Maybe this will help. Just happened to come across it right after your post.
If you need help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or visit to live chat with someone 24/7. Help is out there and you are not alone.
‘He is a great guy, a great husband and father. How could he have done this!?’ It’s because he did it when no one was looking.’: Domestic violence survivor speaks out – Love What Matters
Contact churches. Just call when he isn’t around
Contact local emergency housing
Go to a women’s shelter. They will help you
Thats abuse.Try to get out at first chance.
So, yes, you need to leave…you also need to evaluate and plan really well. First, evaluate what kind of abuser he is and how far he’ll go as far as tracking you and your child. He’s isolated you, so it’s possible that when the abuse situation becomes public (to your family) he’ll let you go without too much fuss and move on to his next victim. If he’s a narcissistic abuser he will stalk you and make your life hell. With the first type, you can go home and utilize your family as support. With the second type, going to your family may be very dangerous for all of you. Utilize your DV resources; let the experts help you leave safely and get you to a safe spot. Things are replaceable, your lives are not.
If possible, I would get that burner phone and hide it. Second, if he completely controls your access to money and checks receipts against items or goes shopping with you it may be impossible for you to start stashing cash. If you think it may be possible for you to start stashing some funds figure out where your going to hide it so he can’t find it and you will have immediate access when you leave. If the clients you care for have a computer, do your searches from their house. If you feel you can safely plan for your exit make sure you do a few key things.
First, set up a new email account and send any photos on your phone to it the night before or morning of your planned exit, then wipe the photo content. Buy a thumb drive and download important content from your home computer on it. 2) Take photos or write down important account information such as account locations and numbers 3) collect your important documents 4) Get rid of any address books or stuff that has your family members names, addresses, and phone numbers on it. If he has the information on his phone and you can access it try to delete the info the night before your planned exit so he won’t notice it’s gone. 5) You can also put spyware or a tracking app on his phone and computer just like he did. These apps may be helpful if you can’t access his phone but you know he has sensitive information about you and/or your family.
The day you leave (which should be while he’s at work) take your phone as usual. Either take the burner you’ve bought or buy one immediately and set it up. If your going to wipe his phone now is the time to do it. Then, I would put your old phone in the back of a truck or leave it in a public bathroom, toss it into a garbage can. Yes, you can shut it off, turn off location services, or destroy it. Personally I like the idea of putting it on a vehicle that’s going to be moving around…like a long haul trucker Let him chase that around for a while. Most important, the DV shelters aren’t fun, but they are safe, and the people are experts in helping you out and providing resources…just hang tight and stay safe until you can get back on your feet.
My daughter and I left an abuser many years ago with only the clothes on our back. A family friend bought two Greyhound bus tickets home to my parents across the country. She took us to the station and gave me $40. A kind fellow passenger gave me her blanket in Colorado because we had nothing to keep us warm. I wish I’d planned better, but I had zero access to money or a car, so the offer for the bus tickets and ride was sudden. She asked me one day where I would go, came back the next morning after he left for work and took me to the bus station.
Oh, if you have a debit card and he just reviews your spending make sure you take it with you the day you leave and clean out the money on the way to the DV shelter…then destroy the card as you can’t ever use it again. If you don’t have a debit card but know the pin# to his, take that damn thing out of his wallet before he leaves for work, or before you leave for your work. Take all the cash you can and destroy or throw away the card. Sorry, I have zero ethical issues about taking what is needed in this situation
Don’t know your area, but they might be able to help
You need to call your closest battered woman shelter, because you are a battered woman whether he hits you or not! Unless you want to teach your Child this type of lifestyle, put on your big girl panties and take a jump , There are resources for women like you
I just got out of a similar relationship and my family was there to help me when he told me that none cared for me. Now I can heal . You take the first step reach out to your family.
Get a restraining order and go to your family with your child. Trust me things will be tough but better for you and your child you don’t want your kid to think that it’s ok to be treated like that the sooner the better. I cried and prayed everyday dealing with my ex and I still remember always telling him the day I tell my family the truth about you is the day I’m done. Crazy how people judge but don’t understand unless they were in that situation. Your not alone you can do this
What happens when you voice how you feel ? Does he shut you down have you told him that you have a problem with the way he treats you don’t let the fear aspect control keep faith god has your back take action I say if he has trackers on you maybe you can deactivate them somehow or just do what you have to do anyway don’t let him control you be strong for your daughter I’d say work and make enough money to maybe get far away from him and get your own vehicle or place even though your family is far away if they knew the situation maybe they could help after you in a safe zone to prevent him from reacuring in your life you could get a restraining order there stay strong god got you you could call hotlines for abuse ect
And its not babysitting older people its caring for older people
Take the kid and take a loss you can always get a new car another place to live
Call the local shelter… Pack a bag for yourself and your son. Leave the phone on the table after you have factory reset it and walk away from it all. Is it terrifying. Yes. Can you survive. Yes. You will make it with out him I promise you. Most cities even small ones have shelters you can go to. Hud offers housing using vouchers. Some apartments go by income… you might be surprised by what housing is available. Sign up for public assistance. You can even take yourself down to the police station and ask for help they will point you in the right direction. But leave. Leave now. Dont worry about what is to come. If you can find the strength to leave him you WILL find the strength thru your determination to survive. Starting from scratch with nothing is hard but you can start over. You just have to have enough courage to leave it all behind.
