So how do you feel about pedophilia? Is love really love? Just leave him be, he will rebell if you push it… and make it worse
Please tell him everybody is creation of MIGHTY GOD n God loves everyone so we don’t have right to judge people for what ever he or she is
Det handlar om att lära sig respektera människor som de är födda. Varför ska någon ens värdera hur andra vuxna människor har sex?
Respecting each others’ choices are most important
A little child shall lead them!
Allow him to have his opinion. Life will teach him differently.
Maybe explain to him it’s ok if he doesn’t think it’s ok for him. But he can not push his thoughts and feelings onto others. As long as he’s kind and respectful to others it doesn’t matter of he doesn’t like it. Hopefully he may stop feeling like that once he’s grown up a bit more
To be honest just like everyone in this world he is entitled to his own opinion… yes keep teaching him respect and love etc… but at the end of the day he is his own person and will belive what he belives… all we can do as parents is teach our kids right from wrong so as long as he isn’t using hate speech he is allowed to think it’s wrong…
Maybe tell him it’s ok that he has his own opinions he is allowed to belive what he believes but make sure you tell him if he can have his own opinion so can other people and spreading hate is wrong and reiterate if he believes it’s wrong that’s ok. But what’s not okay is to belittle others for theirs or hurt or disrecspect someone because their beliefs or opinions are different from his…
Teach him Biblical truth about the creation of male and female and each of those intended roles, and that’s not being judgmental.
You have to let them have their own thoughts and beliefs even if they dint agree with yours
You approach it by saying if that’s your belief that’s ok but you still have to respect others beliefs even if they are not the same as yours
Just a tid bit of info you don’t have to call relationships between the same sex gay relationships… relationships is fine. Also, he learned the hate from somewhere so if it were me I’d find out from where
It’s not right for him, but it’s right for those it’s right for. Just tell him that, he will have heard someone in school saying it I expect.
Its not normal,never will be ,and im very religous
Jab uppercut left left jab.
Tell him lovingly that gay is not normal and try to bring him to normal.
It is easy to change him now before he goes in the wrong direction.
By your speak. And actions
A lot of bigots in this thread. Hate is not an opinion or a belief. Homophobia is an ugly trait no matter how you try to justify it.
Wow some of the responses on here are gross. “He’s allowed to disagree with people who choose a certain lifestyle” um first of all you don’t choose to be gay. Second of all he shouldn’t be hating someone just because of who they love ESPECIALLY in a tolerant home that OP has tried to make for him. As someone else has already said, if he came back and said he didn’t like a certain race of people just because of the colour of their skin would that be okay? No it wouldn’t, it’s literally the same thing. OP you are amazing to bring your children up to be non judgmental and accepting of every HUMAN. I am sorry that this is happening, I would be devastated if it was my child. All I can say is try and have a talk with him. He has obviously got this twisted hatred from someone or something and you need to find out what that is and why he has been swayed. I’m sure you’ll be able to talk sense into him, he’s still a child so he is easily influenced by others. Good luck, you’re great
Sounds like your son is smarter than you. He has realized homosexuality is NOT normal, in spite of your attempted brainwashing. He realizes it’s a perversion, and wants nothing to do with it. Smart kid!
Just treat others as you would. No need to bully. Children are under attack more than ever before. They are being groomed from a very young age to be open to things children have never been exposed to before, and on such a massive scale. It’s a conditioning process that relies on catching them young.
He’s Gay and someone taught him to hate himself. Teach him to nurture who he is. He also may be a Sexually abused kid. Get to the bottom of that and rule it out or address it. I was that kid.
I wouldnt say he was hating, he was just expressing his opinion that he finds it weird. People are allowed to do that! It’s called choice. Just because your all for it doesn’t mean to say others are. And forcing your beliefs and opinions upon him isn’t fair either. You teach love is love. Then allow him his choice. I teach my kids that as long as your a good person and kind, who cares about the rest. Love is not love. Child molesters express love to the victim. Is love is love the right phrase? He is entitled to his opinion. As is everyone else. Would you want him forced into your opinion? What is right for you may not be right for him. You say you normalising your kids?? To me that’s indoctrination. Let kids be kids and find out about these things themselves.
