How did you know when you were done having kids?

I walked into the hospital with the signed papers in my hand after my third. Supposed to have it done after my second but the paperwork got lost.

I wanted 4. Our oldest is not biologically mine. We have 3 and they’re all about 18 months apart. My youngest is almost 18 months and lord I do not want anymore. At least not as close in age as these beasts lol. It is ROUGH. Just got rid of all our baby items as well. Me and hubs are dead set on no more.

God gave me 2 arms, hands, feet, legs ears & eyes so I figure 2 kids was enough…i have 2 handsome sons 46 & 48 years old. There fore I could always treat them equal!!! Love​:heart::heart: them both!!!

I wanted 4 but husband didn’t. I wish I would have made it happen to have no regrets.

I thought about our ages when the kids are all grown up and that well we will be young enough to still enjoy the time alone together and be able to just take off by ourselves

I originally wanted 12 kids but it took us 7 years to conceive our first one. Our second son was born 2 years later using the same medication cocktail. Just when we were thinking of having a 3rd, we discovered that the neurological issues our baby was struggling with, and some minor issues our oldest son had, were related to Agent Orange my husband was exposed to in Vietnam. We learned that we were actually the lucky ones! It was a no brainer…quit while you are head.

When I realized I hate being pregnant and that I hate infants. One is it!

Yes I would have him wait. You can use the marquette method to track your fertility once your cycles come back. We prevented that way for four and a half years.

I waited until I was 31 & 32 to have my boys so I felt that was enough at that age. Plus my husband already had two kids that were teens when our boys were born.

I have 3 daughters 26, 21 & 5 yrs old plus I have a 8 month old granddaughter and another on the way. I know I’m done lol

I have a stepson and three of my own with my husband. He would have another me not so much since I’m home with them all day :joy: I wanted three orginally and we only get my stepson every other weekend and a month around holidays and summer. So it’s a house full! I get baby fever still but know I don’t want anymore :joy::joy:

At the time I wanted more but after I had my son my ex kept saying he was going to cheat on me because I hadn’t stopped bleeding due to complications and he didn’t care, he just wanted to have sex and said if I couldn’t give it to him he would go elsewhere. I ultimately ended up choosing having a partial hysterectomy to stop the bleeding so my ex could have his way. If I had known then what I know now, I would have let him go sooner instead of sacrificing what I wanted.

If you have any type of reservation, wait.