s angry reacting everyone’s comments but she needs to grow the hell up. They’re for safety and as a mama safety is a top priority
I have a butterfly harness and leash
Jamie, you must not have kids to actually put a mad face on each comment about a leash. Wtf?!
Jamie’s react:
Jamie’s bio:
Occupational therapy can help with elopement (running off), impulsiveness, and risk taking behaviors
Hold his hand. If he tries to run, keep holding his hand. Or put him in the cart
Jaime MacFarlane you’re angry reacting a lot of comments that say leash, so since you appear to be the “perfect parent”, what do you suggest? Cause I noticed you’re angry reacting a lot but not trying to give suggestions.
I plan to get a leash for my son until he can show me he won’t leave my sight. I live in a state with a high instances of sex trafficking. Infact I live near the city most responsible.
I haven’t read what fixed mine from running off…and say what you will…I busted mine’s ass…three swats on his behind and explaining to him WHY he got busted… he never did it again.
When we were at the grocery store the ONLY way he was allowed to walk outside of the basket was that he had to have a hand holding onto the basket at ALL TIMES or he rode in it…NO CHANCES…NO DO OVERS…NOTHING.
Ya’ll can Think whatever…but keeping my Son safe while out in public and AT ALL times over rode everything else.
I used a backpack leash for all 3 of my boys till they were old enough to listen or out grew it. It also eliminated the need for a separate diaper bag to carry around
My son was always doing this. I started putting him in the pram wherever we went even if we was nipping in the local shop he soon got fed up. Now he walks and holds my hand everywhere x
Hold his hand.
Put him in a cart if at the store.
Personally I never liked a leash, but if my child needed it then I’d do it. Because guess what I’d rather have strangers giving me a crazy look than trying to find my stolen child.
Retractable leash. They will be just as shocked as you are when you yank them backwards. IM JUST KIDDING.
Hand Holding is most important. Make it a game if you have to. It took one swat on the diaper to catch my kids attention and they stopped and stayed by my side from then on out.
Give him the eyes lol
I recommend the child leashes. I use them with my son when he was younger. They look like a little stuffed animal on his back that buckled around his chest. If someone doesn’t like it tell them to kiss off. It kept my son from running into traffic
If more people used the leashes, Harambe would still be alive! Lol
And hey if he’s old enough, maybe it’ll work as a deterrent too since he probably won’t want to keep wearing it
Whoop that lil tush or get a leash
Not enough information here. How old is he? Does he have any medical diagnoses that causes him not to realize how dangerous it is?
I let mine run lmao as long as I’m keeping up with him which I do. Otherwise I tell him he has to hold my hand and if carts are available, he gets in there. We don’t use a leash.
When I hold my kids hands in public, it’s a habit to wrap my pointer finger, middle and ring finger around their hand and pinky around their wrist so that their wrist is between my ring and pinky fingers. It’s kind of hard to explain without showing you but I find it makes it a lot harder for them to let go. Thankfully neither one of my kids were runners but I always feel more secure holding their hands that way.
Blisstime Anti Lost Wrist Link Safety Wrist Link for Toddlers, Babies & Kids Amazon.com : Blisstime Anti Lost Wrist Link Safety Wrist Link for Toddlers, Babies & Kids : Baby
It’s called who’s the boss… u or the child…
Child leash on a back pack?
I would have a trusted friend “kidnap” them. Several years ago I heard my friend’s voice in a store telling her 2yo to “get back here”, followed by his adorable & rotten little giggles. I made my way towards them & found the boy first a couple of isles from his mom (she had 2 other kids in tow). I scooped him up & said “you should listen to your momma so crazy ladies cant carry you off”. We hadn’t seen them often enough for him to recognize me without my own family with me. He was terrified until we got back to his mom & she bursted into laughter. For the next several months he was extremely leery of me, but his momma was grateful. It ended up being very effective & I have kept it in mind in case it ever became an issue with one of my own kiddos.
I used a backpack leash for my oldest son. He ran off in Walmart one day, took 5 or 6 employees to catch him. He was a fast toddler. I got a backpack leash after that. He never ran again until he became an adult
Child leash and stop taking them with until they start behaving or if take off just leave your cart and say we are leaving. Bust ass always works too
The wrist leash is what we used on my grandsons it gave them a sense of independence but us control they walk without holding your hand but it keeps them close
I told my kids that bad things happen when they run off like kidnapping or getting lost they stayed by me but I know that dosen’t work for everyone
I get it… I was anti leash…until my grandson got away from me and scared the absolute s### out of me. He wouldn’t stop. We were out of town in a hotel and he was running ahead of me down the hall. Someone propped the door open and boom…out he went into the parking lot and into the street. I was screaming and crying for him to stop. It was traumatic to say the least. Now I keep my mouth shut when I see a toddler on a leash. I understand now.
I have my son on a leash because it’s gotten to the point it’s very dangerous
I use a backpack leash for kids for my daughter when we go really public or crowded places she can’t run far at
Whoop his dam ass if he’s running from teachers at school to it’s time he understands how completely rude and disrespectful he is being and that he could get seriously hurt or hurt someone else trying to chase him … I am a true believer in safety first beat his ass for running off that’s a definite NO!!! Same with when you yell for a child and get no answer again safety issue !!! These kids have no respect anymore for anyone or anything … a little bit of fear of there parent isnt always a bad thing I’m not talking abuse the dam kid but a good whooping to let them know you mean it…its not a game it’s not one bit funny and you are not playing!!! … that look you throw at your child means garbage if you dont have the physical to back it up … just saying… discipline those brats or stop having them … tired of seeing tired run down mom’s in public with little ones running a muck around them what an embarrassment to her …sad and scarey to know these kids will be adults running this world one day
My son is autistic and a runner the backpack frustrated him but we used a wrist strap and that worked great and got him a rubber medical ID bracelet in case he did still get away both are pretty cheap on amazon
For my kids its stand by the cart and not in other people’s way, watch where your walking because almost all the time they are trying to run into other people’s carts in the store. And if they don’t listen and don’t want to hold my hand then they will sit in the cart. And if they are good in the store I try to reward them.
This may sound Extreme but my son always did this. So I had my brother come to Walmart after we did. He had a hoodie on and watched my son and when he ran off my brother snuck up behind him and acted like he was kidnapping him! Cover his mouth and so he could o scream! I was close by so if anyone said anything. But it scared him so bad thinking that someone might get him. He never done it again . Yes I did all the other things but he did not care!
Running off in public is dangerous. Idc what anyone says about this you grab them and whoop their ass. They need to know its serious.
Crack his ass! Each n every time. To each their own…but I could never put a leash on my child…ever. It’s a human…not a dog!
Wrist band, you can get them from almost any baby shop