How can I make my family understand my husband and I do not want kids?

Family is important. They think that, that’s what’s best for you so be kind in your response but stick to your guns. There is absolutely no reason to be stern. Keep repeating yourself. Eventually they will let go. Choice is what we have for ourselves. It’s your right.

“Our decision to not procreate is not up for discussion.”

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You don’t have to be stay at home mom but however your decision just make sure you won’t change mind when it’s too late but tell them the conversation about having kids is over unless you mention it

You can’t make people do anything. You do you.

You can’t make someone accept what they don’t want to, you also can’t have others tell you how to live your life

Just state the facts and every time they bring it up just walk away.

It’s not up to you to make them understand, it’s none of their business. When they bring it up, exit the situation. If you’re on the phone, hang up. If you’re around them, leave. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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State it once and live your best life.

Keep doing what you are doing and travel the world. No need to explain anything to them. They’ll eventually get it. Have fun!

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Make a sign that says,
bless our home
It’s 100% kid free for life

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You don’t have to explain yourself whatsoever. Some parents want their kids to be the next super star doesn’t mean it has to happen. Tell them if they want kids to have them themselves lol

You don’t have to explain anything to any so don’t just let them be mad because it’s ur life and it’s up to you on how u wanna live it you owe no one nothing

Seems like you might not be able to convince them. You just need to remind them that it’s not up to them weather or not you and your husband have kids and they need to start respecting your decision.

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You probably never will get them to understand. Stick to your plan, smile when anyone brings it up, and move the conversation to something else.

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You don’t have to do anything. They need to respect your decision period!!!

Just state that and then joke about having to ‘put a dollar in the pregnancy jar’ anytime someone asks about it.

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As a parent I don’t get it but it’s whatever bc it’s your life. Do I think you may change mind sure bc there’s always a possibility but do I think you need to have kids nah. Would I tell you that I think you’d be a great mom/dad sure bc I want you to know that if you did have kids that I have faith in you to do great. Plus it’s probably bc you give a maternal/paternal vibe. But again I still wouldn’t tell you that you had to have kids or should bc if you’re not mentally there then it shouldn’t be pushed on to you bc you should live your life the way you feel most confident an comfortable doing so. Just make up a fertility issue where you can’t have kids an if you change your mind and end having some an they question you then just say your doctor tried a new med or some weird medical thing and you were finally able to have kids. I mean there’s away around things especially if they don’t want to just accept no as an answer.

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It’s you and your husband’s decision live your life the way you too want the rest of the family should accept that you both are happy and that is the most important thing.

If your happy, then who cares about them.

They will not , so just IGNORE them

Bring a jar with you, and let them know that any time anyone brings up the topic, they have to put 20 bucks in the jar and you’ll still not answer the question.


If they don’t respect your choices lose the family

You can explain it to them but you can’t make them understand. Stand by your decision.

You don’t make them understand. You just do what you want and live your life.

Simple tell them lol who cares what they want, it would be selfish to have kids when u don’t want any.

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The statements will fade away as time goes on…

You shouldn’t need to make your family understand your choices, ignor them and do what makes you happy. They are essentially trying to bully you into having a family you and your husband do not want. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to have children. Live the life you want not what someone else wants for you! :heart:


You don’t. Let them keep whining. It’s not their decision.

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You shouldn’t have to and they should respect that. But, next time just say you had a miscarriage. It will make them uncomfortable and they won’t bring it up again.

“We both are not in this space “State rewind repeat state rewind repeat …

I don’t think that you can make them understand and you shouldn’t even need to do this. You and your husband have made a decision that is the best for you. I hate this kind of pressure and lack of consideration put on others. Its your life, your choice. X


I don’t think you owe them any explanation, a “no, we are not”, or “no we don’t want that” is all that needs to be said.

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it’s really not your job to make them understand, let it be, that is their issue, if they keep bringing it up just say “we’ve made our choice on how to live our lives” and leave it at that.

They should know that It’s not fair to Children having to be brought up in a home where they weren’t wanted to begin with… ! Believe me. I can Testify to that ! I say KUDDOS to yall for not wanting to bring children up in this crazy world !

You do you. If they don’t like it, oh well.

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U don’t have to just live the life u and ur husband wants its that simple

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“Asked and answered” should be your only response….they don’t have say over your life choices; just be happy😊

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Tell them he is firing blanks …:thinking:

Unfortunately there will be no way that they will respect you and your husband on your decision. You just do your own thing and if they keep on asking just say that’s not your concern

You shouldn’t have to Hun if they support and love your marriage then they’ll support and love your decision as time comes

Just say Simply… Dont want kids want this life we have!
Not their lives!

It’s your marriage and personal decisions!!!

You tell them straight up it’s none of their business.

No need for an explanation; it’s your life & choice

You have to be firm and make it clear. " We do Not want to have children, don’t like children , we want to live OUR lives. End of story, don’t bring it up again ,your Not going to change our minds. If you can’t respect that than we’ re gonna have a problem ."

You two love a lavish life. To decide not to have children is a smart move. You have no room in your hearts to share, therefore. DON’T HAVE CHILDREN.

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You don’t, they will realize it later that they don’t get to choose your life.

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Just live your life. They’ll figure it out.


Smile and say we have left that up to and name other family members with kids. They will get the hint after awhile if you continue to say that

Have your husband go get snipped :scissors: lol that’s what my friends that don’t want kids did and everyone shut up after that.

U don’t have to make them understand its your life

I saw a post about a woman using a jar and every time someone brought up having a baby she’d make them out a dollar in like you would a swear jar. She said it got people to stop asking and a few extra dollars. I found it funny and a great way to make a point.


I don’t think you can make them understand, but that doesn’t mean you don’t get to live life the way you want. :+1:t3: If it works for both of you, then who cares what they want/think since you’re not hurting anyone. :woman_shrugging:t3::heart:

Sounds like wasted effort. It’s your decision. If it takes anything more than a simple statement then don’t bother.

Answer: Don’t get pregnant. Don’t want kids?? Fine, don’t have them… your choice . Just tell them you’re “trying”… and it’s a sensitive subject !!! ( it’s better if you can say it with a straight face… and maybe work up A tear…)

It is your choice, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Be honest and upfront that this is a choice you two made, end of discussion. If your family pushes the subject, tell them to stop, and be brutally honest and say “We have made our choice, we are happy with this and the subject is now forever closed.”

Just don’t have any. No need to explain you reasons to anyone! It is your decision not theirs.

They don’t have to understand it!!

What about ur eggs!? Being wasted and what about ur husbands sperm with eggs to get pregnant! Your family is concerned for you down the road, right now u want to travel ect. Kids are not for everyone and that is OK :ok_hand: but you need to think about things about the future and where you want to be in 10/30/40 years ect! What about then!! Don’t make a decision you might regret in the future :crystal_ball: best of luck with all ur future plans :heart:

You can’t. Don’t try. Just set boundaries around the topic. As with 2 year olds, you’ll have to repeat and enforce them, but inform them that this discussion is off limits, period, and that if they don’t drop it, you’ll leave (or hang up the phone, etc). The second time tell them this was their second chance. Any further related chatter and you’re out the door. Be prepared to leave. Don’t bother explaining why you don’t want kids. They don’t want to understand.

You do you. Don’t listen to others. Be happy.

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Don’t try to make them understand!!! Your life – your rules and if they don’t like it tough shit and tell them to pound sand!!!