I have a son he’s almost 2 and half years old now. Back in early November we noticed bites on his leg, thought nothing of it because we still had mosquitoes at this point that would fly in our room when we’d open the window so we thought harmless… Since then, more and more bites have appeared all month spreading from his legs to his feet, to his back and his bum. There’s no hospital in the small town we live in just a clinic, so we took him to Emergency. The doctor-nurse took a look at the bites (MIND YOU HE’S THE ONLY ONE STILL TO THIS DAY THATS BEING BIT) and had no idea what kind of bites they could be since he was the only one being bit?? She called another child nurse who has children of his own who she said WOULD know what type of bites they were. He had no idea since he was the only one being a bit too AT THE TIME we had lots of puppies ready to be rehomed so my mother in law said they could be fleas… well well well. When I was putting my son down for his nap I stayed in bed (the only place we’ve noticed he bites is in his sleep in a bed) I had the sudden urge to flash my phone light at him to take a look, and there it was A FLEA on his face. So we thought FINALLY we found out what it is and can finally get busy with trying to get rid of the fleas and get proper creams for his bites. We sold our puppies that are all gone, no more house pets. We washed everything in the room, including the curtains. We sprayed down the WHOLE room with flea spray and did the same to his own room even though he doesn’t sleep in there, and the living room. Changed the sheet, sprayed the mattresses and bedding. We got the medicine he needed for his bites and cleaned them every single day. We put band-aids on his bites, which are A LOT from his legs to the back of his neck, so he won’t scratch them and keep reopening them. We put long-sleeved PJs, so its harder for him to get at his bites. As soon as some heal, it seems more pop up? WHY why just him? Like I said, His father and I aren’t biting ANYWHERE. We have a flea trap in the room more flea powder around the room, and he still wakes up today with four new bites I FEEL HELPLESS stressed on top of being pregnant rn I’m getting so sad seeing him wake up crying every night because he gets itchy. WHAT MORE CAN WE DO. We have talked to some people about getting an exterminator here, but since we live in such a small town, it won’t be for another few weeks until they can make a trip here. I feel like I’m failing my son when I’m I’m the one who’s to be protecting him and nothing we do is working please no rude comments I JUST WANT TO KNOW IF ANYONE HAS HAD THIS HAPPEN IN THEIR FAMILY WHERE ONLY ONE PERSON WAS BEING TARGETED AND WHAT WORKED TO GET RID OF THE FLEAS.
We didn’t have fleas but we had bed bugs once and my daughter wAs the only one who reacted to the bites. We were all being bitten, but it didn’t bother my son or I. We never noticed them or saw them on us.
Flea bombs & powder. Vaccume often and empty it in a bag outside.
Spray yard with dawn dish soap, using a feeder type sprinkler that looks like the miracle grow ones
Are you guys vacuuming every day?!
Commercial pest company.
Have him sleep in your room. Toss out the mattress.
Wait for the exterminator. Maybe try putting bug repellent on him.
If he has a warmer body temp they will swarm him , place a heat lamp over a bowl of water with dawn dish soap in it and sprinkle salt on the carpet if you have carpet it will kill the eggs the heat lamp will attract the fleas and they will drown in the dish soap/water mix
If there are eggs they will hatch. They look like small specks. Like pepper size but kinda reddish
Call an exterminator and a specialist to look for bed bugs. Store bought sprays and home remedies are nothing compared to professionals. Get it treated ASAP because constant bug bites and no treatment can be considered neglect of your child and you can get in trouble for it.
go to the supermarket and get flea bombs
Are you positive it isn’t bed bugs?
depending on how bad it is, might have to bomb the house really good or even get an exterminator in.
Fleas are definitely a pest!! I had a similar situation a few years ago. I realized that fleas still live in some fabrics even though you wash them. I was using one of those fuzzy blankets (soft like animal fur) and the fleas would survive the hot washer cycle and the heat from the dryer. I had to throw the blanket out and problem solved.
