How did you know when you didn't want anymore kids?

How did you know you were ready to be done having children? My husband and I have two daughters (ages 5 and 1.5), plus his son from a previous marriage lives with us. He has a vasectomy scheduled next week. We initially agreed on the vasectomy because we aren’t getting any younger (I’m 37, and he is 41), and I had had four miscarriages - two before my 1.5-year-old was conceived and two after she was born. Plus, my body doesn’t like childbirth - I ended up back in the hospital a week after both girls were born. But now I’m having doubts about it. I keep feeling sad. I cried for a half-hour yesterday. Every time I think about getting rid of the baby stuff, I cry. I see a pregnant woman and cry. I can’t figure out if I really want another baby or if I am just grieving, never having the chance to have another. Obviously, I know that this is only a decision that my husband and I can make. But I would appreciate any advice. How did you know you were done with having kids? Did any of you grieve not having any more?


I gave birth to twins :rofl:


I would talk to your husband about your feelings and honestly ask him to not get it until you figure out your feelings.

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But also take into consideration if he is done as well.

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I never felt like I was done. :cry:

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Maybe you should adopt you could be helping a child in need have a family


It does get harder as you get older and if it had already put your health at risk then you have to take that into consideration and if you truly do want another baby you could always adopt


I knew during this last pregnancy. I don’t have easy pregnancy and we have 3 kids now (He has 1, I had 1 and then we had 1 together) and I just knew in my heart I didn’t want to do it again. We talked about it and decided during my csection I’d get my tubes tied. I had maybe 10% sellers remorse but the other 90% knew I was right about it in my heart.

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When i realized i couldnt afford daycare for anither. Decided i was done


You need to put your health first. Those babies you have need you. No one can replace you. Do not chance leaving these little ones motherless.


I was so sick with both of my pregnancies that it scared me from ever doing it again. Especially my last. I need to be here for the children that I was lucky enough to have. Dont think I will be pushing the limits.

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I mean just because he cant have kids doesnt mean u cant…:woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

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When I lost my son later pregnancy I knew I couldn’t take that ever again. I have my beautiful daughter❤

If you are not ready then ask him not to get it done .

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For starters and NO OFFENSE, but you guys are getting up there in age so your first question to yourself would be do you want to start over & have another child in the house while you’re in your 60s. I’m only 23 & about to have my second child in April & I know for a fact that I’m done with having children so I’m having my tubes removed after birth. I came to the decision bc although pregnancy is beautiful, it’s hard as hell, and on a more personal level I hate thinking that I’ll have to give/share my attention & love with more children. It’s been a struggle knowing my daughter will have to share me & I don’t want to put two children through that! I know that sounds crazy & maybe it’s just my anxiety or something but that was a big factor in making the decision.

I never wanted any to begin with. 3 kids and 2 step kids later… :woman_shrugging: my husband is snipped now, no more accidents :joy:


When I had my daughter I knew I f’ed up lmao. I have a boy and girl and I do not want anymore that is very clear to me. Kids are scary lol


My 4th ended in a miscarriage and I needed 2 pints of blood…my kids could have lost me…so that sealed it in. I had three healthy that needed their mom. I had my tubes taken out. I do sometimes feel bad and reallllly want a baby but my boys needed me more than I need another.

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Sometimes you need to silence your heart and go with your head. We have two toddlers who are almost 3 and almost 2. I would LOVE another however I love what we have now and feel any more would be tipping the boat so to speak. Mind you my decision was made for me when I developed a pregnancy related heart condition and it was suggested by drs I avoided pregnancy again due to this x


I just knew. I only have 2, a 3 year old son and a 6 week old daughter. It’s not so much kids I don’t want more of but being pregnant…both my pregnancies I had gestational diabetes, the second time I was actually put on insulin and also had bouts of high blood pressure, I’m 36, I’m overweight and pregnancy is really hard on my body and the stress of complications is too much. I had my tubes removed when I had my daughter. And I’m plenty busy with a toddler and a newborn lol. If someday we really really want more kids we can see about fostering or adopting but I really feel like we are good with 2 I really do. I have no desire to be pregnant again lol. I’ve never been a good Dieter so trying to balance the diabetes was so hard, I also hate needles and had to give myself insulin shots! I overcame a fear lmao and was able to actually give myself the shots which I NEVER thought I’d be able to do but still the stress of not getting my blood sugar where it needed to be even tho I was r,eally trying was a lot. I should mention I also had a miscarriage a few months before I became pregnant with my daughter. I said I’d try one more time and I did :). I feel lucky to have my 2 kids and 2 successful pregnancies and I’m good with being done now. I couldn’t stand another miscarriage.

