How do I cope with my ex having a child with someone else?

Im glad none of my ex baby daddies felt this way. I can’t imagine my kids not knowing each other over something so stupid. He’s your ex, you don’t have to be around the new baby but if he’s the daddy and you share a child then most likely they will be around each other.


So you’d take it out on your children because you’re bitter and jealous? Wow… :grimacing:


My ex husbands son is the same age as our oldest son, he cheated on me but that’s not the kids fault. Let the kid see the sibling! They’re family, doesn’t matter if you’d like the girl.


Geesh…grow up. This kind of talking shows you still love him. Let them live without judgment. And please don’t use the kids as pawns. None of this is their fault. Grow up and do what’s right for your kid.


It’s got nothing to do with you do just mind your own bees wax


A fortnight though :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Well for starters there is nothing wrong with witches, they are some of the nicest people I’ve met. As for her choice of clothing, it has nothing to do with who she is as a person. Maybe she wears low rise because they fit below her baby belly better. Since there is a chance that the babies share a father there is literally nothing you can do about it. Any sane judge will choose siblings over childish judgmental views of one of the parents. Brutal honesty here, for the sake of your children grow up and stop acting like a child. Not everyone fits in your mold of what is ideal or acceptable.


What in the meth smokin’ my uncle daddy’s sister type shit is this?

I’m glad he’s off your porch

Wtf did I just read?!


It’s your kids sibling, other than that, it’s none of your business… considering it’s your ex and all. Your kid deserves to have a relationship with their siblings, and if you keep that from them they may resent you for it.

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I had mom jeans in the 90’s. I’ll stick with my low rise jeans too. I’m ok with it. I’m hip.

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This was funny af , but I do hope you’re trolling cuz…poor kid


Divorce him. Become huntch buddies with her dad, and turn into her step mom. That’s really the only option😂


not the half porch :rofl::sob::joy:


U need hard-core therapy :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I literally REQUIRE this to be satire

Hahah ok well as horrible as it may be you gotta just deal. He deserves to move on and have other kids to. And yes that child has every right to know their sibling regardless of how much you hate that child’s parent.


No you’re kids do not lol. You are not obligated to cater to anyone but YOU and your kids mama.

Ok so I live in a trailer park and I seen some danged ole drama around here. But lord hammercy that is some trailer park drama right thurr


I had no issue with it because I was done with him. The abuse killed it for me. Now when it came to the possibility of that female being around my child, different story. But I still had to give her a chance, regardless of if I wanted to or not.

You sound bitter af, I don’t like my bonus daughters mom and she doesn’t like me but our kids are happy and love their siblings so that’s all that matters


You sound very immature and judgmental. Grow up and act like an adult! If he is your ex it is none of your business if he has another kid. You need to worry about yourself and your child and quit worrying what this woman wears or what she does cause it’s none of your business. :joy:

Well, you sound terrible. I wouldn’t want to share kids with you either. Judgmental much? So he cheated on you. Oh well. Get over it and get over yourself. You can’t even form a proper sentence and here you are judging her by what type of pants she wears. :expressionless::woozy_face:


Say no to drugs kids.


First things first, get healing because you have alot of anger, hatred and bitterness, and unforgiveness and it’s manifesting to now you hating an innocent child that has no fault of his parents choices and mistakes. Get healing and deliverance before it snowballs into evil, vengeful and vindictive behavior, tendencies & actions and before it spreads to your child and bleeds into you all’s lives.
Also, humble yourself, there’s nothing wrong with handle downs. Don’t be a snob and put others down because of their financial situation, none is better because of money, you can’t take that to the grave. Learn healthy coping mechanism and pray, release, let go of all unforgiveness, malice and hatred. It’s time to grow up and deal with things in a mature manner, I know it can be very hard and easier said than done, but believe me. It will make all the difference for you and your child. You should ask your child if he wants to meet his sibling and take it from there.


Take a step back and think about what you’re asking.
Parenting is not about you. Your child meeting its sibling is about them and they deserve to know their family. Don’t be selfish, just don’t, because it’ll make life so hard for everyone. Especially the kids.


What in the backwoods did I just read


bitter and petty a.f

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Please tell me this isn’t legit

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Heck no keep your kids away from that crap.

several fortnights :sob::rofl:


Tell me the admins on this page don’t actually think these are real…I mean they keep posting them…


These have to be jokes lol

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Not low rise jeans :sob:


No escaping it since from the sound of it you’ll see each other at family reunions…


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Ah-she says it not his! What is the problem with her having someone elses child. Move forward with your own life,

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Idk who keeps this saga up but it’s hilarious :joy: This is like, the third post? Please keep it up :joy::joy::joy: :+1:t2:

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All I can say is think about the kiddos, they are innocent and didn’t ask to be put in this situation. I recommend seeking some sort of counseling to deal with your unresolved issues with your kids dad and this girl… sounds like a lot of jealousy and insecurity to me :woman_shrugging:t2:


Is this the same farm witch that was bringing the husband lunch or is this another. I need to know if this is an epidemic or not.


