How can I talk to my boyfriend about having more kids?

Lol when my first was 2 months old, I handed her to my husband and told him to take it back that I couldnt do it anymore.
I wanted three. I stopped at two and had my tubes removed to prevent future pregnancies since birth control doesnt work on me. He’s allowed to change his mind.

he can change his mind whenever he wants to your not his boss and he dont owe you any reasons to could be broken up in months years to come then what,

no judgment but you just had a baby july so maybe he hasnt come to terms with being a dad yet give him sometime before you start to talk about more and then if he still doesnt want more well you cannot stop him from that discion. good luck with this and god bless

Give him time. Once he is able to bond a little more he may change his mind. Right now all he sees is a screaming and crying child that has to be feed, burped, and changed constantly. When the baby is a little bigger and can interact more he may decide he wants another.


My partner didn’t want more after our first daughter but when she was 18 months he asked if we could try again. I’m now 36 weeks pregnant with our 3ed daughter and this time he’s begging me not to get my tubes tied. Once they bond you never know how his feelings may change be patient

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Give him time, the first while after a baby is stressful and it’s hard to even consider another during that time. Odds are he’s feeling the pressure and new role of a family provider and needs to adjust.

Give him time. You need to respect his decision, and respect that he can do what he wants with his own body. If he wants to get snipped then that’s his choice. You JUST had a baby, why on Earth you’d be thinking about another one already is beyond me. Perhaps he didn’t think Parenthood would be as hard as it is. You can always ask why, and have a civil conversation. But do not try to force him to change his mind.
Enjoy the baby you have now. They’re still a newborn basically.


You can’t force someone or pressure someone into wanting to have a baby. That honestly wouldn’t be very good for you all’s relationship going forward. Your baby is 2 months, take the time to enjoy that time. Give him time, he may change his mind when he’s ready. If not you have to respect that. I just had twins , my hubs doesn’t want anymore either (he’s sacred tat we all have another set of twins :joy::joy:). I wouldn’t mind having more but I also am perfectly fine with his decision not to as well.

Wait, what? Your baby is 2 months old. He probably needs more time. That’s really soon to be wanting another kid.
I got pregnant when my son was 10 months old. My daughter is 2 months old as of today. They’re 18 months apart.
Take it from somebody who has children close in age.
Some have kids closer.
Give your body some time to heal. Trust me. I almost died while having my son.
My pregnant with my daughter was awful. I was miserable from day 1.
Let him establish a bond with the baby and talk to him around the 6 month mark.
The newborn stage is hard. Especially when you’re a first time parent.
I’m sure he’ll change his mind once baby is bigger and can do more.


He may feel that way now because being a parent is challenging and its a huge adjustment. My boyfriend said the same thing for the first year after our son was born… Now here we are 5 years later with baby #2 on the way, which he asked for lol. Everything will work itself out just don’t pressure him or try to rush or force anything.


Maybe it is just to too soon for him to think about another one. He is still adjusting to being a dad. Wait until the baby is at least 2 years old before having another one. That is usually a good age gap or even wait until the baby is potty trained so you don’t have to worry about having two in diapers


Guys sometimes don’t react well to the labor and delivery, especially when it gets a little scary. This may be a reaction to seeing how much pain you were in, definitely talk to him and ask him why the rush.

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from personal experience do not push it, we unintentionally got pregnant when our youngest was 3 months old and i HIGHLY recommend waiting and he may change his mind. Or you may even change your mind and want just one


I’m married 4 years and our daughter just turned 2 and we’re still not ready for another😓
Give it time. Trust me, when your baby is a toddler, you’ll be changing your mind real quick. Give all your attention to them while you can. They’ll need it. Don’t rush anything. Maybe wait til you’re married before having more too? Idk just something I’ve always found weird how people can pop out kids together, but won’t get married :face_with_monocle: Marriage should be your first commitment before (more) kids together.

Your body needs time to heal. Safest to wait is until your first is at least a year. Complications and risks are too high when they’re close together.

Give him time? Your baby is only 2 months old. No way in hell I would be wanting another one when I have a 2 month old :rofl: And if later on down the track he still doesn’t want another, then you have a choice to make. Either stay with him, respect his decision and be happy with 1 baby, or leave him to be with someone else who wants a/another kid.


You must respect your partners decision. The last thing you should want is to be abandoned with 2 children. Which is a real possibility if you are pushing your partner to do something that they do not want. If your partner does not want to have another child right now then you should wait and respect that. They may change their mind later.


Maybe I’m a bit old fashioned, but perhaps he wants a bit more stability in your relationship first before deciding on more children. Perhaps marriage is in his mind as the next step and then more kids. Just a thought from a grandma…

I’d leave it alone you may push him to get fixed quickly. Today’s world is messed up just wait maybe he well change his mind . Focus on showing how him how well you care for the 1 st child. You might push him away if you push to hard .

