How did you know when you were done having kids?

my doctor said if I had another the baby and I would die . otherwise wanted another one I have 3

My tubes have been tied for eight years and I still secretly wish to get pregnant some days. :joy::joy::joy:

2 days after my almost 6yr old was born and my husband watched me dying he went 2 days after that and had a vasectomy and just last year I started hemorrhaging again and had to have a hysterectomy

Literally dancing around the house as I packed up the baby clothes, strollers, car seats…etc that my youngest had outgrown. I have three :raised_hands:

When I started menopause. I had babies at 42 and 43 and I would have kept having kids until my body said no more

We juat had our first 6 weeks ago. He was a boy. And we’ve agreed to essentially get pregnant until we have a girl

Can you truly afford another? Especially the way things are today?

The twins did me in!! It also now means we have 4 children.

I think I knew after I had my second. Both my kids were c-section, and I was given the option to tie my tubes at the time of surgery. I chose not to have it done because I didn’t want to limit my options if I did choose to have another. Over time, I realized I would prefer not to have another, though if we had a surprise I would welcome a third. I’m still capable, but we’re not actively trying and we take precautions.

I only wanted 2 and I had the boys with my 1st (I call him sperm donor), but then I met my husband and he didn’t have any. So now I have 5!! 2 boys and 3 girls. So that’s how I knew I didn’t want anymore…they drive me crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but I love them so much and would do it all over again. :heart:

When I realized I would be 51 when the youngest I have now turns 18… :rofl:

I have 3 girls I still get serious baby fever from time to time :weary: especially with a few friends having babies less than a year ago my youngest is currently 2 but I have a prolapsed uterus that makes sex uncomfortable and unappealing most of the time even after a surgery to remove scarring to alleviate symptoms 6/7 months later everything’s back to being bleh and it has me wanting to remove everything so I don’t have to deal with any of it anymore because birth control sucks :joy: but at the same time that baby fever got me wanting another baby so bad lol (my mom had 5 kids and my dad had 9 all together) i do agree with everyone else though you’ll know when you’re done :joy:

Why do you have to decide right now?

When i was pregnant with my twins (numbers 4 and 5)

I think you have to really look in your heart. All my childhood and teen years, I knew being a mom was what I wanted. I always saw myself having a few kids. When I was 18, I had my daughter. Divorced after a year, he gave up parental rights. I have been a single mom, 100% in every way, always. (She was 6 weeks old when I finally left). I remarried, just to divorce again (an abusive man). I gave up on having more child by the age of 23. Divorced twice, who would want this? It was okay, I came to terms with it, I at least had my daughter.
Fast forward to me being 30. I meet this guy. We became friends fast. Neither of us had been with the right ppl. We both wanted the same things in life. We were best friends. Then it ended up that there was something more there.
I am now happily living my life, with my husband. I’m 32, he is 42. Between us we have a 20 year old, 15 year old, and my daughter is almost 14. And we are due February 1, 2021. Neither of us thought more kids were in our future. The ppl we were with hadn’t wanted more children. But here we are.
Pray on it. Know your heart.
And for the record, I’m in this world bc my father got his vasectomy (that he had done during his second marriage) reversed so my mom (his third marriage, her first) could have a child.

I’m 36 and pregnant with my 3rd and I’m done.

So you and your husband don’t want a child together?

Day I found out I was having twins.

Aren’t vasectomies reversible?

I have two, one girl and one boy. My daughter is 7 and my son is 1. My son has been such a easy baby that I want one more. But that also depends on god. I’d definitely love one more but I’m also happy if I just have my 2. Whatever will be will be

Have as many as you can take care of. Financially and emotionally.

I do good with my three and I praise women who have the patient to have anymore y’all are the real MVP

No clue. Still not sure if I’m done

I would love a 4th… Only if it’s 100% a girl. Lol.

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My health told me. I’m currently 32 weeks with my 4th and he needs to come early. But there’s been alot of issues. That’s how I knew.

