How can I keep my toddler safe in public when he doesn't like to hold my hand?

Help! My toddler won’t hold my hand when we go places; if I hold his hand, he sits on the ground and won’t move, but as soon as I let go, he’s running around crazy, what do yall do for crazy children who just want to run? Like we literally can’t go anywhere without the stroller, or he goes in the road or just takes off running


Get a leash. Easier & safer.


Backpack strap, or wrist bracelets that connect with a plastic wire.


Ummm. Explain he needs to hold your hand for safety. If he refuses put him back in the car. You are parent.


These are great!!


Either a back pack or wrist leash


He holds your hand or he doesn’t go. Miss out on a couple fun trips and it will change. Safety always comes first!


Make him wear a leash backpack!


I have seen this from another group. And I think this is a great idea


Get the kid leash there back packs I used on mine when needed. And still tempted use on older one that’s to old for now.


Don’t take him if he doesn’t want to behave simple


If you’re shopping even for one item he goes in the cart with the belt on. Park by the cart return that has carts in them. If you’re going somewhere without carts maybe look into getting a little fold up umbrella stroller you can keep in the car. Or into the little animal backpacks that have leashes attached.


Backpack or wrist harness :slightly_smiling_face:


My son had the Dino backpack he loved it

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I have used the backpack leashes. They’re fantastic for letting littles feel free with parents still being able to be in control.


Leash and don’t worry what anyone else thinks of leashes.

I tried and tried to explain my son had to hold my hand but he wouldn’t until at least 3 years when he understood why it was dangerous to not hold my hand.


I used a backpack with leash for mine …

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Im curious and must ask , can the leash be cut?

I had a backpack leash for my kids. They loved that they had freedom and I was still attached which gave me piece of mind. S/n it came in handy at the zoo when my son tried to crawl into an open (only wooden gate) exhibit.


Mine use to do that an after a cpl swats on their ass they learned real quick mom wasn’t playin.

How old is he? My boy is just shy of 2, he used to have painted on ears, but now I say, this way, and point and he follows, or i tell him wait if he boosts off and then he will slow down, if we are near roads he knows to hold my hand, and tbh id ratwhr be the mum carrying a screaming child then a mum who’s kid gets hit by a car, when we first did the hold my hand thing, he was against it, so i used to ask him questions and point things out to distract him to start, but now when I say hold my hand he does, so hard though as every child is different. Good luck, and there is no shame in getting one of those bracelet things that you have one and he has one, as long as it keeps him safe, do whatever you have to! :smiling_face:

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Well it would be stroller or he would stay home!


Plus everyone who says don’t go out until they “learn”, sometimes they are too young to understand and sometimes if it essential shopping etc, you can’t just keep going back to the car, it would take you all day!

Backpack leash or stroller is what i have to do. My daughter is a runner as well.


I use to disagree with the backpack harness thing but I think this is a good reason to need one. All kids are different and a kid doesnt have to be punished just because he doesn’t want to hold your hand. If you know he’s safe like in a buckle or the backpack harness and your happy/ he’s happy then that’s all that matters. Our job is to make sure they are safe not make them do something cause it’s more convenient for you. Parking beside the cart return was really good advice. Also depending on his age he might change his mind and want to hold your hand vs wearing a leash. Ask him which he would rather do cause running away isn’t an option lol.

Get him a backpack with a leash

I use a backpack leash, but my child has started accepting my hand when walking. I attempted holding her hand with the leash on my wrist, and she took it and we’ve now been using the leash less. I praise her with “big girl”, and so far so good.

Sounds as if he is in control.
But to answer your question, I used a backpack leash for mine.

Put him in a cart, carry him, or put a leash on him. I have a leash for mine that goes on my wrist, it’s better to be careful and get weird looks than to never see your baby again.

We used a backpack with a leash. It was a monkey, and the monkeys tail was the leash.

Child leash best things invented :raised_hands:

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Child leash. Or. Kid cuffs.

I agree with the ladies. My son had a monkey backpack he wore and the tail was a lesh for me…

Stroller, backpack leash or.make his butt stay at home. No better time in his life to teach him who is in control.

Backpack leash! Toddlers think they’re the bomb and who cares about anyone who disagrees with leashing a child. The truth is, anything can happen at any time…run in front of a car, someone can try to grab them…toddlers are quick. We have one, we haven’t used it much since the pandemic. We go on walks and I make my toddler put his hand on the stroller before we cross the street. But if we went to the zoo or somewhere public I’d use his backpack leash. I used to use it more often when I’d have him and another toddler getting them out of the car and walking across the streets or parking lots…it was a life saver.

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Take control he only gets bigger

I never really agreed with the backpack leash things but since having my daughter I honestly have considered it because she loves to run but is thankfully starting to learn and listen more because im sticking firm with the rules I don’t really care any more if people stare while im holding my surfboard kid out the shops because she is misbehaving and won’t hold my hand because I know those are also the people who would judge me if my kid was running around like a loon :woman_shrugging:
She now knows if she won’t hold my hand through the car parks she will be carried until its safe to put her down so she holds my hand

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Stroller! Ain’t got time for that lol

Leash backpack :school_satchel: also called a love line

I just bought my son a harness leash that also can convert to a wrist to wrist leash! I don’t regret it.

