My dad told me when I was little all the stains and oil spots on the ground in the parking lots were the leftovers from kids who got ran over because they decided to run off, and not hold their parents hands… I might use this technique, but then again, I also have twins, so I’m def using backpacks
I was super against leashes until I witnessed how dangerous it is with my friends kid and now with my nephew. I never needed for my kids but if I did I would get one
I say pop his butt and maybe invest in them wrist leash things
Karen moms look down on it but best way is the leash but I scared my little girl one time she ran off and I told her if she did that again that there is people out in this world that would love to take her and she’d never see mommy baby brother or anyone she loves ever again if she ran off. She never ran off after that she always stayed right beside me my son on the other hand he loves to run off n so I got the book bag leash n he’s okay with it cause he likes book bags
A kid leash honestly
Get a leash! They have nice back pack ones and they have wrist ones too.
I always showed my kids the keys.
Who has the keys?
Who gets you home?
Is it my job to keep up with you or your job to keep up with me?
It’s our job!
My mom hid from me. I was crying snotting yelling and that put the fear of God in me.
Spank him!Give him the evil eye! Let him know who’s boss! Works like a charm!
In stuff like stores, a backpack leash can be lifesaving. Not sure how to remedy it at school.
This starts at home Knock his ass out and don’t think twice about it
Is this an American group? Cos if everyone said woop his ass on other mums pages there would be outrage haha
Yea my mom was anti leash until I escaped from her and left the mall determined to go home. After that I was a leash baby.
I whooped my son n he understood after a while I also would explain that he could get hit by a car I’d lightly shove him to the ground n he said he didn’t like it n I told him a car would do it harder n he didn’t like that n we did “hand in pocket” so if I say hand in pocket he had to put his hand in any of my pockets n keep it there until I say he can let go if he don’t put his hand in my pocket I’d whoop him
Harness. Best invention ever.
I am one that hates the leash! Lol. I raised 3 boys. I would pop their butts if they ran off. I also told them I would leave them. Worked great! In places that has shopping carts, they were either in them or I told them to hold onto the side and not let go. Other places that doesn’t have carts…they held my hand or if I was in a clothing store…they were told to stay beside me. That’s when I’d have to pop their butts if they didn’t listen. They are now 18, 17, and 12. Never had to use a leash.
Honestly I wanna get the backpack leash things for my kids
At least my son
He likes to trail off on his own and it scares me to death
Yes I keep him by my side but sometimes he gets away from me
I just hold there hand honestly
I had my son on the backpack leash. He’d still be on it but I lost it.
A good old fashion butt spanking. Like my mom used to tell us. I’ll fire your butt up before you get hit by a car. I tell my kids the same thing. Only had to do it once.
I lost my child at Disney World because she decided to stop and watch the Snow White coaster while we kept walking. We dressed all the kids in red shirts to make it easier to keep up with them but everyone else that day had the same idea and put their kids in red shirts Luckily she knew my phone number and security called me. I think it scared her from ever separating in public again. But the wrist leash does work, and letting them know someone could snatch them up and take them worked for me
When I’m out, I use a stroller.
Is this real life? I’m baffled at the amount of people saying to spank them.
As someone who doesn’t do spanking or hitting, I’d suggest some type of leash backpack. You can spank some kids all you want and they are still going to do what they do, personally I’d rather just choose the safest option right off the bat rather than just spanking my child and crossing my fingers they don’t run off and get hit by a car or kidnapped before their “ whooping “ sinks in…
I am 86 years young! When my parents went shopping in Tipton they put me in a harness and lead strap, because I would walk off by myself or with any stranger. I was 3 and a half years old and I remember going off to the candy store with Harry Binkley a family friend! That brought about a leather harness and leather lead strap! Was my last trip anywhere without it until we moved to Grant County. I was 6 then. Also was chained to the clothes line in the harness to keep me from the road and a ditch! Damn, I guess I was a little Bitch!. Has anything changed???
