How can I support my pregnant 14 year old?

I was 17 when i had my first 19 with my second miscarried then had my twins at 23 im 26 now with cna and now going for early education and social work but at 17 my mom was mad upset but she loved me and supported me on keeping my baby and honestly it was great but i did move out and got my own place and car 6 months later amd it made me think and grow up

Love that baby because it’s your grandbaby and love your daughter and support her. Make sure she knows the pros and cons of all her options.

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One thing I will tell you is to love her unconditionally. Yes she messed up and could have been more careful but what is done is done. Support her in whatever decision she decides to take. Do not force her to marry the father, that is very outdated and leads to a lot of abusive and toxic relationships. If she decides to keep the baby offer your support but let her be the mother. I know a lot of moms who had their kids that young and have turned out amazing but they had very supportive families. Just be her mother. Be there for her and love her unconditionally.

I was 15 when I had my first… I didn’t tell anyone till I was six months… So she is a brave girl in my book… Best you can do is support whatever decision she makes. It’s not all bad being a young mum, I’m lucky that I had the support dad, but I didn’t receive any from my mum, she kicked me out. And our relationship was never the same again. I have four daughters and although I would be over the moon I would support them any way I could.


Teen mom here and my daughters 13 now once I had the baby everything changed no more friends dropped out of school lost all support that’s all you can really do is support her.


I was 18 but just started college when we had our first my husband lives with us so I had support but babysitting! my mom babysat while I made my way through college and worked she still babysits our 2 while we both work and we split bills but her babysitting has helped tremendously while I studied went to school and worked while my husband worked as well and even on rare occasions when we get to go out I did know that this was my child to raise so I don’t go out much but she’s always there to help when I need a break and with our work schedules

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Though you dont agree with it now is the time she needs you most. This could actually be a time that helps yalls bond become stronger. Be there for her not only physically but also mentally and emotionally ! She is going to have a lot of changes happening to her body/hormones ! Help her keep up with her education but at the same time help teach her the responsibility of being a parent. There is nothing you can do now for its already done so the most important thing you can do for your daughter is to be there for her and give her all the support she needs :heart:

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I was pregnant at 15 gave birth 11 days after my 16th birthday. NO MATTER HOW MAD YOU ARE, just be there for her, support her, don’t try and helicopter her mom skills she will have to learn if anything correct her or offer different suggestions when you feel she’s getting frustrated.

My mom ruined our relationship, not saying I was great at the beginning (daughter,mom,human being) but i ended up being Hayley mom and they were mom &dad. Long story short we’re both happy and thriving and have our own family of 3 and hardly talk to my mom and he now ex husband because of all the drama that happened.

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I was 15 when I got pregnant with my daughter she’s almost 20 now. Just give her love support and advice. Becoming a first time mum is daunting especially at a young age. Just guide her on things. None of us were given a manual to this parenting thing. And remember to breath. What’s done is done

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Tell her shes going to be a super mum ! Yaaaay !

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Be there for her and make sure she is aware of and understands ALL her options even if you do not agree with them


I got pregnant at 17. I was terrified to tell my parents because they were the type of parents that you didn’t want to tell that to. Once I finally told them I was glad I did they became so supportive. Be there for her let her know that you will be there. Even if you’re upset about it let her know that you love her and that you will be there for her no matter what. that was the biggest thing that I needed when it happened and I know I was a little bit older than your daughter but all we wanted as kids is our parents approval and she’s probably thinking that you don’t approve and your mad at her.
Definitely sit down have a conversation with her about all of her options regardless of what they may be. give her all of the pros and cons of each of the options that she has and be prepared for whatever option that she chooses.
Let her know that things are going to change and it’s going to be hard. I ended up dropping out of high school I lost almost every single friend I had I ended up getting married to the child’s father and here we are getting ready to celebrate our 19 years. I’m not saying that to say that that’s what she needs to do that is my life and it worked for us. Just be honest with her with all of her options.
The last thing I can say is even if you are mad please just be there support her she is going to need you now more than ever.


LOVE HER. BE HER SAFE PLACE. She needs you more now than she will ever show. I got pregnant at 17 and how my parents acted at that time will forever hold in my heart and memories. She is so scared and so are you. It’s normal to feel upset. Just be the support she needs right now.


