How can I support my pregnant 14 year old?

Hope your daughter is ok xx

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Give her all of her options! And then support her decision regardless of your feelings!!! She’s your daughter and that will never change


Support her in whatever decision she makes! Be there for her


If you want to do the right thing by your daughter and her future then take her for an abortion then get her onto birth control


No matter how you feel be there for her every step of the way, continue to love and support her exactly how you have been doing xx

I was 15 when I fell pregnant and my mother was obviously not happy but supported my decisions and choices 100 percent and I couldn’t have asked for more! She is now 17 and an amazing young lady all your daughter needs is love and guidance xx


just give her love advice support give her every option she has and if she decides to keep it make her raise that baby obviously help her but she chose to live the adult life so young so she has to deal with the consequences.

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I fell pregnant at 15, the one thing I’ll never forget is the fact my mum never questioned my choice nor did she even ask me “what I was going to do” she stood by me every step of the way answered every question I had and held my hand right threw it all even my 19 hour labour! 15 years later I’ve got 4 girls and I’ll forever be greatful for everything my did for us even still now x


I was pregnant at 14 then two months later I found out it was twins…don’t judge her be happy for her. Tell her you’ll be there every step of the way and whatever she needs you will make sure she has it and she doesn’t have to do it alone. And pay no mind to what anybody says because it could definitely be worse so they can respectfully mind their business! Most importantly hug your baby mama…she’s scared as well :heart:


The important thing is that your daughter needs you now more than ever. Being able to communicate with each other — especially when emotions are running high — is essential. Support and love her through it​:heart::raised_hands:t2:


Support her in any decision she makes. Let her know her options and give her time to make the best choice for her and the baby. I know it’s harder than said.

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My question is, where were you and how did she have enough time to get pregnant??


As a mother at 14, just provide support! Physically, mentally and most importantly emotionally! Prayers for you both.


I was 14 when I first got pregnant. Abortion was not even an option and I knew that I could not give my baby up. All you can do is be there for her. Support her in taking care of this baby. Guide her but also allow her to make her own decisions regarding the baby and to make her own mistakes from time to time. Let her know that you love her and that it is not the end of the world and that she can do this.


My daughter got pregnant at 14 too. This year she is graduating grade 12 ;she works and is raising her daughter. I’m so very proud of her. The best thing you can do is support your daughter. This baby is not a mistake but a early surprise. You can feel mad ,scared all sorts of emotions right now but also remember that your daughter may also be feeling the same way.
Please message me if you want to❤


Best think is support if she wants to keep it or not it’s up to her no one else

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Well I got pregnant as a teen.
I told my mom in hysterics, and she calmed me down, and she supported me.
Ask her what she wants to do. Support and love her no matter what, because she needs you.


What about open adoption ? 14 is really young. My old friend got pregnant in hs and decided with her mother an open adoption was the best for them. She’s in her 30s now. Owns a home with new husband and has 2 children with him. She still receives photos and updates on her daughter, and they can meet once a year. Every situation is different. Maybe your ready to be a mother again because a 14 year old is almost 100% not mature enough to have all the responsibility of raising a child, there still a child themselves. Be honest think of the future and whatever you decide Whats best for your family there will be support along the way.

I, myself, was a very young teen mother. She needs to know her options and the reality of what each option entails. Whether you agree with it or not, she’s pregnant. Show her she is still loved and whatever she chooses is her decision and you support her. Just because she is young, please don’t assume her life is over.


To tell her there’s alot of risk to take in would be best to get her into networks sadly most hospitals will get welfare involved due to her age

Be there!! Support her in HER decision. If she’s excited be excited (or pretend if you want her to share with you) for her! Don’t force her to make any decision. A child is a blessing not a death sentence. I got pregnant at 15 had her at 16 and she was planned!! Yes we were young but she’s now a successful adult in her late 20s with 5 siblings and her dad and I have been together for nearly 30 years now. If you want her to be open with you let her lead you because like my mom an overprotective mother you can kill the relationship between the two of you quickly!!

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I had my daughter at 14 she was the best thing to happen to me shes now 19 my mum wasnt happy obviously but she stood by me was my rock still there for me will be hard but sure will make right decision for ur daughter good luck support her she needs u more than ever

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Be there for her… Especially being so young give her advice from your experiences 14 is young but you watch her shine and mature with you by her side :pray:
All the best :four_leaf_clover:

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Support her in whatever she decides to do. She needs your love amd support now mote than ever

I just want to say that I was that girl. I was 14 and pregnant. I am now 31 with 3 beautiful children, a Highschool diploma, a fantastic job and my children are amazing human beings. I just want you to know that this isn’t ideal of course, but it can and will be ok. I had to grow up fast and I became an adult and moved out way before any kid should, but my parents were so amazing and supportive and we got through it because of that. It’s gonna be ok momma.


