I am 30 weeks pregnant and with the father. He and I live with our 4 year old in low income housing. Well when he moved in he looked looked a job after discussing he would work and then got one, all was good. Turns out they were horrible and we are now in a pending complex legal issue and it involves a member of the board of our apartment that was also his stupid freaking boss. So big confusing stupid situation. Talking white collar crime, the works. And we are doing what we can with that. What’s worse, that could have potentially bled into another bulls*** situation we also have with our apartment, that tried to almost triple a debt and has lied to their superiors about our case to the point where HUD is suspicious of them, and btw have no problem with HUD they have been very good to us with this whole crappy thing. Now we are scared if we get a job they will attempt to screw us over again, but we are running low on money and with the new baby coming soon we will need to do something. We are trying to move before the birth but going nowhere fast. Is it a bad idea to take out a loan at this point? How much worse could it make our situation? Does anyone know of a way to move into a HUD apartment or house and FAST? I’m just so sick of worrying and seeing him try so hard and so tirelessly just to spiral even though we did nothing wrong and through it all we did our best. I can’t imagine how he feels seeing me try. He often talks to my belly and kisses it and tells the baby it will be OK even though I see he is unsure. I just hate this for my family and I don’t know what we can do. Our family is either just as bad off as we are or not worth involving in our lives due to being literally abusive terrible people so we can’t ask for help. Any advice would be appreciated from loan ideas to quick cash ideas (side note we can’t donate plasma) I mean hell I’d sell a dang kidney at this point. If nothing else, thanks for taking the time to read. I just have no idea how to get out of this messed up hole we are in.
Have you tried Doordash or instacart? Might help for a little cash to help along the way. I hope you get through this mess soon and on the right side of it!
The only way is to get a job. It will be a rough road but he will eventually advance and his salary will as well. Not working will never get you out of this situation. You simply can’t make it without working. Otherwise your situation will never improve. Most of us have been there at one point or another. I get it’s a hard decision to make. Have faith and you will be provided for.
Go to a mom/pop restaurant or business that you can make some quick $ …servers make good money and some business also pay cash and you file your own taxes…
Do not go to a cash place. Things will only get worse.
It’s hard to get a loan without a job. Been there, got to work.
Both of you need to get jobs.
You will never ever get ahead unless you work.
Sorry don’t know but pray you all get help
Why can’t u get a job?
Call 211 on your phone if you live in USA. They will give you resources (charities, housing, legal) and info that can help you.
If you can get a job at a daycare your smaller child can attend while you’re working if they aren’t in school. I think u said 4 but I can’t remember the age exactly. Idk how far along u are but if u are newly pregnant and can be at a corporate big day care they may pay u maternity leave while u are out which is better than nothing. That will help take something off Hubby. Also where do u live? I have a TON of guy friends posting about available jobs. One is Utech it’s a powering company if u PM ill send u details for him. My friend has had MULTIPLE raises just this year for being a great dependable employee. That would help yall alot for both of yall to have a job esp w child care
Sounds like you both need to get a job. The only way to make life work is to work and make money. Obviously you will prob have to wait til after you have your baby since you’re so far along. Have your bf go to every place possible around to put a app in or see if they are hiring. Then you do the same once you can work. Even if you have to work different shifts to make it work.
You don’t lose HUD housing due to working. If you make so much they might raise your rent but usually at least here unless BOTH of you are working high paying jobs you won’t lose HUD housing. As for moving there’s always a waiting list for any place that accepts it so good luck .
Crystal McKinney Brumek and the father could work fast food or something similar and it probably wouldn’t raise the rent much at all.
I’m guessing more than likely no one will hire you 30+ weeks preggo. But you should’ve definitely gotten a job earlier if you are able to work.
There are going to minimal places to get a loan from without a job or income. They quick loan places might seem like a quick idea but the interest in crazy. Alot of people cant get out from underneath them and paid off because of this, and then can come after you for that money.
Im confused about the HUD situation. Are you both not working cause you are in HUD housing. Or are you waiting for HUD housing
I would consider having one of y’all lookinf for employment. If youre not working, its hard to survive and youre not going yo get into anywhere faster or at all without any income and paystubs. I would hope y’all arent avoiding work to get into/stay into HUD.
