Shes not just any child, shes your daughter. Sounds like motherhood isnt your thing.
Set boundaries and stand your ground. Enforce punishment. She’ll get it.
Id be embarrassed to even write something like that
Your daughter is going to sense your negative vibes and feel rejected. For her sake get your head from up your own arse and put your little girl first or one day you might regret what you wish for
A lot of moms on here bashing. Just because she doesn’t want to be used as a jungle gym doesn’t mean she’s a bad mom Children should be taught boundaries and personal space. If you’re tired of being used as a jungle gym then start stopping the behavior when it starts by telling her to ask and starting the explanation of personal space
Oh lord so many perfect moms here. Girl I know how you feel. I cant stand when my kids are all over me. My 3yr old thinks she can only talk to me if she 6in from my face. My boys drive my crazy. They sit by me (great cool)but they try to merge into my soul. My oldest daughter was the same way. I’m not the touchy feely momma. I dont let my kids hang all over me. It drives me crazy.
She’s 4, one day she’s not gonna be giving you those hugs when she gets older. Cherish it and love her! some parents out there who have lost babies would love to be in your position. If you’re suffering from depression or something like that then seek help. Otherwise just suck it up and love her.
Perfect age to set “personal space boundaries” for her. And inappropriate touching. Just put her in time out, spank, take away her fav toy, whatever discipline technique you use when she tries to climb on you.
Omg…my daughter shes 4 shes super needy and clingy but I’m teaching her that mommy needs space too and at first I feel bad but I think shes getting it …we still snuggle and play and give kisses but when I say ok mama is going to do something she stops and let’s me have my space .
Ask the child not to kick you or jump on you. Explain it hurts and be consistent. But dear lord don’t stop your child ‘touching’ you- don’t withdraw physical contact, lots of it, every day. If you do it will damage her for ever.
I read this post yesterday, I felt this post today.
Putting my 15 month old to bed last night, rocking her, she sat and tried to pull my nipple off.