The deed is done, support her, the new little one will be a blessing, our daughter had a son at 16, that little boy brought so much need love and joy back into our home, she graduated high school went on to college and became an RN by the time she was 21


Love and support her

Take her to planned parenthood. They will discuss options and can make referrals for help. Hug her, she’s probably terrified. Show her how to be a good mom even when the unplanned happens. Do for her what you would want and need done for you.


This girl needs to know all of her options and weigh them. A decision doesn’t have to be made overnight, and that’s the important part. Whether she raises the baby, adopts the baby out or has an abortion, she should be well educated and understand the outcome of ALL her options. Whatever she decides, it’s her body. Be as supportive as you can :heart:

Ask her what she wants to do and then help her see it happen. If she keeps it, help her complete her education so she can still have some success an adult to support herself and her child.

First thing, I am proud of you for wanting to be there and be supportive to her even though you are not happy about it. Some would be angry and the opposite. Next, have a talk about what her plans are. Then, be there for her in whatever ways she needs. I’m sure you remember how scary being pregnant the first time was. Just keep being an awesome mom. Don’t let others negativity get either of you down.

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I was 15 and pregnant and wish someone would have just told me my options and told me they supported me in whatever I chose. I probably would have still chosen to have my child but I didn’t even know it was an option and when I did have him I became a great mother in spite of my mother trying to take over and do everything her way and it was a hot mess. Be there when she needs you be there to give get advice but let her figure some things out herself. Be there to encourage her and tell her she’s doing great be there to ask if she needs or wants help if she needs a shower or a nap but also don’t be there to raise your grandchild because the baby doesn’t need that she needs to understand this is her life now and that help us different than raise don’t know this baby is your daughter become another statistic. But be there be present be helpful be mindful be supportive I had none of that and wish I did. My son and I are close now but it wasn’t always like that and I wish it was

get her abortion care. She is much too young to carry a pregnancy and certainly too young to mother. get her birth control maybe the arm one, something she doesn’t need to worry about everyday.


Help her make the right decision and support her no matter what she chooses. With the right support and love she can be a great mom even at 14.

As a mother to a 14 year old I cannot imagine how you are feeling, but I know I’d just support her if it was my child to do what she feels best, keep showing love, care and just think babies are a blessing :heart::two_hearts:

The important thing here is to NOT PRESSURE her into anything.
It is her body, her choice.
You can lay out all options.
Give her all info.
Ask her what she thinks is best for her.

Then get into realistic.
Costs of a baby. The mental toll it takes. Be honest, but remember to tell her that you will support her no matter what she chooses.

It is so important that you encourage her and show support.
I was a pregnant teen.
Support from my family was so incredibly important.

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I was 16 and pregnant. I stayed living with my parents till my daughter was 3 months old and had to grow up fast and move out. I am married to my wonderful husband (yes the father of my daughter) we now have 2 girls and gave been married for 20 years (together 28yrs). Not every story ends like mine but I had the love and support from both our parents so we made it work.


I was not a Teen Mom but I did have a scare a couple of times. I told my mom about it and she said that whatever happens you are not aborting it and you are not giving it up for adoption and I will be here for you through everything. That meant a lot to me and she wasn’t mad at me because she was the one that encouraged me to go have sex. I was 17.

Please support :pray: her ,who are we to judge …please no abortion you never know maybe the child will be someone blessing and have a bright future …
Or consider adoption to a good family of course bur Nothing like a mom raising her own child a bond no one can’t break. .Trust God and his plans for the baby

Just be there to support her. Let her know she’s not alone. She’s probably already scared let her know your there.

I was 13 and pregnant 6 years ago, I needed my Mom so bad because I was terrified about what was going to happen, how my life was going to change. Just be there for her.


Be her safe place. Sending prayers.

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Go over all her options with her and support her decision. Be there for her.

Now for you momma…Go outside/in your room, whatever and SCREAM your head off into a pillow, have a good cry, don’t for one minute feel like this is a mom fail or anything like that. People will be judgy assholes toward you and her, so plan ahead on the best ways to cope with that. It’s a long road, but even you just asking for simple advice without making it about you, it’s AMAZING! I’ve seen many in your situation do the exact opposite and it’s annoying as hell. Y’all got this!! :heart::heart::heart:


Show her love and support! Let her make her choice no matter how difficult.