A stern look did it for me. But I was pretty obedient. I would say talking to him, explaining the potential consequences. If that doesn’t work, a leash depending on his age.
Dan Panter some of these replies
Bought my 3 yr old a back pack that is attached to me…after 2 boys that listened well this baby girl has rocked our world in the sweetest way but she is wild hahahha…so I am that mom with a kid on a lease but she thinks its her back pack with her toys. Being in gatlinburg 2 weeks ago and went straight to Walmart and grabbed one. Best thing ever. Decreased my anxiety so much
Is he old enough for a vasectomy
I suggest a leash and a butt whipping. Never hurts to cover all the bases.
I ALWAYS had to keep ahold of my sons hand, finally started leashing him. That worked!!!
Hitting kids is lazy parenting. Depending on the age, I used baby carriers (under age 2), or strollers. By the time they’re around 3/3.5, wagons are a fun and convenient idea. By age 4, many children can be reasoned with and will understand to stay close to mom. If not, use the little connecting bracelets or backpack leash. The backpack leash makes it a hard for a kidnapper to swipe a kid up and run, too, cause it’s clipped around their chests and attached to your wrist, or hands.
Sex trafficking is real! Smack that butt!
Reigns or a lead as my 2yo calls them
Make a loop with your middle finger and thumb round their wrist, they will not be able to pull away and if it hurts all they have to do is walk nicely beside ya, that’s what I did with my son, my god son and a few others kids, worked a treat
Keep them in the basket… that’s what I did , never used a leash because children are not animals!
Not sure if that’s a statement or a QUESTION, with the correct punctuation, it would be tremendously helpful to those that are trying to help.
My kids never ran away and I had twins. We didn’t hit our kids but they respected us and listened. Sometimes I had to get on their level and say You listen to me!
I had my kids put one hand in the cart. Or I strapped them in the cart.
How old? That is not ok extremely unsafe. If they’re young they can stay in the cart or in a stroller until they can learn to stay with you.
Kid leash or umbrella stroller.
You better not be spanking my changos
I kept my little girl in the cart. When she got at the age to kick up a fuss of getting in the cart I would tell her she can walk but she has to show me she’s able to walk and listen if she’s not gonna listen then she knew she would have to get in the cart. We just stuck with that and she walks most times now and doesn’t run off! Then again I never had a runner, maybe I was just lucky haha either good luck mama
Backpack leash! Cute, functional, and multipurpose
Same thing my father would have done. A good smack in front of everyone and voila, no more running off in public.
Get a backpack leash
I use a kid leash on my daughter. It works for the most part.
Depends on the age honestly. 2 to 3 I would use a wrist link and 4+ talk to them about it. I just recently had to take my daughter to the bathroom and pop her tushy for running away from me and across the parking lot in front of a car. We had a talk About it right after about the dangers and the reality if a car hit her. She hasn’t done it since
Backpack leashed my daughter tried it a few time the leash works better
Harnesses… they have some cool back pack ones or the wrist to wrist ones:grin:
Just explain that it’s your job to keep them safe. In certain settings explain what the risk is. For example, you can explain to them if they’re in the road and not with you that a car may not see them. Once a child understands why they should stick with you.
I used to make my daughter put her hand in my pocket when she would grab stuff. Maybe that will help.
I bought child wrist leashes for my kids they are awesome and they can’t get out it
I use a backpack leash for my almost 2 year old because she’s my runner lol
Wait he does it at school too??? Oh no he can’t be doing that. Pop that thigh a good couple times. Bet you he’ll stop running off.
We have a wrist cuff leash for our 2yo. The cuff around his wrist can only be unlocked by the cuff that goes around our wrist. They’re connected by a cable covered in a silicone type wire. You’d have to have straight up wire cutters to cut it. We live in a sex trafficking hot spot so that feature is extremely important to me.
As far as at school, I’m not sure how to solve that one.