Allergy safe way…
My dad always turned a lamp sideways near a bowl of water and dawn dish soap. They hop in and die. Secondly. Spray lavender. They hate that. And wash your boy in head and shoulders. Or tea tree. They dont like the medicated smell.
some of that stuff sold at the store just plain doesnt work.
I had this problem, I had to get prescription flea medication from the vet and spray my house with the flea spray
I suggest getting in a pest control Company… And if u have dogs… Maybe bath them twice a week with the flea products… Also check where the did is sleeping… That has a major cause as to where… Also maybe vacuum ur room if u have carpets… But I really suggest a pest control company… Maybe 2 sprays in a month might help u… We have a pest control company we in business for 30 years… Kindly contact 0627879041 or 0734841816 or 0835402560
once you have let them off wash eveything again…good luck
You can try diatomaceous earth. It 100 food grade so it’s not harmful at all.
Fleas would be wherever the puppies were. Bedbugs in his room maybe ?
Are you sure it’s flea bites and not bed bugs?
Some people are just more attractive to fleas. It always took an or in visit to actually get permanent Solution.
Is there a chance they are bed bug and not flees? If they keep coming back after you’ve done everything and sold the dogs, they might not be flees. Look for tiny drops of blood along the edges of the bed, if you see any call an exterminator.
I’m not saying you’re nasty but we got a brand new mattress that was wrapped in plastic and we had to send it back twice because my daughter-in-law who is pregnant kept getting eat up and come to find out the bed bugs were in the box springs and they were also wrapped in plastic.
Flea bombs. Vacuum everything after even the bare beds and couches. Re wash everything! Clothes blankets sheets and vacuum like crazy
If you’ve tried all of that, then maybe it isn’t fleas? You could check for bed bugs, or it could be an allergy to something. Maybe an allergy to the laundry soap or whatever you put in his bath? If you really think it’s fleas and you can’t get rid of them even after getting rid of pets, you may have to call an exterminator.
Best advice is get a professional…They are so hard to get rid of…it’s a process, they will need to come out every few weeks to get rid of the flea eggs and larvae…yard must be treated as well!!! It can take a couple months to finally be rid of them if done correctly!!! Good luck!!!
Dawn dish soap was the only thing that helped
Maybe buy an air mattress and put him on your room and just put his mattress in the trash and buy a new one and let the plastic on. Maybe they are bed bugs or scabies.
I got rid of our fleas with salt. Sprinkle lots of it in the carpet around furniture clothes hampers. Leave it there. In 3 days sprinkle more to kill the fleas that are being born. Leave 3 days and then vaccum
Might be bed bugs if hes only being bit in his sleep in bed
You need to treat your home. Wash all bedding. Treat your pets.
Bug bomb your home.
Wash all your bedding.
Wash all your pets bedding.
Wash and treat your pet’s.
I had them really bad and I used bombs. One for each room. Just set them off leave house for 4 hours go back open up house for a couple hours then just go in and vacuum. It took care of my problem. Good luck
Go tot he vet and get the pill for your animals. Then shampoo the carpets and put stuffed animals In a air tight bag for a couple weeks. Wash bedding.
Sounds like there may be bedbugs…keep your son out of that room for as long as possible…get a new mattress. Burn the old one… Wash and dry everything with hot hot heat! Spray down the room with 100 percent green alcohol. Repeat repeat repeat and repeat some more to break cycle of reproduction. Bedbugs can live an entire year without feeding and are extremely hard to get rid of. Be diligent in treating the area. Good luck.
Diametaceous earth- food grade
I am one of those that will be the only person getting bit out of a group of people. It happens. But you may have to flea bomb the whole house. You have to get all the rooms of the house too. Fleas can come in not only on your pets but pants/shoes from outside. Also look into oils or scents that repel fleas that is safe to put on your son often, you could even add oils to his bath. Good luck. I know this sucks.
