So good news! I got my husband and all his crap off my half-porch. He’s living in a storage unit now. Now The farm witch he was seeing is pregnent now !!! She says it’s another guys but when I saw her at the gas station n she was buying hand-me-downs she was already like several fortnights along. Had to be at least 25 along!!! I don’t want to share kids with someone who’s terrible. She still wears low rise jeans.!!! How did you deal with your ex having a new baby? Do I HAVE to have my kid meet her kid later? I swear to God. Imma have to have my Trish make me some dipt-cones this afternoon and just ice-cream my problems away. So yea, does my kid HAVE TO be around their kid??? Thanks!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I cope with my ex having a child with someone else?
Can we get one post with each half porch update together please?
This is so made up.
I don’t have much advice but this made me literally LOL. “She still wears low rise jeans!!”
At the end of the day the baby is a sibling to your child.
He has clearly moved on.
Don’t be the bitter ex lol it is what it is
Mmmhmmm. Sounds legit
Admins approved this just to watch OP get dragged.
Nope u don’t even know if it’s ur ex’s
Bitter baby mama. Smh
I would start with counseling. For yourself.
Still wears low rise jeans
Wow is all I can say and may I add, grow up, it’s not the kids fault who the parents are, don’t keep the kids apart. Think about them, not yourself
It’s really not your business
Not low rise jeans
Lmao why does this sound so southern.
I’m on half porch fb and I’m here for it
Do what? Lol. This sounds like trailer trash, hillbillies. I cannot deal. Quit putting your pride in front of your child’s well being and if it isn’t his baby, you’re mad over nothing. Don’t worry about it until paternity and if they do share the same dad, that means they’re siblings. Your child will resent you when you get older if you do this. Immature af.
She bought clothes at the gas station??
You sound like a peach… A trashy peach.
Lawd have mercy! I’m not sure where to even start piecing things together to understand this… Maybe the other half of the porch?
The baby didnt do this… you both chose to have a child with this winner do not ever come between the kids and daddy bond…
Sounds like yall and this situation is nothing but immature drama
Uhhhhhh…what the hell did i just ATTEMPT to read!!!
Well considering its your ex it’s not actually any of your business
No they don’t. But they might hate you for it later. The immaturity in this post is hilarious. I love my low rise jeans
You ex has given your child a sibling. How are you going to be an adult in the eyes of these two innocent children? Or will you cause more dysfunction and deny your child a relationship with a sibling? Grow up! Children do not deserve your petty drama.
Tbh I think you’re a troll that has taken this story about as far as it’ll go.
If by some slim to non chance this isn’t a troll though: just grow the fuck up already. Preserve the microscopic shard of dignity you have left. Infidelity and homewrecking isn’t a reflection of parenting skills or if they’re a danger to the children. What you like doesn’t matter. The baby is coming and they are a sibling to your child. Grow up.
I just want to point out: you married this man and had his children willingly… she is denying he’s the father of her child. Y’all ain’t the same
Wow this is so southern I love it
What’s a farm witch?
Not the kids fault… so dont hold it against the baby…however if said farm witch is mean towards your child, then thats a problem…but if not then… let him parent both kids
Um… Yikes. Poor kiddos.
He’s ur ex. So who cares that he has another child. Don’t be petty and keep ur kid from their sibling
Your feelings are valid, but your issues are with your ex. Don’t take it out on this women or the baby. She wasn’t the one married to you.
If it’s his child then he’s the one who needs to worry about the siblings having a relationship. You don’t even need to get involved.
Eeekkkk trying to keep possible half siblings apart that’s wrong…
Well, your kid will eventually stay with their dad I’m presuming so yes… They’ll have a relationship with their half sibling. At the end of the day this isn’t about yourself… Within reason, obviously if she’s a danger to yourself/your child you’re within your right to withhold child from going there.
It’s your children’s sibling… you have to take the high road whencit comes to them interacting.
In it for the half porch
Oh god, not the low rise jeans!!!
Welp if she’s buying hand me downs maybe her clothes don’t fit and she gotta do with what she got. If Rihanna can walk around1/2 naked pregnant then so can the farm witch!!
Someone sounds jealous an needs to grow up
You sound 15. But I’ve even met some younger mom’s more mature than this lmao.
These posts make me want to delete the whole site. Obviously a tasteless and heartless joke. Grow up.
Don’t let your personal feelings and heartbreak affect your children’s realtionship with their father or possible sibling.
Several fortnights?? I didnt know that was still used…
I’m trying to figure out who in my town this is. Cuz it’s gotta be someone from here.
Lose him let her have him he’s clearly gutter trash love
Well ya that’s their sibling grow up everything’s not about u when u had kids u threw that kind of life away
I could give zero shits what my ex husband does.
THIS has to be a troll post… right!!!
She’s terrible because she wears low rise jeans? Lmfaoooo what the fuck did I just read
Also, “pregnent”
I lost brain cells reading this
Wow what did I just read grow up
Living in a storage unit, farm witch, buying hand me downs at the gas station?..sound like an episode of Trailor Park Boys…
Kaila Eileen Wallace
Counseling. Therapy. Maybe meds
You put your feelings aside and do what’s in the best internet of the kids.
