How can I support my pregnant 14 year old?

Love her and help her through this and there are choices for her she just has to be sure of what she wants and that her family is behind her no matter what. Not an easy time for anyone involved.

I got preg at 13 had her 5 month after my 14th b day I raised her from day 1of course with help and alot of support from my mom couldnt of do it wo shes now a mom of her 1st son at 23 and a high school graduate and the skys the limit for her


I had my son at 15, his father and I weren’t together I’m forever thankful for the help and support my family gave me. I’m 25 now and have made a very successful life for me and my son and the children I have now!! There’s so many different things that communities offer to help mothers!

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PM me if ud like to talk I cud even put u in contact with her or my mother if ud like they wud b more than happy to let u know how the experience effected them

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This will be when she needs u the most so be there for her and don’t show your anger an disappointment pregnancy is hard enough don’t need to stress her any worse

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Have you considered a doula or supportive voluntary home visiting program?

Provide a stable home for her, where love and GRACE is constant. A kind of environment that she would choose to be in over again, no matter what or where her friends are pressuring her to do. Be THE example of the mama you want her to be for that baby. It’s okay to be honest with her and let her know you’re not happy IF it comes up in a conversation, but try not to berate or shame her.
Remember that while she may have made a mistake, she is still a teenage girl who hungers for your approval. My prayers are with you. :heartpulse:


The same thing you would if she was 24. Encourage prenatal health, build a nursery, put her in parenting classes.


I got pregnant at 17 (sadly lost it) but the best advice my mum give me was it was my choice I could do what ever felt was the bestsbut she would be there what ever I chose to do just support her and tell her you will be by her side what ever she does and I would not shout at her or have a go at her it’s happened you can’t make her do what you want to do just tell her your here every step of the way

Accept what is and help her through it. It’s going to be really hard, but with support and love you all will get through it and love this baby so much. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

When I had my daughter at 17 I remember being told “there are worst things that could be brought to your door”
No mum wants their baby pregnant at 14 but hey its happened she’s growing a wee baby that in a few years time you will ever wonder how your life was complete before it arrived. You will probably end up doing 70% of the work to show your daughter how to be an amazing mummy like yourself! Its not ideal but what situation is atm? Just be there for her don’t judge give her every ounce of love & support you possibly can tell her whatever she decides to do shes your baby and you will be there to support & care for her


I was 14 when I got pregnant 15 when I had my son. My son was the greatest gift I was ever given. It will be hard but with a great support system there is nothing she can’t do. It won’t be easy but it will diff be worth it. When I was pregnant everyone would say my life was over but to be honest the day my son was born my life had just began. What a blessing he was and as he grew and learned new things he continued to bless my life. So no it wasn’t easy but I would do it all over again. My son is 26 today with a family of his own.


My daughter had my grandson at 15 (he is now almost 7). If you’d like to chat, I’d be more than happy too. Just PM me if you’d like :slightly_smiling_face:

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Im not in either of your shoes i was 25 but living at home trying to get my life on track when i found out the scariest thing through it all was telling my mum i still remember her reaction it wasnt a positive one she basically told me to have an abortion but i was so upset because the first thing that went through my mind is i cant have an abortion and then she made me tell babby daddy straight away ( he has nothing to do with her) but i wanted to wait till i was futher along shes your daughter she will listen to your advice but deep down in her heart she knows what she wants so support her and let her know this is about her and what she wants from here on and not to worry about anyone else and their opinions and just remind her you love her no matter what maybe give her a read of this page so she gets a slight idea of what parenting is like :heart:

As a Mom who has worn the shoes…support her and show her how to be a good mama if she chooses to keep her child. There is going to be tears of frustration, sadness and joy. It’s not the situation you dreamed of for your daughter but its not the end of the world. I made mine accountable. My daughter had to get a job, finish school, get a driver’s license in that order. She had to wake up every couple hours and take care of her child, feed, change diapers, bathe, clean up throw up, poop…all of it. She was responsible to purchase diapers, formula, clothes, etc. She and baby lived in my home. We arranged schedules so she worked and went to school in the evenings when I could babysit. When my daughter cried or complained how hard life was, I would tell her life isn’t unicorns, rainbows and glitter. This is life and she chose this life, but she could do it and be successful. Flash forward 10 years. She is an awesome mama and I’m incredibly proud of her. She brings home the bacon, frys it up in the pan, puts clothes on her children’s back and a roof over their heads, on her own! Love! Love! Love your grandbaby… but stay in that role. You’re not Mama, your Grandma…feed the kid ice cream for dinner and send him/her home. Yes you’ll get there. Your daughter will make mistakes. That is how she will learn. Its your job to guide her in making positive choices and parenting techniques. Wrap your arms around your daughter and be there for them both. Its not an easy road but it can be done successfully. Welcome to the club Grandma.