I knew at 16 i didnt want kids even tried2get fixed n dr wouldnt let me n im now 35 n still dont want kids n been married 10yrs so i see it as u have2tlk2ur husband n have a deep conversation

My husband and I have 4 girls altogether. 2 are from my first marriage, 1 from his first marriage, and 1 together. When I first found out we were having a girl, I said we should try for a boy. Just one more. I have a previous history of blood clots/DVT, so at 10 weeks I was diagnosed with clots in my calf, and put on Lovanox injections twice a day for the remainder of the pregnancy. Not ideal, very painful, but by the midway point I was still on the “let’s try for a boy” pathway. Then from about 6 months on, I could barely walk, my pelvic floor was pretty much non existent. At 37, I had to just suck it up, if I got pregnant again, it would be automatic Lovanox injections and it would be too risky. So I got my tubes tied. Honestly, she’s 1 now, and I’m exhausted. Too exhausted at 38 to think of having one more lol.

It can be to doctor about it

Just ask him if he’s sure he’s done and leave it to him tell him you aren’t sure if you want to be done yet.

Im in my 40s now veey sad to think i cant have another baby . I have 3 . But im done now.

When God didn’t bless me with anymore after one

Money. And when ur in ur late 30s and your youngest child is 7 and you convince yourself you REALLY don’t wanna start all over again lol

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I’m a single parent. One was enough!

I wasn’t given a choice.

I wanted 5. I have 2. I don’t feel like I would ever be done lol

When the one I have started running and stopped napping :joy:

I wanted 2 originally one of each. But I had my oldest very young… so when I was having my second I knew I wanted two close together. I was pregnant with my 2nd and it was a boy once again. I always wanted a girl since I was pregnant with my 1st. So 2 boys and I’m pregnant with my 3rd. I really didn’t want more than 3. But I might have risked a 4th if I had all boys. I found out i was having my girl and felt done. When I finally had her in my arms with her two older brother by her side. I just felt complete. They are now 14, 9, and 7. I’m happy with my decision because I can barely afford them alone now that I raise them by myself. I’m happy to have my 3.

My daughter is 17 with my ex. I always wanted more but struggled raising 1 on my own. I made a promise if I didn’t have another by 35 * I was done. I looked into fertility ( bc I gave up on dating yrs ago) I did my testing and was ready to go. I met my now husband" who has 2 older daughter’s and was already fixed", he checked on a reversal and we decided on IVF. He jumped and wanted a boy! We did genetic testing and we have a soon to be 14 month old and I’m 7 months pregnant now! I had my daughter at 21 yrs old and it was much easier when I was younger. I’m having a hard time with this pregnancy so this will probably be our last. We were gonna transfer a girl end of next yr but I don’t think my body can take anymore. 3 C-sections will be enough

the procedure is reversible…

Money for college, Vacations, my health and cars for them

Your baby is a few months old. You will still be tired for years.

I had 5. My children range from 18 to 41. My last two were 13 months apart. I didn’t sleep for 3 years. I knew then that I was done.

I Had my first in 1989 my second in 1998 and my third in 2011 When I was 43 lol need I say more :woman_shrugging:t2:

When you look down and say “what the fu*k was I thinking “

I decided after I had my first baby at 16 I didn’t want anymore due to me being so young I went on the depo shot and got pregnant 4 more times I had a tubal the same day I delivered my youngest son.

We have six. My body and I knew I was done

When my husband had a vasectomy :sob:

Have you raised one??? Lmao :joy: no advice needed :joy::joy::joy:

When I got divorced at 33​:joy::woman_shrugging:t2:

You answered your own ?. Wait till your sure.

I’d say you’re not done then! We had baby #3 in Feb and my husband had his vasectomy 2 weeks ago. I can honestly say I felt and feel nothing but excitement knowing were done and done for good :slight_smile: The thought of another isn’t even a question. It’s a straight up HELL NO!!! :joy::joy::joy: Let’s hope it worked :crossed_fingers:


The backseat was full so I stopped at 3.:woman_shrugging:t5:

Easy…can you afford another ?