I think kids have had an overload of this stuff shoved down their throats so much they are sick of it that’s what happened to my son. At school at home. So we decided to leave the subject alone & let kids be kids without anymore indoctrination.
Did you ask him why he came on that??? You can always support him by saying the behaviour is one thing, but the person is another.
He is allowed to have this opinion, but he has to make sure that its not ok to be judgemental, of whom they are.
Why don’t YA respect his feelings? Stop trying to change how HE feels! Teach him respect for everyone but that he is ALSO entitled to feel what he does
OMG…some of these comments! I agree with others who have said to sit him down and ask where he heard that, what context and where his feelings come from. Why now? Don’t leave it alone. You child gave you the opportunity to have a discussion. I’m assuming you don’t want to raise a bigot. You have to teach and reinforce that love is love.
Putting out another perspective, is there any possibility that he could be confused about his own sexuality?? Thats always something worth considering when tackling the issue!!!
That being said my 10 year old said its weird even though he spends most Christmases at uncle and uncles house it’s just an age to argue with anyone about anything for the sheer hell of it if you ask me.
He is entitled to his opinion, he does not have like or support lgbtq but he does have to respect others no matter their sexual preferences.
The beautiful thing about being human is we can and do make our own choices and preferences in life. You can preach and teach all the things YOU choose and the choices you want for YOUR life and hope that they assimilate and follow those teachings and choices. However at 11 he is starting to form his OWN opinions and choices and thoughts on things, which may not align with yours, unfortunately the more you tell him it isn’t ok, the more he will do it or think it or wish he was older so he could move out and make up his own mind about things. Don’t drive a wedge, respect him, as he is a human just like you, only younger, ask questions about why he feels so strongly about this, why he thinks the way he does about it and move on… as he continues to age he will continue to form his own opinions about things that may differ from your own. He is his own person, and sexuality is something he has no experience with yet and it is a hard concept to grasp, the entire gay, lesbian LGBTQ thing is quite confusing for children, and not understanding things is the number one reason for people not “liking” something. They have either never tried it, do not possess the knowledge intellectually or emotionally, or have had a negative experience or been taught not to like something… let him be a child, sometimes ignorance is bliss. I would revisit the topic when he is older.
I would let him know its okay for him not agree, but it’s not okay to hate anyone just because you don’t agree.
Love is not love get the fuck over that theory there is already some psychological problem going on in your head if you feel this way from a young age.
Seems your 11 year old is more wise than you are. He is absolutely right. This is wrong!
Does he heed your correction for example manners, timelines, strive to be pleasant towards those he respects?
Treat his comment the same way you would if he said he hates women, he hates black people, he hates Chinese people, etc! It’s not ok for him to say that.
He may be saying these things to test u. Maybe he’s curious about your response because he’s gay and he’s wondering how you feel about it.
You can lead a horse to water but u cannot make it drink lol
He’s entitled to believe that so long as he doesn’t hate or ostracise.
Being gay isn’t normal.
Sit him down. And ask him if anyone has done any thing to make him feel uncomfortable
Lol stop forcing your “wokeness” on a kid abd just let them be kids. Youve already taught them to look at others differently instead of seeing everyone as “the same” like most kids do so. At this point might as well just tellem he only hates gays because he probably is gay.
Seriously, saying being gay is normal??? NO IT IS NOT NORMAL.
being gay is NOT normal
You’re confusing two very separate issues. He does not have to support homosexuality in order to not spread hate. The two can be mutually exclusive. I think when people start talking about ‘normalizing’ certain things, some of them actually mean ‘this is what I think so you should go along with it and, this is how I feel so you should feel the same way’. Teaching tolerance doesn’t equate to teaching them not to be critical thinkers. All we can do is to teach our children as best we can and try to instil in them a sound moral compass. However, they grow up and will begin to think for themselves and you won’t always agree with what they think or what they do. Personally, I think you’re pushing way too hard on this and making way too much of an effort to force him to tow your line. As long as he is not being hateful, my advice is to leave him alone and stop pushing your beliefs onto him. If you don’t, you’re going to end up with a teenager who won’t tell you anything about anything.
