How can we co sleep with our son?

Why create a habit where there isn’t one? He is probably used to his own space and loves it! Though sometimes I wanna sleep next to my kiddo too, though she’s 3 and also likes to party it up at first.


Dont do it! My son use to sleep in his own bed he got sick a year ago and i gave in and let him sleep by me and now here i am a year later and he still wont go back to his own bed :woman_facepalming: what i thought a few nights wouldnt hurt turned into a year and him refusing to sleep on his own now before then he had always slept in his own crib/toddler bed he was 2 when it start and 3 now and im desperately wish he’d return to his own bed especially with another on the way very soon. I would seriously rethink your decision as if i knew what i was starting i wouldnt of did it.

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The goal is to get them out of the bed not in it!


I feel like this question was meant as a joke everybody calm down

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I have the hardest time trying to comprehend why parents want to cosleep by choice. Bed time is about the ONLY time we have alone, to ourselves to talk privately or want to be intimate… I look forward to that time.


As kindly as I can possibly say this… please read some parenting books or take a class.


Don’t dooo itttt. If they are independent enough to sleep on their own let it be! Cuddle during movies! I can’t get my 4 and 5 year old outttt of my bed


Why would you want to backtrack on his development?

Dont do it, they’ll be there forever lol

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This is like wanting to go from cups back to bottles lol


ABC: Alone, back, crib. Co sleeping is the leading cause of SIDS (it’s actually asphyxiation but yeah) among infants under 1.


I coslept with my son. Sure I lost some sleep but I never regretted it.

There post to sleep in there crib

Why? Obviously your first child.

Why would you co sleep now?? Just leave it be. Not trying to be mean.


Why?leave him in crib Bubs grow up so fast Let him be a bub.Everyone needs there space .When you sleep its growing time.Im not beung cruel or nasty but sleeping with your child is a no go

Don’t start something now you’ll regret later

Leave it alone and cuddle with him at other times. You have NO idea how lucky you are.


I know everyone here seems against it but I just gotta say to the poster, i feel the same way! Never coslept with my baby and now he won’t. He won’t even cuddle,he thinks my bed means play time😭

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If it’s something the mother wants it’s fine as long as she is willing to break the habit later. I’d want to cosleep carefully of course but what I’ve seen my sister do is have a like bouncer chair the ones that are on an angle (still don’t know what they’re called) she did that and does that now with her current 4 month old not an issue since they weren’t on the bed so transition to the crib was easier.

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Party time for us too in the beginning but they get used to it and settle down after a while :slight_smile:
Its bit of a Western obsession with making our babies independent to be able to sleep on their own. But its actually really good for them to sleep with their parents :slight_smile:


Wow why whould you do that


Wow the haters are heavy today!

I would try a bedtime routine and it may take a little while for him to settle down because he’s so excited to be with Mommy and Daddy. Ignore the people who say your little ones will stay in your bed forever they’re only little for a little while :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


No judgment at all since i co sleep with my daughter and partner but if your son has no issues with being in his own crib why change it? You could always leave him be then in the mornings bring him in your bed for a morning cuddle? Cause I’d love my daughter to be sleeping in her own crib with no issues!

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This is straight weird, dont bring a growing child into your marriage bed…


Yea don’t :crazy_face: why would u want ur son who sleeps perfectly fine to sleep in bed with yall im so confused parents all over the world are trying to get kids out of their beds lbvs :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


So many haters. Societies all over the world co-sleep. Crib sleeping is western, Victorian construct. Good luck with it.


If he is sleeping fine on his own why on earth would you want to start co sleeping and ruin that for him? Co sleeping is a horrible habit, unsafe and you will wish you never started it!


Don’t start it. You will never get them out of your bed till age 8 or older.


Don’t do it trust me you will regret it if you ever want another one

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DONT DO IT!!! I have 4 kids and 3 of the 4 are in my bed every night i normallly end up in the floor or on the couch lol

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ummm…why do you want so bad to cosleep with him…that strikes me as a warningbc hes always slept in his bed until you all a sudde wanna cosleep with him…hmmmm


Don’t. He is safe alone in his crib. Bedsharing kills


I think you should follow your child’s lead on this one. If he is getting good quality sleep in his crib it might be best not to disturb him. If you want more bonding time with him, is it possible to cuddle him to sleep in your bed and move him into his crib, or take him into bed with you for cuddles in the morning?