Be there for her and expect child protection to get involved cause of her age

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I was 14 when I got pregnant. My parents were divorced and argued and blamed the other for me getting pregnant. All I wanted was support and words of encouragement and to be let known that whatever decision I was to make would be okay no matter what. Be there for everything, ups and downs! My daughter is now 5 and I also have a 4 month old son! She can do this if she wants and just be sure she knows it!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


She probably alot more terrified then you think. Reassure her that she can do it. I knew a girl who had 3 kids before she was 18 and still graduated college with the help of her mother and husband.

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Stand by her. She needs your support

I was 14 when I got pregnant as well. The one person that never said ANYTHING bad about me or my boyfriend (to me at least) was my mom. She was my support. Of course she wasn’t happy about it either but there’s no going back so you honestly just have to accept whatever decisions she makes in regards to her child.

So what I suggest is to make sure you don’t say anything bad about getting pregnant or her boyfriend (if they are together). If anyone says anything bad about her, even if you agree, stand up for her! Don’t act like you know how to parent better than her, but rather be her guide. Ask her if she needs help. Don’t step In unless it’s necessary. Even though she’s young, hopefully she catches on quick! As long as you’re there for her, don’t abandon her, and support her decisions, she will be fine.

Also, watch out for postpartum depression. I know that’s a ways out but this is something that can happen to anyone.


Support her in whatever she chooses to do. Let her know all of her options. And most of all lover her.

I had my daughter at 17. She’s now 18 and graduating high school this year. It’s hard. Very hard at times. She had to grow up with me but she’s one awesome young woman!

Just love her. Support whatever decision she goes for and get her into counseling, parenting classes. See what support there will be for daycare so she can finish school. If she wants that baby help her grow up while still being a kid.

Love her and guide her. Help her. I felt so alone when I was 15 and pregnant and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone as scared as I was. I didn’t show it, but I was terrified.

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Shes going to need all the help she can get, I had a friend cousin fall pregnant at 14, the father was 14 as well, it was a bit easier then normal, as they boys mother was a stay at home mum, so once baby was born, she took on the mother type roll while both kids graduated, and helped watch baby the child while they worked to keep daycare cost down. It was a huge adjustment for all, but they made it work, she was also put on a more permanent birth control, as she got pregnant because no one had the safe sex talk with her. Be there for her, but also let her take responsibility, dobt di everything for her, as she needs to learn that child comes first for life now.

Support support support xx​:heart::heart:

Listen to her…support her…and research all possible options with her. Together you can find one that works best for her. Whatever she chooses, be there every ten of the way. This is a real opportunity for you to get through something together

I was 15 when I had my first son he is almost 5 now. Best advice I can give is talk to her about what she wants to do. Be supportive on everything! Be there to guide her with a gentle hand. Find a NICE way to say she’ll be the one taking care of the baby not you if she wants to keep it. Also there is life after teenage pregnancy! I got my high school diploma online at 16 went to college online after that, then went to work at 17, then at 18 married his father and gave him a brother. Im now 20 and have a wonderful life despite of what everyone thought. Here’s my two boys that I had at 15 and 18❤️


Depends how old is dad? And for her lots of love care and support.


Listen to her. Support her. Do not try to over rule her parenting. I think the biggest thing is support if she keeps the baby.

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Teach her how to be mom. Support her and show love. Make sure she learns what to do and guide her.

Enroll her in & go with her to classes pertaining child birth, breastfeeding (if she wants to or is curious about), caring for baby & infant cpr/1st aide. Get her subscriptions for magazines like Parenting. Help her research things like breast vs bottle, vaccines, birth including csect (even if it’s not planned. It’s very scary to be rushed to the OR knowing nothing.), Circumcision etc. Discuss topics with her. Be open to her opinions, don’t push your own. Most importantly don’t be negative about this baby or her future.


Be a support ask her what she wants to do I helped my sister she was 15 and she is an awesome mum I was 16 with my first and I now have 6 and doing truly amazing if I do say so myself , just let her know the options and that you are gonna support her either way all she needs right now is to here it’s all gonna be ok xx

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SUPPORT HER. shes already VERY aware of your feelings even if you aren’t sharing it. She’ll beat herself up mentally every day. I was 16 and telling and dealing with my parents KILLED me.


