How can we co sleep with our son?

If he’s not into it, let him sleep by himself. Why push it? Makes no sense. If he wasn’t interested before; why do it now??


Wait!What! Why the hell would you disturb him by WANTING him to sleep with you guys. Leave him in his crib where he is happy. Smh


why, value your private time, sure, when unwell thats fine but ----nah no thanks, you are lucky that he likes his own cot so many parents have such trouble with that transition

My daughter is the same way unless i turn all the lights and tv off. It has to be completely dark for her to go to sleep with us in bed. And even then she still wiggles around and tires to talk a lot. Some kids are just crappy co sleepers :joy: good luck

Am I the only person sitting here wondering why? Why on earth would you want them to want to only sleep in your bed? I cannot stand slweping with my daughter and in her life only has a few times if shes sick or had a bad dream. Why anyone would want to co sleep all the time i dont know.


I’m so jealous that the 1 year old sleeps on his own in his crib. I have 4 sons and it took forever to get each one to sleep on their own…the two oldest each moved into their own beds when I was big pregnant with the next one! We have a king sized bed, because our two youngest sons are only 2 years apart and the older didn’t want to exit our bed when the youngest came along. I was sooooo tired and didn’t make them sleep in their own beds because I thought it was “easier” to co-sleep. How very wrong I was!! Thankfully, they finally started sleeping in their own beds around 4 years old.

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My oldest one has always co slept since like 6 months hes 6 and still cosleeps most of the time. My 2yo has never and will not Cosleep unless we are on vacation. He thinks its time to play and watch TV if he’s not by himself

Its very hard to try to change bedtime for a child bc they get set in routines. I have co slept with all of my children up until they are about 8 months old and then would transfer them to their own beds…i now cannot for the life of me get my two year old to go to bed unless she is in her own bed…if you are pushing to make it work…it will you just have to have patience to allow the child to get use to the change…might be hard at first but eventually they will figure out that when you lay down its bedtime…just have to keep laying him/her back down and saying “goodnight” until it catches on.

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Dont do it…my 11mo has been co sleeping with me for the last 2-3 months while she’s been teething. If they’re happy in the cot, let them be. Unless you never want a restful night’s sleep ever again, then hey,go for it :joy:

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People WANT to cosleep? I thought it was out of necessity or that it was just what the kid did. My son is 8 and still won’t sleep in his bed most of the nights :disappointed:

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Create the same environment they would have in their bedroom. Ex: my daughter would usually need pure darkness and her white noise machine on full blast. Everything has to be perfectly calm and still for her to get tired. She also loves to be rocked.

So just think about what its like in her bedroom alone and recreate it.

Honestly I’d alternate nights. That way they are use to both and if yall need a night to yourself it wont be hell putting the little one in his own bed again.

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If he doesn’t want to cosleep, don’t force it. Once they sleep with you, it’s too hard to get them out of your bed.


They make special cribs for co-sleeping. Your child wouldn’t be right in bed with you but they would be closer to you.

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Seriously he’s a lot safer sleeping on his own in his own bed then he is sleeping in bed with you. My son has slept in his cot since 10 weeks old and before that he slept in his Moses basket. In the morning we sometimes bring him in bed with us for snuggles but he’s not having any of it he’s too excited and wants to play so we get up and start the day. Lots of people have different opinions on co sleeping and i personally wouldn’t co sleep because it can be dangerous so leave him where he is safe and content xx

If our 1.5 comes into our bed and it’s just me and him, he’ll go to sleep. If hubby is in the bed too, it’s party time. Maybe he’s too excited seeing both of you.

Don’t ruin what little alone time you have with your spouse. Leave him in his crib.


Honestly I wouldn’t even try… I’m trying to get my baby to sleep in the cot it’s very hard to get them back in their own bed if u change ur mind

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Leave him in his own bed, why do you want to change something that works for him. It seems like it’s for your own selfish reasons

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Play! Rough house and play super hard for a good 20 minutes :slightly_smiling_face: makes that bond even better, burns energy for the kiddo, and releases all their stress hormone which can inhibit sleep

Why oh why do you want to cosleep when he’s perfectly sleeping in the crib…


Don’t do it. Trust me i love sleeping with my 4 yr old daughter but trust me it’s more peaceful sleeping alone. All that kicking and pushing at night :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::rofl: pls do it for us parents lol good luck…

And just for the record good luck 1 year olds are bedhogs that kick twist and flop all night long…my suggestion would if you want sleep than leave him/her in their own bed…but to each their own. Good luck

My daughter gets the same way when me and her dad are both in the bead with her. Try one parent at a time till he gets to sleep. It was the only way I could settle my daughter down enough to get her to sleep

My little girls 2 and i would love nothing more than us both snuggling in my bed and fall asleep but nope shes been miss independant since around 7 months old :joy:

Making a rod for your own back. Everyone will tell you. There’s nothing wrong with them in their cot until a year but it shouldn’t really go longer than that especially in your bed.

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He’s probably just getting used to the new ways. It takes time to change anything. Co sleeping can solve a lot of problems but it can also cause issues like if you go out on date night, he may refuse to sleep for sitter. Weigh all your options and good luck!

Understand that you would like to but honestly leave him where he is and just welcome him to your bed when hes olde and wants to hop in with you. mostly co sleeping is done from much younger and slowly weaning them to their own bed not the other way around.

Co sleeping starts when baby is a tiny baby, since his 1 now it’s probably not going to work now. I tried it with both my boys when they were babies but they wouldn’t settle and they slept better in their cots.

I really don’t get this. You have a child that sleeps great with no issues on his own in his cot but you want to get him to sleep in bed with you two so you have less room and less sleep? I can’t get my head round that.:joy::see_no_evil:

Each to their own and all that. :woman_shrugging:

Oh god I hated co sleeping with my son as he lay sideways and booted me in the face thru the night. I only brought him into my bed cos it was easy to feed but i didn’t get him out as easy as he got in. Nightmare trying to get him back into his own bed. In the end I had to get into his bed until he feel asleep. Good contraception tho

Believe me you DO NOT want to cosleep with your child when it comes time to get him in his own bed again you will regret ever starting to cosleep take advice and DONT DO IT


There’s nothing wrong with cosleeping with your kids one thing that helps with my child is we’ll watch a funny video before bed or like a satisfying slime video then we’ll try to have a conversation or I’ll turn piano music on an he slowly settles down n goes to sleep

I really would not do this especially if he’s uncomfortable with it! Trust everyone on here thats warning you, its totally okay to co sleep if it just happens but I would not force it.

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If you ever want your son to have a sibling leave him in his own bed.


my son has slept in same bed with me sinxe he was 5 months old (since mu cats took over his cribs amd bassinet) my son is almost 2 and he wont sleep unless hes able to fsll asleepp with me laying m2ext to him so he can sleep on my belly

Umm its a bit awkward now if you didn’t do it from the beginning…beliebe me u don’t want to they won’t leave after…my daughter was 5 years and my son goin on 5 and me n my husband sleep apart and the kid becomes king of the :sleeping_bed: not worth…leave it at that…

If you feel like it’s necessary, put the crib in your room and go about bedtime as normal from there. After a while maybe you can move the crib up against your bed and take the side off…

I slept on the floor for a week so my kid would sleep alone… It’s good for their separate anxiety later in life. :woman_shrugging:t3:

What??? It’s usually the other way around. Parents usually want their kids in their own room/bed. No reason at all to co sleep

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why why why would you want your child to sleep in the bed with you and your husband if you didnt co sleep as a new born why now thats going back wards first your child sleeps with you then they start sleeping on there own in the own bed why go back wards just my opinion but sharing a bed with your child is no fun they hog the bed you have to pick them up and carry them out of the room if you want to have sex and you wake up with tiny toes all in your face i love my kids but like i tell them i work hard so you can have your own room and your own bed

I think theres nothing wrong with having kids in yr bed. They’ll be all grown up before you know it and you’ll never be able to snuggle up with them like that again. Since when do they have to have allocated beds all the time as long as they sleeping. Just be firm and tell them its sleep time and ignore there games. They’ll learn

Make it a special thing on maybe a Friday/Saturday night but I highly recommend not an every night thing. I have 3 kids and every night I have at least one kid, sometimes all 3 in our bed…

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Leave him where he is. He should be in his own bed.


Listen there is nothing wrong with co sleeping. But if you have had your son in his crib all this time don’t change the routine. He’s doing great! You’re doing great! Why change it?

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Bit weird to want to co sleep with him if its not to comfort him or for sleep routine.

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I kicked out my son out of my bed when he was 11 months old. My back was killing me from trying to accommodate him. When I had my daughter I ditched co-sleeping all together and now she’s
1 and she hates cuddling :laughing: :rofl:

Geez noooo, let the child be, my almost 4yr old and 20month old are both sleeping by us and it is no more fun a’ymore… They take iver your bed en me and hubby… No adult fun coz they think mommy is their property, daddy c anr zvzn touch vis own wife diring. Daytile and they will be all over me…

Just wait till he falls asleep and move him to your bed(like during naps). When he wakes up in your bed enough times he will start to associate your bed with sleeping. If you really want to do this, don’t allow him to play on your bed at all, so he doesn’t confuse the two. It will also help if he doesn’t see you do anything in bed besides laying down or sleeping. Lead by example I guess lol.

Its funny how when I saw this I had just laid my daughter down for the 10th time in her own bed. I love her but that is one thing that I won’t let her do. That is mine and my husband’s time to relax talk get ready for bed. Now I do take naps with her while that hubby is working cause im a stay at home mom. I know their cute and you want to cuddle but one it kills your sex life and two its cute now but its not cute when you try to get them back in your own bed.


If you co sleep with your baby do it on the side of mommy that is not between the parents. Keeping the room dark and no interaction. There is a book called Three in Bed, lovely book for cosleeping. All my babies coslept till the age of 2. It is a personal choice between the parents. All the best.

Don’t do it… we still can’t get our 5 year old out of our bed. We have no sex life anymore and we regularly get kicked and punched by a squirmy child all night long. Save yourself! Lol

Leave him do what he wants, if he wants his own bed, leave him to it, you will find he will come for cuddles when he wants to. My always goes in his own bed, but would always be in mine by midnight, hes 4 now and its slowly stopping, i do miss it but I’m getting better sleep and so is he.

My son always slept in his crib from day 1. I understand you, maybe you wish to cuddle your son till he is alseep. My son prefers sleeping alone in his crib too and I am also afraid that he falls over or we hurt him.

We co sleep with my 10 month old and when she is like this we usually just keep laying her down telling her it’s nite nite time. It takes a while but its all about repetition.

Also for advice about your question,showing your baby you taking apart the cot will show him his only option is the bed.I did that to my son when he was two years old though

Not used to seeing this question! Usually it’s the other way around. :sweat_smile:


Lol… you are going backwards. Getting them out of your bed are goals. Let him stay in his crib. Co sleep with the next baby


Also make sure you have a strict bedtime regimen and go to bed at the EXACT same time every night…that helps

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If he is use to the crib i wouldn’t try and co sleep its only going to make it hard when you transition him to a toddler bed or his own room he won’t sit still in your bed because that’s not what he is used to so he thinks it play time

It would be best not to if he is used to his crib and once you do it’s hard getting them back to their own bed plus cosleeping can cause one of you to roll over on top of him and suffocate him

Leave his butt in his crib lol if that’s where HES comfortable then why change his routine?

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I’m extremely confused as to why you would do this. He’s fine is his crib. Leave him alone.

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I Find that my children sleep better and like having their own space. You can’t stop them from tossing and turning thats how toddlers sleep. Kids need routine, when in my bed they think its time to play because they love you. When in their cribs they go to sleep. If you really want him in your room perhaps sleep him in your room in his pack and play or a toddler bed.

No judgement here. My 2.5 year old has always been in his own bed and will not lay with me, even for naps, or at all lol he’s not a snuggler :person_shrugging:

:joy: I thought the same thing now he’s 13 years old n acts like it would kill him to sleep in his bed sometimes.

Why try to co sleep? Kids need boundaries, parents need their personal space. My kids had a crib in my room for a while, but never slept the whole night in my bed.

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Start with naps or let him get good and asleep then put him in your bed that way he’ll start getting use to it. My youngest would rather go to sleep in his crib then when he wakes up for a sippy he goes in our bed

Try tiring him out no nap and be in bed early I do 7:30-8 pm then start laying in your bed together at nap time w milk or whatever you give him to drink in bed watch or have a movie in the background not too loud ya know

Don’t change it! People go forever trying to get there kids to sleep in their own bed. It’s cute at 1st but then you realize you run out of space no matter how big your bed is and you would really enjoy that alone time to sleep and be with your partner. Unless there’s an extreme circumstance, leave em be. And what happened if you get pregnant again. Even less space, plus are you going to share a bed with both when your 2nd turns 1? It’s really pointless at this point. I co slept with my 1st since birth. Was able to switch him to his own soon after my second was born but he slept with us until he was 5. Didn’t even attempt it with my second. Was so nice having our own beds again

Ok well why would you change his routine if hes happy in the cot leave him … as he gets older he will understand the logic of bed is sleep time … for now leave him in his cot … then transition him slowly into his own bed …

Co sleeping can lead to SIDS~ sudden infant death syndrome-don’t do it-

I loved co sleeping and support parents to do so. I however am afraid that your son likes sleeping alone.

I’d continue too leave baby in its crib it’s best an safer that way so baby continues to stay on ur sleep pattern u have set.
Otherwise I’d recommend toddler bed

Ha believe me I’ve done it with all 3 of mine. 1st till she was about 5ish 2rd till 5 and this last one is now 4 and dont get me wrong I do love the cuddles and morning breath but how I’d like to spend a night cuddling my husband instead.

My kids slept with us until 5 or 6 months when I stopped breastfeeding. Then they went to their own bed. They had their bed - we had ours.

Ive always Co slept with both my boys . The only problem with that is getting them to sleep in their own bed after a certain age… my 3 year old is still in my bed :roll_eyes:

We always started with their bed, but if awoke, comforted and put them with us. Yet our son always wanted his bed. Each child is different

I used to put mine in cot with light off and had the night light you can attach to cot on but turned low. They drifted off to sleep with the moving of characters projected on ceiling. It had a calming affect and made them drowsy.

Don’t do it… My daughter didn’t get out of my bed till she was 11yrs old. Now she cosleeps with her daughter and really regrets it.

My baby hates co sleeping he likes his space and has always slept in his own bed. He doesn’t like to be smothered he likes his space

Both my sons hated cosleeping after 1 years old. They would not be able to settle either. I wouldn’t bother. Just get him his own toddler bed.

I wish my five year old and my two year old with sleep in their own beds I’m on the edge of the bed every night I get kicked one time I got kicked in the eye and had a black eye in the morning

I don’t like sharing a bed with my kids so they have never been allowed in my bed . I have slept with them on the couch if they are sick or something but I am of no help because I’ve never wanted my kids in my bed :joy:

I always feed my 1 year old his last bottle then he will play with daddy for abit after i just cuddle him and rock him to sleep then soon as hes asleep I put him in his cot

Don’t start it!!! Its a hard habit to break. If he’s use to sleeping alone let him continue to sleep on his own. Im speaking from experience

Sounds like you have it made! Wish all mine would’ve slept in their beds :joy: currently cosleeping with our last child :joy:

Seems a little backwards lol should feel lucky your child actually wants to sleep in their beds :laughing:


If he’s sleeping fine in his own bed why would you want to start coalescing? You’ll never be able to switch him back to his own bed without a fight.

Move him to a toddler bed… Make it to where he can wake up and come to your room when he does. My son used to sleep all night in his crib. We switched to a toddler bed and I can’t get him to sleep past 6pm in his own bed.

Put him back in a cot…it’s much safer

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I’m just jealous that your child sleeps in their bed on their own, mine won’t. I wish they would though.

Why at 1 year old would you want to start to co sleep, when you have had no issues with his sleeping on his own.
Silly idea.

We turn opposite directions and “ignore” him and he eventually goes to sleep

Dont cosleep…very lucky to have him on his own at this age already!

Try with naps when you can rock him to sleep then lay down while you’re already holding him

Turn all lights off an TVs off make it pitch black In your room and cuddle up to him. He can’t play if he can’t see

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My daughter slept on my chest for the first 6 months and in the same bed as her mother and i until she wanted her own bed…4? Maybe 3 1/2.

If hes happy in his crib run with it, my kid wouldnt sleep in one so we coslept naturally

I do not recommend that. If your child sleeps in their crib I wouldn’t be trying to get them to sleep in your bed now.

Read some books in your bed and let him sleep how works :slightly_smiling_face: bring him in for morning cuddles… Get some of the co sleeping but in a way that works for him.

Don’t do it! Trust me! It’s a hard habit to break when they’re older!!