How dangerous is it to give birth past 40 weeks?

I was 41w2d when i gave birth to by daughter they had me schedual to be induced the day after i gave birth naturaly which would have been 41w3d they had no concern to make me wait till that day i just by chance went in to labour on my own before

My last daughter was 41+6

42 weeks here! He was huge but ok lol

Remember the due date is just an estimation. However 42 weeks is really the maximum they’ll let you get to. They’ll usually start planning for an induction at 41 weeks or thereabouts. Just be mindful of movements. Any changes to the normal pattern whether it’s baby moving less OR more should be investigated immediately.

I had my first at 41+1

10 days over due and was induced, healthy 12 year old

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One of my boys went a month and a day past my due date…had contractions constantly …6 cm …dr couldn’t understand why I just didn’t have him…last visit really started my contractions…labored all day and night…no progress until nurse examined me …got the dr and had me push while he was turning the baby…no wonder I didn’t give him up…he was laying across ! Once turned I went into delivery and the dr said he was too big for me and had to break his shoulders…my big 9 1/2 pound boy finally arrived…today he’s still a big strapping boy

My sister in law went over and baby was healthy just very wrinkly, like you get when you’re in water to long!!

41 weeks 4 days when baby came, was due to be induced at 42 weeks.

Daughter came and the birth was fine

I was a week over with my second, spontaneous labour booked induction for 41+3 I went 17 days over with my third and induced just last 42 weeks

My mom went to about 43 weeks with my older sister(28 years ago in germany) and 42 weeks and a day when she had me. Everything was fine to my knowledge :woman_shrugging:

In the old days going over was no big deal. I never delivered at 40 weeks with either of mine and they were fine. Usually won’t let you go more than 2 weeks over.

40 + 5, 40 + 6 and 41… No real risk until past 42 and even then, it’s low. Look up Evidence Based Birth blog and read up about the evidence. There’s no need to let them push you bc of their logistical issues.

I was 8 days late on 2nd.
7 days late on 3rd
10 days late on 4
And 13 days late on 5th
1st was 1 day early

All mine natural, just gas and air, quite quick and no complications.

I know someone who carried their 1st to 44 weeks no complications besides being over 12lbs birth weight

The risk of stillbirth starts going up at 39+1. Your doctor absolutely should be trying to get you in. Call them


You shouldn’t go past 42 weeks. Talk to your doctor about an induction

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My mother’s due date with me was February 14th, and my birthday is March 25th. She had zero complications though, nothing was “wrong” with either one of us, so the doctors didn’t want to induce because it seemed “unnecessary”. The doctor literally told her I would “come out” when I was ready, and when she finally went into labour, she barely made it into the delivery room before I came out. Doctor wasn’t even in the room yet; the nurse delivered me, doc came in checked me out, said I looked great, and went to see next mother in labour/delivery in need of a doc. :woman_shrugging:

Complications aren’t necessarily a given in these situations, but if you think you’re having some, definitely seek medical attention immediately!

On another note, I’ve confounded doctors with having “impossible” medical things happen to me more than once in my life, so I’m starting to think there’s a decent chance I’m actually an alien-human hybrid, so this may or may not even apply to anyone else :woman_shrugging::rofl:

All 4 of mine were 40 weeks +

I was 2 weeks over…the Dr. scheduled me to be induced and I had her the day before…it was an easy delivery…no problems…Good luck

I went two weeks over with my first. Perfectly fine!

I was 41w 1d with my first, allowed for spontaneous labor as i wished. Most doctors are comfortable with mom going 41wks as long as there are no complications. Typically 42+ weeks can be more dangerous bc the placenta begins to “get old.” I know some people who went well into wk 42 with their pregnancies and babies came out perfect. Everyone is different. Also, keep in mind that 40wks is based off of the first day of your last period and most likely you were not actually pregnant then. Use your motherly instincts. If you feel you and baby are ok, then most likely you are.

My due date was 2/6 and I gave birth on 2/25 she was overdue and stubborn​:rofl::rofl::rofl: but perfectly healthy weighing 9lbs 5oz​:hugs::hugs:

They won’t let you go longer than 42 weeks here.

I was 42 weeks with my daughter and 41 weeks with my son. Both were very healthy and no complications.

if there is no medical complications then they can safely go to 42 weeks, i’ve seen someone go 16 days past 40 weeks and everything was fine! (baby will just most likely be BIG!)

Nothing good happens over 40 weeks.