Hes sleeping on his own now. Keep it that way.


Don’t do it. I started co-sleeping with my son when was a month old, he’s now 4 and hates sleeping alone. If I get him to sleep in his bed by 11 he’s in mine. My daughter on the other hand I have never had her in bed with me and she sleeps through content in her cot, has done since 6 weeks old. If you start messing with how he sleeps you will regret it

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Ohhhhhh just throw his whole ass crib in the trash so he has nothing to sleep on and then he’ll sleep in yours

If he just wants to play then he content on sleeping in his crib. I know its hard but sometimes listen to the signs yoir kids give you.


Feel free to message me, I’d start simply by allowing him to tire him self out and then carrying him asleep to bed with you then work from there when that becomes the new normal. Don’t list to anyone telling you not to do it, it’s totally down to you x

If your son is content sleeping in his crib, don’t ruin a good thing. I have friends who co-slept with their children and they’ve all expressed to me how difficult it is to break them of this. You and your wife may find yourself still sleeping with your son when he is five or even six years old. My son, now almost four has slept in his own room from night one and he is honestly THE best sleeper. We put him to bed anywhere between 8-830pm and will sleep between 8-9am the next morning

This is just my opinion not my advice, if you value your sleep and sex life don’t start him co sleeping! My daughter co slept with me until she was 6 and my son is 2& 1/2 and he ends up in our bed most nights well actually almost every night lol he will always walk in when we are either about to or halfway through our love dance lol then he wiggles and squirms all night and pushes us to each side of the bed, he gets a great sleep and we get an ok one but without letting him in we would get no sleep at all so co sleeping worked for us but we have always encouraged them to sleep in their own beds, but what you do is up to you and what works best for you and your wife.


Please please abort mission!!! Do you WANT toes up your nostrils at 3am ? 3 kids here , my daughter wouldn’t get OUT of my bed , I suffered for years , it was like trying to sleep next to a spinning top all night. Enjoy that you have a wonderful baby who sleeps solo


I agree why start now bad idea

Why would you want to change his perfectly healthy sleeping habits? He’s almost 1 you said? That doesn’t really make sense


Co sleeping is wonderful, but starting at 1yr isn’t a great idea. Maybe start by putting him to bed in his cot and moving him to your bed.

Do what you need to do, it’s your family and your choice!
So many judgmental and misinformed comments on here :pensive:

I’m.sorry that’s very odd but who am I to place judgement .

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Honestly if he is fine sleeping on his own in his cot then I personally would leave him there. However I know the feeling of wanting to have your baby close, somedays I’m just in awe of my baby boy and I just feel like holding him that extra but longer so I do sometimes put him in bed with me hes 18 months old and its all lovely till i get a foot in my face or him pulling on my hair for me to wake up :rofl:
Hes your son though you do what you want and ignore all those rude comments about alarm bells and how its wrong they’re just shitty people.
Is it so wrong to want your baby close… no!
However like I said if hes comfortable where he is then maybe that’s best where he stays… x

Momma of 3 kids. Coslept all three from day one, still do with the younger two, 4 and 6. And my oldest (9) is in a twin bed right next to my bed. (We ran out of room and I have a California king :sweat_smile:). If you want to reach out I’m here! I’d suggest doing a normal routine and making sure you shut everything off and lay down with them. It might take a few days or so but eventually they will adjust and enjoy the fact they get to be close by you and realize how awesome it is that a snuggle is only a wiggle away! They’re only little for so long and won’t want to be by your side forever, soak up these days! :heart:

You may want to try having him sleep first on your bed and you can join later once he’s dozed off. Do what makes you happy and fulfilled as parents, let people judge you they don’t live in your house. I won’t judge maybe you guys just realized you wanted to know how it would feel like to co-sleep without the dangers of harming him as he is bigger now. It’s also nice for the baby to know what it would feel like to sleep beside his mom & dad. Even grown up kids wanted to co-sleep with parents every once in a while so I think you have pure intentions.