First of all, she/y’all need to figure out if she’s keeping it or not. Then, just be there for her and ready yourself to be a grandparent, if she does​:blush: I was disappointed when my 18 year old got pregnant, mostly because she wasn’t ready. But i wouldn’t trade my granddaughter for the world​:heart_eyes: i love her more than all 3 of my kids​:joy::joy: she’s 4 months old now and the sweetest​:heartpulse:


Please just support her! If she doesn’t have support, I believe that’s when bad things happen!

Obviously support her like you’re asking if you should do. Do whatever she needs but don’t let her take advantage. You’ll have to set up boundaries as she is still a minor. Like she can’t just go out any time she wants and leave you with the baby. Unless its your decision to just adopt the baby and let her be a child. That is up to you. But if she gives up the baby that makes you the parent. Like I said she’s still a minor and needs boundaries and she needs your love and support. Probably more tough love but not spiteful, hate. She needs protected still and so does your grandchild.


I was a young mother. Only my uncle and grandma were there for me. Please, pleaseeee, be there for her. No make her feel bad for this. And push her to finish school. Please.


Try to be there even if you aren’t happy about the situation and help her with any support she might need. Have her apply for any services she might need. I honestly wish that at 17 when I had my daughter I would’ve had more support and now realize how much I needed my mom. Your daughter is scared enough talk to her about all her options. Even if it’s not what you would do but in the end it’s her choice what she wants to do. Prayers. :heart:

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This is my son hes 7 and a half and I just turned 22. I think its very important that its her body her choice but to also give her options. With support from family , it can go a long way. Where I live there’s plenty of resources and a young mom school with daycare and tons of support to help her if she goes through with it look into everything there is in your area , teach her what pregnancy is like and what she will have to go through , and what an abortion is like, so she KNOWS what she’s going through to an extent before doing anything. Most importantly be there for her no matter what.


Support, it doesn’t matter what other parents would do or , think its all you.

Whatever you do don’t tell her your disappointed in her.

I told my mom I was pregnant at 18.
All she said was “ I’m
Very disappointed in you Victoria” 33 now and it still
Haunts me


I’m old school. Write her a letter from your heart. Tell her how you are that your going to be a grandmother. Tell her how much you love her . Also write about your fears and how its her choice

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Love her and support her , because her life is for ever changed no matter what decision she makes. Praying for strength, patience and understanding along with healthy baby and mom .

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Love & support :heart:guide her & let her know her options ! Don’t judge or show negative energy!

First of all, let her know you still love her. Find a resource center for her that has parenting classes and might be able to help with some of the things she and the baby might need. Find someone for you to talk to. Someone who won’t be judgementsl, someone who will just listen and be there. I hope everyone stays healthy and you come to a decision that is best for her and you.


I’ve never been in your shoes. I had my first at 25. But I am loving all of the support in these comments. Mama, support your baby having a baby and educate her. She will love you forever for it.

Just be their for her mama :purple_heart:

I was 16, my mom went with me to every doc appt and helped me get set up for the baby she helped me every step of the way, was even there when my daughter was born and stayed in the Hospital with me the whole time I was there and she had two weeks off when I had my baby

Support , Support , Support !! I Got Pregnant And Had My Daughter When I Was 14 . Nobody Was Happy About It But I Had An Amazing Support System . With That , I Was Able To Graduate High School And Everything Has Turned Out Just Fine . My Baby Girl Will Be 12 Next Month . :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:
Just Let Her Know That You’re There . If She’s Like I Was , She’s Going Through A Lot Of Emotions And Is Scared . So Don’t Make Her Feel Alone . Getting Pregnant So Young Is Nowhere Near Ideal , But It’s Happened And The Only Thing To Do From There Is To Make The Best Of It . And Birth Control After Baby Gets Here ! Lol


Be supportive, I too had my daughter a week before I turned 15, I always say we grew up together, she is my best friend, it’s hard she will need all the help she can get

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Just be supportive in whatever she decides to do. Be there to help her make appointments and just to have someone to go and cry to. She’s going to have to grow up now and she is definitely going to need you to help her do that.
I was so upset when my 16 year old daughter told me that she was pregnant. But now my grandson is 4 months old and I’m SO very blessed to be his grandma.