Start with talking to him when he does it tell him he can’t do that and why he can’t. After that if it doesn’t work whoop him when he does.
I don’t see why people would laugh at this. It’s one of my biggest nightmares of my child getting kidnapped. With all the child trafficking and just plain on child molesters around I’m scared to death. My son is 3 since November. I’m always holding his hand or having my hand on him if he chooses to walk independently.
1st time my daughter tried it she got popped never did it again
All y’all harness and leashes… jesus… She’s not asking about a dog.
Talk to your kid, get onto them, let them know what’s right and wrong. Punishment. Don’t just be all “oh honey, plz don’t do that to mommy”… that’s too little when death can occur. If that don’t work, pop that honey one time and it’ll stop.
Leash that secures in the back
OMG. Most of the responses sound like they are coming from dog owners and not parents. Don’t be an uninvolved parent and teach your children consequences of bad behavior. It is not that hard to set expectations for their behavior. Make demands of their children, set rules and offer guidance, and set expectations for behavior.
Not insulting the leash. Just this is what my daughter would do until she learned that if she stayed by me she didn’t need her leash. No I didn’t walk with like that.
Everyone says don’t spank, don’t spank… The only times I’ve ever spanked my son is if he was about to hurt himself. So I agree with a spanking when he runs off and he can absolutely not do that at school. Teachers have enough kids to keep safe. Tough love momma for you and him. I say this from the heart it is just absolutely bottom line unacceptable behavior, just like touching a hot stove ( your hand on that bottom is the heat from the stove)
My mom used to graphically explain to me that I could get kidnapped and/or murdered but there are kid tether backpacks or hand leashes now or just hold their hand tightly.
I was at the mall today with my 4 year old and had to explain to him that someone might take him if he doesn’t stay close to me, he listened and stayed by me but I had to rent a stroller for my 2 year old cuz he doesn’t listen
I’m straight up honest with what will happen to them. They need to stay close. These people are bad. They will hurt you very bad and may even kill you. Tell them we will most likely never see each other again. I’d rather they be scared close to me than running around playing with a bunch of perverted sickos watch their every move.
Mine have wrist straps until they’re old enough to understand. Then lots of “WELL DONE, YOU’RE WALKING SO WELL!” kind of over the top exaggerated praise whilst they’re walking nicely and holding your hand. The world is just too exciting for them, they’re not being naughty x
How old is the child? This will make a big difference in correcting the behavior. Young children will need to be kept in a stroller or hold their hand until they understand the dangers of running off. Older children need to understand it is a privilege to be able to walk around and they can lose this freedom when they don’t behave or listen. The child needs to understand the parent is serious about them not listening or being safe. I am a single mother of 2, my children know to listen to me when I tell them something or there will be consequences. I do not tolerate a child not listening especially if they can get into danger. Explain to them if they do not correct the behavior then they don’t go out or they will have to hold your hand at all times. Do it in such a way that they understand they are getting more responsibility and you are putting trust into them.
I always hated the idea of the leash… now I’m a Mom with a backpack leash on my kid. Lifesaver.
HOW old is he??? Mine never did that after their second birthdays!! Before that they were in strollers!!!
Yeah. Whoop his ass. I bet he won’t do it again.
My oldest ran away in a toy store so we went out to the car moved the car and when he came looking for us he couldn’t find us always had my eye on the exit and he came out looking through the door couldn’t find us kind of freaked him out and then went and collected him and he never did it again
Spanked mine when he did …never did it again…or put him on a leash nothing wrong with that either
Stroller to backpack leash. Make him hold your hand. Boys are explorers.
We had stuffed animal backpacks that had zippers and held snacks but the tail was a leash. Worked fine for my kids when they were little! I don’t think they’re scarred or anything, but they’re all definitely alive and well!
Now an older kid that runs off? I have no idea but I wish you the best of luck! I know some kids do that and I just can’t even imagine that mental anguish!
