How do I break my child from sleeping in my bed?

I put his own bed in my room. And eventually we’ll transition him into his own room as well. so far its been about a month and he stays in his bed all night

I put my son in a double bed with rails and lied down with him till he went to sleep. If he woke went and lied down or my husband went in and lied down. He’s 2 and a half now and sleeps in his own room himself

My kids come into our bed when they’re scared or aren’t feeling well, I’ll never turn them away, even if they take up all of my space

You just have to have a set bed time and put them to their bed maybe read a book and have a small bedtime routine and ignore any tantrum. Every time they get off their bed you don’t say anything or look at them you just put them back to their bed. My youngest is 5 and she has only just gone to her own bed though she climbs in our bed through the early hrs of the morning but at least hubby and I get to have our own time without the kids. It’s not really healthy to have older kids in ur bed, maybe every now and then but not constantly , they need their own space and the parents need their own time and space.

Lol I’ll let you know when my 9 yr old figures it out


Recently I have let my 8 year old sleep in my bed with me every now and then. I like it cause we lay down and talk for a good 45 mins before we fall asleep, its the most real conversation time I get with him. I dont make this a every night thing or even every week because he needs to be independant too. My sister in law has had her 8 year old sleep in their bed from day 1 and it killed their sex life obviously. No thanks! When my son was a younger he was alwaya in his crib and only slept with us when he was sick or something.

My 6 yr old still cuddles with me at night, and falls a sleep with me at night


My 6 year old still crawls into bed with us. We are trying the same thing to get him to his own bed. ( I am due in 4 weeks) we even got his room and everything set up. I am lost what to do also

Let them be little, there’s times my 10 year old gets in bed with me. They’re only little so long.

My daughter was 8 1/2 when she stopped sleeping in my bed…and that’s only because I was pregnant and there was just not enough room to be comfortable anymore :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: …that was 3 years ago!!!

My daughter would sleep in our room on the floor not in our bed until she was 5 than she would sleep in her own bed from than on!!

My 5 almost 6 year old daughter still sleeps with us and sometimes sleeps in her own bed. I don’t want her to feel pushed out :two_hearts: I make her choice and hope one day she will prefer to sleep by herself :blush:

We got our son a twin size bed so I could lay with him until he fell asleep. It only took a few weeks

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It’s natural. Think about it… your partner (probably) used to sleep with their parents and now sleeps with you. People naturally want to cuddle. Sleeping alone is less desired by most people.

My husband and I spent 3 months just putting our 2 year old in her bed each time she got up. It seemed like it took forever but she finally started sleeping in her bed.

I am a 79 yo male, worked for me You may not get a lot of sleep, but you get up as many times as needed every night and “LOVINGLY” place the child in to his bed. …GOOD LUCK… Time to be a parent for the rest of your life. :heart::heart::heart:

My 1 and a half year old climbs into my bed in the middle of the night. I can’t help you cause I just cover him up and cuddle him :joy:

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Put them in crib. Easy as that. She is 18 months.

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It’s just about time for a 10 year old to move out. My daughter started letting her daughter sleep with her after a divorce. She moved out on her own.

i had a female friend, and i whenever i would stay the night, her 3 year old daughter was alwats trying to sleep with us in the bed, so i would purposely annoy her until she decided she should sleep in her own room.and my female friend couldnt have handled that kind of situation because her daughter would not listen to her, the little girl had fallen in love with me and would only listen to me when i was over there.i dont have kids of my own but now i still go over to visit her even tho me and her mom are not seeing eachother…but, there you have it, annoy the kid until they dont wanna be around you…lol.sorry not sorry.

I would just wait for one day when she wants to sleep in her own bed. Itll happen, eventually!

U start as a baby… my son has NEVER slept with me and his dad… do now that he’s going on 3 he doesn’t even expect to

I loved it when mine used to sleep in the bed. They are grown ups now and miss it. X

I have 2 daughters… they only slept with me, if they had a nightmare or thunderstorm… otherwise they slept in their own bed

Place in crib same time every night, if you have to let em cry, their internal clock will set.

I NEVER LET THEM IN MY BED!!! they slept in a bassinet till 6 weeks… then straight to their own bed, own room! Both slept/sleep like champs❤️

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Crib in their own room. Close the door, give them a radio to softly listen to.

No there is not a problem but the longer they stay they don’t feel safe in their own beds .depends on where u it safe in ur neighborhood?

We got my daughter her own big bed and I stay with her in hers until she falls asleep and she settles only way we could get her out of our bed

After the baby falls asleep put him in his bed . That’s the way my daughter trained my 16 month old grandson. Each night do that after a month he sleeps in her s bed now.

I used to lay on my child’s bed until he fell asleep. Each time a child got up I just repeated

You put them in their crib, dry, fed, tired, let them cry 10 minutes until they go to sleep

That’s the most precious time you will ever had with your child. Let him sleep with you, it won’t last forever

Good luck. My daughter did it cold turkey at 1 1/2. Weaseled her way in at 3 and again at 5 1/2.