As a teen mom (pregnant at 17), I will tell you that my mother seemed to go through the stages of grief from anger to acceptance. She let me make my own choices and helped however she could.

My dad told me that becoming a teen mom would ruin my life and immediately demanded an abortion. We still don’t have a close relationship but are working on it.

My daughter and I did alot of growing up together but I am so thankful for the choices I made and the support from my mother and stepdad. I am now 31 years old and a nurse care coordinator for children with special needs. My 13 year old daughter is a well adjusted 7th grade cheerleader with excellent grades and a good head on her shoulders. I also have another daughter, a stepdaughter and a son.

I know that some are not as lucky as I was. No matter how much support I had, if I hadn’t thought long and hard about the future I wanted for my family then I can easily see how things would have taken a very negative turn to a life of struggle.

My advice: communicate with her. Discuss her options, discuss her future, her goals and the type of support you will be willing to offer. Let her know that even though everyone tells her how hard a BABY is, thats the easiest part in raising a child. Also, if she chooses to raise her child, I would go through the legal process of getting the father involved now rather than later. He and his family should share the responsibility.

Good luck. :heart:


I was a teen aged mom and my supports weren’t happy but soon to love them. They wish it was a little later but now get to spend more time with them. You need to show her you love her and support her. It may be hard but it’s worth it in the end. Right now if I didn’t have my mom I don’t know where I’d be to this day

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I feel like my logical response would be adoption but my mama heart would say keep the baby and raise him/her yourself.

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Talk to her.
Hug her.
Prepare her by reading up on caring for a baby.
Explain how being a Mother changes you and what to expect with feeds, tiredness, emotional breakdowns etc.
Maybe look at counselling and Parenting Classes.
Mostly just let her know she is loved, wanted, hasn’t done anything wrong and that she Will be ok.
She has a choice to make about keeping bubs and the more open, honest you are with her the better she will cope.


You have a lot of advice given from above posts. I would say that she’s probably scared at what has happened. I say it was very responsible of her to tell you that she is pregnant. So a good step from the get go. Definitely lay out all of her options from abortion to adoption to her keeping and raising her little one. Just remind her that it is only her choice to make and that outside pressures and influence will certainly come her way but is irrelevant as this is her choice. Support her in that and also get some support for yourself as I’m sure this is very tough for you. Hang in there Mama.


I’m a family therapist and cannot believe everyone saying its a blessing. it will derail her development in every way if she carries this pregnancy . She is in no way capable to know what having a baby and raising a child means and what it will cost her. For those of you the were young teen moms and think it’s great, good for you, you are not the average story. DM me if you want to talk bc I know a lot about this working in foster care/adoption and my own daughter adopted from a teen mom


I was a teen mom, and the best thing my mom did was just be there for me and help me in any way she could.

Let her know even tho you might not agree with actions she has taken. You love her and are there to support her

Give her all of her options! Don’t decide for her but rather WITH her. Just be supportive. She needs her mama more than ever.

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I was so scared to tell my mum I was pregnant and I was 19, I know she’s young but she will just need you & need you to be there :heart:

Tell her to go get a job and figure it out herself. Not your problem she decided to be stupid.


Be prepared to financially support another child…

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Love and support her

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Nothing you can do but support as much as you possibly can and make her be a responsible parent

Sit down with her. Lay out all the options. Please, do not judge her. And remember, she is just as scared as you are. And she is probably judging herself. Support her and be rational.

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I was 17 ( a few years older but found out at 16 ).
My mom was good about it surprisingly and supportive. But be there, talk to her, listen to her, help her. If you can obviously financially, don’t make her feel bad because come on, now days what girl isn’t having sex early and she just ended up pregnant, it happens. Love her.

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All you can do is support her and make sure she makes it to all of her doctors appointments. She will not be 14 forever, and that baby will become the center of your and her life. Just be supportive.

Just be there for her and support her. Tell her how much you love her. She needs you now more than ever

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I think the best option is to let her know that she has options! Tell her that you love her and that you will be there for her and support her no matter the decision she makes! She is terrified! Yelling and making her choose something is not the option. Talk with her. Let her know she can still be successfully and be a young mother. Just be there for her.


Reading all these comments seriously have me flabbergasted. How do yall know she made the choice to have sex? Seriously.