After our miscarriage. God blessed us with 3 healthy children, then 1 miscarriage. I was emotionally done. My husband went and got a vasectomy shortly after. Somedays it hits me like a truck that I will never have another baby, but or family is complete.

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We were done… My girls are 6 and almost 3, we aren’t getting younger, traveling was getting easier and financially we are in the position to pay for their college educations outright. We made the decision to get rid of all baby items before he deployed this winter and had his vasectomy lined up for when he got home before the summer started. Well I’m 10 weeks so we are not as done as we planned🙄.


I’d be done. If you’re questioning, you’re done.

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If you are questioning it then you are not ready to stop having kids. Maybe 1 more !!!


I think that your head is done having children but your heart isn’t. I feel similar to you - I feel like we don’t have enough time for a third, I’m 41, pregnancies were grim etc. However, in my heart I’d quite like another but I’m battling through that feeling as I know the reality is different to the rose tinted picture in my head. You may be grieving over something you never had but really wanted. Hold off the vasectomy for now. Talk it through with your husband and see what you decide. One thing though - don’t let age put you off. You’re 37. I was that age having my first and 40 having my second. You’re definitely not too old. Good luck with what you decide. :+1::kissing_heart:

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I had my boys when I was 19 and 25. My husband had a vasectomy when our youngest was 6 weeks old. We knew that was enough. I had terrible sickness during both pregnancies and both were premature. The youngest was 9 weeks early and we were told that I just can’t carry babies to term. We knew 2 was good enough for us, and I didn’t want to risk my health or the health of any future babies. Sure, I felt sad. But I learned to be content with what I had, not feel sad for the might-have-beens. Now I’m 41 and I have a 21 and 15 year old. Completely self sufficient. I feel like we have a life again, not just mom and dad.


I have 5 kids. I’m a type 2 diabetic so pregnancy is automatically high risk. I had 2 births, 3 miscarriages, then 3 births. I am almost 40 and my lo will be 2 on March 7th. I was done due to the health issues my so wanted more. I ended up having my tubes removed because I needed a c-section and although at times I do wish I could have another I know my health couldn’t take it. It really hit me when the baby turned 1 that he was really my last and I cried for days but it was for the best and I can love on my friends babies and grandkids one day. You have to do what is best for you and your health because at the end of the day your kids need you

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When my ex started acting shady and I was the only one taking care of the kids

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I have 4 kids with my last one I had my tubes tied, from first to last my age range was 19-28 I was/am still young enough to keep having kids but I have 4. We would need a bigger vehicle a bigger house and probably a pay raise to have more. My last child was my third c section and you can only have so many.
Youngest is 1.5 yrs old and yes when I see a baby my heart sinks bc I LOVE BABIES. But I financially can not have another child we would need to upgrade too many things for that to happen.
Maybe as kids start moving out we will look into foster and adoption but right now I am content with life.


Between my husband and i we have me stop at 3.its stressful lol


My personal opinion i would wait. I had a hysterectomy and knew i was done. If you have any doubt, just wait.


I’ll be 26 next month and I had my tubes tied after I had my son who is now 9 months old. I have a 7 year old daughter and after having two miscarriages I knew after my son was born that o was done having kids. I couldn’t put myself through that mentally anymore. I had my tunes tied and haven’t had a second thought about it.

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At 37 i would be afraid to try for more especially with the miscarriages you have already had. The risks for your baby and you increase the older you get.

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We have a 8 1/2 year old daughter and are due in May with a baby boy. When our daughter was 2, I was diagnosed with MS and it has been a rough 6 years of MS. I have been on birth control since she was born, we had planned to have another when she was 3 but when the MS came on and numerous hospitalizations and relapses it was just kind of decided without discussion that there would be no more kids. Much to our surprise we are due in May with a baby boy, I am very scared because my MS is acting up. Time will tell, I am taking it as he is a blessing but I am having a hysterectomy 6 months after he is born. They say 50% of MS people transition to secondary progressive MS by 10 years and 90% transition by 25 years. I am 6 years in I hope to make it to his graduation before I start taking a turn for the worst.

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It was just a sure feeling that I didn’t want to be pregnant, give birth, and that I was happy with the children I had. It’s just a sure feeling, and honestly, that doesn’t sound like you’re very sure. I suggest you talk to your Husband.