It could be bed bugs in hisbedding spay and bomb your place for bedbugs i went through this for about a year. I kept getting bit and it was bed bugs im 68 years old and never ever had one but ive been fighting them and just got rid of them u have to check about every two days
you need to get flea bombs the pet shop sell them flea any animals you have and hòover hoover hoover coz the hoover kills any eggs in carpets ect but the flea bombs work a treat xx
We recently had this problem with our dog. We think a stray cat or something infected our yard which led the dog to get them and bring them inside. Within 3 days our house was infested. I was getting bit so badly. So was my 1 year old and 9 year old. It was to the point we couldn’t sit on the sofa without herring bit. My husband only saw ONE while I was being attacked lol. It was indeed traumatizing. I tried so many natural ways to help the situation but these fleas were resilient. My husband first treated the yard then we treated the dog the same day( he was so much better after that) then the next day we bombed the whole house. Worked amazingly. I did think we would have had to do it again because of the eggs, but I believe the cold weather killed them since I haven’t seen one since. Washing everything will help but it won’t get rid of them. I was horrified when I saw the bites on my baby and would actually see one or two on her. That’s when I knew it was very bad. This all progressed like I said in 3 days. We had a party on a Saturday and no problem. By Wednesday we had decided to bomb the house. It’s the best way to do it.
Sounds like bed bug bites check your beds
It may not be fleas it may be bed bugs.my 2 older boys would go to there bio moms house n the little one would come home with bites all over while his brother would be fine happened every time we learned it was bed bugs n for some reason they liked him n olny bit him.
This happened with my two year old at the time. She’s five now. Bomb, bomb again, bomb again and run the vacuum three or four times a day! That’s how we got rid of them!
Did you wash the carpet too?
Get the whole house bombed. Itll kill everything. Call an exterminator you will have to leave for about 2 or 3 days. And should be good after that.
It could be bed bugs
Iodized salt. Sprinkle all over floors and leave for a couple days before vacuuming. I know it sounds crazy… but it works!
Fleas are hard to get rid of. Personally if it were me I would take carpets out of the house and burn them!! Then treat inside things again such as blankets, curtains etc.
It takes time to get rid of fleas. If it is fleas I would sprinkle baking powder all over the carpets and beds and vacuum every day. Empty the vacuum outside right after using it. Just have to be consistent with it. If it still continues then maybe it’s not fleas. It could be some kind of reaction to maybe soap or something also.
When I had a flea infestation,thanks to a cat I owned,I had to call a exterminator who had to come out 3 times within a 3 day period and literally soak my house in pesticide.I had to stay out of my house for 2 days before I could go back and clean up.It worked though and I had no more fleas after that
I had this same problem with my daughter…only she had bites…I think we all got bit but none of us had marks…its almost like she had an allergy?? And we didnt even have a dog! (we had just moved in and the previous owners had a dog) but we had to treat our house and our yard…they eventually went away and she got better but still anytime shes exposed to fleas the bites are noticeable and itch
Get a new matress…1 part vinegar 1 part water once a week.
Diatomaceous earth, get the ffod food grade variety and you can use it too, the stuffs amazing.
You need an exterminator and to pretty much burn some furniture. Baking powder will not work you need a professional.
Call an exterminator, they can determine what it is for you. The first visit is usually a free estimate
You sold your dogs?.. the best thing you could have done was gone to the vet, get flea treatment, put it on your dogs and the fleas would eventually disappear. I honestly dont know how to get rid of fleas besides that one way. Call your local pest control maybe
Get a shallow dish. Put dawn dish soap in it with water. Leave it out , check back to see if you have some in it.
