How can I quickly rid of lice?

When you do get rid of it, this stuff seemed to work for my kids โ€ฆ And you can get it at Walmart

Lice HATE the scent of coconut. Start washing her hair with like coconut shampoo and conditioner. What I did was put some rubbing alcohol in my kids hair and put a bag over it with the scent of lavender oil and kept it in for maybe 30 mins. Of course your daughter is smaller so less time should be good.

Mayo works wonders, we did that as kids. Put it in our hair like it was shampoo and covered our head in a shower cap and slept with it on over night, washing it out the next morning. Worked every time.

Definitely do not send the child to school/daycare till you know for sure theyโ€™re gone though, she could spread it to other children and that would be a mess for everyone.

Treat the whole house or you wont get rid of them.

The only sure way to get rid of them that quickly is to shave her head.

I wonโ€™t let not be sending her tommorow. Just to be on the more positive side they are ALL indeed gone. After all she is 1

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Go to drug store and talk to them. They will help u

Rinse the hair with the apple cider vinegar, and leave it, donโ€™t rinse it out, allow it to dry on the hair. Apple cider vinegar is magic, the properties of this dissolve the lice โ€˜glueโ€™. Once the hair is completely dried, massage coconut oil all over the hair, making sure that all the hair is covered, cover the hair with a shower cap or wrap it in foil and leave for at least 1hr, but the longer the better. Using a lice comb, comb out lice, they will be smothered by the oil by now. Once lice are removed, wash hair as normal.

Real listerineโ€ฆ the gold strong original one. It will work!!

Have you called the pediatrician? Theyโ€™ll give you a better idea of what is safe for a 1 year old! If you can get away without using the Lice products on the market, please do!! The chemicals in the commercial remedies could harm your childโ€™s body as they are very toxic to little ones.