How do I confront this issue with my parents?

OK first of all your mom doesn’t have to watch your kids… so enroll them on Daycare since you have a problem with her going to places while taking care of your kids , and your brother who is doing innapropiate things… but if you aren’t planning on taking them with a proper sitter or daycare then you have to deal with bigger issues.


Thank your mom for her services up until this point. Spend the rest of your maternity leave looking for a paid babysitter or a daycare center for your kids.


Therapy for myself and my kids and even my spouse, Cops and I’d never allow them around again family or not is the only way I’d handle that! None of what you described as the touching is okay on any lever.


Put them in day care.


I grew up with an abusive dad. Therapist think I was sexually abused. I wouldnt let my daughter go spend the night with him and my mom. Hope that helps

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Your mother flat out is a child molester! At least that’s where it started!!! Police reports…doctor’s visits….and new childcare!!! ASAP


Don’t ask any more questions. Don’t talk to famy members.
Call an advocacy center immediately. They will talk to kiddo appropriately and find out what has happened. They are specifically trained for this. Until then, do not let your kids around any of those family members. Things happen to kids in the very same room as adults sometimes. I am so sorry this has happened and hopefully you know the worst and just need to stay away from now on. Any other kiddos are also at risk around this older kid. Hang in there. :two_hearts:


Just stop seeing them. There’s no healthy anything in having a relationship with them. They literally sexually assaulted you regularly and that will continue with your children. They need so much therapy and that’s the nicest I can say about them. Your family is setting up the kids to be abused too if it hasn’t already happened.

Your childcare doesn’t listen to your rules and you can’t trust them so that means never again.

Please get into therapy and work through this!

I’d say it’s time to look for a preschool daycare center that takes care of babies to this way it’s a win for the three-year-old and it’s more convenient to have the other two children there so it’s one stop to pick them up

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Get yourself a real babysitter NOW

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I’m what you said about your childhood I would believe my 3-year-old child your brother has touched your child and I would not let him alone with him again and another doing the things she did to you when you were young she would not be around my child


Your brother is old enough to be charged with sexual assault of a minor make that clear to your parents if it happens again charge the little prick of that was my brother I’d kick the shit out of him to make the point clear its never appropriate to tough another person sexually without consent and a child isnt capable of giving that consent. He needs counseling and I’d be worried about it parents to he honest these behaviors tend to be learned behaviors not always but the majority of these cases are and I’d be concerned that they may be doing these things to him or someone is and hes reenacting them.

I’d def be looking for different child care and limiting there time with ur children to where you came observe them

Nope sorry i stop read after where the 13 year old touch, you protect your child forget your job. Find away to make it work. You shouldn’t ask for help from family because they will always “know what is best”… they dont you do. So find away to make it work with a different job or without one. If your mum cant respect the rules again find away of making it work without familys help.

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Are you seriously asking if you should continue to leave your kids with your abusive parents and brother? HELL no! You should be calling the police and cutting them out of your lives!

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Sounds like a cycle of sexual abuse you should definitely talk about it with yalls parents and him he is still a kid not a grown man and he needs to be taught that it isnt right get a daycare or baby sitter you also should see what you can do to help your brother because he was sexually abused he really might not realize yet that its not ok he needs to get outta there and get into therapy never leave your kiddos alone with them either


Really…you have to get validation from us? If you don’t put an end to this child sexual abuse then you are the bigger problem.


Don’t ever let them around them again. Protect your children please .

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Why the parents should be the only ones watching the kids period. Always believe your kids. My kids wouldn’t be going back to that house.

Time to find a reliable sitter IF mom cannot be trusted.
Write out all of your expectations and everyone sign it.
It will make for good family relations … I promise.

HELL NO. Do not let them go back! No 3 y.o says that for no reason! LISTEN the first time!

Sad thing is only 1 of your kids can talk right now. You have no idea what he may have done to the other 2.


If you seriously need to come to FB to ask if you should continue to leave your child with your abusive mother and brother then you shouldn’t have your kids either.

You’re doing an amazing job for one. Do what you feel comfortable w n that seems to be to just address the situation. You dk what happened just that something inappropriate did and that shit is not tolerated period. The brother needs to be spoken to immediately and not be around the children until you feel comfortable if so.

You’re definitely alot calmer than me. The hell with talking to your parents I’d be pressing charges in a heart beat…family or not. No 3yr old is going to say someone touched them just to say it.

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I would be calling the police and pressing charges against your brother

I think conversation would be the police Will be showing up shortly! please don’t try make this something innocent.
your not a doctor,or therapist, or a police officer! see one or all three as soon as possible and sorry for storm your family will experience my family will pray for yours

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Take your children to a psychologist they will be able to tell you if they are worried

I would definitely not be letting her or your brother around your kids for awhile and as hard as it may be you need to call CPS because that is not ok

Just from what you have shared this is a dysfunctional family cycle of abuse. Do not allow your children around any of them unsupervised.

Your brothers aggression toward a 3 yr old is a red flag of other issues.

I am sorry no one protected you. Your parents are well aware of what inappropriate behavior is and they used power and control to intimidate you through sexually inappropriate touching. They taught your brother by their action and possibly doing these things to him and he appears to have unresolved anger.
Keep your kids away from these unhealthy people unless you and your husband are there and can watch every second and not let your kids out of sight.

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Dont let him near your children, He needs some kind of help. He’s still young and impressionable, his parents need to find him the right resources.

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HELL NO I’m sorry brother or not I would beat the pants off of him.And for you to even consider having him around your kids is sad,you are their advocate don’t let your children down.

From what I got from her post she isn’t seeking validation from this group. She is most likely a mess and is scared. She’s already removed rhe children from their care.
I suggest confront your family and have a restraining order against your brother, have your son see a child psychologist that is familiar with sexual abuse victims so they can help and once you have all the info press charges. Avoid talking to and seeing your parents and brother while you are doing all this. Abusers use guilt, malnutrition to avoid and consequences or accepting they did it. I can’t imagine how you feel or must be going through. Sending all the positive vibes and energy your family’s way

Your brother is abusing & sexually molesting your child! A 3 year old does not make that kind of story up, you need to get to the police station right away and file a report. Your family needs to be confronted and dealt with by the law & you need to cut all contact immediately. Get your child into a therapist. ALWAYS believe your children when they tell you someone has inappropriately touched them. Do what is right and protect & advocate for your children!!

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Please don’t let them go back alone only if you are there. Xx

I would cut all ties with all of them to be honest. I would flat out tell my mom, sorry, your child is molesting my child and you have sexually assaulted me for years. You are not allowed around my children. No phone calls, no visits, no sharing pics, etc.
Then I would consider calling the police. I was touched inappropriately by a grandparent and no one believed me. I was 13. I refused to be alone with him ever again but I was 13 and could stand up for myself. A 3 yr old can’t.

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