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I had a hysterectomy about two years ago, and I still grieve. It’s the finality of it all. Pregnancy was not easy on my body and I had to take weigh the risks. My boys needed a healthy mom- and had we tried again they wouldn’t have the best (or potentially alive) version of me.

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I went through 6 pregnancies. 3 ended in early miscarriage in the 1st trimester and one born stillborn at 20 weeks. When I finally became pregnant with my oldest ( he is 7) I had to be on progesterone meds, baby aspirin and folic acid pills. Had a good pregnancy. Then I ended up pregnant again. Had to repeat all the meds. My youngest is now a healthy 5 year old. I knew I was done and I couldn’t handle anymore miscarriages. So after my 2nd healthy baby I decided I was done and had my tubes tied the day after he was born. I still struggle sometimes with baby fever but realize I made the best choice for me and my family. I’m happy with that. I have 2 healthy boys.

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I’m on number 4 . Shes due next Monday and I’m getting fixed while I’m there. After raising the first 3 alone I thought I was done but my man and I both agree we are done with this one. This one at my age was a harsh one and I’ve complained nearly the whole time I’m 38 . The older u get the worse it is on u . Being anemic and having to have another c section I’m way over it . Took me years to get back to normal and lose the weight now it’s back on and will take years to lose it all again.

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Maybe seek a counselor, sounds like this could be some signs of depression.

After my second child, my husband and I agreed we were done having kids, even though I’d always dreamed of having a big family. Financial constraints and the fact that my husband is physically disabled lent to the decision for us not to have any more children since I would be primarily taking care of them by myself since he can’t.

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I grieve all the time because of this. I already have 7 children, I’m 40 years old and I loved being pregnant. I’m divorced from my children’s father and am currently with a younger man. I grieve because it’s a realization for me that I’m getting old and will never be a mother again. I’m a little lost on this subject myself. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you and your husband decide!

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Well, after puking for nine months straight for a second time, I said “fuck this” and had my tubes removed.

During my second pregnancy, we decided 2 was it. I had our second earlier(33+5) than our first(34+4) and my ob even said no more kids. My body shuts downs at a certain gestational point.

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After 3 kids, I knew I was done because I couldn’t wait to get rid of my maternity clothes.

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After having different complications with both of my pregnancies with my two boys I was told by a couple drs I shouldn’t have anymore. That was hard to hear. Then I had gotten pregnant again not planned but had a miscarriage. After the warnings and then going through the miscarriage I finally said no more. I found peace with it all but yes I did grieve. I have found myself happy and content with just my two boys now. I’m a single mother anyways and I’ve finally got us in a good place financially and making big changes to give them the best of life. They are also 12 and 6 I started young and now that they are both in school I don’t want to start over again. I’ve always told my self since I started young I didn’t want anymore after 30 lol I’m now 31 I didn’t expect it to actually happen that way though. I just let everyone else in my family and friends have the babies now lol.

I’m 30 have a 7 year old daughter and we are expecting his first my 2nd son and I know that I’m done bearing kids. I can’t take the pregnancies. Both horrible in thier own ways. When I have our son end of April I am having my tubes removed. I know that 2 kids is all I want
Hell to be honest I was perfectly fine having just my daughter. I have had miscarriages 4 total and I know that I’m just don’t having children. They are perfectly spaced for ourselves. And we are content. If your having these feelings they need to be discussed. But when you know I feel like you know.

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I don’t think you are ready for such a permanent Decision to be made yet.

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When my twins hit 2.5. I was like never again. Mostly because I might have twins again. If you’re not sure, though, i wouldn’t do the vasectomy.

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Its always sad knowing you are not having anymore. I had a hysterectomy and did not want one as it made that decision for me. I needed it tho and was lucky to have the 2 kids i have but it was still really hard emotionally knowing i was done.

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With the cost of certain things and upgrading certain items i knew i was done at 2. I had my tubes tied and have never been sorry.

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If I’m doubt, keep your options open. You don’t want to close a door you won’t be able to open again x

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I had a tubal after my third child. When I turned 40 I really wanted one more. Thank goodness I couldn’t.