To be honest I wouldn’t sorry
We tried with ours :heart:
As much as we love our children bless them…and love their quirks and all…I guarantee that YOU WILL NOT GET A GOOD SLEEP
We love cuddling up to them and protecting them but we need cuddle time too and you can never get a proper sleep because in your subconscious as you sleep you’re worried about moving in case you roll near them
With ours it was like having a frikkin windmill in the bed!!!
If you like lying on the edge of the bed you be fine :+1:
If you like very little sleep you be fine :+1:
As much as we love our 7 year old daughter
We had her on and off in our our room for many years
But I had enough as quality time together as husband and wife counted too

But of course if all goes well for you good on you :blush:

(Just don’t complain many years down the line when it’s still going on :smirk::sob:)


Look. I’m not hating, like, at all. Imma just try to warn you. DON’T👏🏻DO👏🏻IT👏🏻 For your sanity later on. Just don’t. Lol. I promise there is ZERO pros on this one. Only cons. ALL THE CONS. And I speak from unfortunate experience. I share my bed with my 3 year old daughter. I regret starting to let her sleep with me. I regret it more than anything I ever did in my 20’s. And I was one crazy mofo in my 20’s. Please learn from me. But if your mind will not be changed, all I can offer to you is the very best of luck. Also, don’t do it. But good luck though. Lol


Not judging. But dont parents usually ask for help on how to get their kid out of their bed? So it’s kind of baffling to see this.
IMO, just dont. If he is content in his own bed, than leave it at that.
Sounds more like you want to bed share. For co-sleeping, maybe try putting his bed in your room?


Why wouldn’t you just want to sleep with your wife - period . No negative comments ?! Soooo people should encourage your idea to introduce your bed that you share with your wife - to your 1 year old son ? Omg set some freakin boundaries


I am currently cosleeping with my 2 year old and I love it. I think that you need to do whatever works best for your family. Try with the crib as a side car to the bed, by taking the front panel off and putting it against the bed, so that baby will have their own sleep space next to you. That may help them to sleep a bit better. You could also put the crib or a toddler bed in the same room if all else fails, so that at least they are near you at night.

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He’s used to having his own space now so let him sleep soundly in his own bed.


Omg don’t do it ! I have an almost 2 year old that I cannot get out of my bed! I need help to get her out not the other way around :rofl::rofl::joy:

It’ll happen. Just allow him to sleep in his own bed, but let him know its ok if he wants to sleep with you. When he gets a big boy bed, it might be more tempting.

You woint regret I loved and and was easy to break all my children from it co sleep far 3years each one of my children and getting them out of my bed was easy and all children are different but good luck trying to co sleep just keep trying

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I’m confused on why you would want to do that.


:woman_facepalming:t2: cut the cord man.

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I would not do it at this age. U will never get him out of ur bed im still fighting my 4 year old and we started when he was a baby

Honestly nope, I wouldn’t, Don’t go backwards :thinking:
You missed the boat he’s 1, Most of us are trying to get our kids OUT of our beds you confuse me :rofl:


I’m looking for the opposite advice. I need to get my 2.5 year old out of my bed :joy: it’s been lovely cosleeping but I need some space back now. If your son is settled in his cot it’s the safest and best place for him x


I wish my daughter would have stayed in her bed when she was a baby. She needed to be with mommy and daddy to cosleep. No matter how hard we tried she would not go to her own bed, it was hard for us to have our alone time and were extremely exhausted. I would suggest him staying in his crib, I promise that you guys won’t regret it, from a perspective of someone who HAD to co-sleep with their child for 3 years. You’re doing great as is :grinning::ok_hand:


I understand the urge to have that bonding time with cosleeping but this would honestly be the point in their life when you’re trying to establish that independence you already have. Cosleeping opportunities will show up naturally, but infrequently. There will be a day they are sick, or they just fall asleep next to you. Use those experiences to get that same effect


Have you tried just ignoring him when he thinks it’s time to play? We usually have to not talk/acknowledge our almost two year old in order for him to fall asleep. He eventually does doze off though and sleeps all night, takes a good 20-30 minutes though.


Awe I absolutely loved sleeping with my girl when she was 3-5. But she started sleeping with me when her dad and I divorced. It really does build your bond even more. Wouldn’t know any tricks for that age but I told my girl if she keeps me awake she will go back to her own bed. She grasped that very quickly


If he does better in his crib don’t push it. He has to feel comfortable there too. Make sure it’s completely dark as well tv, or lights just make kids think it’s play time. My son’s has never wanted to be a co sleeper even now at 3 he chooses his own bed. My 5 year old though she’s like clockwork. The minute she hears her dad leave for work at midnight she’s climbing in bed with me and she’s been that way since day one.


