How did you know when you were done having kids?

I knew I was done when I got pregnant with my last 1. I was gonna be 40 just before she was born and she was kid #4 (ages - 22, 16, 11, & 1). Even though I knew I was done, the fact that I was having my tubes removed and it was so final still made me panic a little.

I made the decision to not have anymore kids after I have my twins next month because I was pregnant with twins last year and miscarried and didnt know it was that easy for me to have twins like that and so fast. I’m terrified of getting pregnant again and have another set of twins or triplets. I will have 5 kids so that is plenty for me.

I got my tubes tied after my 2nd…its a regreted choice…and 7,000 for a reversal…so im not gonna have anymore at all lol…but from what ive been told…you just know its the last one

I had wanted a boy but ended up with 3 daughters … So I decided no more … I love my girls and never looked book and then at age 40 my youngest moved out and I gained a beautiful grand daughter then another I am raising both … They are now 8 and 5 … Guess boys weren’t in the cards for me … You all really need to decide together so you don’t have resentment and it hurts the marriage … Best of luck to you both …

After the birth of my 3rd daughter at 31, I was positively sure I was done having babies, so I had my tubes tied. Now at 46 and in the years since, I wish I wouldn’t have.

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I decided after my 4th to get my tubes taken out. I knew that financially 4 kids would be hard, that stretching my attention, time, efforts, etc would be be hard. My youngest is almost 5 months and it’s all easier than I expected but I am happy to stop and just continue to focus on what I’ve got. Sounds like you aren’t done and that’s ok. I think you should talk with your husband and figure out what is best for you, him, and your family as a whole.

TBH I never wanted kids. Never had that urge or desire to be a mom. Not that I don’t like babies or kids, I adore them! I just never had that “OMG I can’t wait to be a mom!” Feeling. I did have my son (ex husband basically told me we either have a baby or he would leave. I was young 21). I wouldn’t trade my son in for anything in this world and if I had to go through all that BS again just to have him I would. But I knew before during and after he would be my one and only. I hated being pregnant and I had a lot of complications during delivery. They thought he was going to be an emergency C-section (wasn’t) then they couldn’t get me to stop bleeding and almost had an emergency hysterectomy. I had to stay in the hospital for 6 days before they would release me. He likes being my only one (he’s 15 now). He has siblings (5) from his dad and step mom. But yeah when you know you know. There is no second guessing. Every once in a while I do find myself saying I wish I would have had one more and it be girl but that is like 30seconds and reality hits and I’m good.

I have one I love him with all my heart and soul he’s 19 years old. I had them when I was 17 now I’m 36. At one point in my 30 early thirties I can’t say I want another one I want another one but God never really blessed me with someone who was willing to have another kid or wanted another kid. But now that I’m 36 and he’s 19 years old the decision I have from my own is why start all over and that’s when I made the decision that I’m done one is okay for me. I think that by you having kids with him that right there just enjoy it because once they’re old enough they’re out the house you have each other to enjoy. You know when you’re done what you and your significant other has to be on the same page.

I have 3 and they are 9,8, and 6 and they’re finally old enough to do things and remember. I would hate to start over

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When I would see other people excited about their pregnancies and I just thought, “WHY ARE YOU HAPPY ABOUT THIS?!?” :joy::joy: My kids mean more than anything to me, but 4 is enough lol

Im still on the fence. I have 1 from a previous marriage, 1 from my husband, and he wants 1 more. Id love to see what a 2nd kid with the same man would look like. And I miss having a baby around the house. But im getting older, im bigger now, last pregnancy was super uncomfortable…and Im liking my sleep…

I was only planning on having two. I had twins. For us it was a financial decision. But even on birth control, I became pregnant a second time. I love all three of my boys. But it was financially difficult. That was 30 some years ago.

My husband and I always wanted a small family. 2 boys to be exact (although we wouldve been happy with girls too!). We dont want to live paycheck to paycheck or have both parents working (personal preference).I’m giving birth to our second boy next week and my husband is getting snipped soon. Couldn’t be happier with just our 2 boys.