Sadly I got cancer and had to have a hysterectomy so the choice was not really mine but I have two boys and a girl so I’m very happy

Ever since I was young I dreamt of having 4 kids. I said I’d “settle” for 3 IF we had custody of my husbands daughter making number 4.
We almost broke up in our first year together because as adament that I wanted 4 kids total, he was adament that he wanted 3. And I never wanted to continue a relationship with someone that I did not see a future with.
Fast forward. We had sole custody of his daughter until I adopted her. (#1)
Had our son (#2) I loved being pregnant delivery was rough but everything turned out okay. I also always wanted my kids 2 years apart, the day he went from NB clothes to 0-3 months was the day i got baby fever and 2 years 2 weeks and a few days later we welcomes out other son (#3) to our family. I loved being pregnant. The entire time I STILL said “he thinks we’re done, i think he’s funny”…he was ready for a vasectomy right then and there but i wasn’t. I insisted he wait until it was a joint decision. You dont get to decide anything permanent like that alone… you can do anything to prevent getting me pregnant but nothing permanent. i figured I’d eventually talk him in to it… delivery was a piece of cake. UNTIL I ended up with nerve damage from the epidural. A prolapse bladder, that I could not feel at all. I could not urinate without standing on my head … think twerking over the toilet… My sutures opened up. And I had a massive wound. And as I laid on the bathroom floor crying … looking at my husband who watched me helplessly. I said, “in a few weeks when I forget all this and start asking for another baby remind me of this moment right now”… i didn’t forget. Ended up late one month, felt sick, test was negative and got my period shortly after… on my way home from work i called and made him an appointment with urology for his vasectomy consult. :no_good_woman:t3: as I sat at urban air holding my baby with my older two playing with my husband I knew I was ready to be enjoying times with them and making memories WITH them. As we now have 3 in catholic school. 1 whos braces were just paid off. Wanting to move… it was the right decision financially as well as emotionally. But ill love him forever for always letting it be a joint decision.

Oh and mom advice twist… 6 mothe after #3… we got contacted by a young girl claiming my husband was her father. Soooo theres number 4… :rofl: i can laugh about it now, were well adjusted to the situation (yes dna confirmed).

In today’s world? NOW.

God decided for me after one live birth and 9 miscarriages and secondary infertility :woman_facepalming:t2:

No baby fever!
I like my Space and couldn’t see myself not having me time anymore.
When you’re done like me you’re done it’s not a question. If you’re second guessing it you may not be ready to say I’m done👌

When my boyfriend and I tried for a year and it didn’t happen. I have two from previous marriages, 16 and 10, both girls. He doesn’t have any so her really wanted one of his own and I had intense baby fever for a few years. We were never careful for the first 2 years of our relationship and then actually tried for about a year. When it didn’t happen I had the dr do a work up. Everything looks like it works fine, just wasn’t in the cards. He’s 41, I’m 36 and both my pregnancies were high risk so after going over all the risks with my doctor we decided 2 was enough. I got an IUD because I couldn’t take time off for a tubal and he still thinks we could change our mind some day. But honestly we just went on a white water rafting trip with the girls and we love to travel. Can’t really do that with a baby. I’m enjoying life with kids who completely self sufficient. I never need to find a babysitter, they make their own food, do their own laundry… why would I want to go backwards.

No one ever wants to be finished with :baby:
That’s why there are Grand-babies

Easy to afford them as infants-toddlers however you have to factor in Education , Medical , Summer Camps , Extra for their Hobbies, etc. In addition spare time for you & Hubby relationship.

Sometimes as a nurse seeing the birth defects that can happen which cause a whole new hardship in a family. Never take a heathy baby for granted.

I had a stillborn with my 4th child. During his delivery I started to hemorrhage and needed an emergency hysterectomy…maybe because the choice was taken away from my husband and I but I would do anything for another child. That being said…If you have any doubts don’t pick something so permanent. You can always get an IUD or the shot. That’s just my opinion and either choice you make I wish you all the best!

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That’s something you and him have to decide together. He may be done and have zero desire to even discuss another, you may not, which means one of you is going to compromising. And for some it’s unfortunately something they may never be sure about. You were all for no more until the realization really hit you that it was going to happen… it’s a hard decision for some.