I’ve tried cosleeping with my son and have tried countless times (he’s 4.5 now) and it’s never worked! He still think it’s time to party lol. I’m fine with it now though. I think it would’ve been too much work to get him back to his own routine. My opinion.


My little girl just turned 2 , still nursing so co sleeping was the easiest way. I now took one side of her crib off and put it up against my bed so as soon as she falls asleep I put her in that and it seems to work for most of the night


My understanding is cosleeping is of huge benefit under 2, then children have security enough to begin sleeping alone. If your little one isn’t settling with you, perhaps let him fall asleep in his own bed and trasfer.
We do the opposite, have stories and fall asleep on our bed, then put our son in his bed and he mostly sleeps until 5/6am before coming into us.
That said, if your little one is happy sleeping alone, the heat, movement of others may irritate him. It may simply be that he likes his space to sleep so maybe honour that if he goes well with it xx

My son is 8 he use to sleep in his own bed. But his dad and I split 3 years ago and he was having nightmares and sleepwalking. So I kept him in my bed because it was easier. I can’t get him out of my bed now :cry:. But if it’s what you really want. Do a routine with snuggles and books then just cuddle and pretend to sleep until they finally fall asleep

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This seems so backwards to me. You’ve done amazing getting him to sleep in his cot so why try undo that hard work.
I’ve co slept with all 5 of mines I’m currently in bed with my 20m old daughter sweating cause she will only sleep in middle as I hang off :joy::joy: and needs me to be there at all times :roll_eyes: ahhhhh just leave him be n have some adult time :ok_hand:xx


I slept with my daughter when we came home from the hospital because she weighed 4lbs and her cry was a squeak I didn’t take her out of my bed until she was 4 years old
I cried more than she did. I would do it all over again
The love I have for her is so strong
She is now 42


I couldn’t really sleep with my son till he was in a bed. I found then he would come in on his own

My daughter has never really wanted to, if she is sick she comes in, otherwise she stays in her bed

Some kids just don’t like it.

Good luck!

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I’m a child protection police officer & very sadly we do see many infant deaths as a result of co-sleeping. Please don’t co-sleep if you have other options :pray:


I would say don’t start co sleeping
As a mother of six, I learned that you should never start a habit you don’t want to keep up with years from now.
I refused to let my now 10 year old sleep
In her crib (even though she was doing fine) because she was breast fed and it was easier to just roll over in the middle of the night
At almost 10 she was still coming to my room :roll_eyes:
So on her 10th bday i said no more of that period
Just saying from experience


This is how I imagine the relationship lol. Take it as a win and leave the poor kid alone.


We have co slept with both our children. Only way this mom got any sleep😂 no problems with my daughter. My son is 17 months, and if he doesn’t take a nap in the afternoon he falls asleep with no problems, other times he likes to jump around and mess with the headboard, yadda ya…he eventually lays down and goes to sleep. Yeah it drives me nuts sometimes, but it’s way better than having him cry all night. So it depends on if you can put up with the occasional craziness at bedtime or not. It may work out just fine.


I’d let him do what he feels comfortable with, if he likes sleeping on his own then I’d leave it at that, give him the option of sleeping with you but if he doesn’t like it then put him back in his cot. My little man loved cwtching for his daytime naps but at night he was perfectly happy in his cot, and that worked really well for us as well. I really would just go with what he’s telling you he likes. He sleeps well in his cot so take advantage of that haha x


If he’s comfortable in his own bed, don’t force him to sleep with you. But if you really wanna cosleep, try giving him like a bottle or sippy cup to soothe him to sleep(or if your wife nurses he might nurse himself to bed). Make sure the room is completely dark and try turning on some lullabies. I’ve been cosleeping with my son since he was about 3 weeks old and I absolutely love it💕

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My brother was a co-sleeper, and when I came along, my mom assumed I would be too. Nope! My husband still says Im a lone sleeper. I like my own bed and my own space. I know your little one is a baby, but it sounds like he has given you his preference of where he wishes to sleep.