I was a teen momma too! My son is now 10 and I’m 29! The biggest thing I needed was support and to know my family still loved me… just be there for her, Either way a baby is coming and that in itself is a huge blessing no matter the situation good or bad… good luck to both you and your daughter :two_hearts:

Don’t shame your 14 year old for getting pregnant make sure she knows your there for her even if she needs just someone to talk to because I’m sure she’s stressed out and scared, but reassurance will go along way on helping your daughter be successful as a mother to her child!

Always support her! Give her ant and all info you can on her options, but please if she has this baby and keeps it SHE needs to learn the responsibilities of it, be her support but don’t raise her child/ren for her. Always be your childs support always but if you raise that baby yourself even though that is her baby and she decided to keep and raise it then you are failing your child as her mom and she’s going to fail being a mom. There are too many girls having babies keeping those babies but going out and partying like they didn’t just give birth 6 months ago.

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My daughter knew all of her choices when she became pregnant at 17. I was a young mom as well…now I’m raising 3 grandbabies as she lost custody of all of them. It all depends on how mature and responsible your daughter could become. Some young people can handle being a parent, others cant


Be supportive, I had my first at 16 and my mom came with me to every doctor appointment, taught me how to budget money, helped me with setting up the nursery, she let us live with them until I felt mentally and financially ready to move out which was at 18. It was hard but knowing I had my families support helped a lot!
I also wasn’t ever without my child. I 1000% have raised her, but like every parent, old and young help is needed.
Just make sure she’s the one doing the parenting, and kindly give advice but don’t try and take over the parenting because she’s young.


GOD dont make mistakes. I agree support and guide her. Set boundaries for both of you. But u will get through this and once u see that baby it will all change.

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Agree with everyone else! Lots of support. I had my son at 15 and my parents were very supportive. Of course they weren’t happy but looking back now they think it was the best thing that ever happened to me. My kid’s father and I have now been married for 10 years, our son is 12 and we also have a daughter who is 7. We just bought our dream home and we both have great jobs. She can still have a wonderful life. :heart:

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I got pregnant with my first child at 14 also. Just support her. Make sure she knows you love her unconditionally


My daughter is only 3 and I am older turning 35 soon…my mindset is that I will support her and help raise the baby if she ever got pregnant young so she can still grow up and get her life right :heart:

:smirk: so glad I have 4 sons but it also happens with boys be supportive :blue_heart:

Google teen pregnancy supports for your area, and help her the best you can. If you can support her and baby while she finishes school statistically she will be better off.

If she’s keeping it, make sure she does all the work with the baby. Treat her like you would treat any mother. I was 14 when I got pregnant with my first. My mom held me accountable and that made all the difference.


I was pregnant at 15 & I was very lucky to have my moms and family support me and help me… she is now 15​:heart::heart:


Give her love and support, parenting classes, etc. and just so you know I had a 16 yr old who had a baby in 1986 and this world is better with him being in it. The joy and happiness that he has brought to the entire family just by being born has been Gods Blessing!!!

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Support is all she needs. Don’t make her feel bad about the situation because it will only make things worse. Make her be the mom but also help her when you can just as if she were older. I was a teen mom too

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I wasn’t super young but I was young, I was 20 when I had my oldest. If my mom wouldn’t have been there I wouldn’t have been able to do it. Just be patient and kind, understanding she’s scared, and love her and the baby. Luckily I was the first to give my mom a grand child and she was very excited. I mean I did tell her a year a head of time I was trying to stupidly get pregnant. ( I was young dumb and “engaged”) anyways we won’t go into how dumb and clueless I was, but the point being help her, encourage her to do the right thing in situations like what tests need to be done etc etc. Idk how you feel about becoming a grandma despite her age try to be excited the baby didn’t choose to be born to a young mother, it’s still your grand child whether she’s 14 or 40. Good luck and if you need anyone to chat with I’m always here. Congrats

You can support her in every way possible : physically , emotionally , spiritually ( she will certainly need your prayers ) . Be there for her and reassure her that she can do this and it will be ok. Love on her for she needs you now more than ever before . And of course , help her with the baby as much as you possibly can . If she chooses adoption , support in that area . Lastly , be very proud that she chose to have this baby rather than keep it a secret from you and abort it .

