How do I break my child from sleeping in my bed?

My one 1/2-year-old still sleeps with us how can I break the habit?


You put them in their crib in their own room. You make a bedtime routine


Put them in a crib or toddler bed in their room


Putting them in their own bed.


My ex was boyfriend at the time his 9 year old daughter slept in same bed with me or she threw a fit like a dang 2 year old :roll_eyes: even though I would tell her no

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Good luck lol keep putting them in their own bed no matter how many sleepless nights youā€™ll have they will get the point


Ik its not for everyone but i would lay them down and let them cry for 5-10 mins at a time
Go in and hold for 3-5 mins and start over

No sleep for like 4 days but it worked


Once you start, its hard to get them to stop, I put my child in her own bed from the beginning


Take a couple weeks of crying and late nights


My baby is 7. Let me know what you come up with.

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Iā€™m too soft and when my kids cry I comfort them. My husband had to take over he just put them in their bed in their room and closed the door. Took about a week for them to get the hint and just go to bed without crying.

Floor bed. That age crib is useless. Try sleep mediation (my absolute favorite on YouTube) lay with them as they fall asleep. Gradually lessen the times.

Let me know when you figure it out. My 3,6,7 sneak in my bed

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Stick to it.
Consistency and patience
Youā€™re the adult.


Wow, the advice here :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

It wonā€™t be easy to break the habit, but consistency is key.

Perhaps start off by getting them a new pair of jammies or bedding, and express that they are a big boy/girl, and they will now be sleeping in their own bed. Try to make it fun, but!

Every time they get out of bed at night, return them to their bedā€¦ every single time. You can stay with him/her for a few moments and rub their back, or sing a songā€¦ but then leave after. And continuously keep doing the same thing.

Good luck!!


Start with naps in the crib and slowly transition them at night

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Put them in their own bed?


Itā€™s amazing how many are not nice on here. Obviously if she could just put them in their own bed she would :woman_facepalming: it takes a bit more than that for some kidsā€¦ they may be scared of something etcā€¦ I would suggest finding out why they donā€™t want to sleep in their own bed and start by fixing that issue. Sometimes buying something new, like a night light or new bedding will excite them enough to want to on their own. You can also start by laying next to them too they fall asleep but let them know you will be leaving once they fall asleepā€¦then make the time less and Jess each week/day whatever works best. Be stern with them too. Make sure they know this IS going to happen. Itā€™s not up for debate! Good luck!


Through out the day make it a fun thing by saying what a big kid they are being and talk about it excitedly. Hang out in his/her room through the day with them if possible. Just keep encouraging it. Make a big deal in a good way. Then when bedtime comes put him/her their own bed. Still talking to them telling them how proud you and what a big kid they are becoming. Your child might cry and try to come in your room. Explain to him/her why they are sleeping in their own bed now then take him/her back to their room. Do that every night and hopefully that will help. It will be hard at first, but the more you stick with it the easier it will be.

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When someone says ā€œDonā€™t do it in the beginningā€ :woman_facepalming:t3: Really?! Sheā€™s obviously past that point and wants adviseā€¦shoulda, woulda, couldaā€¦
Like some helpful mumā€™s have said get into routine of bed/cot. Some people stay in room till they settle some donā€™t. I give mine bottle in cot whilst staying in room.


I slept with all 3 of my girls and really didnā€™t have an issue getting them into their own beds. My youngest (sheā€™s 3) still comes to my bed every once in a while in the middle of the night. I just sleep with her the rest of the night because I know it wonā€™t last much longer. :sob:

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Every day walk them to their own room and their own bed. Until they get used to being by themselves. Establish a daily routine. Wein them off your room like potty training.

We just move our kid to their bed after asleep.


Only had this issue with my eldest in the end I sat in the hallway outside his bedroom door everytime he jumped out of bed I put him back in no talking took three nights before he learnt also brought him big boy sheets and blankets

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U should have never let it start. But not being mean my baby sleeps in the bed with us sometines too. Its hard not too. But definitely harder to get them out of.

When you find out, hit me up. I have a 4 and 8 year old that wiggle their skinny little asses into my bed EVERY NIGHT

I started having my daughter (2) nap in her bed during the day to get used to it. Still havenā€™t got her in there at night though.