Wrong XD i hâte people, m’y kitties the biggest lovebug with anyone
If he tracks your phone then how will he not find this ?
U need to get out now for your sake and that child. There are ways… you just have to be prepared to do em and the hard yards. U should not need a man for shit, make a life for yourself and ur baby hun! Don’t depend on anyone, but do call your family and ask for there help. Plz you need to get away from this.
Call the cops, call women shelters there is help out there use it. Next time he is at work put this all in to plan and get out. X
Depending on what kind of father you have , he might help you … It defiantly won’t hurt to ask. But u have to leave , get a different phone some how so he can’t track u … But maybe your father can talk to a lawyer for you about your child . Good luck , I will pray for you and your child and for you father to help you …
Yeah. When you leave a relationship like that don’t expect to leave with ANYTHING. You’ll be lucky to get your daughter. This is exactly why there are underground groups that help you escape. You got to leave everything behind!
Please contact a shelter…& reach out for help…IT IS THERE!!Calculate your timing…then LEAVE!! You will never regret your decision for the rest of your life!!
Walk away be the better person
You can’t take a child out of his home without cause
Find a womens shelter near you. Plenty of people have built from the bottom up, take the bus find resources and don’t stay for stuff.
Pack a bag, yourself and child and leave. Don’t look back. Leave your car and phone home (since he tracks it) and get a restraining order against him and find a abusive woman shelter.
Endless comments but no one gives a care lol,
There are safe places set up every where go to McDonald’s go to a grocery store gas station there is always a helping hand.
Contact local shelters , and housing for women and children . They will help you get out asap, and give you alot of help, resourceslike jobs , daycare ect… Take your clothes and the babies. Leave absolutely everything else. Take the loss as a blessing. I truly hope you get out fast!
I stopped reading after the car thing why you still there LEAVE IMMEDIATELY you can start over you and the kids or kid will be ok smmfh RUN GIRL RUN
Leave him now,hes a controlling narcissist. Take your kid and run to a shelter.
Control manipulation emotional n financial abuse ? Ya need to think of you n that child !! I’d seriously ask for help n get out of that situation
C.U N T? wow never heard that one before
I’m still message my father and explain the situation he’s not going to turn you away because no matter what you’re still his child. I’m pretty sure whatever the case he can forgive you for it if he knows that this is a danger not only to you but to his grandchildren I’m pretty sure he’ll put them first and think about them instead of worrying about the dispute you all had. I would notify family back home and that phone would magically disappear sorry don’t know what happened to it so he couldn’t track me. I even secretly save every single penny and I made doing that job and hide it so I’d have some money to get away. If he’s hitting you or assaulting your children in any way you can call the cops again at least arrest him for 24 hours and you can get out. That would give you some time 2 pack the clothes and kids up and leave. You can see a family could wire you some money so you can leave and never look back it could pay for a taxi and a plane ticket to get you and your kids what do you need and tell them you’ll pay the back as soon as you can. If you explain the situation your family can figure something out even if it’s a rental car to get you home
Do you have family or a safe place to go? Send me a pm if you need to talk.
Pack a get away bag. Go to your nearest police station and tell them you were being held prisoner by your babys father and you fear for both your lives. Find a way to turn off the gps in your phone or take the sim out until you need the phone. Contact a womens shelter. Ask police to escort you to collect your things. Call an abuse hotline.
Get out sweetheart x
Go to your dad. You two might not be speaking right now but I am sure if you and your child go to him to seek shelter temporarily he will be ok with it. Then you can apply for financial assistance, food stamps, insurance, child care vouchers, and get a job. It might sound like a lot to handle but it’s not.
You need to leave this man. One day when he us out and you know it’s gonna be a while till he comes home pack all yall things, only the most needed (clothes and legal paperwork) call your dad and tell him to come get you and your kid.
Do what i did. Leave while hes at work. Pack a few chlothes and important papers. Go borrow a phone and ask one of ur old friends if they can help u out by letting u stay w them for a day or two. Call ur momma and tell her whats been going on. If she refuses to help u, ask an aunt, uncle, cousin, grandparent for help. Get a job and take out a loan from the bank to help u get an apartment. File for child support and custody, get food stamps and wic and tnaf. Its gonna be ok. Ur stong and u got this. Where do u live?
Buy a cheap prepay phone and card. Find a woman’s domestic violence shelter/organization, they can help you get out.
First off get off the phone he is tracking! You cant just claim domestic violence on someone there has to be evidence as in charges pressed if he is hitting you CALL THE COPS they do not take it lightly anymore tell them you fear for your life and you need someone to come get you out of that house i promise you they will come get you pack you and your kid a bag whatever is important if it aint leave it leave his phine leave his car the police will help you with a battered womens shelter. Then get you a protection order for you and your son you have to press charges on him to do this though you have to have proof of whats going on not just he said she said i have gone through this please get out before it worse. If you need someone please pm me i dont have much but i will do what i can to get you help