My husband got a vasectomy when our third child was 2, i was on the fence about it, but now, my son is 8 and I have baby fever soooo bad! I pray his vasectomy fails every month and I’m devastated when flo shows up… i resent my husband now. I say wait!

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I knew I didn’t want to spend my whole life raising kids. They are expensive and the more you have the less time each gets individual time or help. I always feel like my heads spins when they all come st me. It’s like a revolving door one goes out another comes in… I have 5

I knew after my 2nd, mine are 17mos apart and after I had my 2nd by c-section I decided to have my tubes tied while they were in there. The doctor didn’t want to do it because I was only 23 but ultimately they did my kids are 21 and almost 20 now and I’ve never regretted my decision!

8 pregnancies - 4 miscarriages n 4 c-sections. Doc “jokingly said I didn’t have a zipper down there” n suggested I think about whether or not I wanted more kids. Easier to tie tubes while open for c-section. I had bigger babies (8lb 15oz, 9lbs 2.5oz, 9lbs 4oz n 11lbs 10oz) n he was worried about rupturing. We though hard about it during last trimester n signed paperwork week before I delivered. Best decision for us n our family.

My doctor, husband, and mom pretty much told me I had to stop after my 4th. I have a heart condition that could put me in risk or pass on to the child. My pregnancies were all very healthy with no complications until the last. I ended up getting gestational diabetes a month before I had my daughter. I have always regretted and felt forced. But now that my youngest is almost six and I’m 38 I don’t think I could handle more. I say now that I was to old when I had her and can’t keep up. She starts kindergarten this year, so it will be different having no kids at home. I have been a sahm for 12 years now.

Im having my 5th in 3 weeks or less. Our honda pilot is full, laundry baskets never stop overflowing, everybody is always hungry, I’m on zoloft, and we cant financially support anymore.

Best thing about it though is that I’m 24, and by the time im 30 im gonna be doing alright alright alright. :joy:


This is the struggle we currently are facing. I want 3 my hubby is super anti 3 he’s happy with our two . I had a false positive pregnancy test and was crushed to find out i wasn’t pregnant where my husband was thrilled . We currently have two girls 3&5 I would love one more and then my tubes tied he doesn’t want another due to our oldest has challenges still not diagnosed he also feels it’s taking love and attention away from our girls. At this point I dropped the subject with him because it’s just causes a big fight and I don’t think it’s one I can win big emotional bummer

My husband and I have 4 boys. His, mine, and ours. When I got pregnant with our first one together, we decided that we would have 1 more and be done, that made 4. My doctor tried her best to talk me out of having my tubes tied because we didn’t have any girls. I was 25 and stubborn. I wish I wouldn’t have done it. My boys are now 22, 18, 16, and 14 and I would have liked to have had another one.

It’s reversible at least and cheaper to have him do it than you.
We knew we were done because of my age.
1st pregnancy at 36. Miscarried. 2nd pregnancy had day before I turned 38. 3rd and 4th pregnancies, miscarried. I believe I was 42, i don’t remember. About a year later I didn’t get pregnant again and then I was afraid to, too old I would have lost my wits completely! So, i got an IUD.

I thought I always wanted a daughter… my boys are 7.5 and 4. I could have another but I don’t really want to be pregnant again, go through labor and the baby stage… plus I feel like 3.5 years is a big difference. My grandma had 7 kids and my mom had 3. Some can manage better than others :joy:

My husband and I were set on just 2 kids. Our oldest is 10, we had a late term miscarriage when he was 17 months old at 37.5 weeks, our younger son is 6, I was on bed rest the last half of my pregnancy with him due to a car accident and preterm labor. he was delivered at 37 weeks to avoid the same complications as before and ended up in the NICU in a children’s hospital 6 hours from home for a month. Last year we started talking about my husband getting a vasectomy, the boys were both in school, fairly independent, and we didn’t want to risk any issues like we’d already gone through… then we found out I was pregnant with our youngest. After 3 boys and all the complications we’d gone through, we finally got our healthy baby girl. No more for us.