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Whatever her decision is support her and reassure her that she isnt alone and won’t be alone she needs her momma more now than she ever has

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This may not be a popular opinion but if she asks you what you would do, do not tell her. She needs to make the choice herself. You could tell her you’d choose to terminate, that could make her angry with you forever and make her resent you. But telling her you’d keep the baby could also end with the same results long term. I hope this makes sense. What I’m saying is don’t tell her what you want her to do or think she should do.


Speaking from experience. I was a once a 14 year old mother. Give her support all you can because she’s gonna need it. Talk to her and help her threw it she needs it wether she voices it or not.

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I wasn’t a teen mom but I can tell you, having my mom there by my side every second of my pregnancies made all the difference. She helped me shop for baby stuff. She helped me get to appointments and all that. She helped me with all of it. The more you show her you support her and love her just the same it won’t matter what you do. Find where the Wic office is and other resources like that and set up the appointments for her and go with her. Let her know it is ultimately her decision on what she does about being pregnant. Just love her a little extra right now and support her even more. I’m sure you remember being pregnant. It’s not an easy thing at all. Maybe sit her down and tell her about your pregnancy and what all you went thru years ago and help her to educate herself on the entire process and any alternatives that she may be thinking about.

Support her! I became a mom at 17. I had tons of support, but I had to work, and raise my daughter. My family helped when they could, but she’s my responsibility, no one else’s. I wouldn’t be the mom I am today, If it wasn’t for the support system I have. :heart:

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I was a teen mom at 15. I was given my options and allowed to make my decision and then was fully educated as to what I would be expecting. My mom was my biggest supporter and my sons grandma was as well. It was the hardest thing, but support and knowledge helped soooo much.
I worked and went to school during and after baby. Graduated high school on time, graduated college 4 years later with two kids and now a general manager of a convienece store expecting baby #4. And even at 30 my mom supports me all the way.

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I had my daughter at 14 ! Support her ! She’s so so so scared right now! My mom was not happy either but she helped me! I graduated! I went to college! My daughter is now about to be 24 and became an R.N. Herself 6 months ago ! I know this is not what you envisioned but this is not the end of the world! Best wishes!

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Help her… Be kind, a lot of people will be judging her…i am.sure school will be difficult… Be excited… My biggest regret was not being excited and making my daughter feel less “sad”… It was a difficult time for all of us… I had her back and loved her… But excited was not something I could be at the time… My daughter died before she had anymore kids… I never got to be excited about my baby giving birth to my grandchild… I have a beautiful grandson…he is a mess at times… But if I could change anything…I would be excited about a new life… You will love this child… So be excited… No reason to be a Debby Downer of a beautiful piece of you coming into this world…


Love her unconditionally. Support her. Tell her it’s okay. Hug her. Hold her. I’m sure she is scared, even if she doesnt say it aloud. :heart:


Just be supportive mama I had my first at 18, while I was still a senior in high school. I can only imagine how you feel right now, but she needs you and your guidance now more than ever. Open, honest and thoughtful conversations.

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Show her true, unconditional love and support whatever decisions she makes. And most of all, be there for it all. The good, the bad and the ugly.

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Watch Annika and Jennika on YouTube. Mother at 14, now her child is 14…I love them and the special bond they have. She’s an amazing mom.

Support her. Talk about all the options she has. Keeping the baby, adoption, and of course abortion. Be there for her, help her make decisions.


Just be there. Make sure she knows the options available to her. If she chooses to be mama then support her. Make sure if she chooses that route that she knows SHE is mama and you are grandma. Don’t be raising her baby.


I had my 1st daughter when I was 15. My parents gave me all my options and supported my decision on keeping her. I grew up quick! They helped with her so I could still finish high school and work to support her. She is now 25 with her own babies! Just being there makes such a difference!

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Teen mom here… please whatever you do just support her!!! My daughter I had as a teen is now 13years old!!! I am also only in my 20’s now!!! But ultimately it’s her choice what she does in the eyes of the law! I now have 4 beautiful babies and got my high school diploma even when I was a teen mom I graduated a year early at that!! Just please please please don’t make her do something she doesn’t want to do!! Yes she has options yes talk to her about them but DO NOT push them if she doesn’t want to do any of them!! If she wants to keep the baby just support her… help her when she needs it!!!