You are not just very judgmental and immature, you are also that you are jealous over the other women and still bitter about getting cheated. He is now your ex , whatever he does is not your business.
You can’t allow your kid to have a relationship with her/ he sibling but that will NOT change the fact that they are siblings.
Be a woman and grow the fuck up , kids are not responsible for adults behavior/ choices , they are completely innocent and should not have to pay for their parents mistakes.
Move on with your life and STOP getting annoying over how other women dress .

Honestly, Based on how judgmental you are you are the problem and have a jealousy problem. If you weren’t you wouldn’t make a long post about what she wears and bash her for getting hand me down clothes. Your not a good human. You’ve literally got to be a teenager. 


What, and I can not stress this enough, the f u c k.
Grow up. Do better.

Sounds like a mature person writing this. Kid is doomed.

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You’re from Kentucky, aren’t you? Yeah this is definitely a Kentucky post… & eventually a Tyler Childers song :joy::joy:


How peddy can someone be!!
Your child will grow to hate you knowing that you purposely kept them from their sibling/s because of the way their mother dresses :woozy_face: Like really?
Do you dress like royalty? Shame on you for the judgement to begin with.

Do yourself and your child a favour and go seek some therapy for you bitterness!


None of these children should be punished. Do not deny their relationship with their sibling, it isn’t right. You may not regard that child as family, but your child will. And they’ll resent you for keeping them from them. I say this from personal experience :heart:


This has to be a troll… because are you seriously typing like that… the kids didn’t ask to be here…you sound like you’ll be the type thatll refuse coparenting or I dont want her or her kid around my child smdh …you and everyone else who thinks like that should really grow tf up


This is weird but to answer the question, no you don’t have to.

Set down and have a little talk with Jesus ask him to guide you from acting like a mentally and emotionally spoiled child to being the adult your supposed to be


Seriously get over yourself. He can have a baby with whoever he wants. Yes your child will be around that baby when he’s around his dad.

Not the low rise jeans :joy:


It’s the low rise jeans for me


Tbh it sounds like jealous issues on both sides. Even when you’re done with someone there’s still that instinct inside to claim a part of them especially if you had kids together. I bet both of you are great people if you took him out of the equation. And just like him if either of you decide to find love again you both have to respect each other and that you both created those kids together so both of you have equal say. I’d try to have a heart to heart talk and let her know your boundaries with your kids and try to keep the internal feelings aside :heart: good luck from a mama who went thru it before and even tho me n the girl never got along she loved my babies and I was grateful for that (oh n I didn’t realize I was using my hubby’s profile lol)


Girl, shut the fuck up.

What gas station sell hand me downs :eyes::grimacing: lol


I feel like this has to be a joke. Dear lord. I hope they’re just sharing this for humor because what the hell lmao


Holy hell lady, mind your business and move on :woozy_face:


It’s not the kids fault. Get over your self

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This is a late post from April first….

That’s just what I’m gonna tell myself :joy:


For god’s sake, NOT THE LOW RISE JEANS!!!


Get over yourself!!! Bit judgemental don’t ya think… I’m 38 and still wear low rise jeans and short shorts to… if ya got it flaunt it while you still can…


You sound weird as fuck :joy::joy::joy:

Okay I’m confused The word ex means he is not your husband anymore so you expect him to go the rest of his life without having children because you can’t deal with it??? And if you are divorced why would your child not want to meet and know their own half sibling You want to deny them of that because of your own insecurities or selfishness or whatever it is that motivates you to have a problem with someone your No longer in a Relationship with having children with someone else??? I don’t get it big Dan


Well you sound trashy


Ummm this has to be satire.

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Hopefully for your children / their dad abs this other woman , you move . Let me elaborate; go be miserable and not mess up children in the mean time. SINCERELY IM GOING TO WEAR LOW RIse jeans tomorrow


Oh bless, that’s all I’m gunna say​:person_tipping_hand::man_facepalming:t3::person_tipping_hand::man_facepalming:t3:

Oh good I’m so glad you got that stuff off your half porch


The way you talking about her it probably is his, JUST YOUR KARMA!!

Damn this is awful to read. Imagine disliking a CHILD because of who birthed them, as if they had any choice. Regardless it would be your child’s sibling. That’s what matters. Please seek help, the professional kind…

Everyone telling her to grow up when she’s currently HURTING and of course will be posting something like this CURRENTLY in her feelings. I’m sure she will adapt over the months/years to come


I’m sorry I don’t mean to laugh but Co-parenting is a good thing. But No, you really don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.