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My son has co-slept since birth, hes almost 4 now and still sleeping in our bed most nights. His toddler bed is in our room and we wait until he falls asleep to transfer him to his bed. I’m not trying to judge or anything but if he is sleeping well in his own bed you might want to just leave him there.


In my opinion you shouldnt change it if he’s already sleeping well in his crib. He thinks party time cause he’s with the both of you and wants to play. He’s used to when he’s alone in his crib its time to lay down and go to sleep. I understand wanting the snuggles. The occasional times I sleep in bed with my daughter I love the snuggles. But I dont want to make it a habit that is hard to break later. I slept with my parents until I was 10 lol…and they didnt sleep comfortably. The times I sleep with my daughter I dont always sleep comfortably either because she always ends up taking up most of the bed lol. Again I understand wanting the snuggles but at this point if he’s sleeping well in his crib you shouldn’t change it.


Because your child is sleeping happily on his own, why try cosleeping with him, obviously this is for you not him as he is obviously quite happy. Don’t force your child to sleep with you. If they come to your room during night and want to hop in bed with you fine. Otherwise leave him in his bed, he can learn to settle by himself and you can all get a good night’s sleep.


Why change it? If he’s sleeping on his own, there’s no reason to change it. He thinks that bc this isn’t the normal for him that it is party time.


Try sleeping with him during his nap, maybe on his floor or on the couch.
If he is sleeping good in his crib, might be a good idea to leave him there.


I love co-sleeping with my baby, but she’s 18 months now and I’m like… GIRL YOU NEED YOUR OWN BED. I am curious why you would want to revert your babe from sleeping in his own bed to co-sleeping with you? Usually it’s the opposite and seems like you’re just gonna stir up more trouble as he gets older when you have to try to get him back in his own bed again. lol but at any rate, what matters is that your babe is sleeping well… so if he sleeps better in his own bed, that would be my route. My daughter never did hence why we co-sleep lol


I’m telling you as a cosleeper. Its builds a good bond, but trying to get them to sleep in their own after is so hard. Plus intimate times qont exist or shouldnt when a child is present.
At the end of the day it’s your decision but you do have a lot of content in these comments that can help either way.


I agree if it is not BROKEN .LEAVE IT ALINE be happy your kid SLEEPS in his own BED WHwould you want him to SLEEP W/YOU REALLY


Leave him be. I’ve heard it’s hard to break that habit when you don’t want to anymore. Most people beg for their kids to sleep in their own bed lol


I cosleep with my 1 year old and I wouldn’t have it any other way. She and I both love cuddling at night and we both sleep better. She’ll only be small and wanna sleep with us for so long so I’m taking it as long as possible until she wants to sleep on her own. It’s not an issue with the hubby. I would start off with naps in the bed. For a couple weeks. Ease into it. And then when he’s used to napping in there you can try it at bedtime. Might take up to an hour for him to settle down and realize it’s bedtime but he will fall asleep eventually! Don’t listen to all these people saying “don’t do it”. That’s not what this post is about ladies, she’s asking how to transfer him to their bed, not your opinion on cosleeping or not.


I’m a little confused why you would want to change up a routine he prefers? Don’t do that to them


If hes fine in his crib id leave him there… Youll regret it after too long. Theyre little bed hogs and fight you when your sleeping :sweat_smile: anddd youll have no night life


I would say if he likes sleeping in his crib don’t stop it.


If your child sleeps better in his bed then leave him there … most parents would prefer there child to sleep on their own bed !!


For the time being leave him in the crib as under two is still a danger of sids ,especially in a bed where you Can roll ontop of the baby or the baby falls out the bed.
Try to introduce your bed maybe when they’re ready to leave the cot,my son was two years and two months when he moved to his toddler bed but he goes to my bed every night without fail around midnight and I don’t mind it ATM but he’s coming up 5 and should be staying in his bed it’s a hard habit to break x


It’s all about habit. If he’s used to sleeping on his own he may prefer that. It’s not a bad thing! If he gets used to co sleeping there wont be anymore mommy daddy alone time…if you know what I mean. Do what you feel is best and ignore hate comments (ignore the people who read your post and still decided to comment in their judgy ways anyways)


Why would you want to start it now? And even worse, why would you want to force him if he doesn’t want to?