How do I break this pattern?!

What I wouldn’t give to be special enough to a man to want to marry me. You are selfish.

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I came for the comments & they did NOT disappoint.


This is a deeper rooted issue within yourself and unhealthy. Its hurting you and will ultimately hurt others. The feeling of needing those needs met will never end and you wont likely ever be satisfied until you learn and grow from what is causing you to feel this way and need these things. Over and over again. These men are seeing that you are open game, know you’re safe bc you’re married and taking what you’re giving them and are done once they get it. They see you’re easy for sex and it won’t be a lot of work. Is that who You want to be? You can learn more self respect than this. More self love. Please, for the sake of the possible marriages you are doing harm to and for your husband. Consider making an appointment with a therapist and grow from your deep rooted, unhealthy, insatiable feelings and issues. You have to know in your heart this isn’t morally right and act on that to correct it.

Lol y’all act like men don’t cheat … most of them do :joy:

I didn’t read this and think of cheating at all. I thought of an open relationship. Reading all the comments, everyone else must know they’re not polygamous. What did I miss?

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Why is it always the ppl who say “be nice”, “no mean comments” who are the WORST !? If u have to add that to ur story then YOU KNOW YOU F#CKED UP! "Oh I cheat on my adoring hubby all the time, but there’s a real reason! So show me sympathy! " gtfo u deserve literally nada


Girl you don’t deserve him at all. You deserve all these players out here :roll_eyes:


So you’re basically married to your brother and lying to him.

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Be nice!! Your messing around on your husband!! Sorry but you are not nice. Let your husband find a real diamond. Leave him.


My advice to you is to seek counseling first to determine the underlying reason for your behaviour. The counselor will help you with making the needed changes in your life. Also given your history I we find a female counselor. May God show you answers. God bless you❤

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Just divorce, stay friends if possible but be honest with him and let him have a wife he deserves. Don’t be selfish, in a marriage it is not all about one person.


Clearly, if you all could really read between the lines, it doesn’t come off as she’s in an open relationship. This literally screams she’s cheating. If she was in an open relationship, she wouldn’t be worried about “having a husband at home” and “trying to break the pattern”.

:woman_facepalming: I hope he finds out and divorces you. :woman_shrugging:


You sound like a hussy to me


Don’t judge you. You need to get out of the marriage and let your husband find someone that respects him.


You need to come clean with your husband. There’s more to a marriage then sexual attention. You have to look deeper. But come clean and you won’t hurt him cause you cheated, you’ll hurt him from the betrayal that has happened by someone he holds very high. This is a feeling that no one should have to feel but many of us do. I’m not putting you down, I’m saying the truth. Tell him before someone else does!!


How you gonna tell us that your cheating on your husband- and enjoy it- and tell us to be nice and not judge?
Therapy for you and divorce for that poor man.


You’re a HOT mess!! You should be ashamed of yourself for being dishonest, disloyal and committing adultery. Live your BEST life being promiscuous, you don’t deserve him.


U dnt need to be married if all u do is cheat on him. Sounds like u want ur cake and eat it to.


I wish I had a man to love… attention gets old single since my divorce 2014.


Is this a joke? How do u sleep at night? No one wants you because you’re literally married. Grow up lady. Ur not a teenager


Get some help you’re disgusting.


You need to come clean to your husband. He deserves so much better than you!!!


That’s freaking gross. You gonna come in here tell us you’re doing a good man dirty and act pitiful…tisk tisk… let that poor man go!


Wonder how many single moms in here would love to treat your man right since you are obviously busy.


Okay. You’re obviously lacking self love. Learn to love yourself unconditionally is the lesson here. You don’t love yourself, or you wouldn’t need sex from someone else all the time to make you feel worthy and like you are enough. All of those things are based on your belief systems about yourself. That’s what you need to pay attention to and break. You create your own beliefs. And they can very well be changed if you TRULY want to change. Be truthful with your partner, separate and work on loving yourself. Healing is a long powerful journey.

If you actually read what you wrote… you will see the answer!