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My doctor wouldn’t allow me to go past 41 weeks

I went 4 weeks over with my first, as long as you are passing the no stress tests and baby is not in distress cooking a bit longer than normal is perfectly fine. Sometimes bodies and babies just need a bit more time

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I went 10 days past my due date with my first. They were going to induce me the next day but he finally decided to come out on his own. No complications

I went 18 days over and my son was fine

It’s not dangerous… you just have to have check ups to check baby. Due dates are just an estimation and can be off by up to 2 weeks… so 40 weeks could really be 38 weeks. I went to 41 with my 3rd and it was perfectly fine. There’s no danger.

I’ve had 3 babies over 40 weeks (42+1, 41+2 & 41+6) all straight forward births & very healthy babies

You have until 42 weeks if it passes they’ll induce labor

I wish they would have let me go longer then 41 they were going to induce but luckily my water broke from softening the cervix. My sister went 42 weeks for both hers

Baby will come when ready…

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I went 13 days, they usually only allow 14 days

My first was born at 41+1 & second at 41 weeks

With my 1st I was 42weeks exactly. She’s 12 years old today

It really depends. Like my risk for stillborn increases after 40wks. :woman_shrugging:t3:
But if you have no medical issues usually they wont let you go past 42wks.

A due date is literally just a guess. Going to 42 weeks is completely fine, as long as your doctor is monitoring you and the baby.

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My first was born at 44 weeks and all the rest at 42 weeks and some days…I have 6. I wouldnt be to concerned until after 42 weeks while h drs dont normally let you go past.

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I was 43 weeks with my 2nd baby before induction

Join Unassisted Pregnancy & Childbirth - NO ASSISTANCE TALK and you can find all kinds of stories of mommas who went well past 40 weeks!!! Babe is safe I promise! :heart:

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2 weeks over and everything was fine

41 + 5 is the longest I’ve gone… no problems

There’s really no knowing how a birth will be. My daughter was born on her due date naturally and my water broke on it’s own, my body did exactly what it was supposed to. She wasn’t breathing when she was born. She didn’t breath for the first 2 minutes of her life. Her collar bone was stuck under my pelvic bone. She was 8lb 10oz My son, totally different story. He was born 41w 2d. I had to be induced And same situation as you, there was a huge baby boom and the hospital had SIX rooms and we don’t live in a tiny town. We live in an over populated city. I pushed a few times, talked through all of it and he was born within minutes of me hitting 10cm. 9lbs 1oz.

41 weeks 5 days with my second. My OB didn’t want me to go beyond 42 weeks.

I have had 2 babies. Both went past their due dates. They wanted to induce and I wanted mine to come on their own.
My first was a week late. Only complications was he didn’t want to come out. Lol
And my second was 3 days past and he was 10lbs :rofl:

I was induced at 42 weeks. My baby girl is a healthy 9 month old now. They say it’s she until 42 weeks cuz your due date is usually give or take 2 weeks

Normal gestation is 38-42 weeks. Please trust your body in knowing when baby is ready to enter the world. You won’t stay pregnant forever. :kissing_heart: You’ve got this!

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I went at 42 weeks with my son he was huge but no compilations

Going to 42 weeks is not that uncommon and is generally safe, especially since the due date is a guesstimate. My Midwife suggested to induce at 42 weeks, had my son at 41+3. Went into labor on my own, no complications, no meconium aspiration, nothing.

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My first was due April 26 and I had her May 4th. You’re fine.

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Due December 9th she came December 20th - no issues

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They say you are safe until 42weeks

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My 4th was born at 42 weeks

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I delivered at 41 weeks and had a healthy 9lb 7.9 oz baby girl who just turned a year old :relieved:

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I went 10 days past with my third. She pooped inside me, that was the only issue. (Also 3 out of 4 have pooped in me and 3 were all born early)

My first was 42 weeks emergency c section after 73 hours of labor baby was 9lbs 8ozs

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I was 42+1 with my 2nd. It can be done.

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I had my daughter at 41 weeks on the dot and she was my first pregnancy. She came out just fine. I induced my labor naturally by walking and a few other things my doctor told me would help. And it did.

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I was 42 weeks with baby 1 and did fine

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41 and 1/2 wks …my daughter is a pistol!! Lol :laughing: no complications

It’s a bit silly thing to say there’s no risk. I went to 41 weeks with my son and he had been in there so long he swallowed meconium before he was delivered & was in the NICU for a few hours & struggled to breathe. He was fine but it was still a complication.