Be there for her, don’t judge her. Let her know that she can come to you if she needs help.
I only say this cause I was 16 when I had my baby boy

Don’t judge. Be the support she needs, and I can guarantee, once you hold that precious baby in your arms, nothing else will matter. There are no mistakes with babies coming into your life, they are present :gift_heart::gift: you never knew you wanted. Imagine if it were you, alone, scared, pregnant, look at it from the babies :heart: viewpoint. All they want is food, dry bottom, and got this nana, babies :heart: happen for a reason. Wrap your heart around daughter, baby, ànd yourself. It will all work out, and it won’t matter in a year, ten years, or ever. Love her, you know how to do that, easily. Let us know when her hemmeroids flare up and the gas, heartburn and bladder kicks start. Let us know how you are, and when the babe is born. Good wishes, Blessings.


I got pregnant at 16. The best thing my parents did was make it known they loved me unconditionally. Yes, they were PISSED, and yes, it was scary. I hated it at the time because I knew what I wanted but my family made me aware of my “options” & looking back I’m thankful they did because had I decided I wasn’t ready, I would have known I was supported. They were there for me & that’s what I needed because this world is cruel. I’ll be 20 this year, and my daughter will be 3. We are THRIVING.

I graduated high school with my class, got my first apartment at 17 and her dad+I have pretty much done it all on our own from the start. Having a kid young does NOT mean you failed as a parent or that her life is over. I struggled a lot with my mental health afterwards but I start college in September and I’m actually in the process of writing a book about my story. Everything will be ok.:sparkles:

Just adding that I went through hell at my school when I was pregnant, so I’m lucky my parents & boyfriend’s family made me feel safe at home. I did some courses online during my pregnancy & took my last in person exam for my grade 11 at 35 weeks pregnant. I continued to do my classes online for senior year while at home with my daughter and went back to in person for second semester, when she was 6 months old. It CAN be done. The biggest lesson I learned was that there is no timeline on life and it’s okay that things didn’t go the way I had planned them to. My daughter is my best friend, and I am so lucky every single day that I had her when I did. I’m a firm believer that things happen for a reason & she is exactly what I needed.

It’s ok to be upset with her, but please try not to let it push her away. She needs you now more than ever. The best thing you can do to support her right now is remind her that your love in unconditional & you guys will figure it out together. I agree with other comments - be stern while remaining supportive. Make it known that if she goes through with the pregnancy, it is HER responsibility and while you’ll help her out, her life is about to change completely. Don’t let her drop out of school, but also remember it’s okay to take some time off if need be. :black_heart:


Just Love her and be there for her :heart: :two_hearts: always believe in her and let her know that she can and she will make something of herself for her and that baby. I know too many moms who were teen moms like myself and had no support and it really took a toll on them and the well being of the child… God bless yalll :pray: stay strong Mom .

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I was 15 had my 1st at 16 my 2nd at 17, my father helped me very much. All you can do is love your daughter :heart:her and support her when she needs help


I’m about to have my baby at 18 and became pregnant at 17 and the only thing that I can say is continue to love and support her. My family has been supportive and loving and its made the experience so much easier, especially with all my complications. But every family member or person that hasn’t been supportive just hurt me deeply and I no longer speak to them. Also, since she’s young she’ll definitely need your help getting prenatal stuff worked out and her appointments scheduled. She needs you right now💜

I understand you are disappointed and surprised. Remember she is carrying your potential grandchild. Promise to listen and support her no matter what her choice is. Present all the options or have professionals explain adoption pros and cons abortion pros and cons and being a mom at 14 pros and cons. Love her.

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You can be there for her she’s probably really scared just let her talk

:heart::heart: If she does consider adoption, I highly recommend angel adoption clinic. You can browse through their web page . My brother is in the process . Here is an example , best wishes :heart::heart::heart:

Help her be the best mother that she can be. Let her know she’s not alone and be there through all the hard times. Tell her what it’s going to be like without scaring her half to death.