Your husband loves you and the only thing these other dudes want is to get tier dick :eggplant: wet! STOP before you ruin your marriage and destroy your self worth

You’re disgusting
I hope he leaves your ass. :face_vomiting:

I love the outrage here. It’s probably a fake post. I’ve seen this exact same post on another page. I unfollowed that page because I’ve read that these pages are a scam just to get likes and loves. They are probably mining your information too. Just warning you all.


You obviously do not respect your husband doing that to him. How can you love someone and do that to them. You need to come clean before it is knocking on your front door. He deserves way better. I’ve been with my husband for 20 years and I have not thought anyone but him was the sexiest man on the planet. He deserves someone who respects and truly loves him. There are many out there looking for a man like him and would treat him way better than you do. There is no “pattern” to break. You’re a cheater. Call a spade a spade. How can we not feel more for your husband than you? I truly hope this a love me post and not for real. SMH🤦‍♀️

Your husband should kick you out.


You should of Never got married if there’s no Attraction or anything. You’ll get what you give…Karma and you’ll feel worse then before…

Ok so. Let me start with, I understand. I understand the need within yourself to feel these things from men. Some women just need more excitement and passion and confirmation than others… if you were single you’d have every right to go on about fulfilling these needs… But you’re not, you’re married. You checked your right to satisfy any sort of emotional or sexual selfish needs at the alter when you made that commitment. It sounds like you have BPD (borderline personality disorder) and that can and should be treated by mental health professionals. Its not a cycle you can break on you’re own. Please ignore all the ppl calling you a husky, cheater, whore, and so on. They are allowed to think what they want but they clearly don’t understand this affliction at all and they are in no place to judge. At the end of the day they don’t matter. Take any positive advice and run with it. I have been just like you but I wasn’t married or committed during that time in my life. Its hard to say if I would’ve acted differently if I was though. So I can’t judge. But this is something thats coming from within you because of conflict inside yourself. The need to always feel validation about your looks and attraction level and even the way you start this post talking about how great you are screams BPD. You’re probably not trying to hurt your husband on purpose but trust me thats all you’re doing, hurting your husband and damaging yourself. You can’t start relationships with other men besides your husband and then start to catch feelings for them and wonder why it ended. Lol. I mean that’s just a classic sign that your impulsive and reckless attention seeking behavior is at a critical level and requires professional help to get it under control. You need help and not saying that in a mean way at all. You’re Clearly covered with insecurities and these things will destroy you and your marriage if left unchecked. Behavior therapy for adults is a real thing. You don’t get to be married and still actively seek outside attention and affection. It just doesn’t work that way. You’re allowed to need sexual attraction but if its not with your husband you’re not allowed to act on it especially as freely as you have been. If you don’t feel attracted to your husband and don’t feel that excitement with him that you’re looking for then you need to try and fix that first between the 2 of you. You got married thats a relationship you should take very seriously. You’ll have to get yourself in therapy and diagnosed before you can even think about fixing your marriage though. Thats a must. If you really want to break this cycle then you will call for an intake apt for yourself immediately. Like this week, tomorrow morning, as they are probably booking apts out a few weeks. You have clear indicators of a mental health disorder and thats not at all a bad thing. But you will never break this cycle of unfulfilled affairs until you get to the root of the problem. Based in what you’ve said, your husband clearly doesn’t deserve to be treated like this and if he knew im.sure it would rip his whole soul apart. If he did to you what you’ve done to him you would probably NEVER get over it because thats the type of personality you have. Like I said borderline personality disorder…please get some help before you destroy your life and this man you married beyond repair.

Stop putting yourself in situations to cheat on your husband. Why are you alone with another man at all!? Quit flirting and putting yourself out there like that. Also, why would you marry someone you’re not physically attracted to who you have no chemistry with? Leave if your not happy but don’t cheat that just says you have no self control or conscience.


You need :sparkles: therapy :sparkles:

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I wonder why you married your husband…no judgement, just wondering what prompted the decision. Whatever the reason, it’s something you should figure out. Were you too young to be married? Did/does he make a good living? Do you have a close bond with his family? Whatever it is, you need to figure out what what it is and if it’s enough. If it is, then you need to keep your part of the marriage pact and stop the cheating. If not, end this and allow him to find someone who will love him completely. I truly hope you find some answers.

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You need to divorce this amazing man and let him find someone that he deserves. Honestly, he doesn’t deserve what you do behind his back. You shouldn’t have married him if that’s how you feel. Come clean and make the break. For the first time, put your husband first.


Sounds like you should get divorced so he can find someone faithful and you can focus on the F boys that got your attention.


Go. Talk. To. Someone

You need counseling before someone matters isn’t there for you

“Dont judge me” :joy: cheating on a perfectly good man is gonna get you judged :woman_shrugging:t3: you have insecurity issues, please see a therapist and come clean to your husband so he can decide if he should stay and working through this with you, or leave for someone who will truly love and appreciate him


Love changes over time. It doesn’t stay highly sexual romantic and flirty. It becomes a feeling of warmth and trust. Knowing safety in the relationship, missing them and worrying because you live them so much. There are ups and downs but also communication. Words can’t describe what love becomes


Figure out if you love him or not. You don’t want to end up with someone who treats you bad but is good in bed. The excitement won’t last.

Set that man free to be with someone that wants him and only him…or talk about the possibility to be swingers…but do him right…


You came on here to admit you’re a cheater and expect people to sympathize with you? I honestly hope your husband finds out he deserves to know, you basically broke your vows and want justification for it, is what it sounds like


Let him go. Let him find someone who will love him and find him attractive. This behaviour is disgusting and selfish


Sounds like you need to divorce your current husband and seek therapy.
Not fair to him at all.


Seek professional help. Sounds like a type of self sabotage to me.


You need to leave that good man at home alone. Cheating is cheating! You do not know yourself enough yet.

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You’re basically asking how to fake your marriage at this point. Do the two of you a favour and just divorce him


He deserves better. You weren’t and aren’t ready to be married. Let him go. This is why men turn out the way they do. Women like you ruin the good ones


You literally just get over it, if you honestly believe a healthy relationship is built on sexual tension you know very little about life.

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Your husband deserves better.


Hooley dooley. How are you gonna feel when your hubby finds out what you have been doing? You are setting yourself up for big time rejection from the only one that matters. Go get some help and stop making excuses for being promiscuous. What you are doing is wrong. You are giving pieces of yourself away to pigs that don’t care what happens to you. You need to acknowledge that without excusing it and just stop. Then you may have a chance of a happy ending. If you don’t love your hubby, break up and give him a chance of a happy ending too. But don’t use him as an anchor when you have no desire to sail with him.


Your Husband Deserves Better🤷🏽‍♀️

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I’m just Curious, How U Could Marry someone, whom you’ve NEVER Had Chemistry Or Sexual Attraction to. WOW


How can you post something like this, ask people to not judge?
It’s not even called judging…it’s called truth
And your husband deserves to know the truth, you don’t deserve him,
Woman like you ruin the good men by being greedy :roll_eyes: and to full of yourself,
If you can cheat and openly say your not happy then leave him for the Woman he deserves…
This is a discusting post


At least you’re honest with your self. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Whoa! Be a decent human being and leave your husband. Be honest say you are a sloot and let him move on with his life. Sheesh how do you even post something like this? Have you no conscience? Get help…


When you end up loosing
Your husband you will regret what you did and will be to late. He will find someone else and then you will wish you had stayed home and appreciate what you had.

He deserves better. You need time to grow. Divorce him and let him be happy. Get some help and find out who you are before trying to hurt someone else.

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Seems personality disorder related. It’s VERY difficult to alter this. You can get therapy, but it’s NOT a cure.

First, you need to come clean with your husband because he does not deserve what you’re doing to him, period. Secondly seek professional help because your self sabotaging and it can become not only dangerous but can and will destroy you


Here’s some honest advice: Stop cheating on your husband.
Be open and honest with your husband about the interactions you’ve had with other men.
Pray and hope to god you can fix your marriage.
If your husband chooses to stay and work on the marriage with you, seek a sex therapist and a couples/marriage counselor.
Admit to your wrong doings, make things right. It’ll hurt. It’ll be difficult, embarrassing and shameful but it can be done. You’ll never feel right about yourself again if you don’t own up to your mistakes and do the right thing.