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while I would love more babies after the one I’m having in may, my body physically can’t handle another pregnancy and labor. It wouldn’t be fair to my babies I have to risk my life and a child’s life so we’re done at 3… it’s normal to grieve over it but just remind yourself why it’s necessary to be done

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Due to your complications it’s physically best to stop…youre probably still grieving too in my opinion

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No money. No energy. No space. It wasn’t a hard choice. Maybe sad, but not hard. I’m not gonna be selfish about it. But don’t you think it might be selfish to continue trying for more when you have 3 kids and a husband who need you alive and healthy, and you could potentially leave them, and possibly a newborn, to fend for themselves, and for what?? A biological clock response?
You ever hear of the gift of fostering and adoptions? There are children in desperate need. If I had the money, and the energy, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I just feel like even if it’s a sad choice, it’s not that difficult, but… maybe that’s just me. Idk.

The day after my twins (baby number 5&6 for me) were born I was 100% sure I was 100% done having children.

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Well sorry but if I was your 41 year old husband I would be done… I wouldn’t want to be super old when my kids are still wanting me to run around with them… it comes down to not being selfish

I want another but my fiance doesnt. He says we have enough lol… We do have 5. And the oldest is going to be 18 next year. Maybe i should be done and just wait for grandbabies.


I personally would hold off on your husband getting snipped. Grieve the loss you endured… Then talk about getting snipped or what not. Good luxk

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I knew I was done when the thought of having another baby made me want to throw myself in front of a mac truck. I never grieved not having any more kids, I got a dog.


I get it. And I dont think anyone can truly give you an answer. Because only you know.
I wanted to wait until I was in my 30s for our last. But we had her when I was 25. I absolutely cannot fathom having even half a child more.:joy:
But I still get sad I cant be pregnant or have anymore babies. But my god I dont want another.:joy::joy: xxx


Well if ya guys don’t last and ya meet someone else you can still get pregnant :woman_shrugging:t2:

When my last pregnancy, labor, and delivery literally scarred me for the rest of my life

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I have a 12 year old and 10 year old twins, all boys. I thought I was done, we tried again 6 years ago for another because I really wanted a girl but it didnt happen. Now I am sitting here 34 wks pregnant with my baby girl and though out this whole pregnancy I know I am done so I’m having my tubal cut and tied when I get my csection. You may have to see a therapist or something and really thi I about this decision before it happens just to be sure it’s what’s best for your family and for your mental health. Good luck.

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We made the decision that best suited us… I had the most say… I refused to tell anyone I still don’t think people know and it’s been 2 years now. I cry sometimes, but it was the best decision for us so I’m now getting excited for grandbabies… it maybe a long wait but I’m still excited!!

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Well think about the costs and what you want for your kids. Would you need a bigger car, house, or another job to afford one? Can you manage day care costs for more than two? Do you want them to go to college? Will you be able to save enough for retirement and long term care insurance with more kids?

Would you be able to support the family if something (or someone) happened to your husband and either he couldn’t help you raise the kids or was out of the picture entirely and the financial burden was all on you?

What if you have to move to a more expensive area, possibly away from your support network? Could you afford a house/apartment and upkeep for more children?

What if your husband has to be gone for long stretches for work, can you handle everything by yourself? What happens if you have a special needs child & have to care for her/him the rest of your life and beyond? Expect the best but prepare for the worst.

You can volunteer at a hospital to soothe drug addict,ed babies, teach nursery at your religious institution of choice, volunteer or get employment at a day care center, take in foster babies, babysit for other overwhelmed moms or be a mentor to teen moms. There are ways of getting your “baby fix” without having another one of your own.

Also think of the impact of everyone having more babies on the planet. We are using resources and causing degradation of the earth at an alarming rate.

You may decide you still want more kids, but these are some things to consider also.


I still think it would be nice to have another I have four ages are 16 ,13,9,& 3 and i look after a baby once a week and when I look after her I feel shattered so I know I couldn’t do it all over again which makes me sad sometimes cause I love babies

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I guess in this case I would point out that…
you were fortunate to be able to have your own kids, and if you decide to have more later, there are plenty of beautiful kids who would love to be adopted!


I have 3 kids my fiance has one and we had a Angel baby so that was it. I didn’t want anymore after my late miscarriage 7 years later I still feel the same way

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When my body struggled to have1

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Postpone the vasectomy appointment for now. Sounds like you need more time to consider your options. There’s no harm in waiting as long as you’re using birth control measures.


Why do you need to even do anything about it? Why does anyone need to have surgery to render themselves sterile?

About 5 months into my 1st and only pregnancy. Lol. But seriously- one and done for life!