I always wanted 2 or 3. I was lucky and had one daughter. I had infertility issues and it took a while to conceive. I was pregnant at 35 and gave birth 6 days after I turned 36. Tough pregnancy due to high blood pressure. Was on bed rest 2 months and then induced because my BP went out of control. My now ex-husband did not want anymore (he had 2 sons from a previous marriage & didn’t want to worry like he did with my pregnancy. I’m sad I didn’t have more but only because my now 18 yr d daughter wishes I would have had one more. I’m still very blessed by her!

I was 23 when I had my 1st born; a girl. The relationship with her father was toxic from the start but I kept going hoping things would get better. Then when she was almost 3, I found out I was pregnant again by him. It was hard. I had just lost my job a month prior, my daughter and I were living with my mom in a 1 bedroom appt, basically in hiding bc her landlord was an ahole, all while the father was living his best life. Abortion was an option I will not lie but coming from a 1 child household, that was not something I wanted for my daughter. I prayed a lot. Had countless conversations with God. Since he is the ruler of my life, knows all my moves, I said to him, "If you give me a son, that means that is all I am meant to have. That is all I will be able to handle mentally, economically, and spiritually. I am not meant to bare another child for this man. My son will be here to protect his sister and I. " And at my 12 weeks ultrasound, it was confirmed he was a boy. At that moment I was done. Since I scheduled for a routine C-section, my Dr asked me (without me mentioning it) if I wanted to do it. I was only 26 having a 2nd child. That was another confirmation for me that it had to be done. I did ask my Dr to give me a min to think and tbh Idk for what LOL I signed the papers and it was final. No lie the day of the delivery I asked ALL hospital personnel that walked in my room if I had the tubal. Not bc I regretted it but bc I needed to make sure. I even asked my son’s pediatrician :joy: I am content with my decision. I tend to be an overthinker and think too far into the future. I knew then as I know now that 2 kids is all I can handle. I do get nostalgic and get the baby fever but only bc they’re so cute!! I couldn’t see my life even as a little girl with more than 2 kids. I manifested it growing up; 1 boy 1 girl and that is it. It is a very hard decision. I congratulate the women that can have many. It takes a lot but that doesn’t make them more of a mother than me. I just know my body, understand my struggles.

Im a csection mom. All my kids were born via csection. After we had our 3rd we decided we’d have 1 more and be done.

I just had our 4th child 2 months ago today. I have 3 boys and finally got my girl. I’m done and feel like our family is complete.

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I’m pregnant with #4 and it’s my 6th pregnancy… I’m 35 soon to be 36 and my health has never been this bad during pregnancy … I just know that my body doesnt need to have any more after this so I’m done.

After 2 and I never got a girl. Plus I nearly died so yeah

I wanted 2 kids ideal boy/girl… girl came and 15 yrs later (some help from Dr) boy came… SURPRISE 11 months exactly later B/G twins came… I KNEW I was DONE!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

We always wanted 3, we had a daughter then a son. We decided that when i was pregnant with the second if it was a boy we would b done. My son was 2 and I felt incomplete. I felt like I was still waiting for something in my life. Something was missing, like when u leave ur house and u swear u forgot something at home. I constantly had that feeling. I finally realized I wasn’t done being a mom, so I talked with my husband and we were in a good place financially even with me being home full time. So we decided to go for it and just not b safe during intercourse and if we got pregnant we got pregnant. If it’s meant to b it’s meant to b. A month later we were pregnant. I’m currently 37 weeks along with another baby girl and super ready and prepared for her to b here any day now! Now I feel like this is it, this is the rest of our lives! We r for sure done after she is born! My husband is getting a vasectomy.

I don’t know. For me I was never ready to be done but I just knew that I needed to stop. Health wise I knew four was enough.

You just know!

I knew after my 3rd I wasn’t officially done, but wanted to give my body a break as had 2nd and 3rd close together, 4years on I had my 4th baby.

We looked at what we could afford and still be able to provide the kids with everything they wanted and needed and to make sure we could save steadily for our own retirement

For us its a factor of age and health. Were both late 30s and hes had alot of health issues lately. Ones that will b with him for life. And he doesnt want to burden me with all the responsibilities if hes not physically able to help

My husband and I always said 3 kids was the max. Right now we have 2 beautiful daughters and both pregnancys were normal but I have always said 1 more and were done.

