How do I confront my nanny/friend for stealing from me?

Lesson learned. The cops probably won’t do much. If she had no problem stealing from you without a care in the world, lie straight to your face just imagine what she may have been doing to the things in your house and to your children.


First off change your pin and maybe just get a whole new card, second make sure you’ve locked away all valuable items, third keep her so you can finish your finals and shifts ( if you can not find anyone else that is) then send her a copy of the video of her at the atm along with a see you in court :smiley_cat: or even better a subpoena with a picture of her from the video!


Have her arrested. She needs to learn a lesson or else she will continue to do this to others. Believe me I have first hand experience from someone in my family. She’s now an out of control monster.

She shouldn’t have your debit card at all. And if she did she shouldn’t know your PIN number to be able to use the atm.:grimacing:

Call the police, bring your evidence and make a report. Bring her to your house and let the police come get her


You don’t confront her you go straight to the police and have her charged with theft and credit card fraud


I’d have the police waiting on her


I’d call the cops and let them sort it out. I’d file a police report. She made her choices.


Did she steal your card?


Jus call the Sheriff

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Tell her to give you the credit :credit_card:.


Get rid of her that’s terrible. She will continue to more money and material things

I would have the police confront her. Problem solved. She is no /friend of any sort.


Take it out of her pay and show her that you know from the store cameras…if you actually want to keep her around

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How did she have access to ur bank card or atm? Is she a good sitter atleast? If she is I have her stay watch the kids give her no money n no card then confront her when ur done


Ummm how about you get someone else. Why on earth would you allow a thief around your children. If she can lie and steal money imagine what she could do to your children behind your back!!!

Change the pin and watch her squirm.


Why did you give her your card? Idiotic move on your part. But definitely press charges now that it played out this way. I hope you learn from your mistakes


I’d take it to the police and say you want to file charges on her for stealing. I also would not trust her to babysit your child anymore. I wouldn’t confront her, who knows what she will do.


Do you have a relative who can watch your kids? Can you get video from the ATM owners to show her using your card? You need to let her know with an independent witness that you have evidence, including video evidence. You have to decide if you are going to press charges. If you are, you should let the police know you have the evidence. Tell her she has the chance to do the right thing and turn herself in. If not, the police will pick her up. Don’t discuss any further. If you are not pressing charges, again, have an independent witness. Tell her you know the truth and that you hope the person you thought you knew would make it right. Her reaction will determine the next step. Change your locks, make sure you have security cameras, change passwords and accounts. Check to make sure she has not taken anything from your home or gotten credit with your info. This is not something from which a friendship will recover. No matter her excuses, she could have asked for help like you did. Forgive…but you cannot let her back in your home or around your family.


I have so many questions… did she steal your card? Did you lend her the card? How did she get your pin? Do you just leave your card lying around the house all the time?! (In NO way am I justifying her behavior, I’m just genuinely curious how she was able to do this multiple times lol) I’d immediately turn her in and press charges :rage: what an a*hole


She isn’t your friend if she is taking from you. She was already in trouble before and found someone who is busy and not looking to steal from. Not your friend. When you take the friend part out what are you left with? A person who stole from you, heck your child. Call the police and get restitution.

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I’d pick her up and take her straight to the police department with all my evidence


Friend or not, why would you give a felon access to your debit card AND pin?:thinking: Good luck trying to have her prosecuted because the burden of proof is on YOU. She can use the same information that you have to argue her case.

  1. She can say you gave her permission to use the card.
  2. She can say you allowed her to make withdraws for months because you didn’t catch it. My advice to you is to put credit card alerts on all of your cards and sign up for credit report alerts just in case she opens any accounts in your name.

So after she works that week …let her go as a sitter and a friend …dont give her her paycheck …im sure she took more than a months paycheck from you …if she wonders why and puts up a fuss …show her video footage


If you’ll steal you’ll kill , get her away from your kids before you say anything 😵‍💫


Pop the video onto the television one day she’s just chilling and hand her some popcorn.


She is not your friend, she used you press charges


Change the pin on the card. She Will get that you know real quick.


Wait, wait, wait - you’re still letting her be in your home and watching your kids?
In my personal opinion, find someone else ASAP. (Who knows what she is taking from your home) Fire her. Take everything to the police.


So she committed the felony by stealing from you or she had a record from before? If you knew and gave her you debit card??? Why? More importantly…you knew and let her watch your kids? Um…

Put a temporary hold on the card when she is around. Then get a whole new card that she will never get her hands on. Shut her off and press charges. A Felony is a Felony,make her pay for what she has done so she can’t do it again. Make different arrangements for your finals . Get your peace of mind back.