He is your EX. Get over it. My EX remarried & moved 3 blocks from me. Was better for the kids to be able to see him often. I also went too his funeral & sat behind my sons & daughter with my sister in law. My whole family attended we were happy for many years so why not attend. I also visited him at my sons and thanked him for the good years & also for the best kids

Here’s the damn half-porch trailer park posts again. My God I gave so many questions​:rofl::rofl:

She’s SEVERAL fortnights along tho :rofl:


Can we revisit the part where he lives in a storage unit?


U are so selfish its not even funny that like u saying when u have kids ur child now shouldn’t b around it just wow

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So you’re not a very nice person and for the other kids sake I hope he/she doesn’t have to deal with you! I feel sorry for the kids involved!

If they are siblings yea u do but you both seem like dirt squirrels so…good luck with that


I don’t know why this is in my newsfeed but wow you need help girl but for yourself I don’t know wtf I just read :flushed:


Not sure who you are to judge when you can’t even spell pregnant correctly :face_with_monocle:


Please don’t ever be around this child! Cause you’re acting spiteful to a CHILD that isn’t even born yet & it’s pretty weird. & if he’s your ex why does it even matter :roll_eyes:


1st) she says it’s not his. And even if it is his. It’s not like you have to worry about child saport. He’s your ex after all.

2nd) who cares what type of jeans she’s wearing!? :woman_facepalming:

3rd) if that relationship works and there’s no abuse then yes.

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This was wild from start to finish :frowning_with_open_mouth:


I just had to Google what a fortnight is… girl just say she’s a few months along and keep it moving :woozy_face:


I love low rise jeans lol

I mean if he isn’t actively involved with your kids then they will probably not meet or know of the half sibling anyway :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t see the big deal and saying they’ll resent parents for keeping them apart if they won’t ever meet or bond. They may not even like each other, who knows. If they want to meet them later on then that’s up to everyone involved. If you and the other woman don’t like each other, I’d say probably for the best to keep the toxic behavior away for now. Like I said, when they get older they can decide to meet.

I feel drunk after reading that


Good grief this post is all over the place… Where do I begin… first of all yes your kid has to meet her kid if they share a father.:roll_eyes: The stupid antics and sins of the parents aren’t the children’s fault. That wouldn’t really be up to you anyway it would probably be up to the dad, granted he gets out of that storage unit he’s living in. Hopefully it’s not even his right and who knows… I don’t see what her wearing lowrise jeans has to do with you at all. It’s a helluva thing to shame somebody about. You’re sounding a little petty, you should be really really thankful that you got rid of him because he sounds like a loser. Good luck with your issue


I’m so glad I don’t have ex’s like you, they have a child together, that is your child’s sibling, don’t be selfish because you cannot control the situation.

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Sounds like everything is still very fresh. I would maybe concentrate on your relationship with your kiddo and don’t worry about the rest. When the time comes that your ex husband gets his shit together you might wanna focus on safe ways for them to stay connected. If he’s living in a storage unit, it is probably not the best situation for your kiddo and exhusband. I am sorry your he cheated on you and got another girl pregnant. Not a lot of these comments are constructive advice. It will get better for you so focus on finding you again and what makes you happy. It will all fall into place and when you are at a peaceful state these situations will be easier to navigate. It’s okay to not be okay right now. One day at a time hun.

My ex had two more kids after we had ours and I told him I was not going to make his other kiddos pay a price they didn’t sign up for. They call me the other mother, and come over all the time to play with their siblings whenever they want.

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I can totally understand thinking this but why would you actually rob your kid and another (who both never asked to be here or part of your marital issues) of a sibling relationship bc you are jealous, selfish and angry??? Why don’t you go work on you…


Those kids didn’t get to choose who their parents are, And honestly you may be angry, hurt and upset now…
But in the end if your child has a sibling it would be awful to keep them from each other just because the adults in their life couldn’t be adults.


Nope. Coming from someone who’s been there; my daughter is 13 and decided she doesn’t care to have a relationship with her bio dad, or anyone associated to him :woman_shrugging:t2: she’s never considered his kids her siblings or family. However, each situation is unique. I always told her she can do what feels right to her and her loyalty has always lied with me. But for good reason, not out of spite. So again, each situation is unique.

Why blame the kid. So juvenile


As a good example to the children let them experience their siblings.

Kids are innocent they didn’t do anything wrong. And also if he had a kid before he met you thats not his fault he wasn’t with you.

I just truly hope this attitude isn’t hereditary