Iā€™m sorry but being nice doesnā€™t get your kid out of your bed.
Theyā€™ll be in their feelings for the first few times. N thatā€™s ok.


My baby slept in bed with us since we came home from the hospital till she was like 8 months, when she hit 8 months we put the crib in our room and I rocked her to sleep and laid her in her bed it took about a week but she finally realized ā€œhey this is a safe place and Iā€™m comfortable with itā€ and sheā€™s been in it ever since! Sheā€™s 11 month now sleeping in her own room! It takes time but definitely keep trying! What we noticed helped was keeping the room dark and quite other than her sound machine which she was comfortable with since weā€™ve used it since she was 3 months old! First week will take a couple hours to get them to feel comfortable enough to sleep in there but itā€™s possible to do without crying (not hating just for me I personally didnā€™t want to do that) good luck :yellow_heart:

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Idk but when you find out lmk cause my 7 yr old granddaughter still sleeps with me. Everytime I try to get her to sleep in her bed she tells me Mawmaw Iā€™m still not ready

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I lay down with my 2Ā½ y/o in her bed until she falls asleep. Most night I fall alseep(it takes about 45mins) aswell and my husband wakes me upā€¦lol she still wakes up and come in my bed or I put her back in hers but it is better than full time co-sleepingā€¦she is a bed hogšŸ¤£

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I have the same problem but itā€™s purely because shes not next to usā€¦ Iā€™ve tried everything! (Shes 16 months) Swaddle, slowly eating into her own bed, nightlights, a stuffed animal to make her feel like shes next to one of usā€¦ she needs mom or dads heartbeat to sleepā€¦ so I got stuff to help simulate itā€¦ but nothingggggg

Every time my boys come in my bed no matter how tired I am I take them straight back to their beds, itā€™s very rare that I let them co-sleep anymore, just consistently and diligently take them back to their beds


Iā€™ve been putting my daughter to bed with one of her big sisters because she just SCREAMS for HOURS when we put her in her crib

Put her in her bed. Youā€™ll have a few rough nights, but she will be safe.

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My kid is 14ā€¦she still wonā€™t leave my bed

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My daughter used to sleep with me occasionally still does when one of us needs the extra cuddle time.
But anyways so what I did was. I got her into a routine. Dinner bath books bed. I got a weighted blanket. Music/sound machine and a nightlight. I give her a bottle before bed. And I prep her like an hr before "its almost bed time " I stay till she falls asleep.
It was hard at first to break the habit. I did some cry it out method.
She now sleeps in her bed.

My 5 year old just started sleeping in his own bedā€¦ good luck lol But for us, in all seriousness, we took him shopping for his own mattress asking him which one was comfy for mama, daddy, and him lol then when he was in school we redid his whole room Ryanā€™s world (his thing now). Good luck!

Lol my kid is 4 and still ends up in my bed. Itā€™s a lot of taking them back to their room and crying. Itā€™s kind of a choice on when you can afford to lose the sleep and work on them sleeping in their own bed.

My almost 3 year old sleeps with me still.

I always have our babies in the crib in my room until about 1 then they get to go to their own rooms in the crib so they canā€™t come out. It takes a few days but then they get used to it. My kids all sleep in pitch black with a noise machine. My 3 yr old son was different we had to play a movie til he fell asleep in his bed. We are very scheduled though 830 is bedtime every day with the very rare exceptions

I had this problem with my first born son. We finally had to put his toddle bed in our room and slowly move him into it. We started just waiting until he fell asleep and moving him. Then he would slowly start going on his own to bed in his toddler bed and then after he got comfortable with that we moved the bed into his room. It took awhile but did work.

I got my son to stop sleeping with the me by buying him the ā€œbig boyā€ bedding he wanted and a new night light. It took time but he eventually wanted to sleep in there

Let me know, mineā€™s 8ā€¦ :joy:


once they start, its hard as hell to break themā€¦good luck lol

Cold turkeyā€¦ each night will get easier. Just like taking the bottle, paci or diapers away.