I’m really shocked at some of the comments. Although yes it’s a free world to say what you want. This momma is simply asking for advice from us cause she’s not sure how to handle this. I really don’t think she wants to hear other people say abortions. That is for some people and some people it’s not. No one is perfect but come on ladies!!!

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Do what you would have wanted your mom to do if you were in that position


Talk to her. Ask her if there are things she is wondering about, ask her how she felt after appointments, try to make it not so scary because it can be scary enough being in your 20s and having a baby.


I got pregnant at 16 and just gave birth at 17. My daughter just turned 3 months old yesterday. I don’t promote teen pregnancy at all but if a teen is to get pregnant I sure as hell will be there to support them… and so should you with your daughter if she chooses to keep her baby. But I do understand the disappointment… my daughter is the best thing to ever happen to me, she saved my life! I will give her a way better childhood than I had myself. My mum adores my daughter and is there for me when I need her. My advice… be there to support your daughter, show her the ways… but don’t forget we all parent differently. It’s not easy at all as you would know as you have your own daughter. Just because she is now with child does not mean she doesn’t respect or love you… so don’t be horrible about it because you’ll only break her heart

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Support her. Help her

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What kind of parenting was here? My girls are 11 and 15, they have been brought up to know what is right and wrong. Same way I was brought up. The one has a more active social life than the other but saying they are teenagers and these things happen is bs in my opinion. It’s a parenting problem that led to this situation. If you as a parent suspect your kid is sexually active you MUST take action, that is what the pill etc is there for. No 13/14/15 year old is emotionally ready for the next 9 months, let’s not even mention the blow back on the rest of their lives! What about the ridicule she will face at school or from her friends?
What gets to me is the thing of support her in her decisions, by all means do that but you are the parent not her BFF!


Encourage her to eat right, drink water, and take her prenatal. While she is pregnant, maybe gently push her to move to online school and offer help with education? Figure out how she can make some money for when the baby comes. The best thing you can do is be her rock, she needs to know you are there for her-you can save the I’m disappointed talk, because SHE KNOWS. She needs you now.


Babies are a gift. It must be hard, heartbreaking and scary for both of you. Find a great counselor to help you navigate through this time.

Give her the options and discuss it with her maturely. If she’s old enough to have sex she’s old enough to make adult decisions. Whatever choice she chooses, support them. Love her and her choices. If she keeps the baby then teach her to provide and be her rock. If she has an abortion or gives baby up for adoption, get her counseling and be her rock. Hug your daughter and tell her she’ll be okay no matter what. Just like you, she’s scared and she needs her mom.


Just support her with your love and guidance no matter what. Stuff happens this is life great support systems are so important , she is going to be a mom now instill in her to do what a mother is there to do love unconditionally :heart:

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Love support and help her as much as you can

Be there for her, as you have the last 14 years :heart: you’re going to be a grandma and I bet my last dollar you love that baby as much as your own daughter. Just give it time to sink in properly xxx

I was 15 when I had my first child, im now 27 with 3 children. Yes it was hard but my mum and dad was amazing… Just support her in every way that you can. :grin: Make her feel loved and help her…

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Support her ! Show her that she will be a great mother I fell pregnant at such a younge age my mother wasn’t happy but she supported me all the way tho helped me plan of what to expect and she helped me buy stuff and my son 2 now and she adore him don’t push her away take her to her appointments her scans form a bond with her baby to ask her if she needs anything don’t pressure her don’t be angry at her grow to love her child make sure she taking the right medication to help the baby x

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Be there for her 100% even though it’s not ideal it is what it is and can’t be changed so just help her as much as possible. Be involved as much as possible.

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Congratulate her, and be there right beside her, I was 16 and my mum put me on a plane right back to her, as I was a run a way.