Support her. Love her. Help her. Don’t put her down. Let her enjoy the pregnancy. Let her be happy. Support her if she’s not. Respect her wishes. Continue being a mom and show her how to as well. If she decides to terminate that is all her choice and if she does, be there for her.

Have you asked your daughter what she wants? I’m sure she’s terrified.

I was a 15 yr old mom … someone the things I would have appreciated was support, love… unconditionally, advise, being able to feel that I could ask for these things.
Back story … found out later at age 26 my mom had a baby at 17 and gave it up for adoption… unfortunately my mom couldn’t give me these things due to her own traumas . :broken_heart:
Just be there… for it all.


I was pregnant at 15 and belive me I wish my mom was more supportive at the time. She and my dad said things that I still to this day have trauma from. Be there for her, educate her, don’t judge her and just love her. She needs a great support system


Child care so she can finish school is always appreciated.


I had my son at 15… I knew I effffed up but had support so I did my best with the situation… love and support is all that is needed


I had my girl at 15, my mum said to me no matter what you choose to do I’ll be here for you and I’ll support your choices. That was the best thing I could’ve heard at that moment.
Just remember she will still be very young and feel very vulnerable as long as your there for her and always reassuring her she’s doing ok and that this is her life you support she will always be open with you and come to you if she needs :heartbeat:


Show her you care by taking her to appts, making sure she gets proper care for her and her baby. Loving her. Throw her a baby shower. Let her know that although this may not have been ideal for anyone involved, the baby will be a blessing!


Support her, guide her, be patient with her, protect her from rude and small minded people!! Be her rock!! I was 14 when i got pregnant its wasnt easy at all but my mom was so wonderful!!


I’m thinking she should put the baby up for adoption! She’s way too young and she needs to be able to be a kid for another 4/5 years. I am sorry you are put in this situation lil momma!


Please support her option whatever she chooses. What’s happened is in the past now and today we talk about options she may have already decided. Don’t judge her or scold her too harshly if she chooses to continue the pregnancy the last thing we need is her to be stressed out bc she’s worried her mommy thinks less of her.


I got pregnant at 14 she’s now going on 13 this year. Honestly just be there for her, she knows how big of a change this is going to be… she hears it and sees it, people are rude, if I kept her or not I was always being judged. I stayed in school till 9 months pregnant did exams early, then online classes and co-op so I didn’t leave her so soon and I had a night time job. When she got older she went to daycare when I was in school. Also be prepared for people may even sayying things to you as a parent as they did to my mom at work… it made me feel so guilty finding out years later. I was the quite so shy kid I never did wrong, so when it was out it was the talk all over. She’s now the oldest of 6 and the best big sister! She’s my bestie we honestly grew up together. Iv missed out on a lot when I look back now, I never realized but I’m grateful I have her.


I can’t say that I know what you are feeling but I was a mom at 15 and I’m sure with all the raw emotions that you’re going through she’s going through just as many or at least I was and even though I wouldn’t admit it I was scared out of my mind about every aspect of being pregnant and having a baby even though I knew I had made the choices that led to me having a baby as a teen, but I can say having my daughter at 15 save my life be there for your daughter support her and her baby make sure she finishes school help as much as you possibly can but at the same time don’t help so much that she isn’t learning having my baby at 15 I learned a lot and fast but now my baby is graduating high school which I never did and she is starting College in the fall again something I never accomplished much love and many prayers your way from a young mama to a new grandma​:green_heart::blue_heart::heart:


I was pregnant at 14 and what I wish my parents would have done is make me take time for myself. Get her some bath bombs (if she likes them) or a face mask or something, just make sure she is ok, it’s a lot for a 14 year old


Be there for her and the baby, help her finish school,and help her go to college. She can still do these things with love,support and understanding!


Aww momma, hold her hand, take her to appointments, buy her the cute baby outfits. I know it is hard on you but its going to get even harder on her, dont make her pregnancy hard because it makes the baby sick. Your right whats done is done and no one can change it. But she also needs to start to be responsible, how ever that looks like in your home. And whatever you do dont take care of the baby for her, it has such long term effects on you her and the baby, she needs to step up and be momma.


She will have another kid in a year or two-you most likely will have to raise the kids-its a lot of work, get prepared