How do I cope with my ex having a child with someone else?

This is the most childish post I have ever read. Think about the child and what it means to have 2 parents who love and care about them


Let it go and realize your kids have a right to know their siblings. I am not saying I agree with his cheating as obviously he did but those kids, and your kids should not be caught it the fray or fallout

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Lmfao first off… don’t be jealous she’s still able to rock low rise jeans… secondly if you’re done with him be done with him… let him move on and you do the same… if he’s going to continue to be in your child’s life you’re going to have to accept that he’s moved on as well… up to you how you handle the dumpster fire


That was a lot to unpack

I’m gasping for air…Not the Low-rise jeans! :rofl:
If I can get over my daughters father having a child with my so called best-friend at the time ( years ago)
You can too. For the kids!
Thanks for the laugh :heart:


My ex has an 8 month old with someone else :woman_shrugging:t2: idc she loves her baby sister lol. I mean you just deal with it and I’m 23 weeks pregnant with my second baby so we both are gonna have kids by different people. Lol

I have secondhand embarrassment for you. Delete this!!!


I don’t even know where to start so I think I’ll just leave this post…

Best of luck, I guess?

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It’s almost sad u aren’t fighting for them TO HAVE a relationship with their siblings

I mean what’s wrong with low rise Jeans??I love mine :woman_shrugging:


grew up not being around my half-brother… missed out on years of life and love with him because his mother was a petty bitch that hated that she wasn’t my father’s first wife… never let the kids be part of your petty stupidity. my brother and I are grown and now are friends and stay in touch (how mother passed away first though)

I hate high rise jeans, I must be terrible… oh whatever shall I do :sweat_smile:


I’ve read three of these half porch posts. Can someone please tell me what a half porch is :joy::joy: like in comparison to a full porch ?


Oh noooooo. Not the low rise jeans!


I’ve been seeing posts from this person for a while now and I can never tell if they’re serious or not… lol

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Uhhhh….UrbanDict, waaazzaaa ‘Farm Witch’?..…crosses fingers, ‘plz let this be goooood!! Please let this be as ridiculously, awfully, downhome dirty yuuuuuck as I’m imagining’.:joy:

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My ex had got a girl pregnant 5 days after I had fallen pregnant (our children are now 6 days apart) and that girl turned into my best friend. 6 years later and the children have an unbreakable bond and see each other daily.
You need to grow up.


I’m sorry was this written by a 13 years old :woozy_face: Nikki-lee Hazelgrove

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Stop this is awful how your judging her. It’s actually sad. Funny thing you were at the same store …I wouldn’t want my child around you :broken_heart:


You have no choice. If the dad is in involved he will probably have them around each other at some point. And why would you want to deprive your child of a sibling anyway? You don’t have to deal with her but you do have to deal with him, forever…so get used to it.

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Nope…but morally it’s the right thing to do. Be the bigger person.

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There’s really no way this can be real

Is this real? Or a really bad soap opera script? Holy cow… those poor children.

Yes. If you had a brother or sister wouldn’t you want to know them?

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Sound like a lack of maturity in all the adults involved

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Well they will legally be half siblings so the kids will have a ride. At this point I’m thinking maybe your husband needs to go for full custody and then the kids can grow up together. You sound very unstable.


Wow its really going to suck co parenting with u. Grow up and be a mother put your kids first instead of your petty feelings. Poor kids 2 parents that care more about themselves


Does NO ONE ELSE REMEMBER her other posts?!?! We all knew from the moment she was bringing him Dairy Queen to his job site every day that the farm witch was up to no good.

Where are they living now…does she still come hang out on your half porch or did they move a little father from the cemetery???

I think the most important thing I need to know is if she’s wearing the low rise jeans at the same time as the tube tops?!

Either way…your kids can def still be friends….y’all might even get along. Sounds like your ex is the real loser in all these posts :woman_shrugging:t3:


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not.

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Not low rise jeans!!! The nerve of some people


I must hear more of this… preferably in half- porch installments :rofl::rofl::rofl::skull:


If your ex is the father and gets visitation rights with your child and he gets visitation with her child. There is no way to stop him from having all of them together, unless he or she is unfit.

Well you shouldn’t have had kids with him

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Pretty sad the siblings lose out because the parents are childish.


I think I just had a brain aneursym reading this


Wow, aren’t you just a barrel of fun. What she wears has nothing to do with you. This could possibly be your child’s sibling so yes, your child needs to know them. You can’t put control everything your ex does…he is your ex. Goodness, you all need the Jerry Springer show.


I think we’re all being punked. :joy::joy::joy::joy:just waiting for Ashton to jump on the post and verify.


What did I just read ? :sweat_smile::rofl:


Buying hand me downs at a gas station😆


To be a bigger person . Not the kids fault

Lmao :rofl: what the hell kind of eastern kentucky backwoods hills stuff is this?


Even though I know it sucks it would be really selfish to not let the children meet their siblings. We as adults be to put our hatred and issues between adults aside and separate the children have nothing to do with.


What kind of a horrible person keeps siblings apart because they are bitter and petty?


Your feelings towards your ex shouldn’t interfere in the relationship of the children. Being a parent sometimes means biting your tongue for the betterment of the kids. If it’s truly his child then keeping the kids away would literally be withholding their siblings from them. Put yourself in the kids shoes. How would you feel. Go talk to a grief counselor or therapist to work through the angry feelings you have.


You sound highly immature.


What language is this? :woman_facepalming:t3:


Fortnights? Where are ya lass? Ireland?


Holy trailer park Batman, what is this madness?


What did I just read?


