How can I love my boyfriend through his mental health issues?

I think someone makes up these stories just to get comment on them. They are too planned.

Those suffering from mental health all to often are not aware of their issues. Having worked at a mental hospital years ago I’ve seen it all. A good counselor can help but one never knows when they are going to go off again. You need to find a GOOD counselor that can help you help the person. Medications sometimes can help. Shock treatments, while dangerous can help but is extreme. Each individual with mental illness and the depth of it are sometimes impossible to cure. You need help for sure. Ask around about counselors and hopefully you can find a good one. It may take some time though. It’s tough I know but ask your health professionals for recommendations and set up an appointment . Keep in mind though that mental illness is not always treatable but it can be depending on who and where you get help from. Unfortunately the hospital I worked at is no longer around but keep looking. Like I said , start with a GOOD counselor and go from there. It’s tough but it’s worth it to try. Best of luck to you. It’s a tough road!

Seek professional help. Can’t on your own. He needs help and might hurt you… but… its the illness.

You can’t. He should heal.

You can’t change him only 2 things to do one live with it and go on walking on egg shells or leave him you can find someone who appreciate and care and respect you more…

Go to a counselor!
FB is not a free medical clinic

You cant fix him. I would get rid of him

RUN! It will get worse.

I know what you saying it’s not easy

You can’t, leave now.

Either stay with him and deal with it or leave and find a more balanced friend…theres thousands to choose from…its a long hard road which may never be resolved…good luck…

Looks like he is showing you his true colors RUN he doesn’t need to be loved more

Is there a chance he may have PTSD or C-PTSD? You don’t have to listen to it and you can leave if you’d like but there are things he can do to get help if he’s willing.