I know if I have more I’ll go crazy lol but really I just feel complete… we have 4… I was done at 3. Happy that we had this last little guy but I couldn’t handle more kids.

I knew before I had my daughter that I wanted four. I knew without doubt one was all I could afford. I only have one

When my daughter was 2 years old and still not sleeping well or on her own I said “I’m not doing this again!”

After number 3 I didnt want anymore. So I had my tubes clamped n still ended up pregnant with number 4. And he is my last I had my tubes completely removed. All boys 5, 3, 2, & 6 month’s

I had 2 children…then 12 yrs later when I was 35 had another child. I was done had my tube tied.

I believe my body kinda decided for me. My pregnancy with my youngest was a rough one. I almost lost her at 9 weeks due to her placenta starting to detach for some reason, I was put on what I called “all but bed rest” until I was 18weeks, then very light duty until I was 28 weeks. I was sick ALL of the time and anemic (Didn’t have ANY problems whatsoever with my other 2 pregnancies) then after I had her we weren’t careful and I ended up pregnant again very soon after (they would’ve been 10 months apart) Unfortunately I lost the baby :broken_heart: and I couldn’t help but to take it as my body saying no more. My husband and I talked it out and made the decision to get my tubes tied. Honestly, even though I knew it was the right decision,
I still get so sad when I think about it. :pensive: If I was to somehow get pregnant again I wouldn’t be upset but I would definitely be scared. Lol

My husband and I have three children. We knew that anymore than three children would be irresponsible financially. We can provide a nice comfortable life for three after that we would have been stretched to thin and that wouldn’t have been fair to anyone. I also wanted my kids back to back to back and before I was 30, so we started at 25. We are planner’s so we knew from the start what we were doing.

I had 3 children and me and my husbamd were done… He got a vasectomy and I had a tubal… My husband died and 20 years after my last child I remarried and found myself wanting one more for my new husband who doesnt have any… There is IVF and technology if you want a child later on… My new daughter is a total product of science… Just start squireling away a littlr bit of money here and there for it cuz its not cheap!

We have five, ages 3-14. #5 was a surprise. Financially challenging, for sure, but also I think age had alot to do with our decision to have my tubes tied. I was 39 with my last baby. We also were just ready to enjoy that next stage- when everyone’s out of diapers and bottles, and you don’t plan your days around naptime anymore. We are just entering that phase now and I’m so glad. I do miss the little babies, but I no longer have that “baby fever” I used to get at the 2-year mark. I went through some depression afterwards, not gonna lie, and I questioned the finality of it all, but it was a process.

I 100% agree that the most difficult part of having multiple children is not being able to give them all the attention they need… but if that wasn’t an issue, I’d probably keep going lol we have 5 and it is chaotic bliss.

My 2nd pregnancy was really hard, and I was miserable. I decided while I was pregnant that I was done. It’s hard to explain – I was just worried that if I got pregnant again, and my pregnancies kept getting worse, that eventually it would affect the baby as well, and I didn’t wnat that.
I got my tubes tied during my c-section.
It actually worked out, though, because 2 years later I had to have a hysterectomy anyway. And by then, my uterus was such a solid mass of tissue, I would’ve just had a bunch of miscarriages. So I’m grateful I made the decision I did when I did.
Everyone has to choose for themselves, though. I’ve never regretted getting my tubes tied.

Well instead of him getting the vasectomy you can get your tubes tied. That you can reverse and vasectomy you can not. So if you change your mind in the future you’re alright

I have two kids,we had a daughter first, when she was 3we decided to have another baby he was was a boy, now they are 15and 12 we decided to stop because of financial support, but I’llnever tie my tubes,I am 45years and who knows I can change my mind

I just knew it was time. I don’t think doing anything permanent is a good idea if your even a little in the fence.

Chit I stopped at 2. Glad I did. I was very young luke 23 when had 2nd one. I told doc take baby bed out. But leave playpen. O get all the baby loving I want from others that have them. And it’s nice not to have to do the mommy stuff. Just spoil and send em home.