Backpack leash or discipline :woman_shrugging:t2: kids do what you allow them to get away with.


Unfortunately all you can do is go back to the car or home until he stops doing it. It’s a hassle for mom but worth it. It’ll take about two weeks to change the behaviour if consistent. But you have to be willing to Leave period. He’ll get it.


Leash him up. Those cute backpacks with the straps you can hold, so he can toddle around but not put himself in danger.

I hear people bitching or getting all judgemental about those, but if I had a runner, I’d absolutely invest in one. Your kid’s safety is more important than their opinions.

Backpack leash for sure. I have 2 kids like that and they love their monkey backpack. It allows them to think they’re walking alone but your still in control

Dont take them out until they learn better manners, I had to do that with my oldest when she was younger, she soon realised when she started missing out on “dates” with me


I was totally against the backpack leashes but I got one for my 1 year old and he loves it. It gives him independence and me security

Make a fabric rope that extends only so far with a handle on it. He hangs on 1 end and you the other

The first set I have for my kids and absolutely love them

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That’s when mine went right back in the stroller


Get a backpack leash or hold him. That’s it

Take control and either make them.hold ur hand or put them back in stroller/cart etc. Or go home. Make them listen momma.


I wouldn’t let mine walk without holding my hand she would throw a fit if I carried her, but she learned it was that or hold my hand. Don’t give in!!


I bought this for my daughter who was a runner. She felt independent enough and our outings were a lot less stressful.


Backpack leash :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Im the parent. He’s going to hold my hand because I said so. I have 6 kids and they do have their moments but I do not let them think they run me. My advice is don’t let them do what they want. It may suck he is throwing a fit but if you let him that’s what he will get used to and you will not be able to control him. It already seems like that’s how he’s acting now but start taking control before he gets older.


Start with short walks at home holding his hand. Make it like a game. Then, once he adjusts to the feeling, read him this book. Then you take your first walk outside and this time reference the book with something like “we hold hands like X in the story!”. Keep at it until he gets it. Then you can get a bit firmer with the request but in very simple language - “We hold hands to be safe!” When he doesn’t “hold hands” then he goes back into the house/car.

When my daughter was a toddler she could either walk like a big girl or be put in her stroller or we stayed home. My child is the child and I am the parent. She tried the whole flopping on the ground a couple of times which got her left. Yes, I made sure she was in no real danger but I would keep walking ignoring her outburst she would always jump up running to get me by the hand.

Backleash or harness leash it a safety tether. I have both the harness leash and the tether, depending on what we are doing determines what we use. My son loved his harness leash


In this case, where child sits and won’t move, sounds like it could be a sensory situation. The feel of sweaty skin on his is uncomfortable and at this age there are no words. Backpack leash is a great tool for such situations.


They come in adorable animal shapes

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I have a cute backpack with a lead, if it stops my child from being run over then I’m going to use it


Tell them if they don’t hold your hand ,we’re going home. THAN DO IT. One or two missed playground outings or ice cream cones missed will make it sink in. Consistency, and follow through.


I was all against the backpack leashes until I had kids. Especially with my youngest, would love to have one.

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My oldest 2 listened very well, but my youngest is very stubborn, I have tried everything. I never wanted to use a “leash” on any of my kids, yes I used to be judgmental, I have grown up since. I recently purchased a fox backpack, it works wonders. When we do not have the stroller around I have the fox backpack. Every child is different and I hope you find something that works for you, without the fear of being judged.

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There always belt loops, pockets etc he can hold onto. I make my lil do that when I’m getting something out of the car and need both my hands.

Both my kids had back pack leashes.

No shame. I won’t feel guilty for keeping my kids safe :woman_shrugging:


I have a backpack harness. She’s pretty good for holding my hand when we’re walking or crossing but sometimes she wants that freedom to explore. With the backpack harness I can give her that while keeping her safe.

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Don’t give him a choice. You are the parent, not him. If he throws a fit then let him, and say “now that you’re done you still have to hold my hand and we will go”. My other option on advice is to swat his butt (not hard) and tell him to hold your hand (idc who gets mad and what people will say, a simple seat on the butt hurts feelings…not behinds)


My daughter is autistic and used to be a runner. We had to get one of those backpack leashes or take her stroller everywhere. She is 5 now and has mostly grown out of it and will hold our hands. That backpack leash and her stroller were lifesavers for us.


Arent you the parent? The child would be holding my hand if I gotta drag em with me.


Tell him hold ur hand or put him inside the cart and tell him you don’t negotiate with kids :rofl:


At some point you leash them, people will always have something to say until it’s their child, toddlers don’t understand they can get hurt or worse lost


Backpack harness. It’s better safe than sorry.