I wanted to have atleast 3 kids but my 2 pregnancies were both very rough for me. Had alot of problems and couldn’t see myself going through that again. My first pregnancy both myself and my daughter nearly died due to preeclampsia and my second was still rough but not as bad but just always sick. I felt that I had my girl and boy so I was happy :blush:

I always planned for 4 and i had 2 sets 2 years apart… Theyre 9, 8, 2 and 4 months old… I wanted to tie my tubes after my fourth but for some reason i couldnt bring myself to it… The 4 i have is a LOT of work and i feel like im done… But to make such a finite decision like that… Its hard and one you should be sure about… Talk to your hubby and be sure before you do it… If not you might regret it…

1 and done
She turns 8 this month, we love to travel so much, just her and I all over the world.
She does not want siblings she’s too selfish to share me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and I think I’m the same, I’m super obsessed with only her.

I knew when I didn’t get excited seeing pregnant women any more, when people asked me when was my next kid I would cringe, and I found it super scary to be late for my period lol :grimacing:

I knew I wanted only two no matter the sex was well, my 1st pregnancy I had medical issues and honestly I was not a very nice person pregnant and knew I would have one more and I did but from the beginning I told my ob/gyn that I wanted my tubes tied at the end cause I was not going to want anymore. Still glad to this day I only have two. I love them very much.

When I thought I was pregnant again and I wasn’t happy. All I thought was I’m never going back to work. When the test was negative, I was so relieved. That’s when I knew.

I’m due soon with my 4th & the excitement of never going through pregnancy again, finally clearing out all the baby stuff as this one grows, getting to enjoy me time in a few years, etc were all things that told me I was done & happy with 4.

I honestly felt different. It was like a switch flipped in side me. I just instinctively knew. And I had NEVER felt like that before

Originally, i wanted just 2. A boy & a girl but the girl was being stubborn so i got 4 boys & was done after i got what i wsnted. But tbh honest, i enjoyed each every single one of my pregnancies & my kids hsve been super easy so i wanted to change my mind & gamble for another girl but it was too risky (they were all c sections) i was high risk because of anemia & doctor had already begged me not to gave anymore after #3.:upside_down_face:

One and done.
Wasband only agreed to one, and I was fine with that.
After kicking out his narcissistic, abusive ass, I remain content.
I could not afford to provide the lifestyle, not to mention the attention/ attachment, I desire to more than the one.

I have 5 children. I feel like I am done, but I could never make a permanent decision. I know my husband would also never go that route himself.

When I had my third one with my first husband I thought I was done. 27 and the easiest pregnancy. My older two were in school. Everything just seemed to fit. But when it came to having my tubes tied after he was born I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I didn’t want anymore kids but I could not find it in my heart to go through with it. When my son turned one my husband left me. I moved on and met the man of my dreams and when he told me he loved my kids like his very own but wanted to experience having his own child I finally understood why my heart stopped me all those years before. Don’t rush into anything. Your heart will lead you down the right path. Take birth control until you figure it out.

Hubby on my wanted 1, I have always wanted at least 2-3. We had our first girl in 98, then baby fever hit and had our second girl in 2006, he said we were done. I really wanted a boy and baby fever hit again, had our boy in 2014. With all the complications I had during that pregnancy and him about killing us both ( uterus was about to rupture ) I knew I was done and had my tubes tied. Well hubby has baby fever and it ain’t gonna happen lol.

When I was pregnant with my 3rd I was actually upset. I love all 3 of my kids but I felt so overwhelmed I decided that she was my last. I ended up having a bilateral salpingectomy (my tubes removed) and I have been extremely happy with my decision

We both want more but we know it will be hard for us financially and that we don’t have the space either

Lost 3, then was blessed with my rainbow baby boy almost 5 years ago. Always said it would be nice if I ever had another that he was in school. My daughter was born last year on his first day of JK. Lol. I’m 42 now and I’m so very done. When I met them, I knew they were the souls I was meant to co-create with. :purple_heart::purple_heart:

I just felt it and knew my limits personally. I was going to have 2 no matter the sex. My husband wanted more but I felt it in my bones I couldn’t give as much to more. Being the oldest of 5, I rarely got time with my parents

I have 4… before the 4th came into the picture I was fighting to get my tubes tied but my dr wouldn’t schedule it thennnnnn my 4th precious little cherub came into the picture and he completed us! It was like a higher power was keeping me from tying my tubes just so I could have him but for me 4 is enough financially it’s expensive 4 holidays, 4 birthdays, 4 college tuitions ect ect lol, mentally I couldn’t handle anymore physically my body says nope my poor vag has had enough :joy:

Age, pregnancy depression/anxiety ( I won’t elaborate, but I literally almost died)
I have girl/boy, had tubes tied at 39 after second csection. I’m so tired, being 42 with a three year old is no joke. I had my daughter at 30.

