Is this a late April Fools!? Lol!!
I get that you’re mad, trust me my mother was pissed my father was having a child with another women as well. But it’s okay to move on, and have a family with someone else. Just because your ex and you fell out of love dosnt mean you can’t move on with your life. As long as he is a good father TO BOTH THE KIDS, you should be thankful for that. As for the siblings it dosnt matter if they are related or not… as long as this women is stable and dosnt harm children, they should all be a part of your child’s life. Try and find the beauty in a large loving family for your kid, other than being upset that your ex has moved on.
And …who cares if she is buying her child second hand clothes…at least she isn’t buying crack…lol just saying. May love and peace be with you all.
You sound just as immature as the rest of them.
If your child has a sibling, it’s your responsibility to let them know their sibling. They have nothing to do with their parents, their parents choices, or who their parents chose to lie down with.
What am I missing here, you already ditched him. Move on!
Why does it matter what Jean’s she wears or gets hand me downs like that’s embarrassing? Or makes someone a trashy farm witch?
I’m sure you wear Prada with your half porch…lol
That’s your child’s sibling regardless of how the baby came about. Don’t punish your child: that’s not fair
The comments on this one are hilarious!! You ladies are great! Keep ‘em coming! Also what’s a half porch? And a fortnight?
This problem may be bigger than ice cream