His blood type could have a lot to do with the reason he’s getting bitten people with O blood tend to get bit more than people with other blood types
Okay sprinkle a few moth flakes on the floor vacuum them up then thoroughly vac the house the flakes will kill the ones you vacuum at night a saucer of water with blue dawn under a light in the morning You should see fleas if there are any left then repeat
This is amazing. Just sprinkle it around on the mattress under the sheet and all around the edge of the room and under the bed. It’s non-toxic and safe for people and pets. It kill all kinds of crawling bugs
You should set off a flea bomb in the bedrooms and living rooms
Flea bomb your ENTIRE HOUSE
There is tube that looks like a big syringe for roaches, but they also have one for fleas. I forget the name of the product but it works extremely well. Once used it hadn’t a problem with roaches or fleas for years. Reapply every two years, it really works wonders.
check his bed for bed bugs
You may have to have an exterminator come in and analyze the situation; he’ll tell you how bad it is. You never know, there could be a possum living under your porch (that’s how we figured out we were infested). It takes time and patience, but give or take 6 months of diligent monitoring and cleaning, you should be ok. Give any animals in the home a bravecto flea pill and let him run around the house!! That gets rid of the fleas too!
baking soda and salt mix, and spread on all carpets and couch wait 1 hr and vacuum repeat as need all natural
Salt and vacuum and baby powder but they say the baby powder causes cancer so I would stick with the salt it dries them out
Yes and not only should you bomb the home and room. Throw away the entire bed, they just had bundle deals on Walmart for a mattress and toddler bed. You should expect to pay less than $70.
Good luck it took me 6 months to get rid of them. Dawn dish soap but it in a shallow dish at night and shine a light on the dish it’ll trap them and do it every night it’ll help but it under his bed
if you dont have pets consider fostering a dog with good flea control and keep it indoors. the fleas will keep jumping on it and dying and after a few weeks they will be hatched out and killed
Look up the flea lifecycle it takes about 3 months to completely eradicate them. Buy some index spray. Put your heating on as it will make them hatch faster which means the spray will kill them. Wash all your cushions, bedding, rugs, wipe your floor boards , hoover daily xx
My house was infested with fleas, it was so bad they were in my carpets. They’ll keep coming back until you kill all of the eggs. Not all flea killer targets eggs, what worked for me were flea bombs that killed fleas and eggs. You have to leave your house for a few hours and open the windows, once it was done I spread baking soda all over my carpets then vacumed, may have seemed like an overkill but it worked. Mind you my dogs were treated with flea preventative on the regular, I have no idea how they came into the house and infested it but it was bad…
You should have him tested for dust mite allergies. My hubby is allergic to them and he gets the same thing all over his body.
Try this stuff called… Natural Care Flea & Tick. Works well. I have A LOT of cats inside and I used that after trying everything else… it worked. I used it everywhere. Just a suggestion of help.
If bedbugs… there is a solution you can buy that can also be used in your laundry… I believe it is Bed Bug Be Gone… not sure. If you need the name to try it, just let me know and I will get it for you as well. Good luck. Dealing with either can be a headache
ADD ON: THE PRODUCT NAME IS BEDBUG BULLY… Ordered it off line. Had to go check on name after I posted. But it is called BEDBUG BULLY… it is natural and worked in my case.
Is there a possibility you could make his bedroom another room in the house?
You have to have an allergy to fleas for the bite to leave a mark and itch. We have had fleas from a kitten we bought and only my son had bites out of 5 of us.
You need to treat your whole house and yard for fleas. Even in your crawlspace.
We had to have orkin come out. After they did the first round, they haven’t been back. They come back every 2 months and spray for everything.
We had this same problem a while back. We live right outside of a park so our dogs were more prone to fleas even though we treated them. We tried everything and couldn’t get rid of them. My son was the only one that was getting bitten. Probably because he is little and closer to the ground. We eventually bombed the house twice. I did a very thorough sweep and washed everything. Eventually we got rid of them. It takes some time. But soon you will find that he’ll get less and less bites and it will stop. Hope it works out for you. Fleas are a pain in the butt.
I’m leaning towards bed bugs on this.
Rub the child with peaceful sleep you get the stick or lotion it helps after his bath rub it on his body!
Maybe check for bed bugs! Not saying you have any but could be possible if that’s the only time he is getting bit up is when he’s sleeping!