We had two girls and had decided not to have anymore but we were watching my great niece just about everyday so we figured why not have one more but I had decided if I wasn’t pregnant by 32 I wasn’t going to have another one I got pregnant just before my 32 Nd birthday and it was a boy so I’m glad I had the third but I was done my husband offered to have a vasectomy I told him to go ahead

I knew i was done having kids when we started distant learning on Monday.

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I wasn’t married to my youngest dad when she was born since he was my 3rd baby daddy I said to myself that I didn’t want anymore baby daddies if things didn’t work out between us so I tied my tubes we married now

I knew I was done after my second one they are 18 mths apart and I was upset that they wouldnt fix cause I wasnt 23🤦‍♀️

Im pregnant with my 3rd, and while 3 was the plan, im on the fence about a fourth… im having a c section so i was going to be getting my tubes tied when i had this one, but i dont want to lose the possibility of a fourth so we decided to wait. Vasectomies can be reversed, but if you are at all wanting to still have the option to decide to have another one then you should talk with him and postpone it. Go on birthcontrol for a bit, better to have it done a year later than to have to have it reversed. Waiting to have it done doesnt mean having a 4th kid, it means having the possibility of it if you decide you want that.

I knew i only wanted 2. I have a 4 year old daughter and just had twin boys in June. I got a bonus kid lol. I knew i was going to need a c-section since I had complications with my first pregnancy and I heard that it was much easier to get your tubes tied during a c-section since they are already in there so it was a no brainer for me. But my partner and I had a serious discussion about it before they were born and my husband is ok with me being done as he wanted 2 kids as well.

I knew that I didn’t want to have more kids after my second son they both had me in bed rest and I had morning sickness the entire pregnancy I didn’t want to put my body through that again all together we have three 2 boys and 1 girl from my husband previous relationship my husband got a vasectomy after I had my second son

I thought I was done when I was pregnant with my third. We decided my husband would have a vasectomy after he was born. Then my 3rd was born and I just knew I wasn’t done. I talked with my husband and we decided we would talk about it more at a later date. I’m 28 and would like to be done having kids when I’m 30-31 so I guess we’ll see what happens🤷🏻‍♀️ but at least we know it’s a possibility and he agreed to hold off on getting snipped

I have 4 and I am done tubes are tied however 3 is a perfect number too and I just like the part no longer tired! I never sleep no matter the age. 16 trying to smoke pot on my porch all night or the 20 year old calling me from a friends house drunk. If you want another baby u should speak up now

With my second I was tired but still ooed and awwwwed over babies and wanted more. Now after having my third seeing a baby isn’t remotely exciting lol. I snuggle them for a bit then happily hand them back and feel relieved that my youngest is potty trained.

As soon as I found out there were Two babies inside me not one, at 13 weeks. Scheduled a repeat csection and destroyed those tubes!

i was done the very second the first real contraction hit in the birth of my daughter. 19 years ago. :joy:

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I was being abused and didn’t want anymore children to see hear or feel my pain. I was so happy to get the implant

As someone who has struggled with fertility, be grateful that you have a family.
Some of us are trying like crazy for one.

I thought I was done after 3, I was content. Then I got a '“surprise!” Positive pregnancy test only 2 weeks before my 30th birthday. After his arrival, I knew my family was complete. I never had second thoughts about my hysterectomy and I’m still a content with my hysterectomy. Before him, I had doubts.

I started having kids later in life. I was 35 with my first, a boy. I thought we were a one and done family but then at 40 yrs old I got pregnant with my daughter. I was just shy of 41 when she was born. I knew I was done but it took me 6 months to get my tubes removed. I don’t know why I hesitated because I was absolutely certain that I was done due to my age. I have no regrets. Now I am 44 with a 3 yr old and an 8 yr old.

I know it’s expensive raising kids today and my age, I have 2 sons and enough for me and yes I don’t regret not having a girl, I have been asked that many times.

You have no doubt that your done. I have 4 kids and I didn’t truly feel that way till my last.

I have an almost 8 year old from a precious relationship and a 2 month old with my husband, we agreed we want one more in 3 or 4 years, my husband just turned 29 and I’ll be 27 next week. I’ll be 30-31 when we have our next one and then we’re done. We’re both getting “fixed” I’ve always wanted only 2 children, but we want to try one more time for a boy!