Just lay out her options and let her know you’ll be there for her every step of the way

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Hug your baby, hug her so bloody tight and reassure her everything is and will be ok :purple_heart:


Sit and talk with her as a mom to a mom not just a mom to a daughter. First tell her that she has all your support in any decision she makes and that you will be by her side through it all. Then Ask her questions as if she wants to keep the baby, abort, or put up for adoption. All other questions can be asked once that answer is sure. Let it be her decision and please do not force anything on her. No matter what she does she will always remember this… so dont make it harder on her. She’s scared to death right now! Be her safe spot❤ cause others are going to try and force their decision apon her like I see in some of the before comments🙄 yes shes young but it happens I have friends who got pregnant at 14, my older sisters mom got pregnant around that age and she became a nurse and makes good money! Also talk with the boys parents if you can. And talk with both the boy and your daughter.

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Everyone suggesting forced abortion really has no concept of how traumatizing that will be and how much that will effect the child mentally and emotionally for the rest of her life. The best advice I can give is take her to get educated with all her options; an abortion clinic, an adoption agency, and a OB; be supportive of whatever choice she makes for herself and try not to steer her in a certain direction. If she does decide to continue with the pregnancy walk her through what to expect mentally, physically, and finically; don’t keep anything away from her to spare her.


Show support and be there for her. Do not turn your back on her.


Support her decisions, encourage independence and be there for her if plans don’t work out.

Be supportive as u can

I was 17 when I found out I had plans for my senior year and I planned to go to college my mom wasn’t happy about it but she came around. What helped me the most was the support from family. Honestly support is the best thing you can give

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I was 17 when I had my son and my mum was a god send. She supported me so much and was there for me for everything to do with the baby and my labour I couldn’t have asked for anything else. Just let her know that her world isn’t ending and that you will be there for her no matter what happens

Support her decision on what to do. Talk and listen to her. If she decides adoption, help her find a good adoption agency or couple. If she decides abortion (even if you are pro life, remember not your decision) help her find a good clinic. If she wants to keep the baby, explain how much responsibility a baby is. Just be there for her, let her make the decisions and support her decisions.

Im going to be honest I was 14 and pregnant my mother kicked me out when she found out and it damaged me most because my mother left my side when I felt like i needed her most
Im 24 now my daughters 9 turning 10 in April and shes my best friend… don’t put your daughter in a situation where it will traumatize her for the rest her life
Show her you care and you would be there for the baby

One of the scariest things to go through while young and pregnant is not having your parents around because one thing I’ve noticed growing up is no matter how stubborn I was as a child my mother was always right
She would grow with the baby and be one of the best parents ever just cause she has her mothers support


Let her choose what she wants to do.
I would have her make a five year plan and see where she sees herself. I would consider keeping it, abortion, and adoption go over pros and cons of each and let her know she can come to you. She will be crying a lot by herself and it’s most important she knows she can come to you with anything and everything.

I was 14 when I was pregnant with my first born, as mad as you are she is probably scared, upset with her self ect, its going to be hard for you both but what she needs most is you, you in the room when she has the babie, you when she feels frustrated and wants to give up after the baby, support her in going back to school encourage her to get a job, I never gave up I went back I finished high school with 2 babies, im now 28 have 4 children and a lpn!. Her life is just starting and this is more of a reason for her to make somthing of her self, ( you arnt there to raise her babie! ) she need to do that on her own but she will need your help and you at times best of luck :pray::pray::pray:


also, who is she having sex with? is she being abused? unless the child is also 14 theres a problem


She’s your child, carrying your grandchild. Support her mum to mum. Find out how dad feels. Take everything into consideration and do what’s best for HER not you or anyone else. Being pregnant at 14 isn’t the end of the world.

Just give her your support as a mother should do. Because there is nothing better than a mother unconditional love and care.

The best thing you can do is talk to her about her otpions. Let her decide! I was 25 when I had my son and I still need my moms help because I’m a new mother. Don’t make her feel guilty for being sexually active and getting pregnant. You can’t change it. Find the healthiest and most loving way to deal with it. Explain everything to her in a way to educate, not scare her. Let her make the decision herself on what she wants to do and just be her support system.:heart:

Personally I will NEVER kick out my child for getting/getting someone pregnant. However… I have one strict rule. I decided to stop having babies. I will not be financially responsible for a baby. That doesn’t mean I will not help if they are short on cash but they will pay me back when they can. I’m not a built in babysitter either. I will only watch the baby for school and work and very very very occasional other reasons. If they are too young to get a job… I would talk to them about adoption or abortion however I do know it’s not impossible to get a job that young. I absolutely will not be financially or physically responsible for a baby I did not decide to have. I will be disappointed however I will always love my child.