I used a harness, (now they make them fun looking like a backpack. my son would not hold hands and took off in a blink of a eye. It was amazing for going out in, malls, wonderland, festivals Ext. He loved it, I loved it. It made life so much easier. I tried a pat on the butt, I tryed discipline nothing worked, I tryed the hand things that attach to your hand and theirs he got out of them. There is nothing wrong with a harnest, My son was happy and I was stress free and happy and he was safe. My son like to be independent at at young age, I do it my self so it made life so much easier.

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I used to put my phone number on the inside of my sons shoe And tell him to show someone only if he gets lost. Also doesn’t hurt to make sure they know mommy and daddy’s full name and their own. And who to go to IF they ever get separated from you.
I read somewhere that it’s safer to tell them instead of security or police, to go to a mommy( woman with children) I’m up in the air on that soo just putting it out there.

Ummm seriously??? Who’s the parent??? Tell him he can hold your hand or you stay at home!


Momma all I’m going to say is keep your baby close! Child trafficking is so real and they’re snatching our children within seconds! I also agree with the backpack leash of some sort…


Spank his butt and let him know you’re TELLING HIM, not asking him, to hold your hand.


Definitely the backpack with the harness. Who cares what people say about it. With all the stuff going on in the world people can shove it


This works for mine : it worked for two so I hope but try it - tell tot , ok you don’t want to hold my hand , then , here , “YOU HOLD MINE “ , and say “YOU , HOLD MY FINGER” and put your index finger out the pointer finger and then your kid will be like “oh shit , I’m in control” and not in those exact words but they feel in control and it works for mine lol :joy: #momhacks

Backpack leash or arm bands leash




I get eye level and establish my expectations and ask my child if she understands and then have her repeat what I said.
I have to do it several times, but it gets me results!
I started this before my kids spoke real words, so the repeating it part is usually gibberish, but I when they start speaking it’s really cool!


Hold your hand or he gets a kid leash.

My son bolted out into traffic at 2. From that day forward I hung onto him by the upper arm, not the hand.


My son is the same way, knowing this, he goes on my husbands shoulders. He’s so much happier up there, hits my husband in the head and steals his sunglasses :woman_shrugging:t2:

Leashes are amazing!!! I also still use a stroller and or a basket with a cart cover. The cart cover makes it harder for anyone to snatch him out or for him to get out. Plus it is more sanitary.

Your the parent! Their’s nothing wrong with a spanking on their butt… if you don’t show who’s the adult then when they get older it may get bad, The child may get the idea of doing whatever they want.


I was so against those backpack leash things until I had a kid who did this totally get it now :smile:

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I bought my son a leash backpack he loves it we put snacks and his juice in there for him.

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Harness/leash. I don’t care if people say “it’s a child not an animal”. I rather keep a child safe while walking then have them potentially snatched and sold to pedos and other sick people. We need to keep our children safe, and if it’s by using a leash/harness then so be it. I actually know someone who’s baby was saved by the use of a harness. She was walking in a shopping center with her shield next to her on a harness and it was busy. Someone tried snatching her child but because he had a harness on and she was holding it with a tight grip, her son wasn’t able to be kidnapped and the person who tried snatching the kid almost capped themselves cause they were almost caught

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I mean have you tried talking about it before using terms they understand. Heard that may help cause then they feel included

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My son (2 years old) has a backpack with a lead on it (you can have the leash on or off because it has a clip). He gets 3 warnings if he doesn’t listen and walks off the leash goes on and it doesn’t come back off till we go back into the car.


I think it’s depending on how old your toddler is, like there’s a massive difference between the level of understanding of a 2 year old and a 3 year old. I’d continue to use the stroller or one of those wrist bands, that goes around the child’s wrist and the parents wrist. Once you’re keeping your son safe that’s all that matters. One day he will listen and understand the dangers! I was a wild kid too, I eventually grew out of it! :heart:


Have you tried a trolley bring snacks ’ something to drink amd allow them to bring thier favorite toys’ no running any where and right by you the whole time so you can get some kind of shopping done’ my 3 year old is a hand full amd super busy but this helps me

Let the kid pick out their own cute little “backpack” and leash your little demon lmao
I have one for my son and at first he hated it but he adjusted and now he likes to pack it with things lol


Teach him that if he doesn’t want to hold your hand, he doesn’t get to go do things with you (it may be an idle threat but kids love to be included and involved). I taught my kids from an early age that if they weren’t going to hold my hand, they could wait in the car with Daddy or Nana. Or if they didn’t want to hold my hand, they could hold the cart I pushed around the store, but the first time they let go of it, they didn’t get to come back to the store again until I thought they could listen. It worked for me.

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Reins to keep him safe or one of the hand ones

Keep in the stroller and try again another time

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My kids both had one of them little life backpacks with the lead on. Really cute can get lots of different animals and characters. They can pop a teddy or toy in their to take with them.

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Some people use a child safety harness

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