Stroller, shopping cart, toddler leash, make him hold your hand…you’re the parent, dont give him the option, consequences if he runs off. As soon as mine were old enough to walk through the store with me they knew to keep a hand on the cart and stay with me. Before that, they rode in the cart or stroller.
I bought myself a kid leash at walmart for like 10.00 (12 yrs ago) it looked like a monkey and went on like a back pack.
Depends on the age but holding hands or backpack leashes keep them safe with you also teaching them how far they can go with out you until they can listen and follow directions enough to not need them.
Does he have autism? Is he overstimulated? Does he think it’s funny? The fact that it is happening across environments suggests there may be something wrong. Is he running too something? Understanding the why will inform thr solution. What happens when you grab him? Does that fix the issue, or is the running constant? Perhaps your doc or the school psychologist can help you sort it out and apply the correct solution.
Depends on the age, but children are extremely logical. I was babysitting a 3 year old with this habit. Once I stopped her and asked if she knew which way home was. She didn’t. I asked if she knew how to get herself there. She didn’t. I then helped her conclude that if she runs off, I won’t be able to help her which might end in all sorts of scenarios - staying with strangers, sleeping in the street etc. It wasn’t scaring her, it was helping her realize the consequences. She never did that with me again. Sometimes I just had to remind with a question if she knew where home was.
My 4 year old does I what helps him is I’ll have him help me shop put stuff in the cart help me pick out things so he’s more focused on the actual shopping
I bought s child’s harness from toys r us. I know they closed. It looks like the monkey giving him a hug, yet the ,“tail” is long enough for me to hold so …no running off. I used to use Back in" the day", a clip on dog leads and hooked it too the belt loop of pants. Sure I got dirty looks. But after raising 37 kids. I NEVER lost one! Maybe amazon sells the monkey type
Back pack with leash might help, if you’re open to that
I got my daughter a mom to kid wristbands so she has her freedom without running around
I use a harness with mine
Harness/leash. It’s what I used for my son. Its better to be safe than sorry and screw whoever has negative comments about it.
Hold his hand and he won’t run away!!
A good ass whopping…let the hating begin lol
Beat his ass. Its called CONSEQUENCES.
Kathern Ann Ratzlaff
Teach them that if they want to walk they have to hold your hand or in the stroller you go
honestly in this situation i would spank cause its a lot less harmful then getting hit by a car or kidnapped
If they run off at school the harness won’t really help because the teacher can’t be expected to leash the kid everytime they go to lunch or to specials, not even going to lie I would probably pay someone to kidnap him for a few hours, you can tell them all day long what could happen if they don’t stay with you but until something actually happens it’s going in one ear and out the other🤷♀️
My little devil is 6 and he still runs off.
Make a designated spot to hold onto wherever you go; parking lot, have him put his hand on the car door or walking somewhere, have him hold onto your shirt. Make it a game with positive reinforcement. “Thank you for staying with me! What a great job you did listening, I’m so proud of you!” Might have to approach it from a few different ways, but just remind him you don’t want him to get hurt, bottom line.
Wrist leash. Stops them losing you too. I like the Velcro ones. If their school age, then you need to storyboard why it makes you worried and sad.
I was honest with my kids and explained kidnapping to them. My boys weren’t so bad in stores (14 &12 now) but my 6 year old loves to hide in the clothing racks. She now walks with her hand in my pocket or sits in the cart. My 14 year old had a backpack harness when he was a toddler because he would run off while on walks, etc.
I used the toddler leashes on my kids. I didn’t care who judged me. Kept my kids safe. Plus I had twins so it was impossible if they ran in different directions.
Books ,youtube videos on safety awareness, I have used a safety harness for public places (my 3 and a half year old has autism) it takes a lot of directing and teaching . Red light green light we have made it a game . I have dealt with this and my son running away since he could run! It is very stressful. Hang in there
Some of you all are trying too crazy. Just plan a kidnapping with someone you know thats basically what some of these people are suggesting. Ptsd at a young age sounds great!