Parent of 30yrs, Step 1 take child over your knee, step 2 apply your hand liberally to childs butt! Works wonders…
My 3 almost 4 year old is required to hold onto the shopping cart
The leash! My daughter is only 1 so I haven’t used it much but the one I have does a harness or a wrist band and they lock on so they can’t just take them off
Ummm whoop that ass !!!
Smack that butt! They could seriously hurt themselves and it would be easy for someone to take them if they wanted to!
Leash or harness. As a dog trainer I joke that I trained my only child like a puppy! It worked! I would show him squished worms or roadkill and say " it didn’t hold it’s Mommy’s hand and see what happened!?"
That’s how I found out my son had ADHD cuz he did that in school. Maybe figure out if that is ur problem.
Put ur kid in the cart or hold his/her hand. Or before you go into the store have a talk with them and tell them if you want to be able to walk freely with mommy in the store instead of being in the cart, then you cant run off, if you do you get in the cart and then you will stand in the corner for awhile when we get home. Same goes for school. Teach them that running off is not safe and bad people can take them away and they wont get to see mommy again if that happens. Ive never dealt with a runner. I have 5 kids, never used a leash but this is what I would do.
Got to figure out WHY they are doing it first. Testing their boundaries? Needing to expend surplus energy? Trying to get your attention? Just curious and wanting to go look at something that has caught their eye? They think it’s a game? Just plain bored and grouchy? Refusing to hold hands because they want to be independent? Getting stressed out by loud noises or too many people?
Find out what they are running from or towards, and then you can tackle the problem from that side. Either making sure you play games and run around in a safe environment first before going into a public place, to get it out of their system. Or giving them a responsibility to carry something for you that will keep them engaged. Breaking up trips out to give them attention or an activity before they can run off, leaving longer gaps to gradually build up their patience and reward good behaviour. Investigating an area with them first, so they don’t get distracted by something catching their eye. Make a game of always being within arm’s reach. Explain why it’s important, but don’t make it such a big deal that they’ll know exactly how to press your buttons if they want a reaction.
I used , Redl light , yellow light, green light, green they can walk , yellow slow down and red means stop till I get closer. Always fun for them and you don’t have to stay on them
My mom would harness us like dogs! Early 50’s
I’m all for the backpack and arm leashes. My son is only 19 months old so he can’t understand reason and logic like some of these “jUsT tAlK tO hIm” people. I talk to my son and he squeals like a pterodactyl so ya know, the answer really depends on the age of your child.
Snatch that kid up and make him hold your hand or put them in a stroller or buggy. If they old enough to talk tell him to stay close and if they don’t… make them hold your damn hand. Be a parent and watch your kid. It’s your job to teach them… find a way. Kids aren’t dogs.
Yes a swift hand to dat ass bout third time he stop that mess it’s not being creul or abuse it’s called parenting being a mom and dad
My kids go in a stroller strapped in if they can’t listen to me when I say “stay right by mommy”. If their older it’ll embarrass them or make them so mad they’ll listen. If they run off, into the stroller or cart they go. If I don’t have one I just take them out to the car and sit. If they still can’t listen, they lose the privilege of leaving the house at all.
I used a child harness that strapped to my hand. Works wonders for autistic or wild children. No SHAME
Grandma here. I feel like ive seen it all with bad kids in public. When i take grandbaby out, almost 4 years old, I find things to occupy her. Like youre in charge of holding the bread, you lead us to front of the office, you watch for people wearing a white shirt, etc. Sometimes when kiddos run wild its because theyre bored and crave mental stimulation.
They make backpacks that have leashes iknit sounds bad lol but it does help cuz they still habe mobility but yoy are also in control of where they can go.
My 5 year old & I use the red light, green light method. I let him know No running, walking fast is acceptable. If mommy says green light go, if mom say red light stop immediately. Or you’ll have to hold on to stroller/hand for 2 minutes.
Make them watch the Adam Walsh story
I use the wristlet bungie bands for my 4 & 6 yr old and a backpack harness plus put in a cart for my 2 yr old. Carrier and cart for 9 month old. . Idk about helping with running off at school though.