Give yourself and him some time to be new parents. Enjoy this time, you’ll never get it back. Good luck x
Why don’t u ask him why he changed his mind? I had my third after 10 years and I can tell u the crying and screaming made me wanna lay on my dining table a perform my own hysterectomy. But now shes 2 months and I want another one. Shit happens lol
Honestly, people change. You literally just had one… be content with what you have right now. Sit down and talk about it together but don’t pressure him to have another. Some people don’t realize this but men get postpartum depression as well. Maybe he’s worried about how he would take care of another baby. Idk. But don’t push him or you could push him right out the door… just my opinion.
I mean, you JUST had a baby. The whole experience is super fresh. Maybe give him a little time.
It’s only been 2 months. He’s probably exhausted. Give him time
I always wanted 3 kids…
I have been blessed with 2.
My husband says we’re done.
We’ve been married 17 years. Our little girls are 5&7!
Just give him some time you just had your baby he may miss that baby phase eventually or y’all might have an oopsie and conceive again!
He may just need time to get used to this new change first…
I think the world is a really scary crazy place right now. Maybe he’s worried about bringing another child into all of this craziness. I understand wanting more children, just maybe sit down and talk with him about not making any decisions about getting fixed right now. Maybe wait and see how everything pans out and maybe have a baby next year.
Give it time! A new born is a lot of work so talking of another baby so soon is probably scary.
It would scare me lol.
Life is just to hard and busy and maybe he feels itbis just to much. Give him time and space.
Your baby is only two months old, what’s the hurry? I would ask him to not make any decisions for a good year about being fixed. Give it time and he may reconsider. If he won’t reconsider in a year, you two will have to make a decision to either bend to each other without resentments or move on. But probably by that point he may be a little more on board with another. It’s tiring and stressful those first couple months.
Wait a little while he may change his mind
You don’t force being a parent on anyone
Be careful might not want kids. One may plenty for him. Wait and watch
You cant have kids,you have to go to a farm to get one of those,
Yalls baby is 2 months old. If he is a first time dad it’s completely nerve wracking. My husband was 20 when we got pregnancy with our son (born July 2, 2018 ) and he was still trying to figure out himself and the adult world, then to be thrown into parenthood… He had no idea what he was doing. He had never had experience with young kids let alone a new born baby. First time parents, especially dads need time for things to adjust. It’s hard having a baby no matter what age or how many times you have done it. It’s scary. And then to think of my gosh what if there were two???.. give him a moment to breath and form a bond/connection with his son. My husband said we would wait a while before having another… I got pregnant with our daughter nine months later. She was born January of this year. And he is just now ok with being able to handle both of them. It’s a lot. Lol having a toddler that doesn’t listen and a 7 month old who screams just because. Give him time. People can always change their minds.
You need to respect that and give him time. You just had a baby and being a new parent can be overwhelming. Don’t go getting pregnant on purpose either, seen it happen too many times and the outcome was not good
You just had a baby slow down, concentrate on the baby you have and enjoy this time together without adding more stress.
Just get pregnant if you want! Tell him afterwards…oops
Let him fix himself first, get married and then revisit the topic
Get him to book his vasectomy appt. ASAP !!
The baby is 2 months old, give the dude some time, geez.
The way the world is, I wouldnt have any more
I would say wait till ur little one is 2 Atleast then start thinking he will see himself his little one growing up needs a little friend for him don’t lose hope enjoy ur baby atm let time do the tricks good luck x
Tell him to grow up!
“Can we talk about having more kids?”