And u get the spray to put on his bedding
Hey youre not failing , and he’ll be ok ! Just letting ya know!
Farming the house is not going to help you in the only killing the non larvae stage the larva I still live
I would move him to a different room. Even if its the couch or in your bed. Its happening in his room and you keep putting him in there. You need to call an exterminator and not have him back in there until the bugs are gone. Good luck and keep up on his open wounds.
Fleas are picky biters. My cat had fleas once & I was the only one that was being bitten so my husband thought I was losing my mind.lol. if you got rid of the dogs & cleaned carpeting, sheets everything properly they will eventually die off. I didnt do anything special to get rid of the fleas I had I just cleaned and gave my cat flea treatment
You literally have to but 7 the carpet and stuff like that because you can’t give him medicine normally the best thing to work is a medicine where the fleas jump on them and die that was the only way we got rid of ours
It took me 3 months straight 2 get rid of fleas 2 years ago. I kept vacumming n flea bombing n putting meds on cats n dogs. None of my animals were even outside except 2 pee. It was a nightmare. Everyone I knew had this problem then.
Flea eggs can be dormant for upto 9months before hatching. Make sure you are vacuuming everything especially edges and hidden areas. But you have to clean your vacuum out each time. Treat it like lice its not gone till every egg is gone
Diatamcious Earth food grade will kill them. Since it’s food grade, it’s safe. Vaccuum, then spread on floor. Can even rub into coat of animals.
They hatch every so often. So you can kill what’s there and in a matter of a week have more. I read a single flea can lay up to 500 eggs or more a day
I know it won’t help now but in the future sleep with eucalyptus branches under the mattress it deters them from the area. Also have some as decor around the house. Unfortunately it seems that the eggs have hatched and need to be sprayed again (usually that only kills the adults) then I would say to book that exterminator for the week out at the very least to make sure to have a solution in hand if this doesn’t work out. Good luck I know you feel helpless but it seems you’re doing your best. Also some people’s blood is more tasty (to the bugs) than others so fleas and mosquitos will gravitate toward them. As far as his bites go. Give him an epsom salt bath to help dry up the bites quicker and heal them quicker. Do it til they’re healed.
A fleas life cycle is 2 weeks, so treat your home every 2 weeks, they and their eggs can be anywhere, couch cushions/ sweeper bags or sweeper canister. Look up myco dex environmental spray on amazon and treat your home every 2 weeks, and be sure to get in every crack and crevice
We had an issue like this when I got my dog here from my parents house. He needed a haircut so bad and was covered in fleas. Only my toddlers were getting bit. I made up a mix of dawn detergent, vinegar, cyan pepper and water. It took about 2-3 sprays but it worked and it won’t harm kids and pets.
Sounds like bed bugs to me
This happened to our son. The only thing we could do was douse him in Vaseline twice a day with tea tree oil.
At first we thought scabbies, chiggers, fleas. But out of a ten person household, he was the only one effected by it. Many doctors, ER trips and weeks later, it was the only thing I could think to do. We steam cleaned EVERYTHING. Even stuffed animals, and still was being bit by something. After a week of that concoction, he finally stopped getting “bit”. I don’t know if it will work for your son, but it really helped John
Call an exterminator.
This was happening to our daughter. We found out that our yard gets infested with fleas and we bring them in on us. So each year we have to treat our yard and also continually treat our house during the warmer seasons. We start by washing everything we can. Then get powder that kills fleas. And also a room spray. We have to vacuum every single day. And I mean thoroughly vacuum all rooms and baseboards and closets. Then we have to sweep our hardwood daily also. We vacuum our furniture and spray our furniture down too. Once we get to where we don’t see any fleas. And don’t have any bites you have to do a treatment every other week to catch any eggs that has hatched you might have missed. We have to do this every year because they love the area we live in. We also bought a carpet shampoo machine and use it regularly also. It’s a pain and a lot of work. But if your consistent you can get rid of them.