The responses on here are bitch AF.
The post is sarcastic … Think if my ex got another woman knocked up I’d be a little jaded too… Too many ppl introduce children to strangers in relationships far too quickly.
You sound like you have some growing up to do. I kinda feel bad for her at this point if that’s your child’s sibling she is carrying.
Keep out of it u idiot
What the fuck do “low rise jeans” have to do with parenting or your kids brother or sister? Sounds like you should do away with parenting and leave it to the grown ups
U genuinely sound bitter and jealous af. “Still wears low rise jeans” yeah I do to and what ? Why deprive your child of their half sibling just because of your spite and jealousy, u honestly sound like u need to grow up. U sound like a petulant child…
What did I just read? he’s left, ur clearly happy about that! Just move on! U sound like a child lol
If the way she dresses effects the relationship your child and her child would have then you need to grow the f*** up ! Seriously.
Sounds like you need to learn how to put the best interest of the kids first and quit thinking of yourself. Be happy he’s not your problem anymore but you can deprive your children from important relationships just because you don’t like the new woman. Get over it
Is nobody allowed to feel bitter anymore? Maybe he cheated and made this girl feel shit? She can say wtf she wants about this girl fs
You sound very jealous and immature, makes you wonder why he left
Wow. Grow up and deal with the situation like an adult. Move on and let the kids see each other. Hopefully the adults in this situation don’t screw up their little lives.
Think about the kids it isn’t about u
I mean it’s a step brother or sister to your child, it would be nice for them to decide to be friends because later in life the finger will be pointed at you for not letting them have any sort of relationship with eachother. You just need to be civil for your child’s sake
I think your the terrible one
Wth…is this a joke…i hope so cause whew girl if you are serious:woman_facepalming:
You sound so immature before you do anything you need to grow up!!
Wow , get over it ! It’s not about you at all !!
Grow up. their kids but your not. Start acting like a rational adult and you’ll get through life much easier xxx
Low rise Jean’s wtf … and … your an EX WHY
It’s pure Hell and nothing ever makes it better. But yes, if the siblings are related you cannot keep that from your child. It’s just wrong. So like everything else, we must be the bigger person for our children’s sake. One day he’ll realize the farm witch is just a dumb hoe and he’ll regret ever losing you.
Can I please just inform you there’s a whole lot worse going on with exes and children etc and the fact that you haven’t given any logical reason to dislike this girl then I don’t see why you shouldn’t let your kids have a relationship with their child. It’s quite petty and immature to stop children from seeing each other because of the way their parents dress etc please please for the kids sake don’t stop them from growing up with their family
Start with choosing men who you have kids with a bit better and then you need to work on being immature.
Amanda Alyssa Hawkins
This post is disgusting. You are jealous, it’s not that child’s fault…. Grow up.
The real question is does your child have to be around you?
He’s your ex. You shouldn’t be concerned.
Be happy you don’t have to cope with your ex hitting the mega millions jackpot. Its all in what you focus on!
Proud low rise Jean mom right here!!
Dang petty much. Listen he is your ex. What he does or has kids with is no longer your concern. Grow up. It’s a child who didn’t get to choose their parents. And if I was the ex, I’d keep my kid away from you Karen
Relax people, its a joke!!. This person has had a series of posts about her ex and the farm witch being on her half porch. Some of these responses, like seriously
Why the hell did y’all approve this stupid post?
Haha no ways she is back. As soon as read half-porch farm witch
Low rise jeans? Is this a trolling question? It cannot be real.
Hey… I’m waiting patiently on low rise coming back. I’m tired of having my jeans cut into my mom belly
Don’t stop your kid having a relationship with their sibling because YOU are jealous
Apply for child support and move on. Yes,let your child see their sibling.Problem solved.
Pick and move. You don’t have to do anything or be around anyone you don’t want to be around.