I only have enough patience for my two…that’s how I knew I was DONE!!!

I knew I was done after 3 by 30… got my tubes tied during my last csection. I was wrong, been having baby fever for the last 5 years. We practice all the time and hope I’m one of the few that gets prego after the procedure.

Daycare cost and sports cost. Just too expensive with hoth parents having to work.

3 under 3 did it for me, plus at the time my husband was the only one working and we were barely making it.

I started a family kind of later. Had my girls when I was 27, 30, 33 and 36. I knew four was enough when I thought about being pregnant at 39.

We just had our fourth two weeks ago. I think if it’s something you’re questioning and having doubts about that it’s best to wait on any permanent decisions.

Delivered my third and last at age 40. Emergency c section 6 weeks early. 4 lbs 6 ozs. Then baby in NICU 30 days. I was finished. My girls are now 31, 28 and 15 and I’m 55 this year. I’ll be 58 when #3 finishes high school and 62 when she finishes college. :roll_eyes:

We only ever wanted 2. After we had our 2nd daughter, hubby got a vasectomy. No regrets!

I got preeclampsia with both of my kids and in turn it severely damaged my kidneys. I’m now 26 and have stage 3 chronic kidney disease. The doctor said I could have more children but I would have a very high chance of killing off the rest of my kidneys and end up on dialysis. So I’m choosing to not have anymore. For my health. If I was healthy I would probably have one more.

I got pregnant with my last baby and I already had my two boys 3&2 and my last baby was going to be my last. And I told my husband my baby was going to be our last. So after she was born I had my tubes cut burned and tied so I couldn’t get pregnant by him .

I knew I was done while pregnant with my 3rd I had her at 30, and I knew I didn’t want to be raising anymore baby after that age. Between me and my bf we have 5 kids lol

Well I was 35 when I had my first and only and decided that was it. I didn’t want to be pregnant again. I got my tubes tied a month after having him.

I had 4. I had my tubes tied due to a c-section emergency issue. I would have had more. My brother has 4 and I get them with my 4 all the time lol.

4 just felt right, I think that’s how you know , your family just feels complete then you’re done

I only wanted two god gave me one of each so when my daughter was born I got them tied i was 23 now looking back kinda wish I had not so young

I knew I was done after a 3 day labor with my son that I didn’t want anymore, I almost died after I lost more blood then they wanted me to.

We know we were done when I had a close call with our last one. We wanted 4, but only got 3. We’ll take that if it means I’m around for them.

my whole life i only wanted 2 kids…no more no less. i had 2 beautiful daughters . my ex boyfriend got mad at me cuz i wouldnt have any kids with him i said its my choice. and i actually made the father of my 2 daughters get a vasectomy. he wasnt gona do it but i said yes you are and i dialed the number and said my husband(now ex) wants to make a appointment for a vasectomy and then shoved the phone in his face. i drove him up to the clinic and waited til they took him back. and he got it done.

I wanted 3 but will be done with 2 instead. I had hard pregnancies with complications with both. With my youngest they were loosing his heartbeat. After talking with my bf we said we were done and happy with two

If you are not sure, I would wait. I decided after my 5th that I was done because I felt like I was getting too old to have anymore. I had my 1st at 20, 2nd and 3rd at 24, 4th at 34 and 5th at 36.

I stopped having kids when I knew my youngest was going to be special needs because I knew I was going to have alot on my plate!

When they said you have to be on blood thinners twice a day everyday until the baby is 6 weeks old. I said you got the wrong one.

You’ll just know! I had my first at 17.Adopted my second at 21. Had my third at 26. Signed papers for a tubal at my 6wk check up. Haven’t regretted it at all.

I have 0 with my husband. He is the light of my life…but I have 2 girls. Top 3 factors were

  1. 3 girls…nope no no no no. Not chancing it
  2. Do I want to start over…girls are 11 and 16
  3. Do I want to not work and care for a baby again?

I feel like when you know, you know. I know that sounds cliché. I was one the fence after our 3rd was born. But I now know without a doubt, I am done. I want to hold all the babies, but carry none in my body.

When the doctors got me stable again after having my only child and they told me having another could kill me.

I literally felt it in my heart. I had a feeling of being a completed family. It was a wonderful feeling. I have 3 babies. 13, 11, & 4. Two boys and a baby girl.