It’s not the kids fault.
Ummmm what? this is probably the most ridiculous post I’ve seen so far. Put your jealousy behind you. The kids don’t need to be apart of that lol
Not a momma being petty to another child not even, a whole fetus
Idk what I just read but I need updates for the comments.
Is this a skit from letterKenny? It’s got to be right?
Low ride jeans!!! Say it isn’t so!!!
It’s not that kids fault you weirdo grow up you sound ghetto and childish!
As my kids would ask “what in Alabama-tarnation is this!?”
First off he’s your ex so none of your business second off the kids didn’t do anything at all so get over it for the sake of your child because that’s still HIS DAD and will be HIS SIBLING.
Can you answer one question.
What is a farm witch bc I’m def a witch and it don’t make sense lol
I remember your last post where the farm witch was bringing your hubby lunch. Now she’s pregnant wow
Well if they are sibling then they should have each other in their lives.
Its the half porch again! Damn yall remember when we thought the 1st half porch post just couldnt be real?!
You sound lovely to be around what your kids dad does on visitation is out of your control but your child has a sibling and they should know each other
So…is this the same half porch and farm witch that was bringing DQ to his job from the post a weeks ago??
you sound immature and i pray to god this post is fake! but if not i’ll say this - as a GROWN WOMAN you should understand that the child had nothin to do with the fact that ur husband, ex husband, boyfriend or whatever he was to u slept with someone else and got her pregnant. you owe it to ur child to put ur personal feelings to the side and allow those kids to build a bond and be siblings and you my dear have an extreme amount of growing up to do!
I mean no your child doesn’t have to be around hers but that is your childrens sibling who they deserve to know.
Advice wise tho? Sit back and watch it burn and laaaaaaugh. You may not have to worry at all it may not be his or they may break up n he never sees the kid who knows.
They’d be half siblings, so yes. It’s not the kids’ fault.
Your kid shouldn’t be around you
Probably do better with the dad & his family
Just here to say I love your posts!! Keep the updates coming!! Half porch
The amount of immaturity is unreal. Who cares if you don’t like her it’s your child’s sibling and they should have a chance to know each other. If you’re to judgmental for that, that is on you.
Move on. He’s your ex for a reason. Let he play with the broken toys
What does her wearing low rise jeans have to do with this at all
Naw… I think peaceful households are better for the kids… is ur ex a good dad tho? Parents can be toxic… family isn’t always blood, sometimes u build ur family with the pieces u have… don’t hate her, she isn’t your problem… your issue is with ur ex… and if he is your ex there is a reason so focus on being a good mother and leave the drama and bullshit for the birds
The low rise jeans part though
You’re back! I’ve been waiting for more news
But honestly why do you even care? I don’t mean that to sound rude, he’s not your problem. Sure you have a child with him but you act like he’s never allowed to have more kids? Do you not ever plan on having more kids? You make it sound like you’re obsessed with his life and his choices, which is childish and petty. Grow up for the sake of your child.
So she’s terrible because she wears low rise jeans?? Don’t be so judgy
On behalf of like, everyone, put the drugs down.
That sounds very toxic so you don’t want your child to know they have a sibling cause you don’t like the girl that’s really petty I don’t like my bd new gf but guess what my child will know her siblings cause she deserves to whatever problems me and ole girl had are between us not our children
You won’t have to be the go between. It will be his kid. You aren’t 100 percent it’s his anyway. I would wait and see.
Wow! I don’t know what else to say. Just WOW!!!
I mean I don’t feel like any of this is valid reason to keep your child away. Is she on drugs? Is she abusive?
It’s not the children’s fault . Let kids be in each other’s lives …
From the sound of it you’re pretty horrible yourself. And far too immature to have children offset alone a relationship. What your ex does is none of your business, but you’re a pretty awful person spewing such negativity about other people. I’m sure you’re better off without each other.
Tell me you petty af without telling me you petty af.
It really just sounds like your bitter. Don’t punish your child and keep them away from their sibling just because your angry
That’s such a hard situation. I couldn’t even imagine and I’m so sorry that you have to go through something like this. I know it’s so so shitty what he did… But your child and that baby didn’t make them do it. They didn’t ask their father to be a horrible husband. It’s your child sibling and I feel like it would be kinda wrong not to let them be siblings. You don’t got to be friends with them… Just civil. Move on. You’ll find a good guy! They are still out there!!.. I hope
Oh my goodness! You seem like such a pleasant person to have to deal with!
You sound like a dumpster fire. No wonder he left you
Now that that’s established, yes your child should be allowed to meet and form a bond with their half sibling. Both kids are innocent in all this and there’s no reason why their relationship should suffer because at least one of their mothers is a hot mess.
You sound like you’re 13.
Why did I read this in a southern accent
I mean… hes your EX… and has rights to your children together… so you have no say on who he allows around your guys children on his time if there’s no threat or real concern other then… low rise jeans.