You put the lime in the co donut and mix it all up is what happened here. Never put your dick in crazy
Sounds like your still not over your ex! Sounds like your 100% jealous!! Why do you care what he put his pecker in? Isn’t he an ex for a reason?? Also if she says it isn’t his then MAYBE IT ISNT HIS!!! Maybe dont be such a Karen!! Yes it may be hard to accept at first but if it is his WOMEN UP AND BE THE BIGGR PERSON, accept the children as your own when it comes down to it!! If it is his yes the children will have to meet eventually. You will have to suck it up and do what’s best for the children and not for your petty problem!!
this can’t be real. I want to believe someone can’t be this bitter, judgemental and childish all at once
I’m gonna go ahead and assume the OP is a troll… that or a regular on Jerry Springer… I mean, those are the only two logical explanations for this… right?!?
You don’t have to let the kids around each other. One day they’ll find a way though. I’m not sure how having low rise jeans makes her terrible though. Js.
Not really the right reasons to not let your kids see their siblings. My oldest dosent see his dads other kids because both parents on that side are deemed dangerous to him so I have a restraining order. But I have nothing against those other kids. I feel bad for them , it’s not their fault. They also have no clue we even exist tbh so
That’s a choice for your child. Not for you.
In my experience a bonus sibling can be great for kids. An extra sibling is not a bad thing. Give it a try, and don’t blame the poor kid- it’s not the kids fault.
Dead asf at the ppl that don’t realize this is a joke and are getting mad:joy:
Low rise jeans? You fo real
I also hate people who wear low rise jeans so I completely understand
The half porch again. OMG
This is by Far the Worst post I have read…
Back to the half porch and farm witch lol
Now we add fortnights, low rise jeans and dipt-cones lol
You are some kind of entertaining lol thank you
That’s his job. Not yours he can decide if he wants them all together when it’s his time with the children
You didn’t want him and finally got him off your half porch now you’re upset with how he’s living his life sorry but you can’t control what other people do and if they choose to have kids or not.
They are siblings reguardless of what u say and they will be around each other . Sounds like u have jealousy issues don’t bring the children into it
Well if she is saying it’s not his then she probably isn’t going to tell her kid about your kid so …no you don’t have to have your kid around them as if the low rise, farm witch would even tell or let you near her kid🙄
Hey porch gal
Look it is hard
Your not with him anymore
You didn’t want him.
You left him on the porch crying
Who he chooses to impregnate now is not your concern.
Just move on.
Oh it’s up to your child whether they want to know their sibling.
As an adult it would be in your best interests to allow your child to bond with their sibling.
Best to get yourself a hobby
I mean if it’s his brother or sister then yes you should swallow your pride and do it for the kids. At that point it’s not about you, her, or I husband. Why is this even a question
Your ex can have kids with whoever he wants to…not your business. Regardless of your feelings for the other person, your kid(s) have a right to know their siblings. Plus, you don’t know for sure it’s his kid.
I struggled just reading the post…my brain hurts now😬
Wait…shouldn’t you be GLAD he’s out of your life? Because it sounds to me like you’re jealous as f**k. Please don’t make your child suffer for the fact that you’re still behaving like a child yourself.
Omg you need a blog lol you are by far my favorite person in this
This has to be a joke! It’s funny af:rofl:
Low rise jeans? Really?
Honestly you sound super Petty the way you talk is cracking me up though but regardless of what you think they are siblings and I believe that the children should at least have some kind of relationship y’all really need to be civil and get along
So you’re insecure and she triggers it when you see her is what I’m getting from the first part, and he’s your ex so you’re not sharing anything just move on and worry about your kids simple 
So no one told you that your post would go this wayyy
This post made me say “what” so many times Samuel L. Jackson just shot me
It’s not the child’s fault you chose a bad man to be in your life. That baby if it is a half sibling to your kid, you should want to be a safe place.
Seems like a totally healthy environment to raise children not toxic at all:innocent:
Wow!! Just wow… and that’s ALL towards the author of this post, and not the poor girl who “buys hand me downs” and “still wears low rise jeans”? Are you kidding me with this shit? I have NEVER commented on a post when I don’t have something nice to say to the person who wrote it, but I just CANNOT let this go… I feel sorry for YOUR child if this is the kind of person you are…
Low rise jeans???!! Forget it don’t let your kids meet their siblings it’s not worth it
First thing you have to do is grow up. Second make peace for your kids! Third stop being bitter and get help! Fourth go on with your life!