Is he still at that job or has he been out looking for another one? I get their are bumps in the road with jobs but there is always another one right around the corner
You can work and live in low income, what it sounds like is you never reported his income or you didn’t report him living there and working also
Do doordash for a side hustle. You can make 200 a day or day trading stocks and crypto and make over 1k a day. If you know how to do research
Try UPS loading its from 2 am to 9 am. The benefits are incredible and free after 9 months. It’s a job that can lead you into a driver at $40 after 4 years.
Theres gotta be more to the story , like why do you have to move ? It may not be a valid reason for the landlord / boss to make you leave .Also if you get thrown out of any government housing , you wont be able to use other government housing resources in most states . You will be wasting your time trying to get a loan without a job . Both of you can work even if its minimum wage , your hud rent may go up a little though. Im a firm believer that anything government is just a stepping stone , if people are trying .
At 30+ weeks nobody will hire you but you can babysit other children. Go to parks or talk with moms in your neighborhood. See if they need a sitter and offer your service. Your boyfriend needs to get a job anywhere. Fastfood and grocery stores are always hiring. Tell him get two jobs to earn the money you need to move and get on your feet. Once things smooth over he can find a better job or let one job go.
They only cut off your housing if you didnt report his income or him living there. The only way to resolve this is to get a job.
If you have a legal aide agency near you contact them. They may be able to get you a lawyer to help free of charge.
I would start praying and give your situation over to Our Father give it to him. In Jesus Christ name Amen amen
Go on social assistance…he could do doordash etc
If you don’t have any money coming in, no one will approve you for a loan. I’m having a hard time understanding this post but, speaking from experience, if either or both of you are working you need to report that income within 30 days. Otherwise it could potentially get you kicked off. Can you apply for welfare?
I am mÂakÂiÂng thÂeÂse dÂays easily more than $500 pÂer day for doing wÂoÂrk oÂnÂlÂine. i got my 3rd pÂaÂyment last month of $1Â6Â765. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $Â1Â7463 per month but now i see how it works.
Info Here >>> https://HomeJob7.netlify.app/
Loan with no income bad, job is good, any job
I don’t understand why he doesn’t work? Fast food is always hiring.
First things first mama, breathe, stress is not good for you or baby. Pray, it may make you feel better . Contact the Hud office. I can understand why your boyfriend is home…in light of what you said about your families…he needs to find something to do but also make them aware that he will need to take time for your delivery when he applies so that he may be able to return…unfortunately I don’t know of any place that will give a loan without income to back it up…
Try legal aid to help with your legal problems. He needs to get a job, any job. Fast food, grocery store, anything at all. If he has a clean background check, he could possibly try for school custodian. They work year-round. I don’t know about housing. If you’re having trouble with government housing and they make you move, you will have to get regular housing. Try checking the newspaper to see what’s available. With you being so close to delivering, I don’t think you can get a job at this point. I don’t know if you can babysit or not. Your customers will need someone who won’t have to take time off right away. Don’t try to get a loan at this point. Without a stable income, you won’t be able to get one. Besides, you don’t want to run up any more debt. I know life is tough right now. Have you considered joining a church? Prayer never hurt a thing. God is always there for you. Jesus is with you. The people of the congregation may be able to give you advice as well.
Would try borrowing from family member if possible, I would say yes, get a loan and move, for one if he starts work, rent would increase
Do NOT even apply for a loan when you’re already broke.
A) it’ll be a ding on your credit, making any future financing harder
B) based on your situation, IF you got approved (which I highly doubt) you’ll pay insane interest rates. The Fed has raised and is continuing to raise interest, which makes getting a loan harder
C) there’s TONS of side hustles like Uber or Door Dash, as well as online work to do from home that aren’t going to cause your rent to go up by astronomical rates
D) you should be heavily focusing on saving to GTFO of where you are, look into municipals they have a higher rate of return than CDs or traditional savings accounts.
E) The only way out of a situation is to jump in and get it done so get online and start researching easy hustles and saving!
Good luck!
Tell him to get 2 jobs,plenty out there
I am mÂakÂiÂng thÂeÂse dÂays easily more than $500 pÂer day for doing wÂoÂrk oÂnÂlÂine. i got my 3rd pÂaÂyment last month of $1Â6Â765. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $Â1Â7463 per month but now i see how it works.
Info Here >>> https://HomeJob17.netlify.app/
If you applied for and were accepted into HUD housing on your income alone and then let someone else move in with you, then you were in the wrong. His income should have been reported to them immediately after he got a job. It’s things like this that make it so hard to get HUD housing.
If you did not turn in the extra income it is a crime. Low income is for people who have little or low money. If you did not get the appt. With the father on the lease and did not add him, that is also against the law. You can’t expect to live in a income based appt. When someone is working and it puts you over the limit that was put down to get you the appt. That’s the way the rules are if you make extra you pay extra. Example- If you get an appt. For you and your child and one on the way, and your income is $200 and your rent is $24.00. You can’t move someone in with a job, making $300.00 making your house hold income $500 and expect your rent to stay $24. It just doesn’t work like that. If he was not on the lease then he needs to move out. That may or may not stop the legal part, they may let it go, and you may or may not lose your apartment, it just depends on how they want to work it.
You should always report any changes in income and he can work they only charge 30% of your income
We hire from a labour ready company sometimes and they pay the workers around $80 a day. Not sure if they have companies like that in your area.
Why would you borrow money from a lender when neither of you have jobs. Get jobs to dig yourself out of the hole you’re in. You might have to wait until the baby is born but since the government is paying for your housing they will pay for day care too so after the baby gets here you can find a job. Trying once and quitting isn’t an option.
I am now mÂakÂing more than $Â500 every single day oÂnÂlÂinÂe. Yesterday i gÂoÂt my 3rd pÂaÂyment of $Â18532 by doing work oÂnÂlÂiÂne. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was maÂkÂing $Â18654 per month but now i see how it works.
Info Here >>> https://HomeJob27.netlify.app/
I would get a job. Don’t get a loan because you will have to pay it off.
Go to HUD see if there is any other low income houses where you can move that isn’t owned by the people that own your apartment.
When I was a child my father lost his business thru the government by filing wrong for years on his taxes. Idk where you are but, Texas Rehab stepped in and sent him to college and my mother and he soon found a job with benefits and insurance and 401k. I would suggest reaching out to them if you are in Texas. I’m sure other States have the same Rehab benefits. Look into it if you can. Also you may find help thru a church for financial aid or prayers. Both will help. Trust me. God bless. . No matter what remember you are in God’s hands and He will provide and guide. Just call on his name and ask.
I have no idea what she is talking about. Too complicated.
I’m not really understanding this post but he should be getting another job.
Talk to habitat for humanity, they may be able to help. I’ve never used them but I know people who have volunteered for them. If they are not able to help, they may know someone that can. I know it’s hard when your use to the help but do whatever you can to climb your way up and out of government assistance. I know it’s hard, but it will be worth it. You need to take one day at a time and trust everything will work out. No matter how hopeless you may be feeling it will work out. It’s going to take time and possibly a new perspective but it will be worth it!
You have to have collateral for a loan. Like when you mortgage a home.
I guess I’m confused. Nowhere did I read anything that said they filed wrong tax information not where they didn’t turn in extra income? I guess before advice is given their situation should be clarified in order to give the correct advice. So if you’re reading this please elaborate and clarify your situation please, last thing you need is the wrong advice.
This story makes zero cents and honestly I think that’s because you’re leaving out incriminating parts. Whatever fraud you were up to with the hud/section 8 can get serious quick as most of the time it’s a felony. which you kinda deserve it because section 8/Hud housing isn’t designed for lazy men to stay home. It’s designed to help hard working families get on their feet.
Anything to do with the govt you must turn in income or any changes ex people moving in you have 10 days to turn in said changes in pa a family of 3 can only gross like 2000 its ridiculously low I only gross 3000 on average between my job cs n ssi for my son n I only qualify for medical n that’s it n I’m a family of 5
Are. You. Section 8. Maybe. Go. To. Them all. The. Rules I hey. Give. The. Landlord should. Have. Them. Too. Good luck
Find a lawyer, and tell him you would have to pay him in installments/ I once hired a lawyer for filing chapter 7 bills bothering me all the time. I was up front with him, so he took my case, won my case, and paid him monthly, he didn’t charge me all that much
I can’t finished reading after reading “ if we get a job”
Who the hello suppose to support you? Uncle Sam ( other known ad the hard working tax payer) is not your daddy. Not your childrens granddaddy!
Nothing is free, it comes from a tax payer if it’s government assistance
I have eÂarÂned $ 16Â8Â43 bÂy doiÂnÂg woÂrk onÂlinÂe. Best oppoÂrtÂuniÂty for anÂyoÂne to geÂt pÂaÂÂiÂd everÂy weÂek foÂr juÂst woÂrÂkiÂng ÂonÂlinÂe in part time. Currently i am eaÂrÂning more thÂan 15000 DoÂlÂlars evÂery moÂnth.
Info Here >>> https://HomeJob38.netlify.app/
If you get a loan, you’ll lose HUD bc it’s income.
And it is irresponsible to even attempt to get a loan with no income; you won’t get it. In the event someone loaned it, you’d have a crazy interest rate.
Your best bet is to ask HUD for a new place. Talk to them about daycare assistance so you can work after the baby. Somebody needs to work and you put back every dime you can. Make a budget, stick to it. No eating out. No going out for dates right now. Buy your needs. Save every dollar you can. In order to find an apartment, right now, alot of places, regardless of state, is wanting first months/last months rent and deposit of double that. Why? Bc landlords got no money for over 18 months. So, ppl who would’ve been fine in 90 days of real saving need a year.
So confusing!!! But you said that HUD has being good and understanding with the situation, most the time a company manage more than 1 complex ask if they can move your family to another one
Tell his butt to get a job. If he can make babies he can work. Stop depending on the system. Make your own money yoh get to make your own decisions.
Oh wow. Talk to an attorney. The board member should not get involved due to conflict of interest.
It’s an incredible luxury to not have to work to survive.
The solution to your question is to find work. Even as a pregnant woman it is possible to make money doing small side jobs like cleaning, baby sitting, pet sitting and house watching. If he finds a decent job and you bring in side income that works with his schedule you will stop drowning. Only advice I got. Even when incredibly ill with chronic pain I lost my main income and still did everything in my power to make at least some money for the family.
Call the “HUD” offices… They SHOULD be able to provide you with a list of apartments that are affordable and accept assistance. Good luck hun
What in the holy heck did I just read?
i hate when i hear people say that they dont want to work ect due to losing low income housing or foodstamps or welfare…that is crazy! People should want to better their lives not stay stuck.I just dont get it🤦‍♀️
Doordash instacart etc
Look into child care assistance. Most want you working 28hours a week at least but if you can get on a program like from FIP it can help you get childcare while you look for a job. With the apartment complex, sounds like you need a lawyer. Your state may have legal aid or at least call around.
If you are able to take out a loan you would no longer be able to get hud housing…
Try to find affordable housing some where ,an get a job,both of you,it’s the only way you can get out of this… don’t get a loan it only deepens your mess…GOOD LUCK,AN MAY GOD BLESS YOU
If u live in HUD housing you wouldn’t qualify for a loan and your not even working to pay it back even . And why weren’t you working you can work while pregnant. He needs to get a stable job somewhere else why do u need to move before baby is born ?
Without jobs, I highly doubt that anyone would give you a loan, especially in the current economy. And even if by some miracle you could get one, personal loan has a very high interest rate , presently about 9%.
l ÂgÂeÂt ÂpÂaÂiÂd oÂvÂÂeÂr $ 140 pÂer hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes $ 16610 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Info Here >>> https://goldenjobz38.netlify.app/
Cash assistance? Food stamps? WIC?
One or the other needs to go to school. Trade school or something to be able to get a better job and work your way up. Can’t live like that forever, nor does it sound like that is what you guys want. Take advantage of the system while you can and go to school. Will give you extra money for the time being and make for a better life in the end.