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If thereā€™s a magic cure then I need to know! My sweaty 4 year old pretends to sleep in his and will only sleep in mine :no_mouth:

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Donā€™t start it to begin with lol I never let any of my 5 in my bed, suffering with chronic pain I couldnā€™t, but even without it, I wouldnā€™t have anyway

Let me know mines are 8&6 and my two month old ā€¦

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So, my daughter is 2 1/2 and she is starting to sleep all night in her bed more and more. We transition her to her bed once she falls asleep. Most nights that she wakes (which isnā€™t often anymore) I can convince her to go back to her bed. On the nights she insists Iā€™ll let her back in. If you really want them out, you donā€™t have to be super nice about it. I didnā€™t find it important enough to be tough about it but weā€™re essentially weaning.

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My son slept in bed with his bio mom every single night until we moved in together when he was 15 months. I had to be ā€œthe mean oneā€ and start putting him in his own bed and anytime he came and climbed in ours I took him back to his room and sat outside his door. He finally gave up trying after a couple week.s youā€™ll have some rough nights but they will be okay. Just leave the child in their bed. They may cry but they will get tired of it and stop

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:sweat_smile::joy::rofl: My daughter is 14 and guess where she sleeps? She will go to bed in her bed and I wake up to her right beside me!! Yeah, good luck with that!!!

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Good luck with that! I just got mine to go sleep in his bedroomā€¦ oh! And heā€™s 10 years old! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I laid with my son in his bed for a few nights. Then I sat on the floor with my back against the bed for a few nights. No eye contact and no talking once you say good night. Then I sat in the doorway for a few nights. Then I would tuck him in, kiss good night and leave but I would tell him I would come check on him every five minutes. He was always asleep on the first check in. Just be patient. No yelling. Just quietly say good night.

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I remember my best friend had a time with her son transitioning to bed and I remember her being so exhausted so I just want to send hugs first :hugs:
What about reading a bedtime story or playing a collection of audio bedtime stories or bedtime meditations through a speaker (or earphones) that might get the kids attention as well as help to sleep?
Also what about a sensory light that when you switch on it lights up the ceiling with stars? And if the kid tries to come to bed with you just say no because the only way to see the stars is in their own bed :person_shrugging:t3:
Good luck and know that it wonā€™t last forever xx

Never gonna happen :rofl:

Put him in his bed and make him stay there


My kids started to sleep some of the night in their own beds at about 3yrs old. They all were in their own beds overnight by about 6. With the occasional sleepwalk, bad dream or just needing to be with us till about 10. Iā€™m a mum of 5.

Naps in the crib. He had a cup of water and a couple stuffed animals and he generally fell asleep quick. Then when he was 14 months I just put him in for bedtime and he was fine

Well good luck on thatā€‹:joy::joy:ā€¦my 8&9 year old girls are in the bed with me and daddyā€¦we have tried to break them bribe them ā€¦nothing worksā€‹:joy::joy::joy:ā€¦send them up to there room they come back and say they cant sleepā€¦get in my bed head hits the pillow there knocked outā€‹:person_tipping_hand:

My children are allowed to sleep next to us whenever they feel the need. We are their safety.


I put my daughterā€™s bed in my room and then i started slowly moving the bed back to her room. I think it also helps if they have a pet to cuddle.


Donā€™t worry they will be in their own bed before they are teenagersā€¦ Enjoy the time when you can. I love kid snuggles. And it allows me some extra sleep.


My son started sleeping in his bed after 2 years I started moving him to his bed after he fell a sleep on mine or I would lay with him in his bed until he fell asleep, He would sometimes wake up at night and call for me but then he just got used to it.

Mines almost 4 and still sleeps with usā€¦ let me know if you figure it out :joy::joy:

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I got mine special bedding to go on their ā€œnew big kid bedā€ and then I slept with them a couple nights. Best of luck mama. Mine still slept with me till 5 years :woman_facepalming:t3:

Why would you want him too exepshely at such a young age. My son is 4 and has his own room and still sleeps with me you know why in a blink of a eye they turn teenagers and you are going to be the bad guy no matter what you do a d your going to miss being the center of thier universe and those beautiful cuddles. So enjoy it while you can mamma or you going to have ot of regret


Put him in his bed starting at naps and then add bedtime and make him stay there without coddling him.