This behaviour makes you unattractive, maybe that why you feel that way afterwards. Your husbands deserves someone that is faithful and loving, you do not love him or you would not do this to him. He deserves more that you so let him go. That’s how you break the cycle.


Catching feels :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3: damn I’m old :rofl:

It’s not right hon. If that sexual attraction is not being met and it us something you need it is time for you to bring up the subject with your husband it is not fair to him and you are not being honest with him or yourself and I don’t imagine he signed up for this. Maybe counselling may help but it’s definetly up to you if you wish to continue to deprive yourself of what you want you are just going about it the wrong way I suggest talking to him as he deserves a wife that is honest with him

Not trying to be mean but this person is a selfish PoS!! I do hope the husband finds someone (not a PoS) who deserves him.

Please just get divorced before you hurt your partner.

I would like to say that there is nothing wrong in what you are feeling. It’s good you can recognize what you want. However, not involving your partner in what you feel is not okay to me. You know yourself better. Maybe take a break from your marriage if at all that is a possibility and see if things work that way. It is only fair that you let your intentions be known to your partner, so that he can have a choice too. I have had a very close person go through this same thing. They ended up getting a divorce. However, they reconnected few years later.
Sometimes people feel a bit differently and question everything around as to why things are being done in a certain way. Give yourself and your partner a fair go​:heart::heart:


Sounds like you need to be single. It’s not fair to your husband to be messing around on him. Not sure why you married him if you weren’t attracted to him


The grass isn’t always greener on the other side… you’ll find someone your so in “love” with and it’ll fade after awhile and you’ll miss your husband… try talking to your husband be honest with him… maybe he’s not doing something right to make you feel attracted to him… maybe it’s something that can be worked on…

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I cannot be nice if your husband is unaware of your activity and isn’t supporting it. You are an example of a woman who gives us a bad name


Okay :upside_down_face:I’ll be nice and tell ya to stop being a Wh**e :slightly_smiling_face:…Okay there ya go​:smirk:…That’s all the nice advice I have for the Dumpster Fire of a Situation you put yourself in​:person_shrugging:


You’re a trash human being who likes attention and cheats on your husband. Do the women of the world a favor and divorce so that man can find a good woman who deserves him. :woman_facepalming:


Go home and be a slut to your husband :call_me_hand:


You are a terrible person for cheating on your husband. Leave your husband and go be a ho like you want. I hope he finds a woman who appreciates him.


He needs to give you back to the streets…and you need to let him go be free so he can find someone who truly loves and respect him


I feel bad for your poor husband. You should do him a favor and let him go live his life and find someone who actually loves him and not dealing with the cheater like you. Your behavior is the problem


U can’t ask not 2 be judged and 2 be nice when u put ur business on a public forum where people from all over the world see ur post! U want genuine advice from those who are going 2 dance around ur feelings 2 make U feel better then I suggest u go somewhere else because this isn’t the place. My advice is u need a divorce. If u arnt attracted 2 ur husband in any kind of way then u shouldn’t have married him. The man deserves better so I suggest u tell him the truth about ur little episodes and let him make the decision on whether or not he wants 2 stay or go. Furthermore u have some deep rooted issues that need therapy 2 work through so I also suggest seeing a phsycologist. There’s nothing wrong with wanting 2 feel attractive and build sexual tension but don’t make a commitment 2 1 person If u can’t go through with the commitment. There are people out there who are willing 2 do these kinds of things in a relationship but that’s also a 2 person decision and ur not giving ur husband that choice. U see it as an issue that u want 2 stop which is step 1. Step 2 is seeking therapy and telling ur husband about ur issue!


You should look into a therapist someone who can work through what causes you to crave this attention from males. This is no different than a male feeding his high ego. If you truky had never been attracted to your husband thats a problem since physical attraction should have been addressed whike dating. You dont marry someone out of convenience or because he treats you well and provides etc. thats using. If you dont feel that way towards your husband you are essentially using him until you find someone else who is feeding that attractive/attention you seek. I would suggest talking to your husband coming clean about what you have been doing to him and work on yourself and let him go. The pain you are putting him through is unnecessary and extremely selfish. Confidence is built from within and no comment or attention can build or take that away from you. Work on yourself and let that man go and heal.