All of my kids slept with me and their dad till 10 to 11 years old

Nope the only time mine sleeps in my room is if she’s sick even then she sleeps in the pack n play next to my bed

Enjoy it ciz even when they have their own beds at that age they still wake up asking for mummy thats when you and yours cuddle more xxx

I guess my question is hmm when does one have mommy daddy fun time lol

Start as a baby! Only time I put mine in my bed is when they had a fever and I was afraid I would fall asleep and not know if fever went up! Pred Drs will tell you it’s not good sleeping with parents! But maybe try letting het help with making something special in her room! That might help! Let her put a sticker on her calerdar each night she sleeps in her room! Maybe let her pick out the stickers at the store and tell her why and that she is a big girl now! Don’t be surprised if she want your name on your door! Let her help put her name on her door! Whatever you try make it a happy time for her, it will make a big difference if it’s willingly! Good Luck!

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Shit, when you figure it out , lmk, my 5 yr old is back in bed with me :person_facepalming:

Put your child to bed before you go to bed. they may not make it all night long but soon they will sleep thru the night.

Get in your own bed!


My son was 2 when I was in a car accident that put me in the hospital for a month. Nobody brought him in to see me during that time. Heck, my husband visited twice, less than half an hour each. After I got out, my son (who had already transitioned into sleeping in his own room) woke up terrified every time. I started putting his mattress on the floor next to my bed and slowly moved him back out to his room. Sure, we had set backs… and naps were still open to cuddles… but this was a very real fear to him, so I did my best to heal the wound.

My daughter had seizures first thing in the morning before waking. This time it was ME that was terrified I wouldn’t be there. Eventually, once the seizures were controlled (more or less) she slept in her own room.

If their lives are in upheaval and stressed, the reassurance of a living comfort item is invaluable. And like any binkie or blankie… over time their dependance on you will decrease.

I have been told by many that it is clear to anyone that I am the glue for my family. And we have a very strong bond. It is all in what you envision your role as a parent to be… and what they need from you that you are willing to provide.

Pfft. My son is 18 and still does on occasion lol


Cool new toddler beds worked with both of our kids

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Good luck :joy::joy::joy: mines 13 and still sleeps with me

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Lol. Currently trying to get our 2.5 yr old out of our bed…

My son is 9. Lol. So good luck.

I bought mine her own big girl bed and gave her a night more problems.

Our son slept with is till 51/2 only bc we shared a full size bed with him

Girl lol mines 3 and still does. But I don’t mind cuz I’m a single parent. It’s nice to not sleep alone. But tbh idk what to say to help. My mom used to put me in my own bed and lay there till I fell asleep. Maybe start with that? Maybe naps alone?


Never ever put them in bed with you

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Lol my boys slept in our bed till they were 3.5 LOL

Good question, every time I try to put her in her own bed I end up putting her her back in mine :joy:

let fall asleep on your bed then move the baby

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and yes, we won’t have him for long.

give your child a bigger rabbit to sleep with, and tell the rabbit go to your childs bed, and the child will follow the rabbit…hahahahaha​:joy::joy:

I waited for mine to fall asleep and moved her to her bed

You’ll blink and she’ll be in her room, and give you the stare of death if you dare enter. Enjoy this time. You will miss it, fact.

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You put them in their own room and that’s that🤷🏼‍♀️ they want to sleep with you because you allow it.

Put them in theirs…rinse and repeat

Keep putting them back in there bed

I won’t even let it happen. No way no how.


Lock him in his room? In his crib

It’s very hard my 6 year old still sleeps with us but my 2.5 year old for the most part sleeps by herself. My 6 year old we’ve tried to leave him in his room and he wakes up walking around hysterical. It’s just not worth it. When they are ready they will do it.

My kids still do too. I figure when they’re old enough they won’t want to sleep with me! For now, I enjoy it. I like being close enough to help them if they get sick or wet the bed, without having to get out of bed and go down the hall myself!


My first child slept with me till 4! Then i got too uncomfortable while pregnant and just couldnt do it anymore. I put her matress beside mine. And then we slowly worked on her in her room.

Husband drives truck…so all week my children are in bed with me…on the weekends its him vs the kids lol so yeah we all sleep together…sex…what’s that lol


My son just turned 3 we tried everything weighted blanket so he felt cuddled move from a crib to toddler bed to a twin size bed stuffed animals water a nighttime routine EVERYTHING ended up he wanted a full size bed like mommy and daddy he now sleeps through the night in his bed

Honestly if you like it but want some time. Move thrm to their bed after thry fall asleep or fall asleep in their bed whichever preferred, then you have alone time and then if needed they come back to tour bed when they wake up, my 4 year ild comes back to our bed between midnight and 6 am when he wakes up wakes up. Best of both worlds!

You can’t :crazy_face::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: lol jk idk cuz i let mine for a looooooonnnnnfgggggggg time

Wish I knew. I am 33 and still
Crawl into my moms bed :joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Molly McCurdy Olson


Go sleep in her bed :rofl::joy:

Lock your door. Problem solved!