With my son, I had his mattress on the floor and would lay with him til he fell asleep and after a couple months he would go to bed without me laying next to him. With my daughter, we put her mattress on the floor and she just willingly will go lay down when sheā€™s tired and go to sleep on her own. Sheā€™s two now, but she started doing this a little after she turned 1.


My son slept in his own bed until we moved when he was 4 months, then when it was just us he slept with me until about 10 months until he was too much to sleep with (kicking and tossing) then we went back to his own bed, took a few nights of tears but he transitions back fast and has slept in this own bed 8pm -6:30/7am very single night. Even when my mother lets him sleep with her at her house. At home he knows he is in his bed


I raised 4 sons and none of them slept in our bed. We used to put them in bed and back again if they got up. I donā€™t think there is a right or wrong way to do it. I understand that they are not babies for long and will soon grow out of it but personally I liked the fact that they slept in their own beds.


You let them and they will start staying in their room when ready. For my daughter it gave her a sense of security and then one day she just said ā€œI want to be in my roomā€ and just like that she wasā€¦ Not all parents are ok with that but I wasā€¦


Guess Iā€™m old-fashionedā€¦Iā€™m 57 years oldā€¦When my kids were babies in the 80s Put them to bed in their crib in their own room and thatā€™s where they learned how to sleep. Naps and night time. Never had a problem with any of them wanting to sleep in bed with us.


My 2 year old still sleeps with us when hes sick(fever) because he can take seizures in his sleep. So a solid plan to keep him in his bed is tricky. So we put him to sleep in our bed and before we go to bed we move him to his bed and he sleeps there till morning. Good luck

Hubby died. Toddler went right through toddler bed into king size bed. Got her twin bed and fixed her room. King size great. Traded up to full size bed with canapĆ©s. Finally she slept in her bed. Turns out she sleeps in the middle of all beds surrounded by pillows and or animals. So Iā€™d suggest surrounding her with pillows in her bed first. Sheā€™s married to a linebacker and still sleeps surrounded by pillows.

Having a baby at age 47 - we both nearly didnā€™t survive - made me realize how truly precious life is. Iā€™m a single mom of 4 and the littlest was a crier!! So into my bed she came (we shared a room anyway) and she is still there at 2.5ā€¦ even though her own ā€œbig girlā€ bed is right next to mine. Iā€™m ok with it. I wonā€™t be with her when sheā€™s my age most likely so Iā€™m spending as much time now with her.

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So we moved, my son was almost 3. Never slept In a crib. So I hyped it up. Look at this big boy room and big boy bed (toddler mattress on floor). Then let him pick the sheet and blanket pillow bam he loved it. Not saying he doesnā€™t wake an come in with me at 6 am but itā€™s a start. If they get outta bed put them back in an sit on the floor next to bed


My 10yo daughter still sleeps in our bedā€¦ is there really something wrong with that??? Though she has her own bedroom, she just wanted to sleep with us and Im ok with it. Anyway she wont stay as a kid forever eventually shell grow up and become independent.


Iā€™m transitioning my 5 month old as we speak, what we find works best is we put the play pen just out of arms reach of the bed so he can still see us. We started with naps working up to having all naps in the play pen. Then we started with nights. He now sleeps in his play pen all night. Even when he wakes for his feeds, I feed him and he goes right back in. The only time he sleeps with me now is if he wakes up when my husbands alarm goes off ill put him in bed with me, gives me another couple of hours


We let our kids fall asleep w us then put them in there beds. But if they are acting up they just have to go to bed alone. We have a 4yr old and a 2 yr old along w one due in 4 weeks.


My daughter slept with me until the age of 2 was just me and her, met my husband and he was not ok with that, was a very hard and heartbreaking transition for us but we got thru it just took a bit. My son never slept with us but would up on the floor on my side of the bed at least 4-5 nights a week until he was about 10

My 4 yr old still wants to sleep on our bed. We have worked on making her room ā€œniceā€ for her to want to stay in there as well as we make her sleep in her room when she goes to bed at night. It took a few months for her to get over it but she is ok with it now. Only thing is now she wakes up and crawls into our bed at night which we just give in and let her.