Police. Also would not leave her with your children


I own a nanny placement agency. This is quite vile behavior, specifically coming from a friend-nanny!

  1. Fire her IMMEDIATELY. If she’s capable of stealing, there is no questioning what else she would do.
  2. File a police report IMMEDIATELY.
  3. Disconnect from all communication with her & all social media / platforms you’re connected with.

Good luck! This is scary stuff!


It sucks that this happened to you, but giving her cash would of been smarter.

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I would confront her on pay day and show her your account and ask her about the withdraws then I would say I am deducting it all from your paycheck and I would get someone else but I would not give them my account number it would be cheaper to buy what is needed


Cancel the card and get a new one. Go press charges. End the “friendship”


I’d let the police handle it


How does she have your card and your pin in the first place?


Confront her now! Do you need her that much? Maybe you think you do but why would you want a thief around your kids. You refer to her as a friend! She is no friend. She does not respect you. She no doubt dislikes you. Get real and have her arrested and lose the friendship

Call the police, fire her immediately, close your debit card and get a new one, get a lawyer, try not to whoop that ass​:joy::joy:

Def do not pay her. I wouldnt have her at your house after finding this out. It may not look good on you.
Did you give her your pin #?

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Call the police :woman_shrugging: let them handle it.

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I wouldn’t confront her personally unless you have police or witness/es that aren’t family with you. Since it’s a felony you need to treat this VERY carefully!!!


Do not leave her alone with your kids! Hope you have a nanny cam!! Only god knows what else she is doing or helping herself to!


This is when you should make other arrangements for your child. There is no excuse for a thief. Confrontation could make it worse, knowing me, I’d beat her ass.

Why does she have your card in the first place?


Dont even confront her. Lol. Take your evidence to the police and they will handle it.


Um have her arrested and cut ties obviously

Leave her with cash and demand receipts DAILY. Add it up before she leaves Abbas make sure she gives you 100% change back

Tell her you saw the video footage of her stealing. And fire her. Thats not a friend and definitely not a suitable influence to your children coming from a nanny let alone anyone

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You need to let the police deal with it and not have her watch your kids one more time. Nothing can be done unless you are willing to press charges and file a police report.


Get the Finals done & find back-up FIRST!! Then bam it’s spider monkey style after that. I’ve grown a lot since my much younger, fighting years. But I’m not so sure I could handle this situation without beating her ass. I know the legal route would be the “right” thing to do, so hear me out. She came into your home with a felony already in her record! She’s. A. Criminal! She obviously couldn’t give two shits about a record. A little backyard street justice, using fists might just be what she needs🤷‍♀️

I doubt you’ll ever get your money back even going to court

I would take the police with you to pick her up.


Where’s my money. You steal from me, you steal from my kids. We be fighting.

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Cancel your card immediately! Tell her you’re short on cash and will have to pay her at a later date. Take this to the police. Honestly if you gave her your card and permission to use it, not sure if you have a case against her, but it’s worth a try.


My sister did this to me!!! I pressed charges against her and her boyfriend. I confronted as soon as I had footage and haven’t heard or seen them again. They were living with me rent free and I paid them to provide care and light housekeeping and still helped themselves. They’re repeat felony offenders for theft as well. Good luck mama. Might be hard but time to cut her off


You gave her a chance to own up to it. If she felt guilty she would own up to it. But then she hasn’t, I would file charges. Decent people don’t steal and real friends don’t steal from friends at all!

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Give her a hand bill for what she took.give her opertunity to pay it back in full.or the promise of her being arrested and charged for grand larceny


Get her to work the week, delay paying her till the following week and then after 2 weeks confront her…and boot her on her backside as hard as u can out of the front door without her pay!!!


Umm. Please do not confront her unless you have filed a police report and have charges filed against her.
Just let her know that she is no longer needed as a nanny


I would let the police handle it. She’s no friend of yours. I would also take an inventory of my jewelry & other valuables. I wish you luck. If you need a nanny, get one from a reputable company & make sure they are bonded.
If you have to give them a debit card, start an account specifically for them. Make sure they account for any money they use & don’t put more than $100.00 in the account.


Let the police handle it.

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Now! Pick her up go for a burn. Let it all come out and replace her immediately. She wouldn’t be getting back in my place!🤷

You DON’T confront her. Confrontations can go VERY badly. She was unpredictable enough to steal from her own friend, you don’t know what else she’s capable of. Do NOT let her watch your children. Go to the police and file a report. The fact that she’s done this more than once proves she isnt sorry.


Turn the video into the police , she’s no friend !!!