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I was pregnant at 15 and all I wanted was to feel loved and heard and supported still at 17 it’s so hard just be there for her so she doesn’t feel alone and make sure she knows she’s appreciatd and the best mom

In a simple sentence, be there for her & support her no matter what her choice is. I got pregnant at 15 an had my daughter at 16. I’m now 25 and she’s 9 - has it been easy? hell no but my parents supported my choice and they’ve supported me all the way through it. I’m just scrolling through an seeing quite a few comments about how it’s a ‘parenting problem’ that led to this an let me tell you now IT IS NOT in the slightest!! My parents did their damn best with me and that’s nothing to do with when I started having sex. Please ignore them comments! If her choice is to continue with the pregnancy then be there for her, I still went to school, I passed every GCSE I sat, I went to college, I’ve had several jobs, latest one I lost due to covid while on maternity leave as the business closed. Just because you have a child young doesn’t mean your life goes out the window! Some of the comments are disgusting x


Be there for her! Listen, teach her don’t belittle her, love and support her

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Well done mamma! I bet so many young girls wish they had someone like you in thier lives. Such good advice above. Pls make sure you have support too. Even a friend to confide in. Inwas in a similar situation and my mum promised to keep things confidential (i had a termination) but I learnt that she didn’t. I still have never forgiven her even though now I understand that of course she needed to unpack her feelings too. Be safe with yourself and ur daughters emotions. :purple_heart::purple_heart:

Do not let her keep it… She’s still a child and does not need that right now explain to her theirs still alot in life she needs to achieve but In a comforting way and show her love


Make her feel that this is not her fault or all her proble. It takes two to get pregnant and let her know you have her back. Make her strong to withstand the judgement that will come her way from ignorant people and let her be excited about her baby not feel like its a burden. I love the way you want to support her, make sure you have some support too xx


First educate her on all her options. Her real options, not just the ones that fit certain beliefs. And then fully support her no matter what she chooses.


Just make her feel love and that she is not on her own stand by her no matter what just be her side kick show support. Love and care. In a world we’re you can be anything be kind


Just be there for her in what ever option she takes and for all those bitching saying about the mothers. Parenting my mum taught me safe sex as soon as she found out and did i lisen no i didn’t at that time i was doing what i wanted no lisening to my parents i didn’t think for 2 mins i would get pregnant and then turned 15 and i was pregnant

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Sit her down and discuss all options with her. Not sure of your beliefs. Ultimately it is her choice. Be there to guide her and support her no matter what she chooses to do.

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As a pregnant 15 year old (hes now nearly 13) i didnt have a clue, i wish someone had fully educated me as to what having a baby was really like, even down to making bottles etc… Teach her the things most new mums need to know as it feels like you are failing that bit more because you are infact still a kid and everyone else “seems” to know best… Support what she wants and try not to be too pushy or full on, its her baby even if she is still yours :two_hearts: Its not ideal & i personally hope my kids dont end up in same position i did… But i did it and millions of others did and still do… She will be fine x


She needs you now more than ever! Stand by her whatever her choices💜


My daughter was pregnant at 14 I just stood by her helped her make the right choices and she decided to keep the baby I was there every step of the way and helped the hospital deliver my grandson it was hard but I have a fantastic bond with my grandson who’s 6 next month. X


As someone who was pregnant the same age and kept the baby just make sure she knows all her options… I wouldn’t change my children for the world but my god nothing could of prepared me for having a child so young… you leave your education, friends etc all behind and yes it was worth it but it can feel so lonely at times and people will judge!!! But just be there for her that’s the best advice I can give my mum was there for me all the way through and still is now and my son is 16 xx


Just support her and listen to her. Its hard being 14 without being pregnant. Just be there for her. Xx

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Educate her on her choices better yet have someone else do it


Be there for her. Support her.


There’s nothing you can do except love her through it & support her.


Abortion. Its legal for a reason. If she wants it. Of course. But that would be my 1st choice.


Maybe help her get her GED.
Give her every option.
Abortion, adoption keeping the baby and let her decide and just be there and support her no matter which she chooses.


Just support her for whatever she chooses :heart:


Maybe watch her better next time🤷‍♀️


Just support her. Be there for her. She is gonna need her mom


Make every option available and support her. Love her up, it’s tough becoming a mom as a kid.


Be her biggest support. Be there when she needs you because she is going to need your love and support.

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Help her arrange an open adoption.


Help guide and support her to be a responsible mom. And maybe offer birth control after baby comes…abortion is never an option. There is always adoption!


Help guide and support her to be a responsible mom. And maybe offer birth control after baby comes…abortion is never an option. There is always adoption!


Help her prepare. Give her advice on what to expect. I was still scared and unsure when I got pregnant at 25 so informing her and teaching her about what to expect might help you both. Be open to talking about every option and be loving and supportive even when it’s not easy.