I’m currently pregnant with my first. It’s been a rough pregnancy and my hubby offered to get snipped after the baby gets here. I do not want to put my body through this again and he knows I’ve had negative reactions to birth control, so he’s offered to get a vasectomy. One is enough for us!

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Maybe hold off till you both know deep down that you’re done. Adoption is always a beautiful journey.

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My partner was referred to have the snip after we had our 5th baby 4boys 1 girl I was a little sad as I’d hoped for another little girl but I was nearly 40 so decided it was time however they sent the referral to the wrong department so it was sent back so in that short time for the re referral I discovered I was pregnant again, my son was only 5 months old and I thought how am I going to do it again but I’m so glad I did cause I got my gorgeous little girl who’s nearly 2 now and 4 days after she was born my partner had the snip, it’s sad but now my adult daughter is due to have a baby in June so it doesn’t end really you get the joys of being a grandma as well :smiling_face:


The way that I think about it is when someone asks me when am I having another and I shrivel at the thought. To be fair I had a bad labour and pregnancy but I’m also suffering post natal depression and I guess the thought of not having all my focus on my daughter really upsets me enough to not want another! This is just personally how I feel but if you’re not 100% sure (like I know I really am) I wouldn’t go through with the vasectomy yet xx

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I went through this when I had a hysterectomy at 35. I had endometriosis so bad and my periods were terrible and so painful. The Birth Control didn’t help at all either. After 8 surgeries for the Endo and after trying all the different birth control options we decided it was best to go that route. The closer it got to surgery time the more reservations I was having. My fiance definitely didn’t want anymore and I didn’t think I did either until it got closer to surgery time. I had 3 miscarriages and I have 3 living daughter’s, and all my pregnancies were horrible and high risk and they all resulted in month long hospital stays, and all 3 were still preterm so those were the reasons I really thought I was done, and then out of nowhere I started to feel like you do now and I know if I were still able to I would try to have more. Idk if it’s just because I know I can’t have anymore that I would like to have another or what. After the hysterectomy I definitely grieved cause I lost th,e favorite p,art of myself, and that was the ability to become a mother. You definitely grieve the loss and think about the what if’s and the Dr said thatwas completely normal for women to go through. It’s a huge loss, and you have so many different emotions.

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I’m 41 now and I have a 2 year old granddaughter and by the end of the day after I’ve had her all day and she has absolutely worn me out I remind myself how tired I would be having to chase a baby all day again lol. I would love it but the older you get the harder it gets lol.

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Good luck with ur decision :pray::pray::pray::pray:


Quit while you are ahead. I think everybody feels a little nostalgic. When Outgrow Outplay comes around in the spring you can make a ton of money selling your baby things and spend that money on the things you need from OGOP/

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You have enough. Think about making them successful in the world. Save for college or trade school for them

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when I was 20 yrs old with a cheating ass husband & that was it. But no GYN would give me a tubal that young, So I had to wait until I was 30 yrs old…best decision I ever made

Hun, you’ve literally just listed the reasons for you to be done with having kids


I have four kids. 10 yo boy, 9 yo boy, 4 yo boy, 2.5 yo girl. When we were pregnant with our last I just knew I was done. And even now as she’s growing I don’t want any more, seeing new babies doesn’t make me want one. I’ve never had any miscarriages, and we are still young, under 30, and also haven’t gone the next step to make anything permanent. So not sure if any of those would make me feel any different about being done

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I’m currently pregnant with my second and last baby my husband and I agree this is our last he has a son from a previous relationship and I also have a son from a previous relationship its took 6 almost 7 years to get pregnant this time three of those years were actively trying (the others were just not exactly completely careful) neither one of us thought it would happen but come June we will welcome our baby girl and I will get my tubes removed because I know I can not handle another pregnancy both my kids love my sciatic nerve

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I knew I was done as soon as I found out I was pregnant with my last. (Number 4) my husband was fine with it. I had my tubes tied right after she was born.

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It’s definitely a hard decision and I think some greif is normal. We have an 11 yr old son, from my husband’s previous marriage who lives with us 50/50, a soon to be 4 year old son together, and are currently pregnant with our daughter who is due any day now; and have decided she will be our last and my husband is planning a vasectomy. I have horrible pregnancies where I am literally sick the entire time so bad I have to get IV fluids. I had a miscarriage before our son at 15 weeks and then another after when he was 2. When we first found out we were pregnant again I was monitored and initially told I would be miscarrying again but thankfully they were wrong and dating was just a bit off. We decided while we were trying to conceive that this would be our last. And as my pregnancy is approaching the end I even find myself now rubbing my belly and saddened that this is the last time I will feel those little kicks. But then our boys get crazy, or maybe I puke for the 4th time that day and am ce,rtain we are done. While we are still young, I am 28 and my husband is 34, My husband also has a fear and doesn’t want to be the old dad. His dad was in his early 50s when he was born and passed away when he was in his early 20s and never got to meet any of his grandkids. He doesn’t want the same.
I would say just talk to your husband and share your feelings and have a conversation about it now before the procedure.