And love is not love!
God is love. Period!
Tell him to pray and ask God for guidance in his journey of life. That’s my advice.
Quit pushing that crap on kids
Gay gay gay! Whats gay? Gay is a misnomer…and your son is manifesting a tendency of a young heterosexual male…he doesnt like gayness and limpwristed behaviour…hes going to like girls ok?! He will marry and have children and you will have grandchildren and be happy- now go on your knees and thank your Maker. I cant believe the apathy of some parents…
Short answer…u don’t
Nameless Network shocked to see the amount of homophobia on here (not OP, the comments) I’d get deleting certain people, they don’t belong here
Let your son have his own opinion
You just tell him its love and what if it was his brother or sister . Keep reiterating that we all love eachother.
Let your son know its okay to not agree, but its not okay to hate someone just because you don’t agree.
Don’t force your beliefs on your child.
Ask him why he feels that way. He doesn’t have to be gay himself so im not sure why he’s so bothered by it.
Teach about how as women we where oppressed and now that we are rising above that we have an obligation to pave the way for everyone’s rights. He does not have to agree but sure as hell has to learn why.
My husband is the same way. Which is ok. The difference is that he still treats gays or lgbt people with respect. Which he does too. As a mom, you also have to respect that you can’t force your beliefs onto your children, just be a good example.
He doesnt have to support the gay community and he doesnt have to agree with it. You cannot force your beliefs onto someone else. HOWEVER, he needs to still treat everyone with the same amount of respect despite their sexual preferences.
What someone does in their own bedrooms is none of anyones business.
And a side note, I have 6 kids… I have never ever went out of my way to talk about anyone elses sexual preferences, I have never singled out the gay community to be any different from the straight community and not a single one of my kids is homophobic. Maybe people need to stop talking about homosexuality like its some taboo thing
He needs to treat everyone with love and respect, but being gay is not a normal thing and is not necessarily ok either.
Tell him that its ok for him to not be get, but its not ok to judge other people.
He doesnt HAVE to support them… Hes a person with his own thoughts and opinions… You want him to respect others thoughts opinions and ways of being yet you refuse to with him… Theres a difference between not supporting/thinking its weird and being hateful and bullying. Long as he realizes they are allowed their choice and it deserves to be respected as much as his… Whats the issue??
Here’s the thing? For me personally. I’ve refused to have any of these “talks” with my kids.
I spend a ridiculous amount of time looking at things through kid eyes. Looking at all these conversations society tells me I “should” have.
Here’s why I don’t (trust me this is relevant)
- The best form of acceptance is to react the exact same way to a gay coupe as a heterosexual couple…and my kiddo is already there.
- I did not/do not want those talks in any way to put any kind of pressure on my kids. The entire world is about accepting it (I’m not bashing just explaining a kids perspective) a month is dedicated to pride…so for kids… that sometimes feels like that’s what they’re supposed to be too…not just that they’re supposed to accept other people for choosing it but that’s what they’re supposed to do/be even if it’s not true to themselves.
It’s ok for him to have internal feelings…it’s likely that part of it is that he’s realized it is not ok for him (because it’s not true to himself) that’s ok…so he’s trying to reconcile all of his feelings…
It’s ok if he just doesn’t support it so long as he’s not ride or hateful or anything.
I love how everyone is saying it’s a belief.
It’s not, we deserve love, happiness, and family just like straights. It’s human rights and we are no different than anyone else.
Start with documentaries. There’s plenty of good ones.
Being gay is not a belief system.
It’s not a “belief” religion is a choice and a belief. Being gay is just how someone is. So be a real mother and a human being and love him no matter what.
Ask him why he feels that way. Keep asking and keep questioning until you find out what his reasoning is. “Because other people said so” isn’t the right response, so if you get to that point, then you can start there to try to teach him.
No one should have an opinion “Because someone said so”. There should always be a deep, real reason for feeling and believing something. Help him get to that point.