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Support her. Let her make the choice of what she wants to do. Do not push your opinion on her.

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I know it must be difficult as your daughter is so young but all you can do is talk to her about her options and support her. She’s probably very scared and confused right now and will need her Mum. Xx


Be with her through everything she is your baby girl

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Well you need to seriously think if this is what you want for your daughter. You wont only be raising her , but also her child which is now your grandchild. I’d try talk her into abortion… or at least adoption, but if she doesn’t want to do either then there’s not much you can do apart from support her and let her know she needs to find some sort of income to support the baby. Shes still legally a kid herself and has her whole life ahead of her. I’m not saying young mums are bad mums , they’re not , I was 18 when I got pregnant with my son , it’s not easy at all and I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like at 14


Should someone be getting arrested?


Love her! She messed up. It’s ok to be disappointed but now she needs her mom more than ever!!!


Support her… get all the things ready what she needs for babies arrival

If she wants to keep it, support her. She wants to abort, support her. If She wants to choose to give it up for adoption, Support her. Just be there. Thats already a crazy hormone age and then the extra crazy from being pregnant, she just needs to know that someone’ss on her side.


Support her decisions. Be informative. I got pregnant at 15…


Support her even if you feel it’s not the best for you

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Give her a screaming baby to hold, a pile of bills and a messy house, oh and most of her friends gone. Then show her an instagram feed of all the fun life stuff she’ll miss out on, then drive her to get a termination. Dont sugarcoat any aspect of a baby having a baby.


Support her in whatever decision she makes.


Love her and support her.
While you may not like it, she probably already realizes she messed up and will beat herself up about it so she doesn’t need you doing that.
I would just explain what her options are.
Remember it is HER body. If she doesn’t want the child DO NOT force it on her.


I was a young mother I had my 1st baby at 15 & yes abortion is an option but sit down talk to her make sure the decision is down to her because if she does it based of you n not her she will resent you. I hope everything turns out ok for you :pray:t2:


As much as you don’t approve of it, she needs you the most right now. It’s a scary and nerve wrecking time for any adult, so imagine at 14 what’s running through her mind. At the end of the day that is your daughter & if it were me in that position I would just want my mom to be there for me-to help & guide me through that difficult time! Good luck momma :white_heart:


I got pregnant when I was 14 and my mom made me go live with my dad. Ultimately I had a miscarriage at 6 months. But the whole time I was pregnant I just wanted my mom. Just be there for her to support her. :heart:


If she wants to keep the baby help her plan for their future. If she wants to give up for adoption help her through the process. Be her Mom. Love and hugs and there if she needs to talk. Good luck to you both.


First talk to her and make sure she knows her options… if she decides she wants to keep it, Help her be a mother… make her take responsibility

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Talk about her options, don’t try to sway her either. She needs someone right now. No point in getting crazy, deed is done. Have her get a part time job to start saving and learning responsibility.

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You’re going to make a 14yo have a baby?? This is what abortions are for. Let her learn her lesson, live her life. She can have kids when she’s not a kid herself.


Support her and encourage her to finish school, just be there for her through every decision she makes. If the father is in her life, make sure he understands everything too. It takes 2, and even if he isn’t there, she’ll always have you

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Speak to her and ask her how she feels and what she wants to do xx

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I work with pregnant and parenting teens. Please feel free to message me for information, resources, advice, etc. This is my 18th year doing my job. My advice is be supportive and positive as best as you can. Being young doesn’t mean being a bad parent. I know many young men and women who are doing a wonderful job.


All she needs is your love and support! She’ll be having all sorts of feelings at the moment so your support and love is all she needs

From personal experience ( Me being a 14 year old teen me) Be there for her support her in what ever option she picks make sure she knows all her options and it’s absolutely wat she wants.

Support her,but she needs to take the responsibility of caring for her baby on her own. Dont be the one who raises her baby.


Any 14 year olds having kids is unacceptable. Their parents failed them period.


Fuck every negative comment on here. I’m sure you’re a great Mom. It happens. Teens will be teens. Talk to her about her options and support her❤️ you don’t want her to resent you or regret anything in the future. Best of luck.


Support her in whatever her decision may be. Be her hand to hold, and shoulder to cry on. Everyone on here telling this young girl what to do is disgusting, its her body and at the end of the day her decision.