He may change his mind after the baby is older! Babies are so hard that I said I didnt want anymore for a year+ after each of my kids. I was tired and overwhelmed and just drained. He may feel differently once yall a through the baby baby phase!

You literally just popped a baby out! Why are you pushing to have another baby so soon? Are you scared he’s going to leave you or something? Leave his ass alone and let him adjust to having one baby. There’s no need to scare him off. There’s plenty of time for all that.


First main clue to me is the word boyfriend. Not husband. Second clue, 2 month old. It really isn’t rocket science. Wait for things to be right. You shouldn’t have to pressure him in to any of it.


Maybe fatherhood wasn’t what he expected. Give it some time. It’s still really soon and possibly overwhelming to him. I always thought I wanted 3 kids and I’m totally content with the one I have.


If you just had a child I would enjoy the baby I have now before having another. My daughter had her kids back to back and it wasn’t easy at all having two small ones. There could be many reasons as to why he doesn’t want another one but if you have a baby now enjoy his milestones of crawling and walking etc… Didn’t you just post not long ago you thought he was talking to someone else? I just think personally you need to slow down a bit before you push your boyfriend away.

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Give him some time. 2 months is just not enough. I’m surprised it’s enough time for you to be thinking of having another already. He most likely will come around in time. He may not so be prepared for that as a possibility as well.

There are a great many people who wanted more than one kid but changed their minds once they had one and realized just how much work it is, and that’s totally okay.


I almost died during delivery with my 2nd and 3rd and I was 100% sure I was done! My youngest is almost 4 now and I think I may have another. People do change but if hes done hes done and you need to respect that

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Wait it out. My husband said he didn’t want anymore either after our first but we did have another 4 years later. It’s probably just too soon for him to even think about right now. Newborns can be overwhelming at first especially for dad’s. Enjoy the baby years for now and maybe revisit the idea in a year or two.


I would say give it a little time, and he may change his mind, again. It took me about 3 years after having my son (complicated birth), before I changed my mind back to wanting more. However, at the end of the day, I say you do what’s best for you and he does what’s best for him. If he doesn’t want anymore, that is HIS choice and a decision you’re going to have to decide if you can settle with for the rest of your life. If you decide you still want more and can’t settle with one child, that is YOUR choice to make. I think it’s not quite right to string you along with the idea of two kids, and I get that, but we all have the right to change our minds. Its still so soon, though.

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I have kids 15 months apart, I am exhausted constantly, my body is suffering even now. Its hell. Do not do it, a two year old and an almost one year old are not fun


Give him time but don’t push him. Your baby is only months old. I always said I wanted 4 and then had 1 and was done. My brother said he was done after his 1st and they now have 2. It affects everyone different. Just be patient and respect his choice.

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Sorry, I think the conversation of how many kids you all want is one that should have happened a long time ago…my hubs and I wanted at least one together, but he told me up front before we even got pregnant for our first, whether we had one, five or none together it didn’t make or break our relationship. He would love me and any kids we had. We ended up having four together, and he is the best Dad imaginable…not only to “ours” but to my older three children as well.

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I would just ask him to hold off getting snipped. Everything is still new and it can be overwhelming, especially for guys I think. Give it a couple years after he’s a little bigger and your husband has bonded with him more. My hubs finally gave in after 3 years and we are excited to welcome our second, and last in a few months. Lol. Just don’t rush it. Enjoy your baby and your little family for now.

Hahaha my husband said the same thing. My son was born in April and he made a few comments about not wanting more kids. I don’t know if we will have anymore kids but it bothered me to hear him saying stuff like that. Now that our son is 4 months old he doesn’t make as many comments and I could see him being open to the idea of more eventually. Just give it time.

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His body his choice. I have 4 kids, but only our youngest is my husband’s and he’s now 9. Right after he was born my husband made that choice on his own without discussing it with me. That was his choice to do so. I always said after 30 I wasn’t having more kids and that was my choice so really we basically agreed on it. With that said if he really doesn’t want more kids you will have to decide if that is okay or not for you and you may find you guys aren’t compatible in that. Also, your baby is just a couple months old so maybe he’s freaked out by talking about it so soon.

Well the newborn stage isn’t exactly " fun" to ALOT of us, and you have a very young baby…Maybe when baby is older he will change his mind

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Why would anybody want to get pregnant if the other person doesn’t want any more children?


Right now, just ask him to wait a couple of years and use a different contraceptive. Then, have a talk and see where he’s at. If he’s done then he’s done. Don’t try to talk someone into it. Imagine being that kid…the one your parent didn’t want but agreed to? How crappy that kid must feel!