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My son I had at 42 weeks, daughter at 41,5… They come when they’re ready.

If doctor isn’t concerned, you shouldn’t be either🤷‍♀️

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You can go 3 weeks before cause ur full term at 37 weeks and u can go 2 weeks after doctors usually don’t let u go past 42 weeks I was 40 and 6 days with my first I have never thought it was dangerous to go past ur due date did I miss something i was always told the longer inside the better

I was 42 weeks with my daughter the day I went in to be induced I had her

I’m sure you’re being monitored more often since you’re "overdue’. It really depends on that. Ask long as baby is growing & reacting s/he’s fine. If not they induce.

My first i was 17 but went in labor at 42 weeks almost 43 weeks my baby was 8lbs 14.8oz i ended up having to get 2 in a half things of blood because I lost alote and ever since then im considered a high risk pregnancy. But he’s 18 now and doing great. But everyone is different. I was tiny that’s why I think i lost so much blood.

41 weeks with my first and a csection. 42 weeks with my second after a trial of labor. Both were completely healthy. 40 weeks isn’t a hard date. Some babies are ready sooner and some later. Your due date is just an estimate.

I went 11 days over they won’t let you go by 42 weeks x

I wS 40+4 days and eZ told 42 is safe

1st was 41+2, 2nd was 40+4, 3rd was 36+1… all totally fine

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I was 41+5 with my first two and 41+1 with my most recent. No complications.

Its more then safe to go to 42+
Due dates are usually horribly inaccurate. Babies come when they want

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Only roughly 10% of babies are born on their due date. I had my son at 40+1. I had a sweep done at 38 weeks too, but the doctors and midwives weren’t concerned about going to 40 weeks.

I believe doctors do not like it past 42 weeks for many reasons. The sac starts to dry up

My son was born 4 days past his due date and labor was rough. He was 9lbs 7oz and he was in the posterior position so labor took 3 days. When it was finally time to push though it was quick, his shoulder did briefly get stuck on my pelvic bone but there was no harm to him. Thankfully he was healthy and I was able to delivery him naturally.

I went over by 10 days with my first and was induced and no problems what’s so ever everything was fine, they will only leave you a certain amount of time before they have to get baby out xx

In Canada they won’t even induce you until 42 weeks

If your doctor is not concerned don’t take the advice of any one on Facebook

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I was 41 weeks and 4 days! Baby came out just fine :slightly_smiling_face:

Don’t get induced with out good reason! The hospitals schedule is not your problem! Remember and higher % of babies die when birthed in a hospital than when at home

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Had my 1st 15 yrs ago at 41w induced. I had low amniotic fluid but it went great. 9 hours after having my water broke I had my baby. I did hemorrhage which is not normal for most people. I just tend to hemorrhage after my births.

I went to 41 with my first. Due dates can be up to 2 weeks off so id go the 2 at least

My first was born at 42+4
Was a horrible experience tbh, pumped full of the drip and all over induction methods. His heart rate dropped low in the end and was taken down to theatre for a forceps birth. X

I was 41 weeks both pregnancies

I was 41 weeks and 4 days

I was 42 weeks when I had mine

I was two weeks over

I went to almost 42 weeks with my 2nd baby…its algood they wont generally let you go past 43 weeks

I was 41 weeks and 5 days baby came out 2 days before my scheduled c section still ended up having a c section lol baby is perfect!

Don’t get induced if you don’t have to I did that I was only 7 days past due and it was terrible it was natural so yes it hurt more then usual and then my 3rd was also late about 5 days she just came naturally try other methods first but 42 weeks is about how long they like to let it go then they get concerned

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I just had my 3rd at 41 weeks 3 days.

I was not impressed he took his sweet ass time :joy:

I went 2 weeks after due date with my first. They tried to induce, didn’t work. Sent me home for another week. Went back, had an ultrasound and baby didn’t have anymore room so I had to have an emergency c section.

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The only thing is that your placenta can stop working to its full potential, I was 40 + 7 with my son and he lost weight apparently

I went over 2 weeks with my son. He had a bowl movement inside me and was born with poop in his lungs …hoping the best for you

I had my son almost at 41 and he got stuck on my pelvic bone causing an emergency csection but other than that it all went smoothly. He was very healthy

I was 3wks late with my daughter. Waited for her to come naturally. She was healthy and I didn’t have any complications