How can I over my ex fiance?

You didn’t have a relationship worth saving cause what you thought you had didn’t exist. He showed you that. Give yourself and your babies time and love and you’ll get there. Don’t dwell on what you thought you had. He’s a heartless horrible person who deceived you. Go get what you deserve. Don’t be desperate. When you don’t need a man to be happy or complete then you’ll be ready for love. Love yourself enough first. You have value and purpose, find good friends


love yourself; do things with your friends, keep busy one step at a time it will get better but will be harder to trust a good guy unfortunately

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Find you a new man and i bet he will be jealous but move on with out him . get a lone with him because of the kids and dont show him you are hurting .


You scrape up your self esteem. You glue yourself back together… WITHOUT Mr. Cheater. You really don’t want to be booty call girl ?? That’s all he is now. Call a girlfriend, eat ice cream and get back out there.


SAY OUTLOUD: “he obviously was not worth it… he simply was not in to ME like I was in to HIM … I deserve better…”

  • because you do! :+1:
    (aren’t you glad you found out now rather than after you were married?!)
    I’m sorry it hurts… <3
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U need to get into some kind of therapy… this is not as easy as it seems, with 2 children… U should of seen the signs long ago… and in his actions, remember this … his words mean, Nothing!! If u believe them …u will always take him back!! And continually be Hurt!! :cry::disappointed_relieved::cry:… U need support mentally and emotionally… who really wants a life with a lair and a cheater, ur constantly doubting him and a nervous wreak!! :sweat:… Let this go, until u have healed and can be rational… maybe a year or two. Love yr girls, stay busy, and open ur heart and mind. :confetti_ball::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blush::pray::pray:

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Only time.
And keeping yourself busy. He’s not worried about you so don’t worry about him. Worry about YOURSELF for a change!! :heart: I’m sorry, it sucks! But it does get better!

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I’m really feeling for you. The same happened to me but my husband of 13 years, 3 kids and a house left me for our family “friend” who use to babysit the children while I worked. Have been told to remember how good she was to me doing that :unamused:
I didn’t see it at the time but it was the absolute best thing he could have done for me.
Although I’m still not over the whole situation and honestly I’m not even sure how to fully get over it I’m well and truly over him! Seeing him at pick up of the kids when he has them once a fortnight is so uncomfortable for me because I honestly have so much built up anger towards him :confused:
A leopard never changes it’s spots and if he has cheated he will do it again. Your worth more then a second option sitting there “just in case”.
I was SO terrified of having my kids in a split family or starting over with someone else but now that I’m doing it I honestly wish it had happened years ago. Please find your worth, lean on your friends and keep your mind busy xxx


Evidently God has another plan for you.and it will be awesome for you.dont let him see how much he hurt you .someone will come when it is time.God bless you.


Concentrate on your girls. Very rarely does any relationship continue when there is a “break”

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cock hold get rid of him

Kick his ass to the way side

I takes a little bit. Take it one day at a time and realize he played you. Hold your head up high you will find someone so much better


Work on yourself. You can get past this.

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Dump him. You lucked out that he opened up BEFORE you got married. Dump him, he’s never going to be a committed partner. Separate your personal feelings about him from the fact that he is the father of your daughters. NEVER disparage him in front of your daughters, let them have a relationship with their father. That said, go directly to court and get a court ordered child support agreement signed by a Judge. Do not let this man escape financially supporting his children until they are 18-years-old. Rarely do men pay child support unless it’s court ordered and taking directly out of their pay. Take care of yourself and be open to meeting a decent man.

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Time honey, you need time and distance

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Few months ago i got a little problem with my lover which make him and i to break up and i am very thankful for Phillip to give me a chance for me to smile again right now i am very happy to get my lover back with phillip love spell message he on Facebook page

Dr Phillip spell

Do you want to live with this the rest of your life? That’s your answer! NO

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Thank God he’s gone he is no good

Good riddance to bad rubbish. The only good thing about his is the two children. Let him go, karma has long memory.


Jesus Christ what a sadistic man. Incredibly cruel treatment of you and you deserve far much more than that from someone you love


Find another fiance :thinking:

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Don’t ever be intimate with him again that’s giving him control over you knowing you will be there for him -make it know to him that you can and will make without him -don’t go back to a guy that can walk away no matter what is going on - show your daughters they don’t need to settle for a guy because of love - you deserve the very best - the respect- time - energy that makes a marriage- nothing less - you are stronger then you think - just breath - move in a new place make everything new in your life - soon you will feel better- almost everyone of us went though a break up - don’t let yourself go into that direction again - you got this :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:


Please check with your local mental health center and see if the have a grief support group or try some counseling. If you have Medicaid it should help cover the cost.
Please know that it takes time to heal. You deserve someone to love you for you. A man and not a boy with no morals. Depend on your real friends and family to help you through.
Get out every day and sit in the sun for awhile. Good luck. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Get rid of him. He’ll always be a cheater. Get a good lawyer and go for child support and palimony. Make him pay for your good lawyer. And get busy so you don’t have to think about him. You don’t want your daughters seeing you become a doormat and holding onto a man that doesn’t exist. Do they come running when you call? That’s a friend. His benefit cuz you own wide. Don’t allow yourself to be used

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why would you let someone treat you so badly? If it was someone dating your daughters when they are older you would surely say something about it wouldn’t you? So kick him to the curb and never let him back into your bed. He sounds like a real grub.

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He has been over you for awhile, it’s time to focus on your girls & get over him. He is NOT worth any of your tears!!

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BLOCK everything let him him live his selfish live w someone else hes a USER

Honestly you probably won’t completely. You are grieving the loss of a person who is still alive… don’t try and replace him (that’s not fair to the next person or yourself)give yourself time to find out who you are without him, time to heal from the impact HIS bad decisions has on you mentally. I promise you can’t die from a broken heart, even though right now it feels like it. One day and you’ll know when that day happens, you’ll look back on this time in your life and know that you’re okay, you made it until then just know it’s okay to not be okay, but don’t give him the power to mentally break you forever!!


Pick up a book, start an exercise routine. DO YOU!!! He is awful to you and for you. You deserve so much more. Walk thru the pain and consider yourself lucky you dodged a bullet.

Having kids with someone doesn’t give them the right to treat you like shit!!! You got 2 kids and are young still…it’s hard but live your life… sooner or later he will realize but by then you will be strong again :muscle:t5: :sparkles: :100:

No more intimacy, only talk to him about your children, try to occupy your free time with your children, reading, gardening or anything that you enjoy to keep your mind busy especially on the harder days and just ride the wave until you start feeling better. It will destroy you at first but I will get easier you just have to keep your boundaries and keep yourself occupied❤️

Have someone be your mediator when he picks up the kids. Don’t look, see or speak to him. Have a trusted friend or family member do that for you, say goodbye to your kids in a separate room, far from the front door, give them hugs and kisses and stay in the room. The mediator can wait at the front door, so he don’t attempt to walk in to find you… I hope this helps and I hope you find your happy soon. You are better off without him

Leave his ass for good