You don’t talk to your boyfriend about anymore kids, that precious conversation is saved for your husband :wink:

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My husband wanted to have 3 when we married, when we had our son he said he was done and didn’t want anymore but knew that I did want at least one more. After our son became more interactive he still said he was content but was open to the discussion where we decided to meet in the middle. I’m now pregnant with our second son and luckily I feel content because he is adamant that 2 is all he can handle. It’s hard for men to imagine stretching their time and love equally between children until they get here and it can be stressful and a huge adjustment at times. Just give him some time, your baby is still very new and your boyfriend is still learning how to be a daddy right now. Good luck!

I feel like no one wants another baby with a newborn. Give him some time to grow into enjoying fatherhood dont push this soon.

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It’s pretty new… baby is still a newborn and we all know how newborns are between waking up every 2-3 hrs in the middle of the night… he’ll eventually love it once you started to really enjoy the baby… give him some time…

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Hear him out and form a compromise to discuss it again in a year, or every six months or whatever timeline you agree. Then leave it alone until that time comes. Pressuring him isn’t going to help and cause resentment.

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If you have one it is difficult at first. For men it takes time for them to feel of use or important during this time. As they grow older the relationship with the child and son will grow. Keep pushing him. men don’t always know what they want until it’s too late. If anything were to happen to you two would your son have any other family or would he be alone? Things to share with him. I’ve talked to several older men who wished they had more kids. They grow up fast. I have 6

I would give it time for him to see if thats what he truly decides, but you must respect his decision also.

Respect his wishes. Maybe he will change his mind later. Kids are expensive. Does he have other children? If so that may be the reason. If not it’s just a choice maybe temporary.

I have two kids that are 11 months apart. 2 &3 years old. Wait… trust me. A toddler and and a new born is NOT easy let alone two toddlers which I have right now :slightly_smiling_face: you can’t force your s/o to want another kid. They will only resent you.

I would get on birth control right away and wait before bringing it up again.

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Don’t worry, Guys always say that…:wink:
From experiences…I can say: “Babies” r not man favorites …
Toddler & PreK age will be much more more crazy but fun …more talking…more playing etc.
Also from experiences “No matter what! It’s good to have a siblings!” …-this might be good point ? argument ?! have discussion…
but if so …have kids within “close” age…4 yrs apart…
not 10!
So you can rise them together…and “enjoy” rest of life …
My mom had me and 1 yr younger sister …than 3 rd kid in her late 30s …we r 10 yrs apart…we r all very close as siblings no doubt…but I feel sorry for my mom !!!
she was alway rising kids …”sitting in diapers”…I have mine kiddos and they 4 yrs apart! I’m 40 my hub 46 and we enjoy :100: of life as couple w/o kids.
P. S We take naps together not with our babies😉
( sorry for my poor grammar…English is my second language)

Start with boyfriend. The guy hasn’t even made a lifetime commitment to building a family and you’re already making one.

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My exhusband use to tell me all the time no more kids… we had 6 together. I had to beg for a year for my last child with him. I’m a proud mom of 7! Just keep talking to him!

Your baby is 2 months old. Wait til it’s a bit older and then have the convo again.

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Also depends on the family background. If you agreed on 2 children together in the beginning. How many do either of you have from previous relationships? My current bf and I have 7 kids together. I have 3 and he has 4. We both agreed no more from the beginning.
My brother and his current wife have 1 together. That was her first and she wanted one more but my brother already had 2 from a previous relationship which gave him 3 total.
There are a few variable to consider, but I agree that you should just have an open, honest, calm conversation and just express to him how you feel.

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He has obv made his decision so I think you have to decide if you can live with it,if not be honest with each other and move on

On what planet do you want to talk someone into more children?! So they can resent you and the kid?!


If you cant talk to him than dont have any more kids with him.

You just had a baby, let him adjust. Let your body heal from having the one…then when baby gets old enough talk about it then.

I wouldn’t have another just yet give it a few more years he might change his mind x

The way the world is today I would not want children give it some time things will work out for you

Shoot, I didnt want another for 3 years after having my first. ( I wanted 3) Give him time, its too early to make decisions on that topic.

im sorry your baby is 2m old and your already talking about more. Enjoy the one you have now… wait until its 4 and revisit that question. The :fu: 4’s aint a joke.

He needs time to forget the sleepless nights - it happens eventually

Dont pressure him. Just wait till your little one gets to the fun toddler stage and by then he will want one .

Then that’s what he wants if h want differently you should be w someone different

You just had baby number 1. Give it a couple years and revisit the issue :thinking:

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Your baby is 2 months! Focus on him, he needs you now.


Be naked when you bring it up into conversation

Maybe he is just digesting the reality of the baby that was just born…?

:flushed::flushed: you already want another. You ain’t even been in the free and clear from the doctor all that long. :joy::joy: Slow it down a bit.


Well u need to see where your relationship goes before bringing another child into the picture. Marriage should come first

I just commented on this but it was taken off maybe they didn’t like my comment

Why the pressure on the poor guy??