Be there for her and help out with what you can with the baby and do not let her drop out of school!

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Support her but let her know what is ahead .


How very scary for her, poor girl! Just support her and be there for her and always let her know you love her unconditionally. Get her involved in a support group for pregnant and new teen moms. That will help tremendously cause then she won’t feel alone like she’s the only one going through this . And if she’s being bullied in school or feels ashamed, let her homeschool . She doesn’t need that added stress . I’ll pray for her and pray for a healthy pregnancy. This is just a small portion of her life , it’ll pass and she will look back one day and be so grateful she had an amazing mom to help her get through it .:heart:

Also, 14 and how many months? Has she been sexually abused in the past or is she currently being sexually abused? lots of questions

I hope you also get the support you will need. Can’t be easy for you either.

I got pregnant when i was 16. The best thing my mom did for me was support me. Teach her how to do things, make her feel like shes not a total failure, because thats how i felt. Like i messed my entire life up. But i had a great support system and that made the difference.


I love all the advice to be a lisstening ear and just support support support, but please, she CANNOT understand the ramifications and you must, so look at stats of what typically happens so you can prepare. Are you ready to raise another child? bc that’s whats happening if she continues with this pregnancy. Is she in 9th grade?


My sister was 14 when she got pregnant. EVERYONE judged her. Told her to get an abortion…ect… Fastfoward 21 years. Her health isn’t doing so well and its actually good she had a baby so young. that’s probably the only time frame she would have been able to have kids.

Point is… Kids aren’t easy, but it’s always that way. You never know God’s plan.


Let her know about every option she has let her learn about each and everyone one of them try not to steer her towards a decision let it 100 percent be her choice if she wants to keep the baby don’t spare her any of the details let her know it will be very challenging let her know it will be very tough but also very rewarding and also let her know you will be there to help her and guide her be fully honest and genuine and supportive as you will as her mother but also let his all be her choice xxxx

Please just make sure she knows she has options. My mom told me when I got pregnant at 16 that I had no choice at all. And I would have liked to at least know I had some…

Just be there for her. Find what info you can and have her read it and help her make decisions and just be there. I’m going through the same situation my daughter is 14 and her baby is a month old now. Call your daughter’s school counselor and see if they can link you up with your districts teen pregnancy/parenting support. If you feel comfortable you’re more than welcome to private message me and your daughter can message mine if she needs a friend in the same situation. <3

I was 14 and pregnant and the one thing I wish I had at that time was just support and love… let her know she’s got options but that you love and support her decisions as well!

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I was 17 when I got pregnant and a junior in high school and NOBODY else raised my child except her father and I. 14 is pretty young, but it CAN be done. I’m now 23 and we have 3 kids and are still going strong. Idk your daughters situation, but all I can say is be there for her and let her know you support any decision she makes. Family turning their backs on me and not having faith in me is what hurt the most… guess what, proved them all wrong. :woman_shrugging: I do agree with letting her know you will not be financially responsible for her baby and that you won’t be the one raising it, though. Be supportive, but show tough love at the same time.

I was 16 when I got pregnant. 17 when I had my son. Make sure she knows who her support system is and get rid of the negative people. Make her continue going to school to get a GED or highschool diploma, it’ll help set her future up for better/easier success. She will look up to you as her mom, show her how to be a mom in the areas she is unsure of. I remember being that young and terrified. Make sure she knows you love her, she needs it now more than ever.

You stand by her and help her never making her feel bad Love her

Love her, support her, be there for her. Adoption is a beautiful plan if your daughter is not ready to be a mother at the tender age of 14, but if she was and she was my daughter I would support her and help her as best I could.

This is simple… step back from “disappointed mom mode” and put yourself her in shoes. She is feeling every emotion possible. She needs encouragement. She needs to know that she is loved. She needs her momma now more than ever because she doesn’t know how to be a momma, not yet at least. She is young BUT God makes no mistakes.

I have faith that you will do what’s best for her and your grandchild. I know you aren’t ready for what’s to come either. This is a learning experience of a lifetime for the BOTH of you.

Love her Momma. She needs you. :two_hearts::two_hearts:

I know the world talks and words are so hurtful but again she needs you more than ever. She’s your baby and she will always need the love and protection from you.


Support her and make sure you do everything you can to help make sure she finishes school.

Make her aware of the consequences of whatever choice she makes and just support her and stand by her decision.