If he truly believes that for his own, real reasons? That’s hard to handle, but… There isn’t really much that can be done about it. Have some open and non-judgmental conversations, give him facts from the other side of the coin for sure, let him hear the positivity side, but, you can’t force someone to change their mind. Not even children despite what a lot of people would tell you. There’s nothing wrong with discussing it. But don’t force him to your side, either.
Even if he’s against it though, you definitely can teach him to be respectful. People fail to realize that you can disagree with someone or something and still be respectful and non-judgmental. So if he is against non-straight love, teach him the right way to handle that. He doesn’t have to be for it, but he cannot just go and attack people with that kind of speech because he’s against it. Help him learn to love and respect no matter what <3 (Not saying you haven’t, just be sure to reinforce it here haha)
My mom came out as gay when I was in 7th grade. I was horrified. To be quite honest I had no clue the depth of what it meant. I just knew the other kids often used gay and gay slurs as insults. So therefore it must be a bad thing. I didn’t really have a choice not to deal though because she was my mom. I did get over the initial shock eventually. By 9th grade it wasn’t even a thing that mattered. I’m 34 with 3 kids. Because of my mom and other people I know in the lgbtq community I have fought ever fight I can for them. I stand behind the community. Sometimes it just takes time. Other times kids never know the difference. My oldest son is 14 and works at a gay establishment. He’s straight but he doesn’t care. To him being gay is no different than being a different race. It’s just who you are and you can’t change that. I wish you luck.
I would say let him have his opinion, but teach him that verbal or physical shows of hatred towards people for their own choices is not tolerated. As a gay woman I fully accept that my relationship with my Fiancée is not accepted by everyone, but as long as they leave us to it I’m absolutely okay with that. My own father still doesn’t believe in gay marriage and doesn’t fully ‘understand it’, but he still treats my partner with as much love and respect as he does his own kids, and is still excited to walk me down the Isle at our wedding
He doesn’t have to agree with it. He just has to be respectful of other people even ones who differ from his beliefs and opinions.
You teach him to be his own person with his own opinions and views. The end goal isn’t to have him thinking the same way as you, but to teach him to treat everyone with kindness and respect even if he doesn’t agree with their sexual orientation
He’s 11…he may just be saying it for the shock value, or maybe he’s just been grossly misinformed by somone else. When I was younger I believed I was 10000% pro-life and abortion was the wrongest thing a person could do. With age and experience, I have become a fierce pro-choice protector and can’t believe I used to feel differently. You’re doing the right thing by educating and telling him love is love, keep it up. And, unfortunately, at the end of the day he may never agree with it. He doesn’t have to, either. But he DOES have to be respectful of others and tolerant.
He doesn’t have to agree with it but teaching him to respect others no matter who they love is important.
He has a right to his opinion and beliefs just like you. I don’t believe it’s normal either but I don’t hate anyone for it either.
Your son is correct !!!
You tell him that he doesn’t have to like it, but he most certainly better give them respect.
It’s so hard with so many of others becomes confusing…and frustrating.its up to the indervidial .I am gay…and have fought my own hurtals.beleave me it’s overwhelming…my heart is there for those indervidials…please be mindful…as it’s the inner…selves that matters.xo.peace.
It’s okay not to agree with it.
We can be kind to everyone. But don’t force him to think something he doesn’t think is normal.
Do not teach ur child love is love, because that can get confused when it comes to pedophiles or rape because they will see it as love is love. And that’s dangerous. If ur child doesn’t want to accept the lgbtq community that’s his own opinion and his own feelings, as long as he’s not throwing hate at them it shouldn’t matter. U don’t teach love is love u teach be kind to others no matter there sexyal preferences because at the end of the day we are all human. And we may not agree with it but that’s not our choice to have. I never brought up sexuality unless my kids asked me about it, like my teen age son who’s 15 straight but is part of a lgbtq club at school as a supporter for his friends. Because friends support friends. My middle doesn’t see sexuality at all and my youngest is to young to understand. We don’t treat anyone different based on who they sleep with. But saying love is love is not the right words because that ends up being dangerous down the line.
He’s 11 y/o for goodness sake!!!