He needs to RESPECT your decision too. Jeesh. All these women saying respect the man. Do you not deserve respect too?? Good lord


Good grief let the man adjust to his baby you JUST had…

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Dang… You just had a baby. Give him time. Let this baby grow. Anybody at this point will say no.

You know him the best! So you will know what and when to do smthg abt it. It’s too early for u to make yourself feel bad. Just enjoy your little one for now… :rose::rose::heart::heart::heart:

Give him time. Fatherhood is also stressful. Plus, your body needs time to heal. :heart::sunflower:

Bet if your first was a girl, he would want another one!

2 months of crying newborn will make anyone not want anymore…:joy:


Proudly should be your husband first.

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All imma say is I decided recently I ain’t bringing anymore babies into this crazy world :flushed::woman_facepalming:

Try marriage it is a fine way of showing you are committed

Just get him drunk when your ovulating and take advantage. :joy:

He’s a clever man thats all i can say!

Birth can actually traumatized men.

No more sex if he gets fixed.

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Get married first before you talk about another baby

He can’t either till a certain are or a severe medical condition…

Well I mean you have a baby so I’m sure all the screaming, crying, spit up, feedings, and diaper changing are a lot of fun who wouldn’t? (Insert sarcasm) When your son is about 5 is when he’ll forget how bad the baby stage was and actually enjoy being a dad, my husband hates the baby stage.


if you have another too soon, you rob your first of their babyhood… 3 years between is great. it also gives your body time to readjust and build up enough strength to grow another healthy human.


Girl uu just had the baby 3 days ago :roll_eyes:

Slow down , let him adjust before you scare the man !!!

Kids are one thing a relationship cannot compromise on.

You cannot talk someone into having more, but equally he cannot just decide for you that there will be no more.

So he can get a vasectomy if he wants one, because his body and his choice and you have to respect that.

However if having more kids is important or a deal breaker for you, then it’s also not wrong of you to decide the relationship isn’t for you and to find someone who wants the same things as you.

He can’t force you to be 1 and done any more than you can force him to have another baby.

But if this does end up in a break up remember the baby you have is not “yours” to be used to hurt him for hurting you. He is equally yours and his Dad’s and whatever decision you make it should be based on him having a relationship with his son.

Good luck.

Personally I wouldn’t make any big choices for at least 2 years. Your baby is barely 2 months old, I always said never again after each of mine, meant it for sure after #3 then accidentally had #4 before getting permanently altered.

Remember to be kind and respectful. I’d shelve all conversations around more babies for at least a year, and if he gets a vasectomy in that time I guess you have your answer and from there you have to decide if having another baby outweighs this relationship.

Good luck!

Get knocked up by someone else.


Probably should get married first if u want another


My baby daddy and I said we would have 2 kids minimum and I wanted to adopt 1. He agreed. I was an only child and HATED IT. since i was 10yrs old I said i would always have at least 2 babies. My first is almost 4 and I had to make a special dinner for a special talk and he told me he doesnt want anymore. I’ll be 30 in a few months and now thoughts are forced into thinking about a whole new life else where. He dont even care. Dont wait it out like I did and now time is ticking to figure out if starting over is worth the time and effort or just be unhappy with 1. :confused:


Your baby just came out of your womb!! It was a long time ago but I’ll never forget how hard a time I had when my 1st baby was at 2 months,I had post-partum depression,I couldn’t nurse her, she cried all the time with Colic, I cried with her and I had a good husband to walk the floor with her, don’t push your boyfriend, boyfriends can walk anytime they want and leave you to raise a baby alone, he is realizing how hard taking care of a newborn is which it is, drop the subject and wait a couple years till this one is out of diapers, he may change his mind as your child gets older, your young, you don’t need to hurry, when my 3rd daughter was born durring delivery the cord wrapped around her neck and started choking her and my husband freaked out and she was turning blue but the Dr’s were right there and she was fine,I tried to tell him that it happens a lot with babies but he decided he did not ever want to go through that again and wanted me to get my tubes tied so I did the day after she was born, I wanted 1 more baby but he was just too traumatized but he was a wonderful father so having another child is a big decision that you need to take the time to consider whats best for you all!!

Even if he gets snipped it can be reversed. Don’t push it on him and I’m sure in a year or two he’ll change his mind once he sees you holding another baby.

Get married first…
You shouldn’t bring kids into this world out of wedlock. It isnt okay…
Get married first … then talk about it as husband and wife

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How many times is this question going to be asked?!? 4th time in 2 days I’ve seen this same type of question. Are they just going to keep asking till they get the answer they want to hear…?


Do not have kids with someone who doesn’t want kids. It won’t work out well for you or the kids, most importantly. Don’t set them up like that. Please. Hugs!!! This is such a tough situation and I do feel for you!!