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I knew I was done when I could no longer imagine my life with another child. My body gave out after my third and there was a lot of tears, and I finally had surgery last June, making it official. Even with fully not wanting more children, it’s still hard to pass the baby department. It’s still hard to see other moms talking about baby’s 1st steps. And I dont think that will ever fully go away, but I remind myself that parenthood isnt just cute clothes and joyful milestones…theres a lot of bs too that I didnt like.


We are having a lot things to be done economically for children we have. Starting from school, medical to marriage, properties etc, we have to provide. If girl child even after marriage we need to do so many money consuming rituals need to be done. So we always limit to two children. You know our country is heavily populated and the competetion is so tough in every journos. It was limited to only one child in my parents child bearing ages. Me and my hubby both ended up being only child to our respective families. Just think about people who can’t have even one child due to fertility issues and you will start being thankful. For the children you have you are veru important and to give them all love they deserve you should be so perfectly healthy. Don’t risk yourself and let things go in the right way mama.
I always want three but after my second i did tubal and that would be the best option for my family. There are people who couldn’t due to so many reasons and people who struggle to have ,even one. Spend a lot of time with your kids and be relaxed. Happy parenting mama

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We have one and decided to not have any more. I’m still on the fence of an IUD. My doctor thinks it’s the best option for us insteading of permanent options but I’m not a fan of something inside of me and all the horror stories. I had a D&C last month and am waiting for my period to return to start the pill. If you feel this way you’re probably not ready to do anything permanent. I have a hard time being pregnant and my two year old feels like 10 kids sometimes.


If you’re that upset you’re not ready. But with the difficulties you had maybe think of adoption. Youll still have a baby, without the complications. Youll be able to love a child who otherwise may not have a family :black_heart:

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Honestly, my mother kind of decided for me and I agreed to go along with it, not thinking about it. I had 3 kids by the age of 20. Two boys and one girl. My mother told me that I should get my tubes tied after my daughter was born and I did. A few years later I regretted it and went to a doctor that told me that the way that my tubal was done, it could not be undone and I could only get pregnant via IVF, which is expensive. I became depressed about it for awhile but I eventually got over it and I now see and feel like that was the best thing to do and am happy that I didn’t have anymore.

I have 1 girl, 1 boy. I decided I was done because I have both genders. I got my tubes tied when my son was six weeks old. Sometimes I get sad still, he’s almost 4. I see baby stuff and want it. I miss the excitement and the feeling of being pregnant. But, my heart and bank account knows that there isn’t enough for more kids.

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I’m in the same predicament. My husband had been afraid of getting a vasectomy but now he’s considering it. We have two girls together, 3 and 2 yrs old and I have a 17 yr old. I’m 44, he’s 31. If love to try for a boy but the way my last two pregnancies went I really shouldn’t chance it. My blood pressure was out of control and with my last my placenta stopped working. I was back in the hospital a week after having her with an infection. These two toddlers wear me out, I’m always exhausted and they fight over me and everything constantly. I don’t think I’d have the strength. My husband works a lot so he’s not really home much to help out. It’s definitely the finality of it that holds me back. But I know I’m done with the baby stage and diapers, breastfeeding and formula. I’m ready for these girls to get in school! I was a single mom with my oldest for a long time and I’ve missed having time with her like we used to. I’d like to get back to that some before she goes off to college.

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You can only know. right at this moment I don’t want anymore children. But I already have one

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Listen to your body, you’re sad for a reason…


I have three kids. All girls. Age 9. Age 4. And 17 months. I know in my heart I want one more. (Hoping for that boy :joy:) but after the fourth I know I’m definitely done. I’m young. Only 28 and my fiancé will be 42 in July. Four has been my number for as long as I can remember

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I knew I was done when I found out I was pregnant with my twins, we had 2 toddlers when they were born, and I never even give a single thought to having more. Hubby had the vasectomy before the twins were even born.

Had twins 11yrs after my only child. Nope. I’m done. Removed my tubes