Kids can be cruel. It will pass.
Why does he have to agree the agenda is being pushed so hard to love gays and be accepting to everyone why can’t she accept he doesn’t want to?
Y do we expect to be able to tell our kids how they should feel. It’s his opinion. As long as he still treats everyone equally he can feel however he wants
I don’t have an issue with gay people, as long as they don’t try to force it on me, then it becomes a problem. Teach em to respect who they are though.
He probably learnt to be so bothered by it from the children of some of the commenters on this post totally heartbreaking to see the amount of parents who STILL feel this way about gay people. They/we are literally just PEOPLE! Thank-you for trying to teach your son it’s normal when he questions it but I felt like the best thing you can do is just tell him that some people fall in love with the same sex and that is their decision and it makes them happy and EVERYONE deserves to be happy if they aren’t hurting anyone else! Just be really casual about it like he is the one making a big deal about it and it’s actually not even any of our business.
he is 11 yrs old, he has a right to feel the way he does, But if he acts on how he feels & bullies someone try hurt someone, because they feel different about things, That is where teaching hin it not OK, Again, he has the right not to like it, but not to act on that dislike/hate against anyone else
Your son is right! Not accepting gender ideology is not discrimination, it is not being intolerant or “homophobic”, it is simple biology!!! We can’t hate them either! God loves us all equally, but he does not love sin!
His right to his own feelings.
Eleven is not that young. Most of these comments are very backward. What if he was coming to you saying he was only comfortable around white people? Why would you nurture ideas like that? From what you’ve said I don’t think blaming yourself is accurate nor productive, but I think you should get your kid in therapy.
Let him form him own opinion when he is an adult. Children do not need to understand that. They are too young for that. It is not normal. Man & woman in Bible. Teach him about God
You don’t even get your frontal lobe until you’re 25. Kids have enough to worry about that they are confused about especially with school
Who another person loves and is with is no one else’s business. Whenever I come across anyone who “hates” it I just simply say “what impact do they have on your life?” That pretty much shuts down them down. He’s still young so maybe he feels like if he supports them, people will think of him as gay. Unfortunately that could be true. But a little knowledgeable conversation to educate him will inform him that is absolutely not true. Kids can be mean so maybe someone made a comment and he went to defend and was told “oh you must be gay too” which is why he now feels that way. Talking to kids can get tricky. So don’t blame him or shut down his feelings. Because he won’t open up to where it’s stems from. In the end I would just tell him that it’s ok to have his opinions and feelings but he needs to form his own feelings and he needs to be respectful of everyone. And to really think of what impact they have on his life that makes him hate it so much. Anything my 18 year old “hates” or don’t agree with, I just challenge her on why and what impact it has on her. Works just about every time for me. Because then she is made to think about it on her own without anyone forcing their opinions on her. And it saves a lot of back and forth. Because we all know if someone feels strongly about something and disagrees, it can get pretty heated and you’ll most likely walk away more angry and upset with each other.
The Bible was mistranslated…“Man shall not lay with boy” is about pedophilia and not about being gay.
He’s just processing new information and expressing his uncertainty. Unless you are teaching him hate at home, that is.
So support him in his opinions, what you do is teach him to respect people , he can not like something but still be respect while in front of the things he doesn’t like
You could explain to him that it only seems weird or awkward because he’s 11 and all sexual ideation should seem weird and awkward to him at this stage lol
Ummmm. Because he can have his own personal views that he wants? Stop trying to push something on him. Let him believe what he does.
I would just reinforce that being gay isn’t weird or wrong and then maybe schedule a visit with his principal and teach. Express your concern that this was picked up at school.
I believe in respect people choices, even if they aren’t my choices. I have worked hard to teach my kiddo to love people despite our differences (all our differences). I would encourage him to love people but allow him to believe what is right for him. He can choose to see it differently but still love and respect people.
Also I didn’t realize this was a hellfire mom group. We are really going down hill. When I joined all the questions were about lightning crotch and the gore details of child birth.
Dosent matter what his opinion is hes still very young as ling as, he isnt nasty to gay people then i dont see the problem everyone has their own opunions