Charlotte maybe tips for you on her waking

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I slowly was telling her she was going to sleep on her own. Bought some toys from the dollar store and told her only big girls get rewards. I also created a routine. Sometimes I would stay in room a little bit then afterwards I would go to my bed. It’s a slow process. But enjoy every minute and know they will grow up and they are not going to want to sleep with you lol be patient momma. It is kind of a struggle :heart:

I would look up sleep training methods and chose one that works for you. There is a variety of them you can do but the best thing you can do is be consistent. My oldest daughter was two when I finally decided to sleep train her. I basically laid her down and let her know she had to sleep in her own bed and every time she would get up (no matter what time of night) and try to come to my bed I would take her back calmly (even if she cried) and explained she had to stay in hers. I repeated this a lot. After a week she got it but I didn’t cave. I was exhausted but she learned.
Also make sure you have a good schedule because If they are over tired this may not work either. I think it’s different for every kid because some are just ready and sleep on their own and some take more work. Good luck!

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My 5 year old is just now getting out of my bed and it’s been a struggle. It’s just been me and her and we went through a lot with her father. If I can offer any advice do it now! I waited to long and it’s been such a struggle. My advice is offer incentives. I’ve been telling her that every night she sleeps in her bed we will go scootering around the neighborhood. It seems to be working so far.

I put my daughter’s bed in my room and would tell her acouple hours before bedtime that she has to sleep in her own bed. Then when the time came, no matter how much she cried I kept her in her own bed. She’s still in my room but in her own bed successfully now

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we did toddler bed next to our bed and are now talking to him about moving into his own room. He is 4 and we have an 18 month old. he has been sleeping in his toddler bed since we had our second. Good luck!

Keep putting them in their own bed & be Firm about it. We put our daughter in with us when sick the one time. It took quite a few tries to get her back in her own bed.


I was lucky where mine was in her room right away. There were sometimes she asked to sleep in room, but instead i just laid in her bed until she fell alseep. Or got through one book.

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My boys have always slept in my bed. Only just now am I trying to break the habit. Aged 4 and nearly 3 and I just wait til they are asleep and out them in their own bed. For the last week they have slept in there the hole night however they sleep together in their bed. They don’t like sleeping by themselves.


My daughter still sleeps in my bed and is 6 so hopefully soon I’ll be able to get her to her own bed but I know eventually she’ll want to go on her own and I’ll miss these days so I haven’t been pushing it too much


It’s hard!! I got so used son coming into my room late at night that when I heard him I just pulled up the covers eyes still.closed!!


Hahahahaha my 4 yr old still sleeps in my bed. Seriously though, It is just like breaking any other habit. You have to put the work in to change the behavior. You may have a few nights or weeks of struggle but eventually the habit will be baby in their own bed. Good luck

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I put my daughters crib up against my side of the bed with the rail off so its like shes in our bed but really in her own. Lol. She never slept through the night until I did that either.

It’s hard if they sneak into ur bed at night and don’t actually notice like I didn’t with my first he was 2 my partner at the time would wake me up and I’d have to take him back to his own bed didn’t take him long which was good but yeah you have to just keep taking them back to their own bed.

Make a pallet on the floor of blankets and pillows and let him know that if he wants to sleep in your room, it has
To be on the floor, near the bed. He will be near you but uncomfortable enough to not want to keep at it for a long time.

My is 10 still with me I used to keep putting him in his own bed it was like ever 30 minutes that I had to keep getting up walking up and down the stairs was getting old once or twice a month he might sleep in his bed through the night but it

My daughter is 4 and just started sleeping in her bed. I put her bed in our room. She has done great with it for several months.


Just march to there bad when get out don’t say a word just bring them right back. Worked one night had to do it bout 30 times but works. Don’t say a word

Enjoy it. They will not be there for long. My kids slept with us till 5. They are grown now and I miss it. Enjoy.


Duct tape the kid to the wall in their own bedroom.


Transition is hard, be ready for lots of frustration & tears on both ends. Be consistent & reassuring to them. Tell them, it is okay, you’re getting to be a big girl/boy now and you get your own big bed that is yours :heart::blush:

We started by putting a matress on the floor in our room that slowly weaned them out of our bed back to thier own rooms.

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Lay with your baby while you still can. You will miss these days when they grow up. I coslept with both of my bigger kids and I will end up cosleeping with my baby once he gets a little bigger. There’s nothing wrong with it.
Edited to add…I never forced my kids to sleep in their own bed. They just transitioned themselves when they were ready.


My son is four and has slept with me from day one
And the person that is putting angry emojies on everyones comment maybe you should get a life and mind ur own things!
It is not every day that ur child is small so enjoy while you can as much as you want and how ever you want couse in a blink of an eye they grow!
Ps her name says it all!


Decide who the adult is. Take child put to bed. Child has temper tantrum. Ignore repeat putting child to bed.


Lay down with him in his bed until he falls asleep, if he wakes up do it all over again. Stay consistent, and it will work out. I did this with mine.