Every time I got pregnant, someone close to me or the father died. And as I got older with each of my 3 pregnancies, each time was harder on me and the baby. I consider myself lucky to have had a healthy baby girl and a healthy baby boy. I decided I was gna count my blessings and not kill anymore people! Lol!

Personally for me it was the doctor telling me that with all the complication i had with our last baby(now almost 3 years old), that if i had another pregnancy it could kill me and the baby

I have a 12 year old a 3 year old and a 4 month old. After the 2nd we said we were done. When she was about 2 we started discussing him getting a vecectomy and we decided we would try for one more so they wouldn’t be so spread out like first 2. We said we would try for 1 year and if I got pregnant I would get tubal with c section and if not he would get his. Well 5 weeks off birth control i was pregnant. Factors for us was our age him 39 and me 34. Another was our hectic schedule. We both work 50 plus hours a week. Another was cost of daycare. 2 in daycare is basically half my check so another one would be too much. I basically work for insurance, savings, 401k, and daycare. Also we have 4 bedrooms so we all have our own space lol. And my poor body just can’t do that again. My husband said if we were rich we would have 10 haha no. He worries about the world now days though too. And he was like that 3 years ago before 2020 so yeah.

I was 22 my husband had 2 girls when we got together we had 2 more girls four was enough for us.

I just had my 3rd baby , my first 2 are 10 and 8 and from a previous relationship, dr asked if i wanted my tubes tied, im 31, he’s 43, ya never know I could have one more lol

My body told me… each one of my pregnancies (6) got progressively worse. So I let my body make the decision

Don’t do anything permanent unless you are sure!

I wanted 3 kids forever since I was like 7 yrs old. Then I met my husband, we had our son and we didn’t have the best setup with jobs etc. So it was tough, still wanted 3 kids. My husband and I changed jobs, things got semi easier financially but our son was diagnosed with a social disability. He didnt speak well, didnt like crowds, new people and I devoted a lot of my time trying to up his motor skills etc. The he got into pre-K, God bless those teachers!!! Cuz he did a full 180 from where he was. Then 2 month after pre-k started I was pregnant… I never thought about it before then but I realized how much time I needed/wanted my children to have with me. If I had a 3rd child the thought of my kids suffering mentally/emotionally because “I had this childhood dream!” Hell no, so that’s when I sat my husband down (it was heated, because he wanted 3 too) but we finally agreed our kids need us more than we need to full fill some thought we had throughout childhood.
Everyone is different though, if you feel it in your heart/soul/gut that you will have another go with that feeling.

I wanted 4, but after 2, I had my tubes tied. I woke up after surgery thinking they hadn’t done it yet. I thought good, maybe I want one more…until I moved and felt the pain. I snapped out of it and thought oh well that’s too late. Been fine with it for 44 years. It’s your choice. Babies are great. Especially grandchildren.

I have 4 kiddos. I was done after 3 but I got pregnant again so quick (under a year apart). By the time I had the 4th I knew I couldn’t handle any more. I had been pregnant basically for 5 years straight and my body felt down. My kids now are 4,5,6, and 8. Their father and I are divorced and I’m in a new relationship. I’m still happy with my choice as my boyfriend has 2 kids of his own. I think when you know, you know.

I’m pregnant now with my 4th and am having my tubes tied. I’ve already talked to my doctor about it.

When my hair started falling out and turning gray

I always wanted 5 i had a miscarriage at 17 then between 20-29 I had 4 girls. I always felt like I wasn’t complete I needed to replace my miscarried baby and never got pregnant again I’m 44 now and going to be a grandmother so my days are over plus I always have my nieces here they are 8,3&1 and after awhile I need a break.

After my 4th, I just had a feeling, I felt complete. After my 3rd, 2 weeks after We had her, I told my husband that I wanted another

My husband decided we’re done at 2 but we’ll see :slight_smile:

I only wanted 2 , I wanted 2 sons I got them and that was it . Never wanted any more . They are 3 years and 10 days apart both being born in August .

3 and we’re done. Hubby was done at 2 lol.
If you think it’s too soon then give it a year and see how you feel.

This should be between you and your husband. Can you afford another child and still live in the lifestyle you are accustomed? Are you and your husband both committed to another child?

I new I was done win my first and last came out at 1 pound 10 ounces!

When I found out I was having twins i said absolutely no more had my tubes tied 1hr after they were born

I knew when I was able to hold a baby, give it back to it’s momma and nit want one🙃

Well , it just stopped at the age of 28 after 6children…started 19 and ended at 28…