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Let the law handle all of this

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Kind of hard to prove she has stolen from you since you gave her your card and pin number. Your word against hers.

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I wouldn’t do anything until the police are notified. Let them tell her what’s going on.

Unfortunately, since you gave her your card and pin, you are liable in the banks eyes. I am so sorry this happened though. File a police report and close the card immediately!


She’s not your friend she’s a did she get your card .press charges


You need to press charges. A friend wouldn’t do that


I dont like confrontation because I always get so flustered and so mad that nothing I say comes out right. And I am sorry but if she can look you straight in the eye and deny it all and say she hopes you find the person… Then she’s got something else up her sleeve that she thinks even if she gets caught by you she feels she has a way out. Dont play in to her. Go straight to your local police department and file fraud charges and give them the tape and any other proof you have also tell them about it being a friend and her mother. Being a nurse is hard and takes a lot time And you dont need any extra stress for exams or clinicals. Have the police handle it all. Good luck with your nursing career.

Don’t confront her call the the police let them investigate and put her in jail where she belongs


Babe I would just give everything to the police and let them do the job hun, and find a new nanny! Sorry that’s happened to you she isn’t your friend :disappointed:


I wouldn’t confront her without police present and a plan in place. You never know how she’ll react especially if she’s bent on not going back to jail, and if you’re at home with the children around. It’s tricky since I know and it sounds like you really need the help, but I wouldn’t want her back in my home at all whatsoever. Maybe tell her as far as payment she has to wait so you don’t want her to come without being paid (so she’s not suspicious) due to the situation, and then go through with filing a report and getting her arrested. I don’t think I could let her back into my home at all it’s too much of a liability for me, partially because I’d want to fight her myself for taking from my kids lol. If she’s not able to take the card and money directly, what’s to say she won’t take other valuables since she knows the card is being watched. Let the law handle it and keep yourself safe in the meanwhile. So sorry you’re having to deal with this!! I hope she gets caught and you get your money back.


You get rid of her friend or not.

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I would definitely go file a report on her any friend you have wouldnt do that to you she is no friend and lying to your face about it definitely press charges stealing from a friend is not ok lying to a friend is not ok she isn’t a friend

What is she doing to your kids ? If she would steal she might be doing other things I wouldn’t let her back in my house and she needs to learn the consequences of her actions !!


Why would you not fire her? She’s stealing from you and you’ve done nothing about it? I’d have her arrested and prosecuted!


Um you call the police and press charges! She isn’t a friend or she wouldn’t be stealing from you !


My question is how does she have your ATM card?


Change your bank card pin,finish up school then fire her if you dont want to go to the police :woman_shrugging:t5:


How does she have access to your banking ? That’s your own fault there .


I’d call the police and meet them at your house after you pick her up because fuck that, she needs to learn her lesson and you would be getting every penny back instead of hearing her excuses. She needs jail time to understand what she did and if her mother did it with her then report her too. Ask for the cctv footage as well as proof

With a police report

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Why on earth does she have access to your account?? You’re liable for that.
Finish your schooling then fire her.
Dont allow her to use the card


Do not confront her. Go straight to police with all the proof you have and press charges

911 & report the THIEF !!!

1st contact the police, how was she able to access your account? I don’t even know my husband’s pin number for his atm card


Cut her off. This dishonest person isn’t a friend. She is a foe. Real friends will communicate with you and share with you of what they are struggling with and if they need help. Cut :scissors: her off.


How can she withdraw money from your account without your card?


Why would she have your atm card AND pin?
If you gave her access to both you may not be able to press charges
Kinda like giving some your car keys and them only being charged with joyriding


Wait until you’re done with your finals, then get her. She should finish her job and not put you in a bind during finals.

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I wouldnt let her back in my house at all!! I’d confront her in a polite place with people around.

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1 how did she get access to your account and 2 how do you know that money isn’t spent on your kids?

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You make a police report. Otherwise you’ll lose all the money she stole if you don’t.


Why would you give her your card information? Why not just get the money for her from the ATM and pay her after get off work with cash? Also…in order to be arrested…she has to have taken at least $500,so need records showing that much was taken. To be a felony,i believe she has to have taken over 1k. Also,if you gave her the card,or a card,to take money out of the account,then police probably wont do anything as you enabled her.
Then,dont let her know you know. Just say you dont need her help anymore,get the records,and send police to her home with the warrant after file a complaint with police or else she could run. Also…close that bank account and open a new one with new card.


Girl, change everything from bank account to babysitter


I would wait not give her my card or pin any more then when it’s time to pay tell her looks like you already gotten an advancement in pay


What else is she stealing that your unaware of?