But overall we canā€™t put her to bed awake. We HAVE to sit with her until sheā€™s asleep. Which has made her bedtime routine lengthy. :persevere:

My daughter slept in my bed when my youngest was born and only stopped a few months ago. I brought her and her sister some Marie bedding and suddenly she just wanted to sleep in there and has eve since (minus ones or twice in mine) maybe get them some bedding theyā€™d love and maybe wrap a small gift up as a treat if they sleep in their bed

Iā€™m a mumma of 5 (9-3 yos)who enjoys her kids coming to sleep and snuggle with me, I even upgraded my bed to a king lol. Most nights they sleep in their beds but I lay down next to each one every night. Embrace them while they are little, give them that comfort and move them when they are ready.


You could easily just put her in her crib and self soothe. I used to check on mine when she cried. If she wasnā€™t hungry, thirsty, or dirty diaper, Iā€™d rock her for a few minutes and lay her down. If she started crying, Iā€™d pat her back until she fell asleep. Usually took about 10 minutes and she was out. I also had gotten a teddy bear that was strapped to the bed that had a heartbeat sound that also helped.

I just told them no but it wasnā€™t an issue for us. I agree about moving them once they are asleep then make and agreement that on this date (you choose ) they need to try to sleep in their own bed. Then maybe a little reward for being such a big kid.

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Itā€™s a natural instinct to want to be close to mumma, what is so wrong with that I feel that we have lost touch with maternal instinct these days. Nothing wrong with Co sleeping. Itā€™s not for ever why push lone sleeping when they only want to be close to you. Think how would you feel if you made to sleep alone and not with your partner. Itā€™s a cold and lonely feeling. They just want comfort!

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When mine were little, we needed our sleep so I put a sleeping bag and pillow on the side of the bed and explained that Mom and Dad needed their sleep. They were at least three. Just donā€™t let him stay I guess.

Lmao I just came to see if anyone had answers. My son breastfed till 2, got him out of the bed for two months before he turned three now heā€™s back againšŸ˜‘

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Every night my daughter would fall asleep in our bed. I would put her in her bed every time and she just got used to waking up in her bed and I kept telling her ā€œgo get comfy in your big girl bedā€ shes been in hers since she was 18 month shes 3 now

my 2yo still crawls up in with me. I put him back to his bed everytime. Now he prefers to sleep in his bed till morning when he wants snuggles. My daughter and i slept in the same bed till she was 6. I would just keep putting them back in their own bed till they learn thats where they sleep. I would sleep with both of them if I could but i sleep in a recliner now and its just not possible

Why do you want to break your child from sleeping in your bed? Regardless of what anyone says, I feel these are the times you can have the most of your kids. They wont share your bed forever. Once they reach a certain age and become independent, we look back to these days and wish we let them be closer to us for longer. Just my opinion.


My son is almost 10 months and he sleeps in his crib all night but sometimes he just wants to sleep with his mom and dad or he has an off night where heā€™s tossing and turning. I think as long as they know youā€™re there theyā€™ll be okay sometimes babies have off nights too just like us

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Have them watch chucky then put a doll of chucky on your bed . they will never sleep with you again let alone go in your room


Get a co-sleeper extension for your bed. Let her get used to that for a few weeks, and then when shes in that deep sleep transition her into her own toddler bed in your bedroom. During the day I got my daughter excited for her toddler bed, by getting all her favorite characters in her bedding sets, as well as a poster, and her favorite blanket. It took my daughter about a month of transition, now she gets excited to sleep in her own bed

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I try to get my 1 and 2 year olds to sleep with me in my bed every once in a while and they refuse. They have slept in their own room from day oneā€¦I guess Iā€™m lucky :joy: but I would love some snuggle naps every so often.

Iā€™ve never had this issue. But what I would suggest is small steps. Maybe have them sleep on their mattress next to your bed. Or you sleep on their floor next to their bed and make it a slow transition.

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We dont allow our kids to sleep in our bed, we use a baby gate in our 1 year olds door so he cant get out of his room at night but can still see out

Hold on to that. Just keep loving him. Itā€™s not that bad that he still wants to sleep with you. But if you want him to sleep in his bed. Do it gradually. Maybe read to him in his room. Until he falls asleep. :blue_heart::green_heart:

Soothing music and sometimes bed time stories til they fall asleep works. Sometimes rewards work for staying in their bed all night but considering the age that might not work.