Give it some time it’s early yet
Poke a hole in the condom. Problem solved
Just be honest. If he agreed on that before then he’s got no ground to stand on. And he should understand most children want a sibling. It’s lonely being an only child and not fair to them. He can love 2 children just as easily as one. Once he sees that baby his heart will melt and if not there’s something wrong with him. Also u can try praying about it but God would prefer u two marry I’m sure. Good luck
my advice is to leave it alone before you’re divorced. If he wants to get himself fixed he’s a grown man that’s his decision. I made my grown woman decision after having two babies in one year okay to get myself fixed my first baby was born in January 09 a second baby was born December 09 it is very extremely stressful and hard on your body when you have babies back to back like that. I’m the type of person that I’m a grown woman I don’t need your permission to go get my tubes tied or anything else I’m going to do it if I want to do it and that’s the way my husband is. so my advice is to back off and leave it alone I mean like I’m sorry you want more kids and he doesn’t that happens a lot.honestly the more kids you have the more expensive holidays are birthdays are buying clothes for all those kids especially when they’re like mine and they grew out of all their clothes 2 months later they need new clothes. My daughter over here takes an army to feed. I love being an only child I didn’t have to share Christmas presents birthday presents I didn’t have to share my parents attention. I am my daddy’s princess,he always gave me plenty of money to spend at the mall with my friends are on field trips and I got $80 a week in allowance money for helping my disabled father cook and clean the house! my daughter wanted me to have more kids and I might baby if I would have had four and five kids that means for Christmas there would have been five kids to a vault presents for she wouldn’t have gotten 20 and 30 presents just to herself because see my other daughter was adopted by my mother that’s a very long story behind that okay my daughter about died and she was only 3 months old she needed open heart surgery and Moore okay so that means on birthdays it’s less birthday presents so when they start school you got one child needing school pictures that’s $40 a pop another child needing school pictures $40 a pop one child needing lunch money one child needing money for a field trip they have to have money for their fall festivities that they do and everything I mean think about it one child can be spoiled while you have a house full of kids that don’t have the opportunity to have anything to their selves any privacy they have brothers and sisters to fight with you’re fighting over your parents attention you’re fighting over Christmas presents you’re fighting over birthday present I have a friend that has three girls if she don’t buy spray example a Barbie doll that’s the exact same Barbie doll for each child they fight over it they fight over $1 having different shoes one doll having a different outfit one doll having their hair different so just think about it like that think about having one special child that you can spoil the crap out of until they turn 18 lol
You JUST had one. It’s a major adjustment, especially if you went from no kids to now having one. Give the man some time. Hell. I never want another kid right after having one. I have 3 now. It takes time to adapt. Goodness.
Tell him one day you’ll both be gone and he needs another sibling to turn to and continue on with his legacy and their off spring. Its so lonely being an only child.
I had my two 1 year and 5 days apart. They are 15 and 16 now and are best friends. Always kept each other busy. It was like having twins but so worth it! I wish I would of had my 3rd and 4th close together but they were suprises. It was way easier than the 3rd being 5 years apart from my 4th…they fight like cats and dogs.
Woman you need to listen to the man and chill out. He doesn’t want anymore. Respect his feelings and concentrate on the 2 month old you literally just had!
I think it would be easier to give advice if the ages were included. Some females are 18 wanting multiple kids all while struggling. Men are USUALLY the ones who want to be financially more secure before wanting more kids (unless they’re just pieces of shit). Men like to be able to support their family. If yall are super young then I wouldn’t push it. He could just want to wait. If yall are like 30, then he probably has his mind made up. Just like a few people have pointed out, if a man was pressuring a woman about having more when she didn’t want to, he would be considered the biggest asshole alive. The same should be said about a woman doing that to a man as well.
He says he doesn’t want anymore kids. That should be the end of the. Discussion.
Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in South Africa but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called her. She gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to her. She asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. She cast her spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. After 24 hours my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.
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Don’t tell him just do it
Steal his sperm … buy a Turkey baster… do it yourself girl. Lol jkjk
Damn you just had a kid relax .
I think you both are idiots for purposely having a child out of wedlock
Respect his decision.
Bang him don’t say shit
He needs to make you more than a girlfriend before you all keep having kids. Just my opinion.