Sounds as though you DONT want your cake, but also don’t want anyone else to eat it. So petty in talking about what this woman is buying and what she’s wearing. With attitude like that, no wonder you have an ex!!! Leave the woman alone, leave your ex alone!! Whether you like it or not, that’s your child’s half sibling, if it is yr ex’s child. Grow up and focus on yrself and yr child
She is the devil!!! Low Rise Jeans!!!
The nerve of her
Ewww wow ok well that WILL BE ur child’s sibling smh why on earth wld you NOT want ur child to have a relationship with them ? That’s selfish ASF of you
So was any of this ever true or were you trolling us all along? You are hilarious, though. Thanks for the laughs.
My ex had two kids with two differnt women while we were still married and my kids don’t get to see there brother and sister because of reasons that are out of my control but I was that they could. I may not like they parents of the other children but I would never punich the kids because of it. They deserve to know there siblings.
Wow. Alot going on here. But it would only benefit your kids to know their siblings. Why would you ever stop that or make it a bad thing.
Oh honey, you have to let him go. Holding on is only hurting you, which in turn hurts the children. Be careful with yourself, mind your business and drink your water ! You no longer have a say in what he does, and if that other baby is his, then your current will have a sibling and why would you ever deprive them of that experience? Best of luck!
Listen Lady go see a psychiatrist!! U need help… U are flooding our timeline with your negative bullshit!! Stop it already!!! PSYCHO!!!
No. It’s called respectfully respecting your own wishes. You only have yourself o worry about… prayers and I’m sorry’s
These post cracks me up but be an adult and just wait and see you dont have to like her to let yalls kids be involved with each other… just be civil.
That’s extremely petty and juvenile! Whether their father is a good father or not, Never keep siblings from each other!!!
I lost it at several fortnights along
Lord I swear with the pettiness
Amiee, what does it matter if he is your ex?
Oh wow hand me downs/low rise jeans your a loser but just goes to show you her clothes did not put your ex off, he still went there happily . by the sounds of it you must wear all the latest brands and fat good that’s done
Ummm lmfao Do I know this person:eyes: Cause My name is Trish and I work at a Ice cream place
What did I just read?
Sounds like a really imautre person
Geeez, get it right people!!
If children share bloodlines, they’re half siblings. If they share no bloodlines, they’re step siblings. Get it right or there could be some incest
You’re so tox!c please get he!p
This has to be satire
Not the low rise jeans
No. He. Made. His. Bed. &. Shared. It. With. Her! Let. Her. Deal with. Him. Congrats,. He’s. Yours
I know your going thur a lot and it hurts. But i’m sorry to say this but this your kids siblings and they should know each other. The kids have nothing to do with it and it’s not the kids fault If you mad at him you have the right to be but please don’t take it out on the kids.
Hun…honestly your child will resent you …if you dont let him know his sibling
Your children need to know they have a sibling and given the choice to see them and know them. You don’t need to be friends with your ex or this woman, but if it’s his child you’ll need to coparent and put your child’s needs above everything else. So you’ll get along to do that as best as possible. That’s what being a good Mom requires.
Would you not want to meet and grow up with your siblings?
I have a 2 year old. Her Dad has 5 other kids and probably more. I have met 4 of the 5 and they are being taught to be lying, manipulative, ugly people by their mothers. I have been around these kids and have never seen children act this way in my ENTIRE life. It’s awful. I do not let my child around them and never will. If she hates me someday for it then she does, but I know enough about the families, about the kids, to realize they will lie, steal and manipulate my daughter during her weakest moments. I can’t allow that. I’d rather her grow up strong and good and hating me, than grow up weak and broken. I worry about this and hate this every single day. I hope those kids grow to be better than their raising every single day. I still can’t put my daughter into that kind of situation.
And for the ones that are going to go off about me having a daughter with someone like that… lying, manipulative… I’ve already said it.
You don’t that’s his issue should concern you not But be the bigger person and allow your children to know their sibling “if” it’s his. #adultingsomeonehastodoit