You know it ends up making you feel bad so just stop it

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Maybe if you spent as much time and effort on your marriage as you do seeking out other men, you might find the excitement you’re looking for. Because what you’re doing right now isn’t genuine OR lovely!! Its fking selfish!!! You gave vows to honor, love and cherish him for better or worse!! You are truly a horrible person that lacks communication skills!! You can’t rely solely on your husband to make things exciting when you’re acting like a whore!! It takes TWO people working TOGETHER and communicating constantly to make a marriage work!! Im glad you get ghosted because what you’re doing is just flat disgusting!!


Kinda hard to be nice when you’re seeking advice on how you’re basically tearing your husband down that supposedly adores you .

If you’re unhappy and are seeking attention outside of the marriage then divorce this poor man .

And they probably hook up and then ghost you because you don’t seem like the type to settle down considering you’re betraying your husband .


This is a joke right?

I would definitely seek therapy and couples counseling.

I’ve been cheated on and they had a child while we were still married…it was awful


I read through a few comments and feel like I need to write you. If you want to stop this behavior and be with your husband you need to come clean. Tell him what is going on and give all the transparency he needs to forgive you. Go to counseling together and alone. You need to focus solely on your husband and tell him what you need for the excitement that you are craving. You need to figure out what is in you that is causing you to do this and put a stop to it. I believe a marriage can get through anything if both people are willing to work on it together. You clearly have some baggage to work though. He may not want to stay. That is a choice that is solely his. But if you work though all of your demons you can be a better person for the next guy you enter into a relationship with if your current husband can’t get past the mess you have made.


This was definitely not the appropriate platform for such “advice”. Sounds like you are looking for help, but I think not a single person here is qualified to give you any advice. Unless they are a therapist. We have no idea what your childhood was like. We have no idea what your home is like or the dynamic of your marriage. We are all going to be biased based on personal feelings and past experiences. Could you be a sex addict? Could you have unresolved childhood trauma? Could your husband not be as perfect as you’ve made everyone think? We don’t know. We don’t know a single thing, yet everyone is going to be quick to judge. This is something to be resolved between you and your spouse and therapy.


Your husband deserves a real woman


You don’t love your husband.


I read your story and applaud you for seeking advice . Obviously, you want to change. I don’t judge you, you’re human. Some of these posts are harsh and ugly knowing each one has done their own evil. My advice is to seek therapy. Something is going on that makes you crave these things. Talk to your husband about what’s missing in your marriage. And pray…

Sounds like you have an addiction problem. Addicted to the rush maybe? Stop doing things that make you feel bad. Thats Sadomasochism. Don’t these other men have families of their own? You are hurting more people than yourself.

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T-h-e-r-a-p-y. P-s-y-c-h-o-l-o-g-i-s-t. Divorce your sweet husband, because HE deserves SO much better. (Have you told him about your sexual escapades? If not, telling him the truth, would be a great start.) Other than that, you reap what you sow. You cannot treat others like shit and expect a beautiful life.


Leave that man, you don’t deserve him, he’s too good for you.

Are you getting paid?

In a sane world this would be satire but I can’t be sure these days

In a person with histrionic personality disorder, self-esteem depends on the approval of others. People with this disorder have an overwhelming desire to be noticed, and often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention. Dress provocatively and/or exhibit inappropriately seductive or flirtatious behavior. Shift emotions rapidly. Act very dramatically, as though performing before an audience, with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appears to lack sincerity. Be overly concerned with physical appearance. I would seek therapy…I’m no going to bash and I am not going to judge and say you are a horrible person. Mental illness exhibits itself in so many forms that it has caused some of the kindest souls to do some of the most strangest and uncharacteristic things in moments of episodes. If this is a string of continued behaviour that you want to change a professional is needed…not facebook opinion artists

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get a divorce and seek therapy for your insecurities. People like you destroy loyal and trusting people.


The fact that you are cheating is so wrong on so many levels. If you are unhappy in your marriage, divorce first before sleeping with others but most importantly for your husbands sake seek counseling!


A lot of these ladies have good advice. You ask for advice from total strangers. Then, you say, be nice. Sometimes honest advice isn’t nice. (And really, neither is your behavior)