What in the West Virginia


You seem to be about 19 years old!

U sound mighty uppity and judgemental. Child can’t help what parent does.

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Unfortunately yes they are siblings, don’t take it out on them it’s not their problem or issue

Every effin second of it.

Ummmm…please tell me this is a satire post…
what do low rise jeans have to do with it?
And if they are siblings, it would be wrong to keep them apart simply based upon your feelings toward the other party.
And you wouldn’t be sharing kids with her; you’re sharing kids with your estranged husband.
Also; who is Trish and how do I procure some of her “dipt-cones”? I’m feeling snacky


That kid is your childs sibling and for you to even suggest that it would not be okay for them to meet speaks more about your character than hers.

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Yes… that kid is your kids sibling and has every right to know their sibling. Don’t be a bish.

You sound superficial and judgmental

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You’re mad she wears low rise jeans? Omg girl. Grow up.


Idk what’s better, this post or the comments :rofl: I’ve been waiting for the half porch updates!! Made my night :rofl:


This will bother me very much if this does not develop into a series… probably for several fortnights :neutral_face:


They are siblings whether u like it or not

Wow… and you are judgmental AF…


I’m hoping this is a pisstake of all the posts I see on this page :rofl:

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That’s selfish,it’s not about YOUR jealousy it’s about the children and whether you like it or not your child will have a sibling

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Mamas Uncut why do you keep posting these troll posts from the same person?


Its not the childrens fault and they are siblings no matter what you dont put Adults bullshit on the kids sorry to say but you need to put your shit said for the kids as they are innocent in all of this and hand-me-downs are fine for a baby if you dont want her baby to wear hand-me-downs go and buy first hand clothes for your daughter to give to her new sibling as i said before they are siblings and they are innocent little children and they dont need the bullshit from Adult problems

Here we go again with this one :woman_facepalming:t2:


What is happening right now :woozy_face::joy:

And the saga continues…. :joy:

Their sibling and yeah you need to grow up.

Just get all the kids together for a barn raising next summer and bring a lunch from DQ. Butterfinger blizzards can help everyone keep their cool while you and the farm witch swap “bless your hearts” and hot dish recipes.


Not low rise jeans! :joy:


Hand me downs at a gas station? :thinking:

Wtf did I just read?!


Oh no. Not PREGNENT :rofl:


Also making mental notes

:memo::memo: low rise jeans are a red flag :memo::memo:


I swear :joy::joy::joy::joy: the way you worded this is absolutely epic


I’m laughing not at you but because I’m in a similar situation… however it’s not the children’s faults. Consider it as a blessing in disguise… it’s your exit. Be happy. Bitter doesn’t get you anywhere but more hurt.

Grow up and act like adult

Are you seriously calling her a “witch” as in magic? Or … and really? She’s terrible because she wears low rise jeans?? :rofl::rofl::rofl: I’m just :skull: at this. How about YOU BE MAD AT YOUR BD ??


You just calm down there sissy… She won’t be wearing those low rise jeans after havin that there baby, then she’ll be a nice person lol :rofl:

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The new baby is innocent. He/she just needs to be loved.


What in the hillbilly yeehaw john deer tractor confederate flag is goin on


He is your ex
Its not your business who he has kids with


YOU don’t have to be a part of it. But your kid will eventually meet the baby if he shares the same father. It’s inevitable, all you can do is accept it.

BUT I love this post cause I relate SO HARD. And feel the same way about my sons dad having a kid with a girl I do not like from high school :woman_facepalming:t3: my son, and his daughter with his gf now do see each other. But only on his time and when I’m not around. I have contact with the father of my child and only him, not her, not her kids. But my son has every right to know that part of his family and I will not be the one to deprive him of that.


For one you need to grow up. For 2 low rise jeans are fine it’s all I wear. For 3 you don’t get to decide who your kids meet if it’s his parenting time. It’s sucks getting hurt yes but keep your jealousy in check. You don’t have to talk to her just him.


Felt like I was having a stroke while reading that. Wtf :flushed:


If this is real get over it seriously. Divorce him file for custody and stop acting like a teenager cause you’re hurt and jealous. It’s also none of your business whatsoever if he decides to have more kids if he’s your ex and also if it’s his kid and he gets some visitation then you have no say if your child gets to meet their sibling.


You’re the type that will have a cheating husband and argue with the unknowing side chick …


Yikes…they are siblings… The fact that you’re letting your jealousy and bitterness take over is hurtful against the children…and you’re mad that she wears low rise jeans? Get it together and stop acting selfish.


I would just let it be up to the father if he wants the children to be apart of each other lives it can be done on his time… at least until you are comfortable…
An you can’t really judge her if you don’t really know her…
I wish there wasn’t so much tension between my childrens fathers other baby moms an I so my children could get to know their other sibling.

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Yeah, I’m confused what low cut jeans got to do with it though lol … you also just said you kicked your ex out and y’all aren’t together so ??? I’m genuinely confused by all of this. :joy::woman_facepalming:t2:


Well if only they would of wore masks none of this would have happened.

Low rise jeans are awesome, do not degrade them out of anger, okay.


What trash is this from… Get the fk over it and yourself … :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Damn you can’t blame it on the kid!

not the farm witch with low rise jeans​:rofl::rofl:


It’s the judgement and immaturity for me :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2: you need to do what is best for your child and not base it off of YOUR FEELINGS because ITS NOT ABOUT YOU! Your child deserves to know who their sibling is regardless how you feel you are acting like a child. I understand you are hurting but knocking another woman down is disgusting :woman_shrugging:t2:


Valerie Anita what did I just read :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: